< 사도행전 13 >

1 안디옥 교회에 선지자들과 교사들이 있으니 곧 바나바와 니게르라하는 시므온과 구레네 사람 루기오와 분봉왕 헤롯의 젖동생 마나엔과 및 사울이라
Among [the people in] the congregation at Antioch there were (prophets/those who spoke messages from God) and those who taught [people about Jesus. They were] Barnabas; Simeon, who was also called Niger/Blackman; Lucius, from Cyrene [city]; Manaen, who had grown up with [King] Herod [Antipas]; and Saul.
2 주를 섬겨 금식할 때에 성령이 가라사대 `내가 불러 시키는 일을 위하여 바나바와 사울을 따로 세우라' 하시니
While they were worshipping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said [to them], “Appoint Barnabas and Saul to [serve] me and to [go and do] the work that I have chosen them [to do]!”
3 이에 금식하며 기도하고 두 사람에게 안수하여 보내니라
So they continued (to fast/to abstain from eating food) and pray. Then having put their hands on Barnabas and Saul and [praying that God would help them], they sent them off [to do what the Holy Spirit had commanded].
4 두 사람이 성령의 보내심을 받아 실루기아에 내려가 거기서 배 타고 구브로에 가서
Barnabas and Saul, guided by the Holy Spirit, went down [from Antioch] to Seleucia [port]. From there they went by ship to Salamis [port on Cyprus Island].
5 살라미에 이르러 하나님의 말씀을 유대인의 여러 회당에서 전할새 요한을 수종자로 두었더라
While they were in Salamis, [they went] to the Jewish meeting places. There they proclaimed the message from God [about Jesus]. John [Mark went with them and] was helping them.
6 온 섬 가운데로 지나서 바보에 이르러 바예수라 하는 유대인 거짓 선지자 박수를 만나니
[The three of] them went across the entire island to Paphos [city]. There they met a magician whose name was Bar-Jesus. He was a Jew who falsely [claimed] (to be a prophet/to speak messages from God).
7 그가 총독 서기오 바울과 함께 있으니 서기오 바울은 지혜 있는 사람이라 바나바와 사울을 불러 하나님 말씀을 듣고자 하더라
He often accompanied the governor [of the island], Sergius Paulus, who was an intelligent man. The governor sent [someone] to ask Barnabas and Saul to come to him, because he wanted to hear God’s message. [So Barnabas and Saul came and told him about Jesus].
8 이 박수 엘루마는 (이 이름을 번역하면 박수라) 저희를 대적하여 총독으로 믿지 못하게 힘쓰니
However, the magician, whose name was Elymas [in the Greek language], was opposing them. He repeatedly tried to persuade the governor not to believe [in Jesus].
9 바울이라고 하는 사울이 성령이 충만하여 그를 주목하고
Then Saul, who now called himself Paul, empowered by the Holy Spirit, looked intently at the magician and said,
10 가로되 `모든 궤계와 악행이 가득한 자요, 마귀의 자식이요, 모든 의의 원수여, 주의 바른 길을 굽게 하기를 그치지 아니하겠느냐?
“You [(sg)] are serving the devil and you oppose everything that is good! You are always lying [to people] and doing [other] evil things to them. (You must stop saying that the truth about the Lord [God is a lot of lies!]/When will you stop changing what is true about the Lord [God and saying] what is not true about him?) [RHQ]
11 보라, 이제 주의 손이 네 위에 있으니 네가 소경이 되어 얼마 동안 해를 보지 못하리라' 하니 즉시 안개와 어두움이 그를 덮어 인도할 사람을 두루 구하는지라
Right now the Lord [God] [MTY] is going to punish you! You will become blind and not [even] be able to see light for [some] time.” At once he became [blind, as though he was] in a dark mist, and he groped about, searching for someone [to hold him by the] hand and lead him.
12 이에 총독이 그렇게 된 것을 보고 믿으며 주의 가르치심을 기이히 여기니라
When the governor saw what had happened [to Elymas], he believed [in the Lord Jesus]. He was amazed by [what Paul and Barnabas] were teaching about the Lord [Jesus].
13 바울과 및 동행하는 사람들이 바보에서 배 타고 밤빌리아에 있는 버가에 이르니 요한은 저희에게서 떠나 예루살렘으로 돌아가고
[After that], Paul and the two men with him went by ship from Paphos to Perga [port] in Pamphylia [province. At Perga] John [Mark] left them and returned to [his home in] Jerusalem.
14 저희는 버가로부터 지나 비시디아 안디옥에 이르러 안식일에 회당에 들어가 앉으니라
Then Paul and Barnabas traveled [by land] from Perga, and arrived in Antioch [city] near Pisidia [district in Galatia province]. (On the Sabbath/On the Jewish rest day) they entered the synagogue/the Jewish meeting place and sat down.
