< 시편 78 >

1 (아삽의 마스길) 내 백성이여, 내 교훈을 들으며 내 입의 말에 귀를 기울일지어다
My friends, listen to what I am going to teach you; pay careful attention [IDM] to what I say.
2 내가 입을 열고 비유를 베풀어서 옛 비밀한 말을 발표하리니
I am going to give you some sayings that wise people have said. They will be sayings about things that happened long ago, things that were difficult to understand [MET],
3 이는 우리가 들은 바요 아는 바요 우리 열조가 우리에게 전한 바라
things that we have heard and known previously, things that our parents and grandparents told us.
4 우리가 이를 그 자손에게 숨기지 아니하고 여호와의 영예와 그 능력과 기이한 사적을 후대에 전하리로다
We will tell these things to our children [LIT], and we will also tell to our grandchildren [about] Yahweh’s power and the glorious/great things that he has done.
5 여호와께서 증거를 야곱에게 세우시며 법도를 이스라엘에게 정하시고 우리 열조에게 명하사 저희 자손에게 알게 하라 하셨으니
He gave laws and commandments to the Israeli people, [those who are the descendants of] Jacob [DOU], and he told our ancestors to teach them to their children
6 이는 저희로 후대 곧 후생 자손에게 이를 알게 하고 그들은 일어나 그 자손에게 일러서
in order that their children would [also] know them and then they would teach them to their children.
7 저희로 그 소망을 하나님께 두며 하나님의 행사를 잊지 아니하고 오직 그 계명을 지켜서
In that way, they also would trust in God, and not forget the things that he has done; instead, they would obey his commandments.
8 그 열조 곧 완고하고 패역하여 그 마음이 정직하지 못하며 그 심령은 하나님께 충성치 아니한 세대와 같지 않게 하려 하심이로다
They would not be like their ancestors, who were very stubborn and kept rebelling [against God]; they did not continue firmly trusting in God, and they did not worship only him.
9 에브라임 자손은 병기를 갖추며 활을 가졌으나 전쟁의 날에 물러갔도다
[The soldiers of] the tribe of Ephraim had bows [and arrows] but they ran away [from their enemies] on the day that they fought a battle with their enemies.
10 저희가 하나님의 언약을 지키지 아니하고 그 율법 준행하기를 거절하며
They did not do what they had agreed with God that they would do; they refused to obey his laws.
11 여호와의 행하신 것과 저희에게 보이신 기사를 잊었도다
They forgot what he had done; they forgot about the miracles that they had seen him perform.
12 옛적에 하나님이 애굽 땅 소안 들에서 기이한 일을 저희 열조의 목전에서 행하셨으되
While our ancestors were watching, God performed miracles in the area around Zoan [city] in Egypt.
13 저가 바다를 갈라 물을 무더기 같이 서게 하시고 저희로 지나게 하셨으며
[Then] he caused the [Red] Sea to divide, causing the water [on each side] to pile up like a wall, with the result that [our ancestors] walked through it [on dry ground].
14 낮에는 구름으로 온 밤에는 화광으로 인도하셨으며
He led them by a [bright] cloud during the day and by a fiery light during the night.
15 광야에서 반석을 쪼개시고 깊은 수원에서 나는 것 같이 저희에게 물을 흡족히 마시우셨으며
He split rocks open in the desert, giving to our ancestors plenty of water from deep inside the earth.
16 또 반석에서 시내를 내사 물이 강 같이 흐르게 하셨으나
He caused a stream of water to flow from the rock; the water flowed like a river [DOU].
17 저희는 계속하여 하나님께 범죄하여 황야에서 지존자를 배반하였도다
But [our ancestors] continued to sin against God; in the desert they rebelled against the one who is greater than any other god.
18 저희가 저희 탐욕대로 식물을 구하여 그 심중에 하나님을 시험하였으며
By demanding that God give them the food that they desired, they tried to find out if he would always do what they requested him to do.
19 그 뿐 아니라 하나님을 대적하여 말하기를 하나님이 광야에서 능히 식탁을 준비하시랴
They insulted God by saying, “We don’t think he can supply food for us [here] in this desert!
