< 잠언 13 >

1 지혜로운 아들은 아비의 훈계를 들으나 거만한 자는 꾸지람을 즐겨 듣지 아니하느니라
Children who are wise (pay attention/heed it) when their parents discipline/correct them; but foolish children do not pay attention when someone rebukes them [for their bad behavior].
2 사람은 입의 열매로 인하여 복록을 누리거니와 마음이 궤사한 자는 강포를 당하느니라
Good people are rewarded [IDM] for the good things [MET] that they say, but those who desire to deceive others are [very] eager to act violently.
3 입을 지키는 자는 그 생명을 보전하나 입술을 크게 벌리는 자에게는 멸망이 오느니라
Those who are [very] careful about what they say [MTY] will live a long life; those who talk (without thinking/too much) will ruin themselves.
4 게으른 자는 마음으로 원하여도 얻지 못하나 부지런한 자의 마음은 풍족함을 얻느니라
People who are lazy want things very much, but they will not get anything [HYP]. People who work hard will get all that they want.
5 의인은 거짓말을 미워하나 악인은 행위가 흉악하여 부끄러운 데 이르느니라
Righteous/Honest people hate/detest lies, but what wicked people do (is very disgraceful/stinks) [DOU].
6 의는 행실이 정직한 자를 보호하고 악은 죄인을 패망케 하느니라
The behavior [PRS] of those who always do what is right will protect them, but sinful [behavior will] ruin wicked people.
7 스스로 부한 체 하여도 아무 것도 없는 자가 있고 스스로 가난한 체 하여도 재물이 많은 자가 있느니라
Some people who have nothing pretend to be rich, but other people who are very rich pretend to be poor.
8 사람의 재물이 그 생명을 속할 수는 있으나 가난한 자는 협박을 받을 일이 없느니라
Rich people are able to pay people who want to kill them, [with the result that they will be protected, not killed], but poor people [do not have to worry about that because] no one threatens to kill them.
9 의인의 빛은 환하게 빛나고 악인의 등불은 꺼지느니라
Righteous [people] are like a lamp [MET] that shines brightly, but wicked [people] are like [MET] a lamp that will [soon] be extinguished.
10 교만에서는 다툼만 일어날 뿐이라 권면을 듣는 자는 지혜가 있느니라 망령되이 얻은 재물은 줄어가고 손으로 모은 것은 늘어가느니라
[People] who are arrogant/proud [always] cause strife; those who are wise ask [other people] for good advice.
11 망령되이 얻은 재물은 줄어가고 손으로 모은 것은 늘어가느니라
Those who acquire a lot of money quickly [by doing what is wrong, probably] will lose it [quickly], but if people earn money slowly, the amount of money they have will increase.
12 소망이 더디 이루게 되면 그것이 마음을 상하게 하나니 소원이 이루는 것은 곧 생명나무니라
When people do not receive the things that they are expecting to receive, (it causes them to despair/they become very sad); but if you receive what you are desiring to get, that [will be like a tree] [MET] [whose fruit gives you] life (OR, that will cause you to be joyful).
13 말씀을 멸시하는 자는 패망을 이루고 계명을 두려워하는 자는 상을 얻느니라
Those who despise [the good] advice [that others give them] are bringing ruin on themselves; those who pay attention to that advice will (be secure/succeed).
14 지혜 있는 자의 교훈은 생명의 샘이라 사람으로 사망의 그물을 벗어나게 하느니라
What wise [people] teach is [like] a fountain whose [water] gives life [MET]; what they teach you will help you to escape when something dangerous is threatening to kill you [MET].
15 선한 지혜는 은혜를 베푸나 궤사한 자의 길은 험하니라
[People] respect those who have good sense, but those who cannot be trusted are on the road to being ruined/destroyed (OR, will have a lot of difficulties/troubles).
16 무릇 슬기로운 자는 지식으로 행하여도 미련한 자는 자기의 미련한 것을 나타내느니라
Those who have good sense always think carefully/wisely before they do something; foolish people show [by what they say and do] that they are foolish.
17 악한 사자는 재앙에 빠져도 충성된 사신은 양약이 되느니라
Messengers who are not reliable cause trouble, but those who faithfully [deliver their messages] cause people to act peacefully.
18 훈계를 저버리는 자에게는 궁핍과 수욕이 이르거니와 경계를 지키는 자는 존영을 얻느니라
Those who refuse to pay attention when others discipline/correct them will become poor and disgraced; [people] respect those who accept it when they are rebuked [for their bad behavior].
19 소원을 성취하면 마음에 달아도 미련한 자는 악에서 떠나기를 싫어하느니라
It is delightful to receive what we desire; foolish people hate/refuse to turn away from doing evil.
20 지혜로운 자와 동행하면 지혜를 얻고 미련한 자와 사귀면 해를 받느니라
Those who habitually associate with wise people become wise; those who (are close friends of/associate with) foolish people will (regret it/be ruined).
21 재앙은 죄인을 따르고 선한 보응은 의인에게 이르느니라
Sinners have trouble [PRS] wherever they go, but things will go well for righteous [people].
22 선인은 그 산업을 자자 손손에게 끼쳐도 죄인의 재물은 의인을 위하여 쌓이느니라
When good people [die], their grandchildren inherit their money; but when sinners [die], the money that they had will end up in the hands of righteous [people].
23 가난한 자는 밭을 경작하므로 양식이 많아지거늘 혹 불의로 인하여 가산을 탕패하는 자가 있느니라
[Sometimes] poor [people’s] fields produce plenty of food, but unjust people take away all that food.
24 초달을 차마 못하는 자는 그 자식을 미워함이라 자식을 사랑하는 자는 근실히 징계하느니라
Those who do not punish their children [for bad behavior] do not [really] love them; those who love their children start to discipline them when the children are still young.
25 의인은 포식하여도 악인의 배는 주리느니라
Righteous [people] have enough food to eat and be satisfied, but the stomachs of wicked [people] [SYN] are [always] empty.

< 잠언 13 >