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1 그러므로 남을 판단하는 사람아! 무론 누구든지 네가 핑계치 못할 것은 남을 판단하는 것으로 네가 너를 정죄함이니 판단하는 네가 같은 일을 행함이니라
[God will severely punish non-Jewish people who habitually do evil things, because he has clearly revealed that he is angry with them]. So, [when God judges people], he will not excuse any one of you Jews [to whom I am writing]. You [(sg)] say that [God should] punish [non-Jews for doing evil things]. But when any one of you says that, it is you yourself whom you are saying that God should punish, because you [(sg)] do [some of] the same [evil] things [that the non-Jews do].
2 이런 일을 행하는 자에게 하나님의 판단이 진리대로 되는 줄 우리가 아노라
We know very well that God will judge and punish fairly [non-Jewish] people who do such [evil] things.
3 이런 일을 행하는 자를 판단하고도 같은 일을 행하는 사람아 네가 하나님의 판단을 피할 줄로 생각하느냐
So, you who [say God should punish] others for doing evil things yet you do evil things yourself, (you should certainly not think that you yourself will be able to escape from being punished by God!/do you think that you yourself will be able to escape from being punished by God?) [RHQ]
4 혹 네가 하나님의 인자하심이 너를 인도하여 회개케 하심을 알지 못하여 그의 인자하심과 용납하심과 길이 참으심의 풍성함을 멸시하느뇨
And you should not say, “God is acting very tolerantly and patiently toward me, [so I do not need to stop sinning] [DOU].” (You should realize that God is acting in a kind manner [toward you] in order to encourage you [(sg)] to turn away from your sinful behavior!/Do you not realize that God is acting in a kind manner [toward you] in order to encourage you [(sg)] to turn away from your sinful behavior?) [RHQ]
5 다만 네 고집과 회개치 아니한 마음을 따라 진노의 날 곧 하나님의 의로우신 판단이 나타나는 그 날에 임할 진노를 네게 쌓는도다
But instead, by your stubbornly refusing to turn away from your sinful behavior [DOU], you are causing [MET] God to punish you even more severely. [He will do that] at the time when he shows that he is angry and judges people fairly.
6 하나님께서 각 사람에게 그 행한 대로 보응하시되
God will pay back everyone according to [what they deserve for] what they have done.
7 참고 선을 행하여 영광과 존귀와 썩지 아니함을 구하는 자에게는 영생으로 하시고 (aiōnios g166)
[Specifically], some people, by continuing to doing good things, strive to be highly honored [by God] [DOU] and to receive a life that will not end. [God will reward them by enabling them] to live forever. (aiōnios g166)
8 오직 당을 지어 진리를 좇지 아니하고 불의를 좇는 자에게는 노와 분으로 하시리라
But some people act in a selfish way and refuse to believe that [what God says is] true, and they do the things that [God says] are wrong. [God will] punish them very severely [DOU, MTY].
9 악을 행하는 각 사람의 영에게 환난과 곤고가 있으리니 첫째는 유대인에게요 또한 헬라인에게며
He will cause everyone who habitually does evil deeds to suffer greatly, [with the result that they will become severely] distressed [DOU]. This certainly will happen to the Jews [who refuse to accept God’s message, because God gave them the privilege to be his special people], but it will also happen to the non-Jews.
10 선을 행하는 각 사람에게는 영광과 존귀와 평강이 있으리니 첫째는 유대인에게요 또한 헬라인에게라
But [God will] greatly reward spiritually [MET, DOU] every person who habitually does good deeds. He will [certainly] do this for the Jews [because God chose them as his special people], but he will also do it for the non-Jews.
11 이는 하나님께서 외모로 사람을 취하지 아니하심이니라
God [will do this fairly], because people’s status does not influence him.
12 무릇 율법 없이 범죄한 자는 또한 율법 없이 망하고 무릇 율법이 있고 범죄한 자는 율법으로 말미암아 심판을 받으리라
Although [non-Jews do not have] the laws that [God gave to Moses], all [non-Jews] who sin will be eternally separated from God. He will [not consider whether or not they knew] the laws that he [gave to Moses]. And all the [Jews] who have sinned in spite of knowing the laws that [God gave to Moses will also be punished] {[God will also punish them]}. [They will be punished for disobeying] God’s laws.
13 하나님 앞에서는 율법을 듣는 자가 의인이 아니요 오직 율법을 행하는 자라야 의롭다 하심을 얻으리니
[It is right for them to be punished] {[God to punish them]} [because] it is not those who [merely] know God’s laws whom he considers to be righteous. On the contrary, it is only those who continually have obeyed [all] (of [God’s] laws/of the laws that [God gave to Moses]) (whom God will consider righteous/whose record of sins God will erase).
14 (율법 없는 이방인이 본성으로 율법의 일을 행할 때는 이 사람은 율법이 없어도 자기가 자기에게 율법이 되나니
Whenever the non-Jews, who do not have the laws [God gave to Moses], naturally obey those laws, [they prove that] they have a law within their own minds, even though they do not have the laws [God gave to Moses].
