< 요한복음 4 >

1 예수의 제자를 삼고 세례를 주는 것이 요한보다 많다 하는 말을 바리새인들이 들은 줄을 주께서 아신지라
[At that time, many people were asking] Jesus to baptize them. He did not baptize people; it was [we] his disciples who were doing the baptizing. But when some of the Pharisee [religious group] heard [people say that] Jesus was making more disciples than John [the Baptizer] and was baptizing them, [they became very jealous].
2 (예수께서 친히 세례를 주신 것이 아니요 제자들이 준 것이라)
3 유대를 떠나사 다시 갈릴리로 가실새
When the Lord [Jesus] heard about that, [so that the Pharisees would not cause trouble for him], he left Judea [district], and went again [with us disciples] to Galilee district.
4 사마리아로 통행하여야 하겠는지라
[He] knew that God wanted him to travel through Samaria [district].
5 사마리아에 있는 수가라 하는 동네에 이르시니 야곱이 그 아들 요셉에게 준 땅이 가깝고
So we arrived at a town named Sychar in Samaria [district]. That was near the plot of ground that [our ancestor] Jacob had given to his son Joseph [long ago].
6 거기 또 야곱의 우물이 있더라 예수께서 행로에 곤하여 우물 곁에 그대로 앉으시니 때가 제 육시쯤 되었더라
The well that [used to] belong to Jacob was on that plot of ground. Jesus was tired from walking. So while [we] disciples went into the town to buy some food, he sat down alongside the well. It was about noontime. A woman who [lived there] in Samaria came to get some water [from the well]. Jesus said to her, “Will you give me [from the well] some water [to drink]?” The [woman knew that] Jews did not like ([to touch things that belong to] Samaritans/[to] come near Samaritans), (OR, Jews did not like to associate with Samaritans, )
7 사마리아 여자 하나가 물을 길러 왔으매 예수께서 물을 좀 달라 하시니
8 이는 제자들이 먹을 것을 사러 동네에 들어갔음이러라
9 사마리아 여자가 가로되 `당신은 유대인으로서 어찌하여 사마리아 여자 나에게 물을 달라 하나이까?' 하니 이는 유대인이 사마리아인과 상종치 아니함이러라
so the woman said to him, “You are a Jew, and I am from Samaria. Furthermore, I am a woman. So ([I am surprised] that you are asking me for a drink [of water]!/how is it that you are asking me for a drink [of water]?) [RHQ]”
10 예수께서 대답하여 가라사대 `네가 만일 하나님의 선물과 또 네게 물좀 달라 하는 이가 누구인줄 알았더면 네가 그에게 구하였을 것이요 그가 생수를 네게 주었으리라'
Jesus replied to her, “If you [(sg)] knew what God [wanted to] give you, and if you knew who I am, the one who is asking you for a drink, you would have asked me, and I would have given you water that gives life.”
11 여자가 가로되 `주여, 물 길을 그릇도 없고 이 우물은 깊은데 어디서 이 생수를 얻겠삽나이까?
She [thought he was talking about] ordinary [water. So she] said to him, “Sir, you do not have a bucket [or a rope with which to get water from the well], and the well is deep. So [since you cannot get water from this well], where can you get that life-giving water?
12 우리 조상 야곱이 이 우물을 우리에게 주었고 또 여기서 자기와 자기 아들들과 짐승이 다 먹었으니 당신이 야곱보다 더 크니이까?'
Our ancestor Jacob left us this well. He drank water from it, and there was [enough good water] so that his sons and his flocks [of sheep] and goats drank from it also. [Do you claim that] you are greater than Jacob, [and because of that you can give us life-giving water]?”
13 예수께서 대답하여 가라사대 `이 물을 먹는 자마다 다시 목마르려니와
Jesus replied to her, “Everyone who drinks water from this [well] will later become thirsty again.
14 내가 주는 물을 먹는 자는 영원히 목마르지 아니하리니 나의 주는 물은 그 속에서 영생하도록 솟아나는 샘물이 되리라' (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
But those who drink the water that I will give them will never be thirsty again. On the contrary, the water that I give them will become in their inner beings like a spring of water that will enable them to have eternal life.” (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
15 여자가 가로되 `주여, 이런 물을 내게 주사 목마르지도 않고 또 여기 물 길러 오지도 않게 하옵소서'
The woman [did not understand that Jesus was speaking figuratively about something that would sustain her spiritually. So she] said to him, “Sir, give me that kind of water so that I will not get thirsty again, and so that I will not have to keep returning here to get water!”
16 가라사대 `가서 네 남편을 불러오라'
[Jesus knew that she did not understand, but he wanted to show her by his God-given knowledge of her personal life that because he was the Messiah he could supply her spiritual need. So] he said to her, “Woman, go and call your husband, and bring him here!”
17 여자가 대답하여 가로되 나는 남편이 없나이다 예수께서 가라사대 네가 남편이 없다 하는 말이 옳도다
She replied, “I do not have a husband!” Jesus said to her, “You said that you do not have a husband, and that is true.