15 율법과 선지자의 글을 읽은 후에 회당장들이 사람을 보내어 물어 가로되 `형제들아, 만일 백성을 권할 말이 있거든 말하라' 하니
[Someone] read [aloud] from what [Moses had written. Then someone read from what the other] prophets [had written] [MTY]. Then the leaders of the Jewish meeting place gave [someone this] note [to take] to Paul and Barnabas: “Fellow Jews, if [one of] you wants to speak to the people [here] to encourage them, please speak [to us(exc) now].”
16 바울이 일어나 손짓하며 말하되 `이스라엘 사람들과 및 하나님을 경외하는 사람들아 들으라!
So Paul stood up and motioned with his right hand [so that the people would listen to him]. Then he said, “Fellow Israelis and you [non-Jewish people] who [also] worship God, [please] listen [to me]!
17 이 이스라엘 백성의 하나님이 우리 조상들을 택하시고 애굽 땅에서 나그네 된 그 백성을 높여 큰 권능으로 인도하여 내사
God, whom we [(inc)] Israelis worship, chose our ancestors [to be his people], and he caused them to become very numerous while they were foreigners living in Egypt. [Then after many years], God helped them [MTY] powerfully and led them out of there.
18 광야에서 약 사십 년간 저희 소행을 참으시고
[Even though they repeatedly disobeyed him, he] cared for them for about 40 years [while they were] in the desert.
19 가나안 땅 일곱 족속을 멸하사 그 땅을 기업으로 주시고 (약 사백 오십 년간)
He [enabled the Israelis] to conquer seven tribal groups [who were then living] in Canaan [region], and he gave their land to us Israelis for us to possess.
20 그 후에 선지자 사무엘 때까지 사사를 주셨더니
[Our ancestors began to possess Canaan] about 450 years after [their ancestors had arrived in Egypt].” Acts 13:20b-22 “After that, God appointed leaders [to rule the Israeli people. Those leaders continued to rule our people] until the time when the prophet Samuel [ruled them].
21 그 후에 저희가 왕을 구하거늘 하나님이 베냐민 지파 사람 기스의 아들 사울을 사십 년간 주셨다가
Then, [while Samuel was still their leader], the people demanded that he [appoint] a king [to rule them. So] God appointed Saul, the son of Kish, from the tribe of Benjamin, [to be their king]. He [ruled them] for 40 years.
22 폐하시고 다윗을 왕으로 세우시고 증거하여 가라사대 내가 이새의 아들 다윗을 만나니 내 마음에 합한 사람이라 내 뜻을 다 이루게 하리라 하시더니
After God had rejected Saul [from being king], he appointed David to be their king. God said about him, ‘I have observed that David, son of Jesse, is exactly the kind of man that I desire [IDM]. He will do [everything that] I want [him to do].’”
23 하나님이 약속하신 대로 이 사람의 씨에서 이스라엘을 위하여 구주를 세우셨으니 곧 예수라
“From [among] David’s descendants, God brought one of them, Jesus, to [us] Israeli people to save us, just like he had told [David and our other ancestors] that he would do.
24 그 오시는 앞에 요한이 먼저 회개의 세례를 이스라엘 모든 백성에게 전파하니라
Before Jesus began his work, John [the Baptizer] preached to all of our Israeli people [who came to him. He told them] that they should turn away from their sinful behavior [and ask God to forgive them. Then he] would baptize them.
25 요한이 그 달려 갈 길을 마칠 때에 말하되 너희가 나를 누구로 생각하느냐? 나는 그리스도가 아니라 내 뒤에 오시는 이가 있으니 나는 그 발의 신 풀기도 감당치 못하리라 하였으니
When John was about to finish the work [that God gave him to do], he frequently said [to the people], ‘Do you think [RHQ] that I am [the Messiah whom God promised to send]? No, I am not. But listen! The Messiah will [soon] come. [He is so much greater than I am that] I am not [even] important enough to be his slave [MET].’”
26 형제들 아브라함의 후예와 너희 중 하나님을 경외하는 사람들아! 이 구원의 말씀을 우리에게 보내셨거늘
“Fellow Israelis, you who are descendants of Abraham, and [you non-Jewish people who] also worship God, [please listen! It is] to [all of] us that [God] has sent the message about [how he] saves people.
