< 베드로전서 4 >
1 그리스도께서 이미 육체의 고난을 받으셨으니 너희도 같은 마음으로 갑옷을 삼으라 이는 육체의 고난을 받은 자가 죄를 그쳤음이니
Therefore, because Christ suffered physically, you also must think the way that he did [when he was willing to suffer], because those who suffer [because of belonging to Jesus] have stopped sinning [the way they used to sin].
2 그 후로는 다시 사람의 정욕을 좇지 않고 오직 하나님의 뜻을 좇아 육체의 남은 때를 살게 하려 함이라
As a result, during their remaining time here on earth, they do not do the things that sinful people desire to do, but instead they do the things that God wants them to do.
3 너희가 음란과 정욕과 술취함과 방탕과 연락과 무법한 우상 숭배를 하여 이방인의 뜻을 좇아 행한 것이 지나간 때가 족하도다
[I say that to you] because [SAR] you have already spent too much of your time [here on earth] doing what the people who do not know God like to do. In the past you committed all kinds of sexually immoral acts [DOU], you got drunk and then participated in (orgies/wild parties) and carousing/revelry, and you [worshipped] idols, which is very displeasing to God.
4 이러므로 너희가 저희와 함께 그런 극한 방탕에 달음질하지 아니하는 것을 저희가 이상히 여겨 비방하나
[Because you used to do those things], [your friends] are surprised that you do not join them any more when they participate in that kind of wild behavior [that] ([is rushing to/will quickly]) [destroy them like] [MET] a flood. As a result, they say evil things about you.
5 저희가 산 자와 죽은 자 심판하기를 예비하신 자에게 직고하리라
But [God] is ready to judge the people who are living [now] and the people who have died, and he is the one who will decide whether he approves of what each of them has done.
6 이를 위하여 죽은 자들에게도 복음이 전파되었으니 이는 육체로는 사람처럼 심판을 받으나 영으로는 하나님처럼 살게 하려 함이니라
That is the reason why the message [about Christ] was preached {[people] preached the message [about Christ]} to believers who have now died. [That message was preached to them] in order that even though [sinful] people might judge them [and say that they are guilty], God’s Spirit would [enable them to] live [eternally].
7 만물의 마지막이 가까왔으니 그러므로 너희는 정신을 차리고 근신하여 기도하라
It is almost the time when everything on this earth will come to an end. Therefore, keep thinking sensibly/reasonably and control what you think [DOU], so that you can pray [clearly].
8 무엇보다도 열심으로 서로 사랑할찌니 사랑은 허다한 죄를 덮느니라
Most important of all, love each other earnestly/wholeheartedly, because if we love others [PRS], we will just ignore many of the sinful things that [they do to us].
Provide food and a place to sleep for those [who come to your community], [and do it] without complaining.
10 각각 은사를 받은 대로 하나님의 각양 은혜를 맡은 선한 청지기 같이 서로 봉사하라
Believers should all use the spiritual gifts that God has given them to serve others. They should manage/use well the various gifts that God has kindly given them.
11 만일 누가 말하려면 하나님의 말씀을 하는 것같이 하고 누가 봉사하려면 하나님의 공급하시는 힘으로 하는 것같이 하라 이는 범사에 예수 그리스도로 말미암아 하나님이 영광을 받으시게 하려 함이니 그에게 영광과 권능이 세세에 무궁토록 있느니라 아멘 (aiōn )
Those who speak [to the congregation] should do that as though they are speaking the [very] words of God. Those who do kind things to others should do it with the strength that God gives them, in order that God may be honored by all this {that all this may honor God} as Jesus Christ [enables us to do it. I pray that we will] praise [God] (OR, [Jesus]) and allow him [to rule over us] forever. (May it be so!/Amen!) (aiōn )
12 사랑하는 자들아 너희를 시련하려고 오는 불시험을 이상한 일 당하는 것같이 이상히 여기지 말고
You whom I love, do not be surprised about the painful things that you are suffering [because you belong to Christ]. [Those] things are [testing you as metals are tested by people putting them] in a fire. Do not think that something strange is happening to you.
13 오직 너희가 그리스도의 고난에 참예하는 것으로 즐거워하라 이는 그의 영광을 나타내실 때에 너희로 즐거워하고 기뻐하게 하려 함이라
Instead, rejoice that you are suffering the same kinds of things that Christ endured. Rejoice when [you suffer], in order that you may also be very glad [DOU] when Christ returns and reveals how glorious/wonderful he is.
14 너희가 그리스도의 이름으로 욕을 받으면 복 있는 자로다 영광의 영 곧 하나님의 영이 너희 위에 계심이라
If you are insulted {If [people] insult you} because you believe in Christ [MTY], [God is] pleased with you, because it shows that the Spirit of God, the Spirit who [reveals how] great [God is], lives within you.
15 너희 중에 누구든지 살인이나 도적질이나 악행이나 남의 일을 간섭하는 자로 고난을 받지 말려니와
If you suffer, do not let that suffering be the result of your being a murderer or a thief or as a result of doing some other evil thing, or as a result of interfering in someone else’s affairs.
16 만일 그리스도인으로 고난을 받은즉 부끄러워 말고 도리어 그 이름으로 하나님께 영광을 돌리라
But if you suffer because of being a Christian, do not be ashamed about it. Instead, praise God that you are suffering because of belonging to Christ [MTY].
17 하나님 집에서 심판을 시작할 때가 되었나니 만일 우리에게 먼저하면 하나님의 복음을 순종치 아니하는 자들의 그 마지막이 어떠하며
I say that, because it is now time for God to begin judging people, and first he will judge those who belong [MTY] to him. Since he will judge us believers first, think about the terrible things that will happen to [RHQ] those who do not obey the good message that comes from him!
18 또 의인이 겨우 구원을 얻으면 경건치 아니한 자와 죄인이 어디 서리요
[That will be as it] is written in the Scriptures, [Many] righteous people [will have to suffer] many [difficult trials before going to heaven]. So ungodly and sinful people will surely have to suffer [much severe punishment from God]!
19 그러므로 하나님의 뜻대로 고난을 받는 자들은 또한 선을 행하는 가운데 그 영혼을 미쁘신 조물주께 부탁할찌어다
Therefore, those who suffer because of its being God’s will that they suffer [because of being Christians] should commit themselves to God, the one who created them and the one who always does what he promises to do. And they should continue to do what is right.