18 네가 남편 다섯이 있었으나 지금 있는 자는 네 남편이 아니니 네 말이 참되도다
It is also true that you have had five husbands [one by one]. And the man you are living with now is not your husband! What you have said is very true.”
19 여자가 가로되 `주여, 내가 보니 선지자로소이다
The woman said to him, “Sir, I perceive you must be a prophet [because you are] able [to know people’s secrets].
20 우리 조상들은 이 산에서 예배하였는데 당신들의 말은 예배 할 곳이 예루살렘에 있다 하더이다'
But [let me ask you a different question]: Our ancestors worshipped God here on [Gerizim Mountain], but you [Jews] say that Jerusalem is the place where we must worship [God. So who is right]?”
21 예수께서 가라사대 `여자여, 내말을 믿으라! 이 산에서도 말고 예루살렘에서도 말고 너희가 아버지께 예배할 때가 이르리라
Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe me [when I say that] there will be a time when it will not [matter whether] you worship [God our] Father on this mountain or in Jerusalem [or somewhere else].
22 너희는 알지 못하는 것을 예배하고 우리는 아는 것을 예배하노니 이는 구원이 유대인에게서 남이니라
You [people from Samaria] do not know the one you are worshipping. But we [(exc) Jews] know whom we worship, because it is from [us] Jews that [God has sent the one who] will save people [from the guilt of their sins].
23 아버지께 참으로 예배하는 자들은 신령과 진정으로 예배할 때가 오나니 곧 이 때라 아버지께서는 이렇게 자기에게 예배하는 자들을 찾으시느니라
However, there will be a time when those who genuinely worship God will worship him as [God’s] Spirit [directs] and according to [God’s] truth. In fact, that time is now. Those are the kind of worshipers my Father seeks.
24 하나님은 영이시니 예배하는 자가 신령과 진정으로 예배할지니라'
God is a spiritual being. So it is necessary that those who worship him must worship him as his Spirit [directs] and [according to God’s] truth.”
25 여자가 가로되 `메시야 곧 그리스도라 하는 이가 오실 줄을 내가 아노니 그가 오시면 모든 것을 우리에게 고하시리이다'
The woman said to him, “I know that the Messiah is coming. When he comes, he will tell us everything [we need to know].” (‘Messiah’ and ‘Christ’ [both mean ‘God’s promised king]’.)
26 예수께서 이르시되 `네게 말하는 내가 그로라!' 하시니라
Jesus said to her, “I, the one speaking to you, am [the Messiah]!”
27 이 때에 제자들이 돌아와서 예수께서 여자와 말씀하시는 것을 이상히 여겼으나 무엇을 구하시나이까? 어찌하여 저와 말씀하시나이까? 묻는 이가 없더라
Just then [we] disciples returned [from town]. [Since it was contrary to our custom for Jewish religious teachers to converse with a woman they did not know], we were surprised that he was talking to a woman. However, none of us asked her, “What do you want?” and none of us asked him, “Why are you talking with her?”
28 여자가 물동이를 버려두고 동네에 들어가서 사람들에게 이르되
The woman left her water jar there and went into the town. She said to the people there,
29 `나의 행한 모든 일을 내게 말한 사람을 와 보라! 이는 그리스도가 아니냐?' 하니
“Come and see a man who [was able to] tell me all about my past life [HYP], [even though I never met him before] Could this man be the Messiah?”
30 저희가 동네에서 나와 예수께로 오더라
So [many people] left the town and started going to where Jesus was.
31 그 사이에 제자들이 청하여 가로되 `랍비여, 잡수소서'
Meanwhile, we disciples were urging him, “Teacher, eat [some of the food we brought]!”
32 가라사대 `내게는 너희가 알지 못하는 먹을 양식이 있느니라'
But he said to us, “I have food to eat that you do not know anything about!”
33 제자들이 서로 말하되 `누가 잡수실 것을 갖다 드렸는가' 한대
So we started saying to each other, “(Surely no one has brought him any food [when we] were not [here]!/Has anyone brought him any food [when we] were not [here]?) [RHQ]”
34 예수께서 이르시되 `나의 양식은 나를 보내신 이의 뜻을 행하며 그의 일을 온전히 이루는 이것이니라
Jesus said to us, “Doing what [my Father] who sent me wants [me to do] and finishing the work he [gave me to do] is ([what sustains me/like] my food) [MET].
35 너희가 넉 달이 지나야 추수할 때가 이르겠다 하지 아니하느냐? 내가 너희에게 이르노니 눈을 들어 밭을 보라 희어져 추수하게 되었도다
[At this time of the year] you are saying (OR, your ancestors used to say), ‘There are four months left before we harvest [the crops].’ But I say to you, look carefully [at the non-Jewish people around here. God says, ‘They are ready to accept my message] [MET], [like crops in] fields that are ready for people to harvest.
