< 욥기 27 >

1 욥이 또 비사를 들어 가로되
Job replied again [to his three friends],
2 나의 의를 빼앗으신 하나님 나의 영혼을 괴롭게 하신 전능자의 사심을 가리켜 맹세하노니
“Almighty God has refused to treat me justly/fairly. He has caused me to feel bitter/resentful. But [just as surely] as he lives,
3 (나의 생명이 아직 내 속에 완전히 있고 하나님의 기운이 오히려 내 코에 있느니라)
as long as God’s Spirit enables me to breathe,
4 결코 내 입술이 불의를 말하지 아니하며 내 혀가 궤휼을 발하지 아니하리라
I will not lie; I [SYN] will not say anything to deceive anyone.
5 나는 단정코 너희를 옳다 하지 아니하겠고 죽기 전에는 나의 순전함을 버리지 않을 것이라
I will never admit that what you [three] have said is true; until the day that I die, I will insist that I have not done things that are wrong.
6 내가 내 의를 굳게 잡고 놓지 아니하리니 일평생 내 마음이 나를 책망치 아니하리라
I will say that I am innocent, and never (say anything different/change what I say); my conscience will never reproach me as long as I live.
7 나의 대적은 악인 같이 되고 일어나 나를 치는 자는 불의한 자 같이 되기를 원하노라
“I want my enemies to be [punished] like all wicked [people are punished]; I want [God to punish] those who oppose me like [he punishes all] unrighteous [people].
8 사곡한 자가 이익을 얻었으나 하나님이 그 영혼을 취하실 때에는 무슨 소망이 있으랴
When [it is time for] God [to] get rid of godless/wicked people and [to] cause them to die, there is absolutely nothing good [RHQ] that they can confidently expect [to happen to them].
9 환난이 그에게 임할 때에 하나님이 어찌 그 부르짖음을 들으시랴
When they experience troubles, (will God hear them call [out to him for help]?/God certainly will not hear them call out [to him for help].) [RHQ]
10 그가 어찌 전능자를 기뻐하겠느냐 항상 하나님께 불러 아뢰겠느냐
(Will they be happy about what Almighty [God] does?/They certainly will not be happy about what Almighty [God] does.) [RHQ] (Will they [begin to] pray to him frequently?/They certainly will not [begin to] pray to him frequently.) [RHQ] [Certainly not!]
11 하나님의 하시는 일을 내가 너희에게 가르칠 것이요 전능자의 뜻을 내가 숨기지 아니하리라
“I will teach you [three] something about the power [MTY] of Almighty God [MTY]; I will reveal what he is thinking.
12 너희가 다 이것을 보았거늘 어찌하여 아주 허탄한 사람이 되었는고
But you [three] have seen for yourselves [what God has done]; so (why are you saying such nonsense?/you should not be saying such nonsense.) [RHQ]
13 악인이 하나님께 얻을 분깃, 강포자가 전능자에게 받을 산업은 이것이라
“[I will tell you] what Almighty God does to wicked people, the things that he does to people who oppress others.
14 그 자손이 번성하여도 칼을 위함이요 그 후에는 식물에 배부르지 못할 것이며
[Even] if they have many children, [many of] those children will die in wars [MTY], and their [other] children will [die because they do] not have enough food to eat.
15 그 남은 자는 염병으로 묻히리니 그의 과부들이 울지 못할 것이며
Their children who are still alive will die from diseases, and their widows will not [even] mourn for them.
16 그가 비록 은을 티끌같이 쌓고 의복을 진흙같이 예비할지라도
Sometimes [wicked people] accumulate a huge amount [SIM] of silver and pile up clothes like [SIM] those clothes were a pile of clay,
17 그 예비한 것을 의인이 입을 것이요 그 은은 무죄자가 나눌 것이며
but [those wicked people will die, and then] righteous people will wear those clothes, and honest/innocent people will get their silver and divide it [among themselves].
18 그 지은 집은 좀의 집 같고 상직군의 초막 같을 것이며
The houses that they build are [as frail/fragile] as [SIM] spider webs, or they are like flimsy huts that watchmen live in [while they guard people’s fields].
19 부자로 누우나 그 조상에게로 돌아가지 못할 것이요 눈을 뜬즉 없어졌으리라
Wicked people are rich when they lie down [at night], but when they wake up [in the morning, they find out that] their money has disappeared.
20 두려움이 물 같이 그를 따라 미칠 것이요 폭풍이 밤에 그를 빼앗아갈 것이며
“Things that terrify them [PRS] strike them like a flood [SIM]; during the night a whirlwind carries them away.
21 동풍이 그를 날려 보내며 그 처소에서 몰아 내리라
[It is as though] the wind from the east picks them up and carries them away from their homes, and they disappear.
22 하나님이 그를 아끼지 아니하시고 쏘시나니 그가 그 손에서 피하려 하여도 못할 것이라
That wind strikes them without pitying them while they are running away, trying to escape from its force/power [MTY].
23 사람들이 박장하며 비소하고 그 처소에서 몰아내리라
That wind [is like someone] clapping his hands [MET] at them [to ridicule them], howling at them wherever they run to.”

< 욥기 27 >