< 시편 148 >
1 할렐루야! 하늘에서 여호와를 찬양하며 높은 데서 찬양할지어다!
Give praise to the Lord. Let the Lord be praised from the heavens: give him praise in the skies.
2 그의 모든 사자여 찬양하며 모든 군대여 찬양할지어다!
Give praise to him, all you his angels: give praise to him, all his armies.
3 해와 달아 찬양하며 광명한 별들아 찬양할지어다!
Give praise to him, you sun and moon: give praise to him, all you stars of light.
4 하늘의 하늘도 찬양하며 하늘 위에 있는 물들도 찬양할지어다!
Give praise to him, you highest heavens, and you waters which are over the heavens.
5 그것들이 여호와의 이름을 찬양할 것은 저가 명하시매 지음을 받았음이로다
Let them give praise to the name of the Lord: for he gave the order, and they were made.
6 저가 또 그것들을 영영히 세우시고 폐치 못할 명을 정하셨도다
He has put them in their places for ever; he has given them their limits which may not be broken.
7 너희 용들과 바다여 땅에서 여호와를 찬양하라!
Give praise to the Lord from the earth, you great sea-beasts, and deep places:
8 불과 우박과 눈과 안개와 그 말씀을 좇는 광풍이며
Fire and rain of ice, snow and mists; storm-wind, doing his word:
9 산들과 모든 작은 산과 과목과 모든 백향목이며
Mountains and all hills; fruit-trees and all trees of the mountains:
10 짐승과 모든 가축과 기는 것과 나는 새며
Beasts and all cattle; insects and winged birds:
11 세상의 왕들과 모든 백성과 방백과 땅의 모든 사사며
Kings of the earth, and all peoples; rulers and all judges of the earth:
Young men and virgins; old men and children:
13 다 여호와의 이름을 찬양할지어다 그 이름이 홀로 높으시며 그 영광이 천지에 뛰어나심이로다
Let them give glory to the name of the Lord: for his name only is to be praised: his kingdom is over the earth and the heaven.
14 저가 그 백성의 뿔을 높이셨으니 저는 모든 성도 곧 저를 친근히 하는 이스라엘 자손의 찬양거리로다 할렐루야!
He has put on high the horn of his people, for the praise of all his saints; even the children of Israel, a people which is near to him. Let the Lord be praised.