< 골로새서 4 >

1 상전들아 의와 공평을 종들에게 베풀지니 너희에게도 하늘에 상전이 계심을 알지어다
Masters, give your servants what is right and equal, conscious that you have a Master in heaven.
2 기도를 항상 힘쓰고 기도에 감사함으로 깨어 있으라
Give yourselves to prayer at all times, keeping watch with praise;
3 또한 우리를 위하여 기도하되 하나님이 전도할 문을 우리에게 열어주사 그리스도의 비밀을 말하게 하시기를 구하라 내가 이것을 인하여 매임을 당하였노라
And making prayer for us, that God may give us an open door for the preaching of the word, the secret of Christ, for which I am now in chains;
4 그리하면 내가 마땅히 할 말로써 이 비밀을 나타내리라
So that I may make it clear, as it is right for me to do.
5 외인을 향하여서는 지혜로 행하여 세월을 아끼라!
Be wise in your behaviour to those who are outside, making good use of the time.
6 너희 말을 항상 은혜 가운데서 소금으로 고루게 함같이 하라 그리하면 각 사람에게 마땅히 대답할 것을 알리라
Let your talk be with grace, mixed with salt, so that you may be able to give an answer to everyone.
7 두기고가 내 사정을 다 너희에게 알게 하리니 그는 사랑을 받는 형제요 신실한 일군이요 주 안에서 함께 된 종이라
Tychicus will give you news of all my business: he is a dear brother and true servant and helper in the word;
8 내가 저를 특별히 너희에게 보낸 것은 너희로 우리 사정을 알게 하고 너희 마음을 위로하게 하려 함이라
And I have sent him to you for this very purpose, so that you may have news of how we are, and so that he may give your hearts comfort;
9 신실하고 사랑을 받는 형제 오네시모를 함께 보내노니 그는 너희에게서 온 사람이라 저희가 여기 일을 다 너희에게 알게 하리라
And with him I have sent Onesimus, the true and well-loved brother, who is one of you. They will give you word of everything which is taking place here.
Aristarchus, my brother-prisoner, sends his love to you, and Mark, a relation of Barnabas (about whom you have been given orders: if he comes to you, be kind to him),
And Jesus, whose other name is Justus; these are of the circumcision: they are my only brother-workers for the kingdom of God, who have been a comfort to me.
Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ Jesus, sends you his love, ever taking thought for you in his prayers, that you may be complete and fully certain of all the purpose of God.
For I give witness of him that he has undergone much trouble for you and for those in Laodicea and in Hierapolis.
Luke, our well-loved medical friend, and Demas, send you their love.
Give my love to the brothers in Laodicea and to Nymphas and the church in their house.
And when this letter has been made public among you, let the same be done in the church of Laodicea; and see that you have the letter from Laodicea.
Say to Archippus, See that you do the work which the Lord has given you to do.
I, Paul, give you this word of love in my handwriting. Keep in memory that I am a prisoner. Grace be with you.

< 골로새서 4 >