< 창세기 38 >

1 그 후에 유다가 자기 형제에게서 내려가서 아둘람 사람 히라에게로 나아가니라
And it came to pass at that time that Judas went down from his brethren, and came as far as to a certain man of Odollam, whose name was Iras.
2 유다가 거기서 가나안 사람 수아라 하는 자의 딸을 보고 그를 취하여 동침하니
And Judas saw there the daughter of a Chananitish man, whose name was Sava; and he took her, and went in to her.
3 그가 잉태하여 아들을 낳으매 유다가 그 이름을 엘이라 하니라
And she conceived and bore a son, and called his name, Er.
4 그가 다시 잉태하여 아들을 낳고 그 이름을 오난이라 하고
And she conceived and bore a son again; and called his name, Aunan.
5 그가 또 다시 아들을 낳고 그 이름을 셀라라 하니라 그가 셀라를 낳을 때에 유다는 거십에 있었더라
And she again bore a son; and called his name, Selom: and she was in Chasbi when she bore them.
6 유다가 장자 엘을 위하여 아내를 취하니 그 이름은 다말이더라
And Judas took a wife for Er his firstborn, whose name was Thamar.
7 유다의 장자 엘이 여호와 목전에 악하므로 여호와께서 그를 죽이신지라
And Er, the firstborn of Judas, was wicked before the Lord; and God killed him.
8 유다가 오난에게 이르되 `네 형수에게로 들어가서 남편의 아우의 본분을 행하여 네 형을 취하여 씨가 있게 하라'
And Judas said to Aunan, Go in to your brother's wife, and marry her as her brother-in-law, and raise up seed to your brother.
9 오난이 그 씨가 자기 것이 되지 않을 줄 알므로 형수에게 들어갔을 때에 형에게 아들을 얻게 아니하려고 땅에 설정하매
And Aunan, knowing that the seed should not be his—it came to pass when he went in to his brother's wife, that he spilled [it] upon the ground, so that he should not give seed to his brother's wife.
10 그 일이 여호와 목전에 악하므로 여호와께서 그도 죽이시니
And his doing this appeared evil before God; and he killed him also.
11 유다가 그 며느리 다말에게 이르되 `수절하고 네 아비 집에 있어서 내 아들 셀라가 장성하기를 기다리라' 하니 셀라도 그 형들 같이 죽을까 염려함이라 다말이 가서 그 아비 집에 있으니라
And Judas said to Thamar, his daughter-in-law, Sit you a widow in the house of your father-in-law, until Selom my son be grown; for he said, lest he also die as his brethren; and Thamar departed, and sat in the house of her father.
12 얼마 후에 유다의 아내 수아의 딸이 죽은지라 유다가 위로를 받은 후에 그 친구 아둘람 사람 히라와 함께 딤나로 올라가서 자기 양털 깍는 자에게 이르렀더니
And the days were fulfilled, and Sava the wife of Judas died; and Judas, being comforted, went to them that sheared his sheep, himself and Iras his Shepherd the Odollamite, to Thamna.
13 혹이 다말에게 고하되 `네 시부가 자기 양털을 깎으려고 딤나에 올라왔다' 한지라
And it was told Thamar his daughter-in-law, saying, Behold, your father-in-law goes up to Thamna, to shear his sheep.
14 그가 그 과부의 의복을 벗고 면박으로 얼굴을 가리고 몸을 휩싸고 딤나 길 곁 에나임 문에 앉으니 이는 셀라가 장성함을 보았어도 자기를 그의 아내로 주지 않음을 인함이라
And having taken off the garments of her widowhood from her, she put on a veil, and ornamented her face, and sat by the gates of Aenan, which is in the way to Thamna, for she saw that Selom was grown; but he gave her not to him for a wife.
15 그가 얼굴을 가리웠으므로 유다가 그를 보고 창녀로 여겨
And when Judas saw her, he thought her to be a harlot; for she covered her face, and he knew her not.
16 길곁으로 그에게 나아가 가로되 `청컨대 나로 네게 들어가게 하라' 하니 그 자부인줄 알지 못하였음이라 그가 가로되 `당신이 무엇을 주고 내게 들어 오려느냐?'
And he went out of his way to her, and said to her, Let me come in to you; for he knew not that she was his daughter-in-law; and she said, What will you give me if you should come in to me?
