< 창세기 43 >
The famine in Canaan got worse.
2 그들이 애굽에서 가져온 곡식을 다 먹으매 그 아비가 그들에게 이르되 다시 가서 우리를 위하여 양식을 조금 사라
Finally, when Jacob and his family had eaten all the grain they had brought from Egypt, Jacob said to them, “Go back to Egypt and buy some more grain for us!”
3 유다가 아비에게 말하여 가로되 그 사람이 엄히 우리에게 경계하여 가로되 너희 아우가 너희와 함께 하지 아니하면 너희가 내 얼굴을 보지 못하리라 하였으니
But Judah said to him, “The man who sold us the grain warned us sternly, ‘I will not let you see me [SYN] again if you come and your younger brother is not with you.’
4 아버지께서 우리 아우를 우리와 함께 보내시면 우리가 내려가서 아버지를 위하여 양식을 사려니와
So, if you will send our younger brother with us, we will go down to Egypt and buy some grain for you.
5 아버지께서 만일 그를 보내지 않으시면 우리는 내려가지 아니하리니 그 사람이 우리에게 말하기를 너희 아우가 너희와 함께하지 아니하면 너희가 내 얼굴을 보지 못하리라 하였음이니이다
But if you will not send him, we will not go down there, because that man said to us, ‘I will not let you see me again if your younger brother is not with you.’”
6 이스라엘이 가로되 너희가 어찌하여 너희에게 오히려 아우가 있다고 그 사람에게 고하여 나를 해롭게 하였느냐
Jacob asked, “Why did you cause me to have this trouble by telling the man that you had a younger brother?”
7 그들이 가로되 그 사람이 우리와 우리의 친족에 대하여 자세히 힐문하여 이르기를 너희 아버지가 그저 살았느냐 너희에게 아우가 있느냐 하기로 그 말을 조조이 그에게 대답한 것이라 그가 너희 아우를 데리고 내려오라 할 줄을 우리가 어찌 알았으리이까
One of them replied, “The man asked about us and about our family. He said, ‘Is your father still living? Do you have another brother?’ We had to answer his questions. (We could not know that he would say, ‘The next time that you come down here, bring your brother with you!’/How could we know that he would say, ‘The next time that you come down here, bring your brother with you!’)” [RHQ]
8 유다가 아비 이스라엘에게 이르되 저 아이를 나와 함께 보내시면 우리가 곧 가리니 그러면 우리와 아버지와 우리 어린 것들이 다 살고 죽지 아니하리이다
Then Judah said to his father Jacob, “Send the boy with me, and we will go immediately, in order that we and you and our children may get grain and not die from hunger.
9 내가 그의 몸을 담보하오리니 아버지께서 내 손에 그를 물으소서 내가 만일 그를 아버지께 데려다가 아버지 앞에 두지 아니하면 내가 영원히 죄를 지리이다
I myself will guarantee that he will return. You can require me to do what I am promising [IDM]. If I do not bring him back to you safely, you can say forever that (I am to blame/it was my fault [that he did not return to you)].
10 우리가 지체하지 아니하였더면 벌써 두 번 갔다 왔으리이다.
If we had not (wasted so much time/waited so long), by now we could have gone there and returned two times!”
11 그들의 아비 이스라엘이 그들에게 이르되 그러할진대 이렇게 하라 너희는 이 땅의 아름다운 소산을 그릇에 담아가지고 내려가서그 사람에게 예물을 삼을지니 곧 유향 조금과 꿀 조금과 향품과 몰약과 비자와 파단행이니라
Then their father Jacob said to them, “If there is no other way, do this: Put in your sacks some of the best things that are grown in this land, and take them down to the man as a gift. Take some balm/perfume and honey and spices and myrrh/ointment, some pistachio nuts, and almonds.
12 너희 손에 돈을 배나 가지고 너희 자루 아구에 도로 넣여 온 그 돈을 다시 가지고 가라 혹 차착이 있었을까 두렵도다
Take twice as much money as you took the previous time, because you must return the silver that someone put in the tops of your sacks. Perhaps it was a mistake that it was put in your sacks.
13 네 아우도 데리고 떠나 다시 그 사람에게로 가라
Take your younger brother and go back to that man.
14 전능하신 하나님께서 그 사람 앞에서 너희에게 은혜를 베푸사 그사람으로 너희 다른 형제와 베냐민을 돌려보내게 하시기를 원하노라 내가 자식을 잃게 되면 잃으리로다
I will pray that God Almighty will cause that man to act mercifully toward you, so that he will let your other brother, as well as Benjamin, come back here with you. But as for me, if my sons are taken from me, then I will not have my sons!”
15 그 사람들이 그 예물을 취하고 갑절 돈을 자기들의 손에 가지고 베냐민을 데리고 애굽에 내려가서 요셉의 앞에 서니라
So the men took the gifts that Jacob said that they should take, and twice the amount of money that the grain would cost, and they also took Benjamin. They went down quickly to Egypt, and they stood in front of Joseph.
16 요셉이 베냐민이 그들과 함께 있음을 보고 청지기에게 이르되 이사람들을 집으로 인도해 들이고 짐승을 잡고 준비하라 이 사람들이 오정에 나와 함께 먹을 것이니라
When Joseph saw Benjamin with them, he said to the man who (was in charge of/supervised) things in his house, “Take these men to my house. Slaughter an animal and prepare a meal, because I want them to eat with me at noon.” [And he told him in what order they were to be seated].
