< Sie Corinth 15 >
1 Inge, mwet lili ac lulu, nga lungse akesmakinye kowos ke Pweng Wo su nga fahkak kac nu suwos, ac su kowos eis, ac su lulalfongi lowos tu ku kac.
But let me recall to you, brethren, the Good News which I brought you, which you accepted, and on which you are standing,
2 Pa inge Wosasu su nga fahkak nu suwos. Kowos moliyukla ke sripen Wosasu, kowos fin sruokya na ku — a kowos fin tia, na lulalfongi lowos wangin sripa.
through which also you are obtaining salvation, if you bear in mind the words in which I proclaimed it--unless indeed your faith has been unreal from the very first.
3 Nga tafweot nu suwos ma nga eis tari, su arulana yohk sripa: tuh Christ el misa ke ma koluk lasr, oana simla in Ma Simusla;
For I repeated to you the all-important fact which also I had been taught, that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures;
4 el tuh pukpuki, ac akmolyeyukyak el ke len se aktolu, fal nu ke Ma Simusla;
that He was buried; that He rose to life again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures,
5 el sikyang nu sel Peter, ac toko nu sin mwet sap singoul luo.
and was seen by Peter, and then by the Twelve.
6 Na sie pacl tok, el sikyang nu sin mwet pus liki lumfoko sin mwet fahsr tokol meet. Pus selos srakna moul, a kutu selos misa tari.
Afterwards He was seen by more than five hundred brethren at once, most of whom are still alive, although some of them have now fallen asleep.
7 Na el sikyang nu sel James, ac toko nu sin mwet sap nukewa.
Afterwards He was seen by James, and then by all the Apostles.
8 Na e tok, el sikme pac nu sik — finne nga oana sie su isusla meet liki pacl fal.
And last of all, as to one of untimely birth, He appeared to me also.
9 Tuh nga srik sin mwet sap nukewa — nga tia pac fal in pangpang sie mwet sap, mweyen nga tuh kalyei church lun God.
For I am the least of the Apostles, and am not fit to be called an Apostle--because I persecuted the Church of God.
10 Tuh kulang lun God pa oru nga sie mwet sap inge, ac kulang lal nu sik tia wangin sripa. Tuh nga orekma yohk liki kutena mwet sap saya. Tusruktu tia nga pa oru uh, a lungkulang lun God su orekma in nga.
But what I am I am by the grace of God, and His grace bestowed upon me did not prove ineffectual. But I labored more strenuously than all the rest--yet it was not I, but God's grace working with me.
11 Ke ma inge, oana sie finne ma sik ku ma selos, tuh pa inge ma kut nukewa fahkak in luti lasr, ac pa inge ma kowos lulalfongi.
But whether it is I or they, this is the way we preach and the way that you came to believe.
12 Inge, mwe fahkak lasr uh pa Christ el akmoulyeyukyak liki misa, na efu ku kutu suwos fahk mu wangin moulyak liki misa?
But if Christ is preached as having risen from the dead, how is it that some of you say that there is no such thing as a resurrection of the dead?
13 Fin pwaye, kalmac pa Christ el tiana moulyak;
If there is no such thing as a resurrection of the dead, then Christ Himself has not risen to life.
14 ac Christ el fin tia moulyak liki misa, na wangin sripen mwe luti lasr, ac wangin pac sripen lulalfongi lowos.
And if Christ has not risen, it follows that what we preach is a delusion, and that your faith also is a delusion.
15 Tia ma inge mukena, a kut orek loh kikiap ke God, mweyen kut fahk mu El akmoulyelak Christ liki misa — a fin pwaye lah mwet misa elos tia moulyak, na El tia pac akmoulyelak Christ.
Nay more, we are actually being discovered to be bearing false witness about God, because we have testified that God raised Christ to life, whom He did not raise, if in reality none of the dead are raised.
16 Tuh mwet misa fin tia moulyak, Christ el tia pac moulyak.
For if none of the dead are raised to life, then Christ has not risen;
17 Ac Christ el fin tia moulyak, na lulalfongi lowos wangin sripa, ac kowos srakna tuhlac in ma koluk lowos.
and if Christ has not risen, your faith is a vain thing--you are still in your sins.
18 Ac oayapa kalmac pa mwet lulalfongi in Christ su misa tari, elos wanginla.
It follows also that those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished.
19 Finsrak lasr in Christ fin ma na nu ke moul se inge mukena, na fal mwet uh in pakomutasr yohk liki mwet nukewa.
If in this present life we have a hope resting on Christ, and nothing more, we are more to be pitied than all the rest of the world.
20 Tusruktu suwosiya pa Christ el akmoulyeyukyak liki misa, in mwe akpwayei lah elos su motul in misa fah oayapa akmoulyeyukyak.
But, in reality, Christ has risen from among the dead, being the first to do so of those who are asleep.
21 Tuh oana ke misa tuku ke sie mwet, in lumah sacna moulyak liki misa tuku pac ke sie mwet.
For seeing that death came through man, through man comes also the resurrection of the dead.
