< 고린도후서 11 >
1 원컨대 너희는 나의 좀 어리석은 것을 용납하라 청컨대 나를 용납하라
[But now, because my opponents are saying that Christ sent them to you as his representatives and that he did not send me], please be patient with me, too, [while I say a] few things [that may sound as if] [IRO] [I am praising myself, like] a foolish person [would do. You have been] ([putting up with/tolerating]) [those who teach what is false; ] now then, (put up with/tolerate) me [too].
2 내가 하나님의 열심으로 너희를 위하여 열심 내노니 내가 너희를 정결한 처녀로 한 남편인 그리스도께 드리려고 중매함이로다
I really do care about [what happens to] you, just as God cares about [what happens to you. Just like a father wants his daughter to be sexually pure when he presents her to the man she will marry] [MET], I [want you to belong] to Christ [alone and to no other]. I want to present you [to him] as people who remain faithful to him [only, and who have not believed the deceitful message of those who are teaching what is false].
3 뱀이 그 간계로 이와를 미혹케 한 것같이 너희 마음이 그리스도를 향하는 진실함과 깨끗함에서 떠나 부패할까 두려워하노라
However, just like [Satan, when he] cunningly [appeared as a] snake, deceived Eve [and caused her to disobey the Lord God], I am concerned that [those teachers] will cause you to think wrongly so that you will no longer [be faithful to] Christ alone.
4 만일 누가 가서 우리의 전파하지 아니한 다른 예수를 전파하거나 혹 너희의 받지 아니한 다른 영을 받게 하거나 혹 너희의 받지 아니한 다른 복음을 받게할 때에는 너희가 잘 용납하는구나
[I say that] because some people have come among you who are teaching [their own thoughts about] Jesus. They [are saying about him] things that are [entirely] different from what I taught you. [They are urging] you to receive a [powerful] spirit who [would come to live in you], but it is not the same [Spirit] that you received [from God when you believed in Christ]. They preach [what they call] a good message, and you accept [their message, even though it is not the same as the good message about Christ that you heard from me. And] you have gladly accepted them and their message!
5 내가 지극히 큰 사도들보다 부족한 것이 조금도 없는 줄 생각하노라
I consider that [LIT] none of those [men, even though they think of themselves as being] [IRO] extra-special apostles, are in any way greater than I am.
6 내가 비록 말에는 졸(拙)하나 지식에는 그렇지 아니하니 이것을 우리가 모든 사람 가운데서 모든 일로 너희에게 나타내었노라
[I admit that] I am not an eloquent speaker, but I do know [God’s message]. I have made that clear to you by everything [that I have done among you and by everything that I have taught you].
7 내가 너희를 높이려고 나를 낮추어 하나님의 복음을 값 없이 너희에게 전함으로 죄를 지었느냐
[I refused to accept money] from you as pay for teaching you God’s message about Christ. (It is ridiculous for you to think that what I did was wrong!/Was that wrong?) [RHQ] [I know that by teaching you without pay], I made myself seem [IRO] unimportant to you. [But I did it] to honor you.
8 내가 너희를 섬기기 위하여 다른 여러 교회에서 요(料)를 받은 것이 탈취한 것이라
[Some people might say that it was as though] [IRO] I was robbing other congregations because I accepted money from them in order that I might work among you.
9 또 내가 너희에게 있어 용도가 부족하되 아무에게도 누를 끼치지 아니함은 마게도냐에서 온 형제들이 나의 부족한 것을 보충하였음이라 내가 모든 일에 너희에게 폐를 끼치지 않기 위하여 스스로 조심하였거니와 또 조심하리라
Furthermore, when I was [there] with you and had no [money to buy the things that I needed], I did not cause any [of you] ([to have difficulties by my depending on you/by asking you for money/support]), because our [(inc)] fellow believers who came from [here in] Macedonia [province] brought enough [money for me to buy everything] that I needed. So I have not caused you any difficulty at all [by asking you for money], and I never will [ask you for money] [EUP].
