< Sie Chronicle 25 >

1 Tokosra David ac mwet kol lun mwet Levi elos sulela kutu sin sou lal Levi tuh elos in kol ke pacl in alu. Mwet in sou lal Asaph, Heman, ac Jeduthun pa mwet in fahkak ke kas lun God, wi pusren mwe on ke harp ac cymbal. Pa inge takin mwet ma solla in karingin pacl in alu, wi orekma kunalos kais sie:
David and some of the temple officials (OR, army commanders) chose some of the descendants of Asaph, Heman, and Jeduthun to be in charge of proclaiming God’s messages, and to play harps and lyres and cymbals. This is a list of the men whom they chose for that work:
2 Wen akosr natul Asaph: Zaccur, Joseph, Nethaniah, ac Asharelah. Elos muta ye koko lal Asaph, su fahkak kas lun God ke pacl ma tokosra el sapkin.
From the sons of Asaph they chose Zaccur, Joseph, Nethaniah, and Aserelah. Asaph supervised them. And the king appointed Asaph to proclaim God’s messages.
3 Wen onkosr natul Jeduthun: Gedaliah, Zeri, Jeshaiah, Shimei, Hashabiah, ac Mattithiah. Elos muta ye koko lun papa tumalos in fahkak kas lun God wi pusren mwe on ke harp, ac elos onkakin on in kaksak ac sang kulo nu sin LEUM GOD.
From the sons of Jeduthun they chose six men: Gedaliah, Zeri, Jeshaiah, Shimei, Hashabiah, and Mattithiah. Jeduthun supervised them and also proclaimed God’s messages, playing his harp while he thanked and praised Yahweh.
4 Wen singoul akosr natul Heman: Bukkiah, Mattaniah, Uzziel, Shebuel, Jerimoth, Hananiah, Hanani, Eliathah, Giddalti, Romamti Ezer, Joshbekashah, Mallothi, Hothir, ac Mahazioth.
From the sons of Heman, who was one of the king’s prophets, they chose Bukkiah, Mattaniah, Uzziel, Shubael, Jerimoth, Hananiah, Hanani, Eliathah, Giddalti, Romamti-Ezer, Joshbekashah, Mallothi, Hothir, and Mahazioth.
5 God El tuh sang nu sel Heman, mwet liyaten lun tokosra, wen singoul akosr inge oayapa acn tolu oana El tuh wulela kac, tuh in sang ku nu sel Heman.
God promised to cause Heman to be strong, so altogether, God have him 14 sons and three daughters.
6 Wen nukewa natul elos mwet srital ke cymbal ac harp ye koko lun papa tumalos ke pacl in alu in Tempul. Asaph, Jeduthun, ac Heman elos orekma ye koko lal tokosra.
All those men were supervised by their fathers while they played music in the temple of Yahweh. They played cymbals, lyres, and harps. And their fathers—Asaph, Jeduthun and Heman—were supervised by the king.
7 Mwet longoul akosr inge kewa mwet na pisrla ke on. Mwet Levi wialos elos mwet lutlut on ac pah in srital ke mwe on-mukul luofoko oalngoul oalkosr nufon.
Those men and their relatives were all trained and skilled for playing musical instruments in the temple. That was their work for Yahweh. Including their relatives, there were 288 of them.
8 Mwet inge nukewa elos susfa in koneak kunokon lalos, finne elos matu ku fusr, finne mwet pah ku mwet tufahna lutlut.
All of them, including ones who were young and those who were old, cast lots to determine what work they would do.
9 Fa se emeet oayang nu sel Joseph in sou lal Asaph. Akluo nu sel Gedaliah wi tamulel lal ac wen natul, mukul singoul luo.
From the family of Asaph, the first ones selected were Joseph and 12 of his sons and relatives.
10 Aktolu nu sel Zaccur wi wen natul ac tamulel lal, mukul singoul luo.
Next, Gedaliah and 12 of his sons and relatives were selected.
11 Akakosr nu sel Izri wi wen natul ac tamulel lal, mukul singoul luo.
Next, Zaccur and 12 of his sons and relatives were selected.
12 Aklimekosr nu sel Nethaniah wi wen natul ac tamulel lal, mukul singoul luo.
Next, Nethaniah and 12 of his sons and relatives were selected.
13 Akonkosr nu sel Bukkiah wi wen natul ac tamulel lal, mukul singoul luo.
Next, Bukkiah and 12 of his sons and relatives were selected.
14 Akitkosr nu sel Jesarelah wi wen natul ac tamulel lal, mukul singoul luo.
Next, Jesarelah and 12 of his sons and relatives were selected.
15 Akoalkosr nu sel Jeshaiah wi wen natul ac tamulel lal, mukul singoul luo.
Next, Jeshaiah and 12 of his sons and relatives were selected.
16 Akeu nu sel Mattaniah wi wen natul ac tamulel lal, mukul singoul luo.
Next, Mattaniah and 12 of his sons and relatives were selected.
17 Aksingoul nu sel Shimei wi wen natul ac tamulel lal, mukul singoul luo.
Next, Shimei and 12 of his sons and relatives were selected.
18 Aksingoul sie nu sel Azarel wi wen natul ac tamulel lal, mukul singoul luo.
Next, Azarel and 12 of his sons and relatives were selected.
19 Aksingoul luo nu sel Hashabiah wi wen natul ac tamulel lal, mukul singoul luo.
Next, Hashabiah and 12 of his sons and relatives were selected.
20 Aksingoul tolu nu sel Shubael wi wen natul ac tamulel lal, mukul singoul luo.
Next, Shubael and 12 of his sons and relatives were selected.
21 Aksingoul akosr nu sel Mattithiah wi wen natul ac tamulel lal, mukul singoul luo.
Next, Mattithiah and 12 of his sons and relatives were selected.
22 Aksingoul limekosr nu sel Jeremoth wi wen natul ac tamulel lal, mukul singoul luo.
Next, Jerimoth and 12 of his sons and relatives were selected.
23 Aksingoul onkosr nu sel Hananiah wi wen natul ac tamulel lal, mukul singoul luo.
Next, Hananiah and 12 of his sons and relatives were selected.
24 Aksingoul itkosr nu sel Joshbekashah wi wen natul ac tamulel lal, mukul singoul luo.
Next, Joshbekashah and 12 of his sons and relatives were selected.
25 Aksingoul oalkosr nu sel Hanani wi wen natul ac tamulel lal, mukul singoul luo.
Next, Hanani and 12 of his sons and relatives were selected.
26 Aksingoul cu nu sel Mallothi wi wen natul ac tamulel lal, mukul singoul luo.
Next, Mallothi and 12 of his sons and relatives were selected.
27 Aklongoul nu sel Eliathah wi wen natul ac tamulel lal, mukul singoul luo.
Next, Eliathah and 12 of his sons and relatives were selected.
28 Aklongoul sie nu sel Hothir wi wen natul ac tamulel lal, mukul singoul luo.
Next, Hothir and 12 of his sons and relatives were selected.
29 Aklongoul luo nu sel Giddalti wi wen natul ac tamulel lal, mukul singoul luo.
Next, Giddalti and 12 of his sons and relatives were selected.
30 Aklongoul tolu nu sel Mahazioth wi wen natul ac tamulel lal, mukul singoul luo.
Next, Mahazioth and 12 of his sons and relatives were selected.
31 Aklongoul akosr nu sel Romamti Ezer wi wen natul ac tamulel lal, mukul singoul luo.
Next, Romamti-Ezer and 12 of his sons and relatives were selected.

< Sie Chronicle 25 >