27 예루살렘에 사는 자들과 저희 관원들이 예수와 및 안식일마다 외우는 바 선지자들의 말을 알지 못하므로 예수를 정죄하여 선지자들의 말을 응하게 하였도다
The people who were living in Jerusalem and their rulers did not realize that this man [Jesus was the one whom God had sent to save them]. Although messages from [MTY] the prophets have been read [aloud] {someone has read [aloud] messages from [MTY] the prophets} every (Sabbath/Jewish day of rest), they did not understand [what the prophets wrote about the Messiah. So] the [Jewish leaders] condemned Jesus [to die], which was just like the prophets predicted.
28 죽일 죄를 하나도 찾지 못하였으나 빌라도에게 죽여 달라 하였으니
[Many people accused Jesus of doing wicked things], but they could not prove that he had done anything for which he deserved to die. They insistently asked Pilate [the governor] to command that Jesus be executed {to command soldiers to execute Jesus}. [So Pilate did what they asked him to do].
29 성경에 저를 가리켜 기록한 말씀을 다 응하게 한 것이라 후에 나무에서 내려다가 무덤에 두었으나
They did [to Jesus] all the things that [the prophets long ago had] written [that people would do to] him. [They killed Jesus by nailing him to a cross. Then] his body was taken {[some people took] his body} down from the cross and placed it in a tomb.
30 하나님이 죽은 자 가운데서 저를 살리신지라
However, God (raised him from the dead/caused him to live again after he had died)
31 갈릴리로부터 예루살렘에 함께 올라간 사람들에게 여러 날 보이셨으니 저희가 이제 백성 앞에 그의 증인이라
and for many days he [repeatedly] appeared to [his followers] who had come along with him from Galilee [province] to Jerusalem. Those [who saw him] are telling the [Jewish] people about him now.”
32 우리도 조상들에게 주신 약속을 너희에게 전파하노니
“[Right] now we [two] are proclaiming to you this good message. We want to tell you that God has fulfilled what he promised to [our Jewish] ancestors!
33 곧 하나님이 예수를 일으키사 우리 자녀들에게 이 약속을 이루게 하셨다 함이라 시편 둘째 편에 기록한 바와 같이 너는 내 아들이라 오늘 너를 낳았다 하셨고
He has now done that for us [(inc) who are] their descendants, [and also for you who are not Jews], by causing Jesus to live again. That is just like what [David] wrote in the second Psalm that [God said when he was sending his Son], You [(sg)] are my Son; Today I have shown everyone [that I really am] your Father.
34 또 하나님께서 죽은 자 가운데서 저를 일으키사 다시 썩음을 당하지 않게 하실 것을 가르쳐 가라사대 내가 다윗의 거룩하고 미쁜 은사를 너희에게 주리라 하셨으니
[God] has (raised [the Messiah] from the dead/caused [the Messiah] to live again after he had died) and will never let him die again. [Concerning that, God] said [to our Jewish ancestors], ‘I will surely help you, as I [promised] David [that I would do].’
35 그러므로 또 다른 편에 일렀으되 주의 거룩한 자로 썩음을 당하지 않게 하시리라 하셨느니라
So [in writing] another [Psalm, David] said this [to God about the Messiah]: ‘Because I am devoted to you and always obey [you, when I die] you [(sg)] will not let my body decay.’
36 다윗은 당시에 하나님의 뜻을 좇아 섬기다가 잠들어 그 조상들과 함께 묻혀 썩음을 당하였으되
While David was living, he did what God wanted him to do. And when he died [EUP], his [body] was buried, [as] his ancestors’ [bodies had been buried], and his body decayed. [So he could not have been speaking about himself in this Psalm].
37 하나님의 살리신 이는 썩음을 당하지 아니하였나니
[Instead, he was speaking about Jesus. Jesus also died], but God (raised him from the dead/caused him to live again), and [therefore] his body did not decay.”
38 그러므로 형제들아 너희가 알것은 이 사람을 힘입어 죄 사함을 너희에게 전하는 이것이며
“Therefore, [my] fellow Israelis [and other friends], it is important for you to know that [we(exc)] are declaring to you [that God] can forgive you for your sins as a result of [what] Jesus [has done]. Because of [what] Jesus [has done], [God] considers that everyone who believes [in Jesus] is no longer guilty (OR, the record has been erased {[God] has erased the record}) concerning everything that they [have done that displeased God. But] when [God] does [that for you], it is not as a result of [your obeying] the laws [that] Moses [wrote].
39 또 모세의 율법으로 너희가 의롭다 하심을 얻지 못하던 모든 일에도 이 사람을 힘입어 믿는 자마다 의롭다 하심을 얻는 이것이라
40 그런즉 너희는 선지자들로 말씀하신 것이 너희에게 미칠까 삼가라
Therefore be careful that [God] does not judge you [MTY], as one of the prophets said [MTY] that God would do!
