< 마태복음 22 >

1 예수께서 다시 비유로 대답하여 가라사대
Then Jesus told [the Jewish leaders] other parables [in order to illustrate what will happen to the people who do not accept him as the King God promised to send]. [This is one of those parables: ]
2 천국은 마치 자기 아들을 위하여 혼인 잔치를 베푼 어떤 임금과 같으니
“[God] [MTY/EUP] [is like] a king [SIM] who [told his servants that they should] make a wedding feast for his son.
3 그 종들을 보내어 그 청한 사람들을 혼인 잔치에 오라 하였더니 오기를 싫어하거늘
[When] the feast [was ready], the king sent his servants to tell the people who had been {whom he had} invited that it was time for them to come to the wedding feast. [The servants did that]. But the people who had been invited did not want to come.
4 다시 다른 종들을 보내며 가로되 청한 사람들에게 이르기를 내가 오찬을 준비하되 나의 소와 살진 짐승을 잡고 모든 것을 갖추었으니 혼인 잔치에 오소서 하라 하였더니
So he sent other servants [to] again [tell the people whom he had invited that they should come to the feast]. He said [to those servants], ‘Say to the people whom I invited [to come to the feast], “The king says that he has prepared the food. The oxen and the fattened calves have been butchered [and cooked]. Everything is ready. It is time [now for you to] come to the wedding feast!’”’
5 저희가 돌아보지도 않고 하나는 자기 밭으로 하나는 자기 상업차로 가고
[But when the servants told them that, they] disregarded [what the servants said]. Some of them went to their own fields. Others went to their places of business.
6 그 남은 자들은 종들을 잡아 능욕하고 죽이니
The rest of them seized the king’s servants, mistreated them, and killed them.
7 임금이 노하여 군대를 보내어 그 살인한 자들을 진멸하고 그 동네를 불사르고
[When the king heard what had happened], he became furious. He commanded his soldiers to go and kill those murderers and burn their cities.
8 이에 종들에게 이르되 혼인 잔치는 예비되었으나 청한 사람들은 합당치 아니하니
[After his soldiers had done that], the king said to his other servants, ‘I have prepared the [wedding] feast, but the people who were {whom I} invited do not deserve to [come to it because they did not consider it an honor to have been invited].
9 사거리 길에 가서 사람을 만나는대로 혼인 잔치에 청하여 오너라 한대
So, go to the intersections of the main streets. Tell whomever you find that they should come to the [wedding] feast.’
10 종들이 길에 나가 악한 자나 선한 자나 만나는대로 모두 데려오니 혼인 자리에 손이 가득한지라
So the servants went there, and they gathered everyone they saw [who wanted to come to the feast]. They gathered [both people that were considered] to be evil and [those that were considered to be] good. They brought them into the hall where the wedding [feast took place]. The hall was filled with people.
11 임금이 손을 보러 들어올새 거기서 예복을 입지 않은 한사람을 보고
But when the king went [into the hall] to see the guests who were there, he saw someone who was not wearing clothes [that had been provided for the guests to wear] at a wedding [feast].
12 가로되 친구여 어찌하여 예복을 입지 않고 여기 들어왔느냐 하니 저가 유구무언이어늘
The king said to him, ‘Friend, (you should never have entered this hall, because you are not wearing the clothes [that guests wear] at wedding [feasts]!/how did you enter this hall, because you are not wearing the clothes [that are appropriate for guests to wear] at a wedding [feast]?) [RHQ]’ The man did not say anything, [because he did not know what to say].
13 임금이 사환들에게 말하되 그 수족을 결박하여 바깥 어두움에 내어 던지라 거기서 슬피 울며 이를 갊이 있으리라 하니라
Then the king said to his attendants, ‘Tie this person’s feet and hands and throw him outside where there is total darkness. People who are there cry out [because they are suffering] and they gnash their teeth [because of their severe pain].’”
14 청함을 받은 자는 많되 택함을 입은 자는 적으니라
[Then Jesus said, “The point of this story is that God] has invited many [to come to him], but only a few people are the ones whom he has chosen [to be there].”
15 이에 바리새인들이 가서 어떻게 하여 예수로 말의 올무에 걸리게 할까 상론하고
After Jesus said that, the Pharisees met together in order to plan how they could cause him to say something that would enable them to accuse him.