20 저가 반석을 쳐서 물을 내시매 시내가 넘쳤거니와 또 능히 떡을 주시며 그 백성을 위하여 고기를 예비하시랴 하였도다
[It is true that] he struck the rock, with the result that water gushed/flowed out, [but] (can he also provide bread and meat for [us], his people?/we doubt that he can also provide bread and meat for us, his people.)” [RHQ]
21 그러므로 여호와께서 듣고 노하심이여 야곱을 향하여 노가 맹렬하며 이스라엘을 향하여 노가 올랐으니
So, when Yahweh heard that, he became very angry, and he sent a fire to burn up [some of] his Israeli [people]. [MTY, DOU]
22 이는 하나님을 믿지 아니하며 그 구원을 의지하지 아니한 연고로다
[He did that] because they did not trust in him, and they did not believe that he would rescue them.
23 그러나 저가 오히려 위의 궁창을 명하시며 하늘 문을 여시고
But God spoke to the sky above them; he commanded it to open [like] a door,
24 저희에게 만나를 비같이 내려 먹이시며 하늘 양식으로 주셨나니
and [then food] fell down like rain, [food which they named] ‘manna’; God gave them grain from (heaven/the sky).
25 사람이 권세 있는 자의 떡을 먹음이여 하나님이 식물을 충족히 주셨도다
[So] the people ate the food that angels eat, [and] God gave to them all the manna that they wanted.
26 저가 동풍으로 하늘에서 일게 하시며 그 권능으로 남풍을 인도하시고
[Later], he caused the wind to blow from the east, and by his power he also sent wind from the south,
27 저희에게 고기를 티끌같이 내리시니 곧 바다 모래 같은 나는 새라
and the wind brought birds which were as numerous as the grains of sand on the seashore.
28 그 진중에 떨어지게 하사 그 거처에 둘리셨도다
God caused those birds to fall [dead] in the middle of (their camp)/the area where the people had put up their tents. [There were dead birds] all around their tents.
29 저희가 먹고 배불렀나니 하나님이 저희 소욕대로 주셨도다
[So] the people [cooked the birds and] ate the meat and their stomachs were full, because God had given them what they wanted.
30 저희가 그 욕심에서 떠나지 아니하고 저희 식물이 아직 그 입에 있을 때에
But before they had eaten all that they wanted, and while they were still eating it,
31 하나님이 저희를 대하여 노를 발하사 저희 중 살진 자를 죽이시며 이스라엘의 청년을 쳐 엎드러뜨리셨도다
God was [still] very angry with them, and he caused their strongest men to die; he got rid of [many of] the finest [young] Israeli men.
32 그럴지라도 저희가 오히려 범죄하여 그의 기사를 믿지 아니하였으므로
In spite of all that, the people continued to sin; in spite of all the miracles that God had performed, they still did not trust that he [would take care of them].
33 하나님이 저희 날을 헛되이 보내게 하시며 저희 해를 두렵게 지내게 하셨도다
So, he caused their lives to end as quickly as a puff of wind ends; they died when disasters suddenly struck them.
34 하나님이 저희를 죽이실 때에 저희가 그에게 구하며 돌이켜 하나님을 간절히 찾았고
When God caused [some of] them to die, [the others] turned to God; they repented and earnestly asked God [to save them].
35 하나님이 저희의 반석이시요 지존하신 하나님이 저희 구속자이심을 기억하였도다
They remembered that God is [like] a huge rock ledge [under which they would be safe] [MET], and that he, who was greater than any other god, is the one who protected/rescued them.
36 그러나 저희가 입으로 그에게 아첨하며 자기 혀로 그에게 거짓을 말하였으니
But they [tried to] deceive God by what they said [MTY]; their words [MTY] were [all] lies.
37 이는 하나님께 향하는 저희 마음이 정함이 없으며 그의 언약에 성실치 아니하였음이로다
They were not loyal to him; they disregarded/ignored the agreement that he had made with them.
38 오직 하나님은 자비하심으로 죄악을 사하사 멸하지 아니하시고 그 진노를 여러번 돌이키시며 그 분을 다 발하지 아니하셨으니
But God was merciful to his people. He forgave them for having sinned and did not get rid of them. Many times he refrained from becoming angry [with them] and restrained from furiously/severely [punishing them] [MTY].