41 일렀으되 보라, 멸시하는 사람들아 너희는 놀라고 망하라 내가 너희 때를 당하여 한 일을 행할 것이니 사람이 너희에게 이를지라도 도무지 믿지 못할 일이라 하였느니라' 하니라
[The prophet wrote that God said], You who ridicule [me], you will [certainly] be astonished [when you see what I am doing], and [then] you will be destroyed. You will be astonished because I will do something [terrible to you] while you are living. You would not believe [that I would do that] even though someone told you!”
42 저희가 나갈새 사람들이 청하되 다음 안식일에도 이 말씀을 하라 하더라
After Paul [finished speaking], while he and Barnabas were leaving the Jewish meeting place, [many of] the people there repeatedly requested that on the next (Sabbath/Jewish day of rest) [the two of them] should speak to them [again] about those things [that Paul had just told them].
43 폐회한 후에 유대인과 유대교에 입교한 경건한 사람들이 많이 바울과 바나바를 좇으니 두 사도가 더불어 말하고 항상 하나님의 은혜 가운데 있으라 권하니라
After they began to leave [that meeting], many [of them] went along with Paul and Barnabas. They consisted of Jews and also of non-Jews who had accepted the things that the Jews believe. Paul and Barnabas continued talking to them, and were urging them to continue [believing the message that] God kindly [forgives people’s sins because of what Jesus did].
44 그 다음 안식일에는 온 성이 거의 다 하나님 말씀을 듣고자 하여 모이니
On the next Jewish rest day, most of the [people in Antioch came to] the Jewish meeting place to hear [Paul and Barnabas] speak about the Lord [Jesus].
45 유대인들이 그 무리를 보고 시기가 가득하여 바울의 말한 것을 변박하고 비방하거늘
But [the leaders of] [SYN] the Jews became extremely jealous, because they saw that large crowds of [non-Jewish people were coming to hear Paul and Barnabas. So] they began to contradict the things that Paul was saying [and also] to insult [him].
46 바울과 바나바가 담대히 말하여 가로되 `하나님의 말씀을 마땅히 먼저 너희에게 전할 것이로되 너희가 버리고 영생 얻음에 합당치 않은 자로 자처하기로 우리가 이방인에게로 향하노라 (aiōnios g166)
Then, speaking very boldly, Paul and Barnabas said [to those Jewish leaders], “[We two] had to speak the message from God [about Jesus] to you [Jews] first [before we proclaim it to non-Jews, because God commanded us to do that. But] you are rejecting God’s message. [By doing that], you have shown that you are not worthy (to have eternal life/to live eternally [with God]). [Therefore], we are leaving [you, and now we] will go to the non-Jewish people [to tell them the message from God]. (aiōnios g166)
47 주께서 이같이 우리를 명하시되 내가 너를 이방의 빛을 삼아 너로 땅 끝까지 구원하게 하리라 하셨느니라' 하니
[We are doing that also] because the Lord [God] has commanded us [to do it]. He said to us, ‘I have appointed you [to reveal things about me] to non-Jewish people [MET] that will be [like] a light to them. [I have appointed] you to tell people everywhere [MTY] in the world [about the one who came] to save [them].’”
48 이방인들이 듣고 기뻐하여 하나님의 말씀을 찬송하며 영생을 주시기로 작정된 자는 다 믿더라 (aiōnios g166)
While the non-Jewish people were listening [to those words], they began to rejoice, and they repeatedly said that the message about the Lord [Jesus] was wonderful. And all of the non-Jewish people whom [God] had chosen (to have eternal [life/to live eternally with God]) believed [the message about the Lord Jesus]. (aiōnios g166)
49 주의 말씀이 그 지방에 두루 퍼지니라
[At that time, many of the believers] traveled around throughout that region. As they did that, they were proclaiming the message about the Lord [Jesus] [MTY].
50 이에 유대인들이 경건한 귀부인들과 그 성내 유력자들을 선동하여 바울과 바나바를 핍박케 하여 그 지경에서 쫓아내니
However, [some leaders of] [SYN] the Jews incited the most important men in the city, and [some] important/influential women who had accepted what the Jews believe, to oppose [Paul and Barnabas. So those non-Jewish people] incited [other people also] to persecute Paul and Barnabas. As a result they expelled the two men from their region.
51 두 사람이 저희를 향하여 발에 티끌을 떨어 버리고 이고니온으로 가거늘
So, [as the two apostles were leaving, they] shook the dust from their feet [to show those Jewish leaders that God had rejected them and would punish them. They left Antioch] and went to Iconium [city].
52 제자들은 기쁨과 성령이 충만하니라
Meanwhile, the believers [in Antioch] continued to rejoice greatly, and they continued to be completely controlled by the Holy Spirit.

< 사도행전 13 >