36 거두는 자가 이미 삯도 받고 영생에 이르는 열매를 모으나니 이는 뿌리는 자와 거두는 자가 함께 즐거워 하게 하려 함이니라 (aiōnios g166)
[If you help them to accept my message], I will reward you [MET], [as an owner of a field] pays those who harvest the crops. Because of your work, people will gain eternal life.’ [I have been telling people God’s message. That is like] [MET] a man who plants seeds. [You will help people to accept my message. That will be like] [MET] harvesting crops. [When that happens], both you and I will rejoice. (aiōnios g166)
37 그런즉 한 사람이 심고 다른 사람이 거둔다 하는 말이 옳도다
As a result, this saying will become true: One person plants [seeds], but others harvest [the crops].
38 내가 너희로 노력지 아니한 것을 거두러 보내었노니 다른 사람들은 노력하였고 너희는 그들의 노력한 것에 참예하였느니라'
I am sending you [to enable people to accept my message, but you will not be the first ones who tell them God’s message]. Others [previously] worked hard [to tell people God’s message], and now you will be harvesting the results of their work.”
39 여자의 말이 그가 나의 행한 모든 것을 내게 말하였다 증거하므로 그 동리 중에 많은 사마리아인이 예수를 믿는지라
Many of the Samaria [district] people who [lived] in that town believed that Jesus [was the Messiah] because they heard what that woman said [about Jesus], “That man [was able to] tell me all about my past life [HYP]!”
40 사마리아인들이 예수께 와서 자기들과 함께 유하기를 청하니 거기서 이틀을 유하시매
So when those people of Samaria came to Jesus, they urged him to stay with them. So we stayed there two days.
41 예수의 말씀을 인하여 믿는 자가 더욱 많아
Many more of those people believed ([in Jesus/that he was the Messiah]) because of what he said.
42 그 여자에게 말하되 `이제 우리가 믿는 것은 네 말을 인함이 아니니 이는 우리가 친히 듣고 그가 참으로 세상의 구주신 줄 앎이니라' 하였더라
They told the woman, “We believe in Jesus [now], but not [just] because of what you told us. Now we have heard him ourselves. And now we know that this man truly is the one who [can] save [people] [MTY] [from the guilt of their sins].”
43 이틀이 지나매 예수께서 거기를 떠나 갈릴리로 가시며
Jesus had said [previously] that people did not honor prophets [like himself when they tried to teach people] in their own home area. So, two days later, Jesus and [we] disciples left that area and went to [his own area in] Galilee [district, because he knew that people there would not think very highly of him, and as a result the Jewish leaders would not be jealous].
44 친히 증거하시기를 `선지자가 고향에서는 높임을 받지 못한다' 하시고
45 갈릴리에 이르시매 갈릴리인들이 그를 영접하니 이는 자기들도 명절에 갔다가 예수께서 명절 중 예루살렘에서 하신 모든 일을 보았음이더라
However, when we arrived in Galilee [district, many] of the people there welcomed him, because they had been in Jerusalem during the [Passover] celebration and had seen all the things he did there.
46 예수께서 다시 갈릴리 가나에 이르시니 전에 물로 포도주를 만드신 곳이라 왕의 신하가 있어 그 아들이 가버나움에서 병들었더니
Jesus went again to Cana in Galilee [district]. That was where he [previously] turned water into wine. There was one of the king’s officials who lived in Capernaum, whose son was very sick.
47 그가 예수께서 유대로부터 갈릴리에 오심을 듣고 가서 청하되 내려오셔서 내 아들의 병을 고쳐 주소서 하니 저가 거의 죽게 되었음이라
When that man heard [others say] that Jesus had returned to Galilee [district] from Judea [district], he went to Jesus [in Cana] and pleaded with him, “Please come down [to Capernaum] and heal my son, who is about to die!”
48 예수께서 가라사대 `너희는 표적과 기사를 보지 못하면 도무지 믿지 아니하리라'
Jesus said to him, “You people will believe my message only if you see me perform [more] miracles!”
49 신하가 가로되 `주여, 내 아이가 죽기 전에 내려오소서'
But the official said to him, “Sir, ([I] believe [in you/I believe that you came from God]). [So please] come down [to my home] before my son dies!”
50 예수께서 가라사대 `가라, 네 아들이 살았다' 하신대 그 사람이 예수의 하신 말씀을 믿고 가더니
Jesus said to him, “Then you may go [home]. Your son (will live/not die)!” The man believed what Jesus said, and left.
51 내려가는 길에서 그 종들이 오다가 만나서 아이가 살았다 하거늘
[The next day] while he was on the way home, his servants met him. They told him, “Your child is going to live!”
52 그 낫기 시작한 때를 물은즉 어제 제 칠시에 열기가 떨어졌나이다 하는지라
He asked them, “At what time did my son start to become well?” They said to him, “His fever ceased yesterday [afternoon] at one o’clock.”
53 아비가 예수께서 네 아들이 살았다 말씀하신 그 때인 줄 알고 자기와 그 온 집안이 다 믿으니라
Then the boy’s father realized that this was the time Jesus told him, “Your son will (live/not die).” So he and all the people in his house believed [that Jesus was the Messiah].
54 이것은 예수께서 유대에서 갈릴리로 오신 후 행하신 두 번째 표적이니라
That was the second miracle that Jesus performed in Galilee [district], after he had returned from Judea [district].

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