17 그 사람이 요셉의 명대로 하여 그 사람들을 요셉의 집으로 인도 하니
The man did as Joseph said. And he took them to Joseph’s house.
18 그 사람들이 요셉의 집으로 인도되매 두려워하여 이르되 전일 우리 자루에 넣여 있던 돈의 일로 우리가 끌려드도다 이는 우리를 억류하고 달려들어 우리를 잡아 노예를 삼고 우리의 나귀를 빼앗으려 함이로다 하고
But they were afraid because he was taking them to Joseph’s house. They were thinking, “He is taking us here because of the silver that was put in our sacks the first time that we came here. While we are eating, he will have his servants attack us and seize us and cause us to become his slaves, and also take our donkeys.”
19 그들이 요셉의 청지기에게 가까이 나아가 그 집 문 앞에서 그에게 고하여
They went with the man who was in charge of things in Joseph’s house. When they arrived at the entrance of the house,
20 가로되 내 주여 우리가 전일에 내려와서 양식을 사가지고
one of them said to him, “Please, sir, listen to me. We came down here previously and bought some grain.
21 객점에 이르러 자루를 풀어본즉 각인의 돈이 본수대로 자루 아구에 있기로 우리가 도로 가져왔고
But at the place where we stopped for the night as we were returning home, we opened our sacks. We were astonished to see that in the top of each of our sacks was the exact amount of silver that we had paid for the grain! So we have brought it back with us.
22 양식 살 다른 돈도 우리가 가지고 내려왔나이다 우리의 돈을 우리 자루에 넣은 자는 누구인지 우리가 알지 못하나이다
We have also brought more silver with us to buy more grain. We do not know who put the silver in our sacks.”
23 그가 이르되 너희는 안심하라 두려워 말라 너희 하나님 너희 아버지의 하나님이 재물을 너희 자루에 넣어 너희에게 주신 것이니라 너희 돈은 내가 이미 받았느니라 하고 시므온을 그들에게로 이끌어 내고
The man replied, [“Relax]! Do not worry about it! I received the silver that you brought. Your God, the God your father worships, must have put it in your sacks.” And then he brought Simeon to them from the prison.
24 그들을 요셉의 집으로 인도하고 물을 주어 발을 씻게 하며 그 나귀에게 먹이를 주더라
Then he took them into Joseph’s house. He gave them water to wash their feet and gave them food for the donkeys.
25 그들이 여기서 먹겠다 함을 들으므로 예물을 정돈하고 요셉이 오정에 오기를 기다리더니
He told them that they were going to eat with Joseph at noon. So the men prepared their gifts to give to Joseph when he arrived.
26 요셉이 집으로 오매 그들이 그 집으로 들어가서 그 예물을 그에게 드리고 땅에 엎드리어 절하니
When Joseph came home, they presented to him the gifts that they had brought into the house. Then they bowed down to the ground in front of him.
27 요셉이 그들의 안부를 물으며 가로되 너희 아버지 너희가 말하던 그 노인이 안녕하시냐 지금까지 생존하셨느냐
He asked them if they were (well/in good health), and then he asked, “How is the health of your old father, the one that you told me about? Is he still living?”
28 그들이 대답하되 주의 종 우리 아비가 평안하고 지금까지 생존하였나이다 하고 머리 숙여 절하더라
One of them replied, “Yes, our father, [who is willing to be] your servant, is still alive, and he is well.” Then again they bowed down in front of him.
29 요셉이 눈을 들어 자기 어머니의 아들 자기 동생 베냐민을 보고 가로되 너희가 내게 말하던 너희 작은 동생이 이냐 그가 또 가로되 소자여 하나님이 네게 은혜 베푸시기를 원하노라
Then he saw his [younger] brother Benjamin, his own mother’s other son. He asked them, “Is this your youngest brother, the one whom you told me about?” After they said “Yes,” he said to Benjamin, “Young man, I pray that God will act kindly toward you.”
30 요셉이 아우를 인하여 마음이 타는듯 하므로 급히 울 곳을 찾아 안방으로 들어가서 울고
Joseph quickly left the room. He realized that he was about to cry because he (was full of emotion about his younger brother/loved his younger brother so much). He went into his private room and cried there.
31 얼굴을 씻고 나와서 그 정을 억제하고 음식을 차리라 하매
Then, after he washed the tears from his face, he came out, and controlling his emotions, he said to the servants, “Serve the food!”
32 그들이 요셉에게 따로 하고 그 형제들에게 따로 하고 배식하는 애굽 사람에게도 따로 하니 애굽 사람은 히브리 사람과 같이 먹으면 부정을 입음이었더라
The people of Egypt considered that it was disgraceful for them to eat with Hebrews, so the servants served food to Joseph by himself, and served the other people of Egypt who ate with him by themselves, and they served Joseph’s older brothers and younger brother by themselves.
33 그들이 요셉의 앞에 앉되 그 장유의 차서대로 앉히운바 되니 그들이 서로 이상히 여겼더라
His brothers were astonished to see that their seats were arranged according to their ages, from the oldest to the youngest!
34 요셉이 자기 식물로 그들에게 주되 베냐민에게는 다른 사람보다 오배나 주매 그들이 마시며 요셉과 함께 즐거워하였더라
And when their portions of food were served to them from Joseph’s table, Benjamin’s portion was five times as much as anyone else’s portion! So they ate food and drank wine with Joseph and became very cheerful.