10 그리스도의 진리가 내 속에 있으니 아가야 지방에서 나의 이 자랑이 막히지 아니하리라
[And] as [sure as you know that] everything that Christ says is true, [you can be sure that what] I say [to you now is true. Wherever I go] there in Achaia [province], [I do not let you believers pay me for doing God’s work among you]. And no one will be able to prevent me from boasting [about that].
11 어떠한 연고뇨 내가 너희를 사랑하지 아니함이냐 하나님이 아시느니라
No one should wrongly [RHQ] think that it is because I do not love you that [I do not take pay from you]. God knows [that you truly/really are very dear to me].
12 내가 하는 것을 또 하리니 기회를 찾는 자들의 그 기회를 끊어 저희로 하여금 그 자랑하는 일에 대하여 우리와 같이 되게 하려 함이로라
There are [some men there among you] who would like to be able to say boastfully that they [work among you] just as I do. So, in order to make it impossible [IDM] [for them to say that], I have [refused to accept pay from you], and I will continue doing that.
13 저런 사람들은 거짓 사도요 궤휼의 역군(役軍)이니 자기를 그리스도의 사도로 가장하는 자들이니라
Those men are lying [when they say that they are] apostles. They work deceitfully. [Even though they say that they work for God, they are working only for themselves]. They try to make people think that Christ [sent them] as his apostles, [but they do not truly represent him].
14 이것이 이상한 일이 아니라 사단도 자기를 광명의 천사로 가장하나니
I am not surprised [that they act like that], because Satan himself causes people to think [that he has come] as a shining messenger [from God].
15 그러므로 사단의 일군들도 자기를 의의 일군으로 가장하는 것이 또한 큰 일이 아니라 저희의 결국은 그 행위대로 되리라
So it should not surprise [you] if these men, who [really] serve [Satan, do good things in order] to make you think they [serve God]. Some day God will [punish them] according to what they deserve because of the [evil] things that they do.
16 내가 다시 말하노니 누구든지 나를 어리석은 자로 여기지 말라 만일 그러하더라도 나로 조금 자랑하게 어리석은 자로 받으라
I say again: I do not want any of you to think that my [boasting about myself] is like foolish [people] boast. But even if anyone [thinks that I am boasting about myself like a foolish person boasts, listen to] what I [have to say anyway, just like you listen to those false apostles]. They really [speak] foolishly! Listen to me while I also boast a little.
17 내가 말하는 것은 주를 따라 하는 말이 아니요 오직 어리석은 자와 같이 기탄 없이 자랑하노라
About the things that I am [going to tell you], boasting confidently [about myself, surely you know that they are not the kind of things] that the Lord [Jesus] would say. Instead, [I will speak] as a foolish [person would speak].
18 여러 사람이 육체를 따라 자랑하니 나도 자랑하겠노라
Because many among you are boasting [about their own work], as unbelievers do, I will also boast [about myself and my work] [MTY, IRO].
19 너희는 지혜로운 자로서 어리석은 자들을 기쁘게 용납하는구나
[I am sure that you, who think that you are so wise, will accept what I say] because you gladly [accept the] false teachers and the foolish things [that they say].
20 누가 너희로 종을 삼거나 잡아 먹거나 사로잡거나 자고하다 하거나 뺨을 칠지라도 너희가 용납하는도다
When people [treat] you as if they were your bosses, you gladly submit [to them. You think that it is all right when others] force you to provide for their needs. You think that it is all right [when people] take control over you, when they boast about themselves, [or when they insult you by] slapping you in the face.
21 우리가 약한 것같이 내가 욕되게 말하노라 그러나 누가 무슨 일에 담대하면 어리석은 말이나마 나도 담대하리라
I agree that I was not bold enough to treat you in such ways. [Ha! Do you think that] [IRO] I should feel ashamed [because I did not do that?] So now, talking like a person who does not have any sense, I will boldly tell you [some things about myself, just like those false apostles tell you things about themselves].
22 저희가 히브리인이냐 나도 그러하며 저희가 이스라엘인이냐? 나도 그러하며 저희가 아브라함의 씨냐? 나도 그러하며
Do [they tell you] that they are Hebrews [and can speak the Hebrew language?] Well, I can say the same thing [about myself]. Do they [tell you that they] belong [to God’s people], the nation of Israel? Well, I can say the same thing [about myself]. [Do they tell you that] they are descendants of [our great] ancestor Abraham? Well, he is my ancestor, too.