22 Tuh oana ke mwet nukewa misa ke sripen kupasr lalos nu sel Adam, in lumah sacna mwet e nukewa fah akmoulyeyukyak ke sripen kupasr lalos nu sin Christ.
For just as through Adam all die, so also through Christ all will be made alive again.
23 Tusruktu kais sie fah akmoulyeyukyak fal nu ke pacl oakwuki nu sel: Christ pa emeet; na elos nukewa su ma lal fah akmoulyeyukyak pac ke pacl se el ac foloko.
But this will happen to each in the right order--Christ having been the first to rise, and afterwards Christ's people rising at His return.
24 Na ac fah safla faclu. Christ el fah kutangla ku nukewa lun ngun koluk, oayapa mwet kol ac wal lun ngun inge, ac el ac fah sang Tokosrai nu sin God Papa.
Later on, comes the End, when He is to surrender the Kingship to God, the Father, when He shall have overthrown all other government and all other authority and power.
25 Tuh Christ el fah leum nwe ke God El kutangla mwet lokoalok nukewa ac fuhlelosi ye nien Christ.
For He must continue King until He shall have put all His enemies under His feet.
26 Mwet lokoalok se ma ac fah kutangyukla oetok uh pa misa.
The last enemy that is to be overthrown is Death;
27 Tuh Ma Simusla uh fahk, “God El likiya [ma] nukewa nu ye nial.” Kalem lah God sifacna El tia oasr in kas se inge “ma nukewa” mweyen El pa filiya ma nukewa ye Christ.
for He will have put all things in subjection under His feet. And when He shall have declared that "All things are in subjection," it will be with the manifest exception of Him who has reduced them all to subjection to Him.
28 Tusruktu ke ma nukewa filiyuki tari nu ye kolyuk lun Christ, na el, Wen, fah sifacna likilya ye God, su likiya ma nukewa yal; ac God El fah leum fin ma nukewa.
But when the whole universe has been made subject to Him, then the Son Himself will also become subject to Him who has made the universe subject to Him, in order that GOD may be all in all.
29 Inge, fuka mwet su baptaisla inen mwet misa? Efu ku elos in oru? Fin pwaye lah mwet misa tia moulyak, oana ke kutu mwet uh fahk, na efu ku mwet inge baptaisla ke inen mwet misa?
Otherwise what will become of those who got themselves baptized for the dead? If the dead do not rise at all, why are these baptized for them?
30 Ac funu kut, efu ku kut moul in sensen ke ao nukewa?
Why also do we Apostles expose ourselves to danger every hour?
31 Mwet lili ac lulu, nga suiya misa len nukewa! Konkin luk keiwos, ke sripen kupasr lasr yurin Christ Jesus Leum lasr, pa oru ngan fahkla ma se inge.
I protest, brethren, as surely as I glory over you--which I may justly do in Christ Jesus our Lord--that I die day by day.
32 Fin pa nga anwuk lain mwet su oana “kosro sulallal” in Ephesus, oana mwet su ac nuna misa na, ac mwe mea nu sik? Tusruktu fin mwet misa ac tia akmoulyeyukyak, na tari kut in oru oana kas se ma fahk mu, “Lela kut in mongo ac nim, tuh kut ac misa lutu.”
If from merely human motives I have fought with wild beasts in Ephesus, what profit is it to me? If the dead do not rise, let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we are to die.
33 Kowos in tia kiapweyukla. “Mwet kawuk koluk uh ku in kunausla elah wo uh.”
Do not deceive yourselves: "Evil companionships corrupt good morals."
34 Kowos in asmakla ac tulokinya ouiya koluk lowos. Nga fahk ma inge in akmwekinye kowos: kutu suwos tia etu God.
Wake from this drunken fit; live righteous lives, and cease to sin; for some have no knowledge of God: I speak thus in order to move you to shame.
35 Oasr mwet ac siyuk, “Mwet misa uh ac akmoulyeyukyak fuka? Ac kain in mano fuka lalos?”
But some one will say, "How can the dead rise? And with what kind of body do they come back?"
36 Kom lalfon! Ke kom yukwiya sie fita infohk uh, tia ku in srunak fin tia misa meet.
Foolish man! the seed you yourself sow has no life given to it unless it first dies;
37 Ac ma kom yukwiya uh tia monin sak nufon soko, a fita se na — sahp fiten wheat se ku fiten sie pacna kain.
and as for what you sow, it is not the plant which is to be that you are sowing, but a bare grain, of wheat (it may be) or of something else, and God gives it a body as He has seen fit,
38 God El sang sie mano nu ke kais sie fita, fal nu ke lungse lal; El sang nu sin kais sie fita mano se ma ac fal nu kac.
and to each kind of seed a body of its own.
39 Ac ikwen ma moul nukewa tia kain ikwa sefanna. Ikwen mwet uh sie kain, ikwen ma orakrak uh sie pac kain, ikwen won uh sie pac kain, ac ikwen ik uh sie pacna kain.
