< 욥기 22 >

1 데만 사람 엘리바스가 대답하여 가로되
Then Eliphaz replied,
2 사람이 어찌 하나님께 유익하게 하겠느냐 지혜로운 자도 스스로 유익할 따름이니라
“(Can anyone be useful to God?/Certainly no one can be useful to God.) [RHQ] Even people who are wise cannot be helpful to God.
3 네가 의로운들 전능자에게 무슨 기쁨이 있겠으며 네 행위가 온전한들 그에게 무슨 이익이 있겠느냐
If you were righteous, (would that benefit Almighty [God]?/that certainly would not benefit Almighty [God].) [RHQ] If you had (lived a perfect life/never done anything that is wrong), would that help him?
4 하나님이 너를 책망하시며 너를 심문하심이 너의 경외함을 인함이냐
“Is it because you have an awesome respect for God that he punishes you? Is that the reason that he puts you on trial?
5 네 악이 크지 아니하냐 네 죄악이 극하니라
No, it certainly must be [RHQ] because you are extremely wicked. It must be that the evil things that you have done are so many that no one can count them!
6 까닭 없이 형제의 물건을 볼모 잡으며 헐벗은 자의 의복을 벗기며
You must have lent money to others and wrongly forced them to give you things to guarantee that they would pay that money back to you; you must have taken all their clothes and left them with nothing to wear.
7 갈한 자에게 물을 마시우지 아니하며 주린 자에게 식물을 주지 아니하였구나
You must not have given water to those who were thirsty, and you must have refused to give food to those who were hungry.
8 권세 있는 자가 토지를 얻고 존귀한 자가 거기서 사는구나
Because you were very powerful, you [must have] taken over all the people’s land, and then, being very respected, you have begun to live on that land.
9 네가 과부를 공수로 돌아가게 하며 고아의 팔을 꺾는구나
[When] widows [came to you for help], you [must have] sent [them] away without giving them anything, and you must have oppressed orphans.
10 이러므로 올무들이 너를 둘러 있고 두려움이 홀연히 너를 침범하며
Because of all that, now there are pits around you for you to fall into, and suddenly there are things that terrify you and cause you to tremble.
11 어두움이 너로 보지 못하게 하고 창수가 너를 덮느니라
[It is as though] it has become very dark, with the result that you cannot see anything, and [it is as though] [MET] a flood covers you.
12 하나님이 높은 하늘에 계시지 아니하냐 보라 별의 높음이 얼마나 높은가
“[But consider this, Job]: God lives [RHQ] high up in the heavens. From there he [RHQ] looks down on the highest stars.
13 그러나 네 말은 하나님이 무엇을 아시며 흑암 중에서 어찌 심판하실 수 있으랴
So why do you say, ‘What does God know [about what we are doing]? [He is hidden from us by] dark clouds, so ([how] can he judge us?/he certainly cannot judge us.) [RHQ]’
14 빽빽한 구름이 그를 가리운즉 그가 보지 못하시고 궁창으로 걸어다니실 뿐이라 하는구나
[Do you think that] while he walks on the dome that covers the sky, there are thick clouds around him, with the result that he cannot see [what we do]?
15 네가 악인의 밟던 옛적 길을 지키려느냐
Will you continue to conduct your life the old way that evil people have done [for many years]?
16 그들은 때가 이르기 전에 끊어버리웠고 그 터는 하수로 인하여 함몰되었느니라
They suddenly died while they were still young; they disappeared [like everything disappears when there is] a flood [MET].
17 그들이 하나님께 말하기를 우리를 떠나소서 하며 또 말하기를 전능자가 우리를 위하여 무엇을 하실 수 있으랴 하였으나
They kept saying to God, ‘Do not bother us,’ and they also said [defiantly], ‘Almighty [God] can do nothing [RHQ] to [harm] us!’
18 하나님이 좋은 것으로 그 집에 채우셨느니라 악인의 계획은 나와 판이하니라
But it was God who filled their houses with good things, so I cannot at all understand why wicked people think like they do.
19 의인은 보고 기뻐하고 무죄자는 그들을 비웃기를
“But when God punishes wicked people, and righteous people see that, they are glad, and they laugh, ridiculing the wicked people.
20 우리의 대적이 끊어졌고 그 남은 것이 불사른 바 되었다 하느니라
They say, ‘Now our enemies have been destroyed, and all [their possessions] that were left have been burned in a fire.’
21 너는 하나님과 화목하고 평안하라 그리하면 복이 네게 임하리라
“So, [Job, ] be reconciled to God and make peace with him; if you do that, good things will happen to you.
22 청컨대 너는 그 입에서 교훈을 받고 그 말씀을 네 마음에 두라
Allow him to teach you, and keep thinking about what he has told you.
23 네가 만일 전능자에게로 돌아가고 또 네 장막에서 불의를 멀리 버리면 다시 흥하리라
If you humble yourself and return to God, if you stop doing all the evil things that you have been doing in your house,
24 네 보배를 진토에 버리고 오빌의 금을 강 가의 돌에 버리라
if you throw away your gold, even the fine gold from the dry stream beds in Ophir [land],
25 그리하면 전능자가 네 보배가 되시며 네게 귀한 은이 되시리니
and if you allow Almighty [God] to be [as precious to you as] your gold and your silver [have been],
26 이에 네가 전능자를 기뻐하여 하나님께로 얼굴을 들 것이라
you will be happy because of your close relationship with God, and you will be able to approach him [IDM] [confidently].
27 너는 그에게 기도하겠고 그는 들으실 것이며 너의 서원한 것을 네가 갚으리라
You will pray to him, and he will do what you request him to do; you will do the things that you promised him that you would do.
28 네가 무엇을 경영하면 이루어질 것이요 네 길에 빛이 비취리라
Everything that you decide to do will be successful; [it] will [be as though] a light [is] shining on the road in front of you.
29 네가 낮춤을 받거든 높아지리라고 말하라 하나님은 겸손한 자를 구원하시느니라
God humbles those who are proud, but he saves those who are downcast/discouraged.
30 무죄한 자가 아니라도 건지시리니 네 손이 깨끗함을 인하여 그런 자가 건지심을 입으리라
God rescues those who (are innocent/have not done things that are wrong), so he will rescue you if you (start doing things that are right/are not guilty [IDM] of doing things that are wrong).”

< 욥기 22 >