16 자기 제자들을 헤롯 당원들과 함께 예수께 보내어 말하되 `선생님이여 우리가 아노니 당신은 참되시고 참으로써 하나님의 도를 가르치시며 아무라도 꺼리는 일이 없으시니 이는 사람을 외모로 보지 아니하심이니이다
They sent to him some of their disciples, [who thought that the Israelites should pay only the tax that the Jewish authorities required them to pay]. They also sent some members of the party that supported Herod. [The members of that party thought that the Israelites should pay only the tax that the Roman government required them to pay]. [Those who were sent came and] said to Jesus, “Teacher, we know that you are truthful and that you teach the truth about what God wants [us to do]. We also know that you do not change what you teach because of what someone says about you, even if it is an important person who does not like what you [IDM] teach.
17 그러면 당신의 생각에는 어떠한지 우리에게 이르소서 가이사에게 세를 바치는 것이 가하니이까 불가하니이까' 한대
So tell us what you think [RHQ] [about this matter]: Is it right that we pay taxes to the Roman government [MTY], or not?”
18 예수께서 저희의 악함을 아시고 가라사대 외식하는 자들아 어찌하여 나를 시험하느냐?
But Jesus knew that what they really wanted to do was evil. [They were wanting him to say something that would get him in trouble with either the Jewish authorities or the Roman authorities. So he said to them], “You are (hypocrites/pretending to ask a legitimate question), but you are just wanting [RHQ] me to say something for which you can accuse me.
19 셋돈을 내게 보이라 하시니 데나리온 하나를 가져 왔거늘
Show me [one of] the coins with [which people pay] the [Roman] tax.” So they showed him [a coin called] a denarius.
20 예수께서 말씀하시되 이 형상과 이 글이 뉘 것이냐?
He said to them, “Whose picture is [on] this [coin]? And [whose] name [is on it]?”
21 가로되 `가이사의 것이니이다` 이에 가라사대 그런즉 가이사의 것은 가이사에게 하나님의 것은 하나님께 바치라 하시니
They answered, “[It has the picture and name of] Caesar, [the head of the Roman government].” Then he said to them, “Okay, give to the government what they [require], and give to God what he [requires].”
22 저희가 이 말씀을 듣고 기이히 여겨 예수를 떠나가니라
When those men heard Jesus say that, they marveled [that his answer did not enable anyone to accuse him]. Then they left Jesus.
23 부활이 없다 하는 사두개인들이 그 날에 예수께 와서 물어 가로되
During that same day, some Sadducees came to Jesus. [They are a Jewish sect who do not] believe that people will become alive again after they die. They [wanted to] ask [Jesus] a question.
24 `선생님이여 모세가 일렀으되 사람이 만일 자식이 없이 죽으면 그 동생이 그 아내에게 장가들어 형을 위하여 후사를 세울지니라 하였나이다
[In order to discredit the idea that dead people will live again], they said [to him], “Teacher, Moses wrote [in the Scriptures], ‘If a man dies who did not have any children, his brother must marry the [dead man’s] widow in order that she can have a child by him. The child [will be considered] the descendant of the man [who died], [and in that way the dead man will have descendants].’
25 우리 중에 칠 형제가 있었는데 맏이 장가들었다가 죽어 후사가 없으므로 그의 아내를 그 동생에게 끼쳐두고
Well, there were seven boys in a family [living] near us. The oldest one married someone. He [and his wife] did not have any children, and he died. So the second brother married the widow. [But he also died without having a child].
26 그 둘째와 세째로 일곱째까지 그렇게 하다가
The same thing [happened to] the third [brother], and also to the other four [brothers, who one by one married this same woman].
27 최후에 그 여자도 죽었나이다
Last of all, the widow also died.
28 그런즉 저희가 다 그를 취하였으니 부활 때에 일곱 중에 뉘 아내가 되리이까?'
So, at the time when people are raised from the dead, which of the seven [brothers do you think] will be her husband? Keep in mind that they had all been married to her.”
29 예수께서 대답하여 가라사대 너희가 성경도 하나님의 능력도 알지 못하는고로 오해하였도다
Jesus replied to them, “You are certainly wrong [in what you are thinking]. You do not know [what is written in] the Scriptures. [You] also do not know [that] God has [the] power [to make people alive again].
30 부활 때에는 장가도 아니가고 시집도 아니가고 하늘에 있는 천사들과 같으니라
The fact is that [the woman will not be the wife of any of them, because] after [God causes all dead] people [to] live again, no one will be married. Instead, [people] will be like the angels in heaven. [They do not marry].