15 이런 이들은 그 양심이 증거가 되어 그 생각들이 서로 혹은 송사하며 혹은 변명하여 그 마음에 새긴 율법의 행위를 나타내느니라)
They show that they know in their own minds what God [commands in his] laws [MET], as each person in his very own conscience either accuses or excuses/defends himself [concerning his own behavior].
16 곧 내 복음에 이른 바와 같이 하나님이 예수 그리스도로 말미암아 사람들의 은밀한 것을 심판하시는 그날이라
God [will punish people] at the time when he will judge them according to what they have thought and done. He will judge them [even] for the things that they have done secretly. He will judge people by [authorizing] Christ Jesus [to judge them]. This is [what I tell people when] I preach the gospel to them.
17 유대인이라 칭하는 네가 율법을 의지하며 하나님을 자랑하며
[Now I have something to say to any one of] you [Jews to whom I am writing]: You [(sg)] boast about yourself saying, “I am a Jew.” You [(sg)] trust [that God will save you because you possess] the laws [that he gave to Moses]. You boast that [you belong to] God.
18 율법의 교훈을 받아 하나님의 뜻을 알고 지극히 선한 것을 좋게 여기며
You know what God desires. Because you have been taught {[people] have taught you} [God’s] laws, you are able to know which things are right and to choose to do them.
19 네가 율법에 있는 지식과 진리의 규모를 가진 자로서 소경의 길을 인도하는 자요 어두움에 있는 자의 빛이요
You are certain that you [are able to] show [God’s truth to non-Jews], as guides [show the road] to those who are blind [MET]. You are certain that by what you say you can show God’s way to the [non-Jews who do not understand it], as a light shows the way to [those who walk in] the darkness [MET, DOU].
20 어리석은 자의 훈도요 어린 아이의 선생이라고 스스로 믿으니
[You are certain that you] can instruct/correct [non-Jews, whom you consider] foolish [because of their not understanding God’s message]. Because you have in [God’s] laws a [written] expression of true knowledge [HEN], you are certain that you can teach [people who, being like] children, do not know [God’s truth] [MET].
21 그러면 다른 사람을 가르치는 네가 네 자신을 가르치지 아니하느냐? 도적질 말라 반포하는 네가 도적질하느냐?
[Since you claim that you have all these advantages because you are a Jew], (it is disgusting that you who teach other people [that they should obey the laws God gave Moses] do not [obey the laws that you] yourself teach!/why is it that you who teach other people [that they should obey the laws God gave Moses] do not [obey the laws that you] yourself teach?) [RHQ] You who preach that people should not steal things, it is disgusting that you yourself steal things! [RHQ]
22 간음하지 말라 말하는 네가 간음하느냐? 우상을 가증히 여기는 네가 신사 물건을 도적질하느냐?
You who command people not to have sexual relations with someone to whom they are not married, it is disgusting that you commit adultery yourself! [RHQ] You who detest idols, it is disgusting that you rob temples [where people worship idols]! [RHQ]
23 율법을 자랑하는 네가 율법을 범함으로 하나님을 욕되게 하느냐?
You who boast saying, “[I have God’s] laws,” it is disgusting that you disobey those same laws! [RHQ] As a result you are insulting God!
24 기록된 바와 같이 하나님의 이름이 너희로 인하여 이방인 중에서 모독을 받는도다
[You must not be like our ancestors, about whom] were written [these words in the Scriptures: ] “The non-Jews speak evil about God because of [the evil actions of] many of you [Jews].” The non-Jews say God must be a hypocrite if he condones the behavior of people like you.
25 네가 율법을 행한즉 할례가 유익하나 만일 율법을 범한즉 네 할례가 무할례가 되었느니라
Any one of you who [is] circumcised [to show that he belongs to God] can benefit from that if he obeys the laws [God gave to Moses]. But if you [(sg), a circumcised person], disobey [God’s] laws, [God will consider that] you who are circumcised are no better [in God’s sight] than [someone who is] not circumcised.
26 그런즉 무할례자가 율법의 제도를 지키면 그 무할례를 할례와 같이 여길 것이 아니냐
This means that God will certainly consider that even [non-Jews who are] not circumcised can become his people if they obey the things that he commanded in his laws. [RHQ]
27 또한 본래 무할례자가 율법을 온전히 지키면 의문과 할례를 가지고 율법을 범하는 너를 판단치 아니하겠느냐?
[If any one of] you disobeys God’s laws, even though [you(sg) have] the Scriptures and even though someone has circumcised you {you are circumcised} [God will punish you]. And those people who are not circumcised, but who obey God’s laws, [will declare that God is right] when he says that he will punish you.
28 대저 표면적 유대인이 유대인이 아니요 표면적 육신의 할례가 할례가 아니라
It is not those who perform rituals [to show they are God’s people] who are [true] Jews, and it is not being circumcised in their bodies [that causes God to accept them] [MTY].
29 오직 이면적 유대인이 유대인이며 할례는 마음에 할지니 신령에 있고 의문에 있지 아니한 것이라 그 칭찬이 사람에게서가 아니요 다만 하나님에게서니라
On the contrary, we whom [God has changed] inwardly are [true] Jews [MTY]. And [God has accepted us because we have allowed God’s] Spirit to change our hearts, not because we perform rituals. Even if [other] people will not praise us [for that change], God will praise us.

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