23 저희가 그리스도의 일군이냐 정신 없는 말을 하거니와 나도 더욱 그러하도다 내가 수고를 넘치도록 하고 옥에 갇히기도 더 많이 하고, 매도 수없이 맞고, 여러 번 죽을 뻔하였으니
[Do they tell you how much] work they have done for Christ? Now I am talking like a crazy person talks [EUP]. Well, I work for Christ much more [than they do. I have been] in prison many more times [than they have. Many times I] have been beaten {[people] have beaten me} very severely [because I believe in and obey Christ]. Many times I almost died [because of serving Christ].
24 유대인들에게 사십에 하나 감한 매를 다섯 번 맞았으며
On five occasions Jewish [religious leaders] beat me 39 times with a whip.
25 세 번 태장으로 맞고 한 번 돌로 맞고 세 번 파선하는데 일주야를 깊음에서 지냈으며
On three occasions I was beaten {[Roman] officials beat me} with wooden sticks. On one occasion [a large crowd of people] threw stones at me [to kill me]. On three occasions the ship [that I was traveling on] was wrecked [and sank. On one of those occasions] I was [floating] in the water a night and a day [before I was rescued].
26 여러 번 여행에 강의 위험과, 강도의 위험과, 동족의 위험과, 이방인의 위험과, 시내의 위험과, 광야의 위험과, 바다의 위험과, 거짓 형제 중의 위험을 당하고
As I have often traveled to other places, [I have often risked losing my life. For example], sometimes I have been in danger [crossing] rivers. [I have been] in danger [traveling in places] where there were bandits. [At times I have been in] danger among people of my own nation, [the Jews], and [at other times I been in] danger among those who are not Jews. [I have been] in danger in cities, and I have been in dangerous situations in barren areas. I have been in dangerous situations [when I was traveling in ships]. [I have been in] danger among people who falsely [claim to be] fellow believers.
27 또 수고하며 애쓰고 여러 번 자지 못하고 주리며 목마르고 여러번 굶고 춥고 헐벗었노라
I have worked very hard [DOU] [to earn] ([a living/what I need]), and often I did not sleep. At times I was hungry and thirsty, and at times I did not have enough time to eat. Sometimes I was cold [because] I did not have enough clothes [to wear].
28 이 외의 일은 고사하고 오히려 날마다 내 속에 눌리는 일이 있으니 곧 모든 교회를 위하여 염려하는 것이라
In addition to all that, I am constantly and deeply concerned about all the congregations [that I have helped to begin].
29 누가 약하면 내가 약하지 아니하며 누가 실족하게 되면 내가 애타하지 않더냐
[Every time that I hear about fellow believers] [RHQ] who are not strong [spiritually], I sympathize with them [and try to help them. Every time that I learn about a fellow believer] [RHQ] who causes [another believer] to do something wrong, that makes me very angry.
30 내가 부득불 자랑할진대 나의 약한 것을 자랑하리라!
Because [it seems that] it is necessary for me to [continue] boasting [about myself], I will boast about things that [caused some people to think of me] as being weak.
31 주 예수의 아버지 영원히 찬송할 하나님이 나의 거짓말 아니하는 줄을 아시느니라 (aiōn )
God, who is the Father of our [(inc)] Lord Jesus, and who is the one [whom we should] praise forever, knows that I am not lying [about this]. (aiōn )
32 다메섹에서 아레다 왕의 방백이 나를 잡으려고 다메섹 성을 지킬새
[One time when I was] in Damascus [city], the governor whom King Aretas [had appointed] to rule [part of his area, told his soldiers] to guard [the gates of] the city so that they could seize me [if I tried to leave the city].
33 내가 광주리를 타고 들창문으로 성벽을 내려가 그 손에서 벗어났노라
But [my friends] helped me to escape [by] putting me in a large basket and lowering me [to the ground by a rope] through an opening in the [city] wall. [That was really humiliating]!