17 유다가 가로되 내가 내 떼에서 염소 새끼를 주리라 그가 가로되 당신이 그것을 줄 때까지 약조물을 주겠느냐?
And he said, I will send you a kid of the goats from my flock; and she said, [Well], if you will give me an earnest, until you send it.
18 유다가 가로되 `무슨 약조물을 네게 주랴?' 그가 가로되 `당신의 도장과 그 끈과 당신의 손에 있는 지팡이로 하라' 유다가 그것들을 그에게 주고 그에게로 들어갔더니 그가 유다로 말미암아 잉태하였더라
And he said, What is the earnest that I shall give you? and she said, Your ring, and your bracelet, and the staff in your hand; and he gave them to her, and went in to her, and she conceived by him.
19 그가 일어나 떠나가서 그 면박을 벗고 과부의 의복을 도로 입으니라
And she arose and departed, and took her veil from off her, and put on the garments of her widowhood.
20 유다가 그 친구 아둘람 사람의 손에 부탁하여 염소 새끼를 보내고 그 여인의 손에서 약조물을 찾으려 하였으나 그가 그 여인을 찾지 못한지라
And Judas sent the kid of the goats by the hand of his shepherd the Odollamite, to receive the pledge from the woman; and he found her not.
21 그가 그 곳 사람에게 물어 가로되 `길 곁 에나임에 있던 창녀가 어디 있느냐?` 그들이 가로되 `여기는 창녀가 없느니라'
And he asked the men of the place, Where is the harlot who was in Aenan by the wayside? and they said, There was no harlot here.
22 그가 유다에게로 돌아와 가로되 `내가 그를 찾지 못하고 그 곳 사람도 이르기를 여기는 창녀가 없다 하더라`
And he returned to Judas, and said, I have not found her; and the men of the place say, There is no harlot here.
23 유다가 가로되 `그로 그것을 가지게 두라 우리가 부끄러움을 당할까 하노라 내가 이 염소 새끼를 보내었으나 그대가 그를 찾지 못하였느니라'
And Judas said, Let her have them, but let us not be ridiculed; I sent this kid, but you have not found her.
24 석달쯤 후에 혹이 유다에게 고하여 가로되 `네 며느리 다말이 행음하였고 그 행음함을 인하여 잉태하였느니라' 유다가 가로되 `그를 끌어 내어 불사르라'
And it came to pass after three months, that it was told Judas, saying, Thamar your daughter-in-law has grievously played the harlot, and behold she is with child by whoredom; and Judas said, Bring her out, and let her be burnt.
25 여인이 끌려 나갈 때에 보내어 시부에게 이르되 `이 물건 임자로 말미암아 잉태하였나이다 청컨대 보소서, 이 도장과 그 끈과 지팡이가 뉘 것이니이까?' 한지라
And as they were bringing her, she sent to her father-in-law, saying, I am with child by the man whose these things are; and she said, See whose is this ring and bracelet and staff.
26 유다가 그것들을 알아보고 가로되 `그는 나보다 옳도다 내가 그를 내 아들 셀라에게 주지 아니하였음이로다' 하고 다시는 그를 가까이 하지 아니하였더라
And Judas knew [them], and said, Thamar is cleared rather than I, forasmuch as I gave her not to Selom my son: and he knew her not again.
27 임산하여 보니 쌍태라
And it came to pass when she was in labor, that she also had twins in her womb.
28 해산할 때에 손이 나오는지라 산파가 가로되 `이는 먼저 나온자라' 하고 홍사를 가져 그 손에 매었더니
And it came to pass as she was bringing forth, one thrust forth his hand, and the midwife having taken hold of it, bound upon his hand a scarlet [thread], saying, This one shall come out first.
29 그 손을 도로 들이며 그 형제가 나오는지라 산파가 가로되 `네가 어찌하여 터치고 나오느냐?' 한고로 그 이름을 베레스라 불렀고
And when he drew back his hand, then immediately came forth his brother; and she said, Why has the barrier been cut through because of you? and she called his name, Phares.
30 그 형제 곧 손에 홍사 있는 자가 뒤에 나오니 그 이름을 세라라 불렀더라
And after this came forth his brother, on whose hand was the scarlet thread; and she called his name, Zara.

< 창세기 38 >