31 죽은 자의 부활을 의논할진대 하나님이 너희에게 말씀하신 바
But as for dead people becoming alive again, God said something about that. (I’m sure you have read it./Have you not read it?) [RHQ] [Long after Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob had died, God said to Moses],
32 나는 아브라함의 하나님이요, 이삭의 하나님이요, 야곱의 하나님이로라 하신 것을 읽어 보지 못하였느냐 하나님은 죽은 자의 하나님이 아니요 산자의 하나님이시니라! 하시니
‘I am the God whom Abraham [worships] and the God whom Isaac [worships] and the God whom Jacob worships.’ It is not dead people who worship God. It is living people who worship him. [Abraham, Isaac and Jacob died long before Moses lived, but God said that they were still worshipping him, so we know their spirits were still alive]!”
33 무리가 듣고 그의 가르치심에 놀라더라
When the crowds of people heard [Jesus teach] that, they were amazed.
34 예수께서 사두개인들로 대답할 수 없게 하셨다 함을 바리새인들이 듣고 모였는데
But when the Pharisees heard that Jesus had answered the Sadducees in such a way that the Sadducees could not [think of anything that they might say to] respond to him, the Pharisees gathered together to [plan what they would say to him]. [Then they approached him].
35 그 중에 한 율법사가 예수를 시험하여 묻되
One of them was a man who had studied well the laws [that God gave Moses]. He wanted to see if Jesus [could answer] his question well [or if he would say something wrong]. He asked him,
36 `선생님이여 율법 중에 어느 계명이 크니이까?'
“Teacher, which commandment in the laws [that God gave Moses] is the most important?”
37 예수께서 가라사대 네 마음을 다하고 목숨을 다하고 뜻을 다하여 주 너의 하나님을 사랑하라 하셨으니
Jesus [quoted the Scriptures as he replied], “‘You must love the Lord your God with all [IDM] your (inner being/heart). [Show that you love him] in all that you desire, in all that you feel, and in all that you think.’
38 이것이 크고 첫째 되는 계명이요
That is the most important commandment [in the laws that God gave Moses].
39 둘째는 그와 같으니 네 이웃을 네 몸과 같이 사랑하라 하셨으니
The next most important commandment [that everyone must surely obey] is: ‘You must love the people you come in contact with as much as [you love] yourself.’
40 이 두 계명이 온 율법과 선지자의 강령이니라
These two commandments are the basis of every law [that Moses wrote in the Scriptures] and also of all that the prophets [wrote].”
41 바리새인들이 모였을 때에 예수께서 그들에게 물으시되
While the Pharisees were still gathered together [near] Jesus, he asked them,
42 너희는 그리스도에 대하여 어떻게 생각하느냐? 뉘 자손이냐? 대답하되 `다윗의 자손이니이다'
“What do you think about the Messiah? Whose descendant is he?” They said to him, “[He is] the descendant of [King] David.”
43 가라사대 그러면 다윗이 성령에 감동하여 어찌 그리스도를 주라 칭하여 말하되
Jesus said to them, “[If the Messiah is King David’s descendant], then (David should not have called him ‘Lord’ when David was saying [what] the [Holy] Spirit [prompted him to] say./Why did David call the Messiah ‘Lord’ when David was speaking [what] the [Holy] Spirit [prompted him to] say?) [RHQ]
44 주께서 내 주께 이르시되 내가 네 원수를 네 발 아래 둘 때까지 내 우편에 앉았으라 하셨도다 하였느냐
[David wrote this in the Scriptures about the Messiah]: ‘God said to my Lord, “Sit [here beside me] on my right, [the place of greatest honor you] [MTY]. [Sit here] while I completely defeat your enemies [MTY].”’
45 다윗이 그리스도를 주라 칭하였은즉 어찌 그의 자손이 되겠느냐 하시니
So, since [King] David called [the Messiah] ‘my Lord’, ([the Messiah] cannot be [just someone] descended from David!/how can he be [only] the descendant of [King] David?) [RHQ] [He must be much greater than David]!”
46 한 말도 능히 대답하는 자가 없고 그 날부터 감히 그에게 묻는 자도 없더라
No one [who heard what Jesus said] was able to think of even one word to say to him [in response]. And after that, no one else ever dared to ask him another question [to try to trap him].

< 마태복음 22 >