All flesh is not the same: there is human flesh, and flesh of cattle, of birds, and of fishes.
40 Ac oasr pac mano lun ma inkusrao, ac mano lun ma fin faclu. Wolana lun mano ke ma inkusrao sie liki wolana lun mano ke ma oan fin faclu.
There are bodies which are celestial and there are bodies which are earthly, but the glory of the celestial ones is one thing, and that of the earthly ones is another.
41 Oasr wolana lun faht uh, ac sie pac wolana lun malem, ac oasr sie pacna wolana lun itu uh, tuh kais sie itu tia oana sie wolana la.
There is one glory of the sun, another of the moon, and another of the stars; for star differs from star in glory.
42 Ac fah oapana inge ke pacl se God El ac akmoulyauk mwet misa. Ke mano se pukpuki, ma ac kulawi; ke ac akmoulyeyukyak, mano sac ac tia kulawi.
It is the same with the resurrection of the dead. The body is sown in a state of decay, it is raised free from decay;
43 Mano se ma pukpuki, sukato ac munas; a mano se ma akmoulyeyukyak ac fah oasku ac ku.
it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power;
44 Ke pukpuki, el sie mano ikwa; ke akmoulyeyukyak, el ac fah sie mano ngun. Ke sripen oasr mano ikwa se, ouinge enenu pac in oasr mano ngun se.
an animal body is sown, a spiritual body is raised. As surely as there is an animal body, so there is also a spiritual body.
45 Tuh Ma Simusla uh fahk, “Mwet se oemeet ah, Adam, el orekla tuh sie ma moul”; a Adam se safla el Ngun in sang moul.
In the same way also it is written, "The first man Adam became a living animal"; the last Adam is a life-giving Spirit.
46 Tia moul in ngun pa meet, a moul in ikwa, na toko fah moul in ngun.
Nevertheless, it is not what is spiritual that came first, but what is animal; what is spiritual came afterwards.
47 Adam se meet orekla ke fohk lun faclu; Adam se akluo el tuku inkusrao me.
The first man is a man of earth, earthy; the second man is from Heaven.
48 Elos su ma lun faclu, elos oana el su orekla ke fohk lun faclu; elos su ma lun kusrao elos oana el su tuku inkusrao me.
What the earthy one is, that also are those who are earthy; and what the heavenly One is, that also are those who are heavenly.
49 Oana ke kut nukum luman mwet se ma orekla ke fohk uh, ouinge kut ac fah nokomang luman Mwet se ma tuku inkusrao me.
And as we have borne a resemblance to the earthy one, let us see to it that we also bear a resemblance to the heavenly One.
50 Mwet lulalfongi wiuk, kalmen ma nga fahk uh pa ma orekla ke ikwa ac srah koflana ipeis ke Tokosrai lun God, ac ma kulawi koflana ipeis ke ma ac tia kulawi.
But this I tell you, brethren: our mortal bodies cannot inherit the Kingdom of God, nor will what is perishable inherit what is imperishable.
51 Porongo ke nga ac akkalemye sie ma lukma: tia kut nukewa ac fah misa, tusruktu kut nukewa fah ekla
I tell you a truth hitherto kept secret: we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
52 in kitin pacl na, oana sarup se, ke mwe ukuk safla uh ac kasla. Tuh pacl se mwe ukuk uh kas, mwet misa ac fah akmoulyeyukyak ac tia sifil misa, ac kut nukewa ac fah ekla.
in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the sounding of the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incapable of decay, and we shall be changed.
53 Tuh ma su kulawi enenu in ekla ac nokomang ma su ac tia kulawi; ma su ac misa enenu in ekla ac nokomang ma su tia ku in misa.
For so it must be: this perishable nature must clothe itself with what is imperishable, and this mortality must clothe itself with immortality.
54 Na ke ma su misa ac kulawi ekla tari nu ke ma ac tia ku in misa ku kulawi, na Ma Simusla se inge ac fah akpwayeiyuk, “Misa kutangyukla tari!”
But when this perishable nature has put on what is imperishable, and this mortality has put on immortality, then will the words of Scripture be fulfilled, "Death has been swallowed up in victory."
55 “Misa, pia kutangla lom an? Misa, pia mwe anwuk lom an?” (Hadēs )
"Where, O death, is thy victory? Where, O death, is thy sting?" (Hadēs )
56 Mwe anwuk lun misa pa ma koluk, ac ku lun ma koluk pa Ma Sap.
Now sin is the sting of death, and sin derives its power from the Law;
57 A kulo nu sin God, su ase kutangla nu sesr ke Leum lasr Jesus Christ!
but God be thanked who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!
58 Ke ma inge, mwet wiuk in lulalfongi su arulana saok sik, kowos in tu na ku ac tia mokuikui. Kowos in moniyuk in orekma nu sin Leum pacl nukewa, ke sripen kowos etu lah orekma lowos nu sin Leum tia ma pilasr.
Therefore, my dear brethren, be firm, unmovable, busily occupied at all times in the Lord's work, knowing that your toil is not fruitless in the Lord.