39 저희는 육체 뿐이라 가고 다시 오지 못하는 바람임을 기억하셨음이로다
He remembered/considered that they were only humans who die; they [disappear quickly] [SIM], like a wind that blows by and then is gone.
40 저희가 광야에서 그를 반항하며 사막에서 그를 슬프시게 함이 몇번인고
Many times our ancestors rebelled against God in the desert and caused him to become very sad.
41 저희가 돌이켜 하나님을 재삼 시험하며 이스라엘의 거룩한 자를 격동하였도다
Many times they did evil things, to find out [if they could do those things without God punishing them]. They frequently caused the holy God of Israel to become disgusted/sad.
42 저희가 그의 권능을 기억지 아니하며 대적에게서 구속하신 날도 생각지 아니하였도다
They forgot about his [great] power, and they (forgot/did not think) about the time when he rescued them from their enemies.
43 그 때에 하나님이 애굽에서 그 징조를, 소안 들에서 그 기사를 나타내사
They forgot about when he performed many miracles in the area near Zoan [city] in Egypt.
44 저희의 강과 시내를 피로 변하여 저희로 마실수 없게 하시며
He caused the [Nile] River (OR, their sources of water) to become [red like] blood, with the result that the people of Egypt had no water to drink.
45 파리 떼를 저희 중에 보내어 물게 하시고 개구리를 보내어 해하게 하셨으며
He sent among the people of Egypt swarms of flies that bit them, and he sent frogs that ate up everything.
46 저희의 토산물을 황충에게 주시며 저희의 수고한 것을 메뚜기에게 주셨으며
He sent locusts to eat their crops and the other things that grew in their fields.
47 저희 포도나무를 우박으로, 저희 뽕나무를 서리로 죽이셨으며
He sent hail that destroyed the grapevines, and sent frost that ruined the figs.
48 저희 가축을 우박에, 저희 양떼를 번갯불에 붙이셨으며
He sent hail that killed their cattle and sent lightning that killed their sheep and cows.
49 그 맹렬한 노와 분과 분노와 고난 곧 벌하는 사자들을 저희에게 내려 보내셨으며
Because God was fiercely angry with the people of Egypt, he caused them to be very distressed. The disasters that struck them were like a group of angels that destroyed [everything].
50 그 노를 위하여 치도하사 저희 혼의 사망을 면케 아니하시고 저희 생명을 염병에 붙이셨으며
He did not lessen his being angry [with them], and he did not (spare their lives/prevent them from dying); he sent a (plague/serious illness) that killed [many of] them.
51 애굽에서 모든 장자 곧 함의 장막에 있는 그 기력의 시작을 치셨으나
He also caused all the firstborn sons of the people of Egypt to die.
52 자기 백성을 양 같이 인도하여 내시고 광야에서 양떼같이 지도하셨도다
Then he led his people out [of Egypt] like [a shepherd leads] his sheep [SIM], and he guided them [while they walked] through the desert.
53 저희를 안전히 인도하시니 저희는 두려움이 없었으나 저희 원수는 바다에 엄몰되었도다
He led them safely, and they were not afraid, but their enemies were drowned in the sea.
54 저희를 그 성소의 지경 곧 그의 오른손이 취하신 산으로 인도하시고
[Later] he brought them to [Canaan], his sacred land, to [Zion] Hill (OR, the hilly area) and by his power [MTY] he enabled them to conquer [the people who were living there].
55 또 열방을 저희 앞에서 쫓아 내시며 줄로 저희 기업을 분배하시고 이스라엘 지파로 그 장막에 거하게 하셨도다
He expelled the people-groups while his people were advancing; he allotted part of the land for [each tribe] to possess, and he gave to the Israeli people the houses of those people who had been expelled.
56 그럴지라도 저희가 지존하신 하나님을 시험하며 반항하여 그 증거를 지키지 아니하며
However, the Israeli people rebelled against God, who is greater than any other god, and they did many evil things to see if they could do those things without God punishing them, and they did not obey his commandments.
57 저희 열조같이 배반하고 궤사를 행하여 속이는 활 같이 빗가서
Instead, like their ancestors did, they rebelled against God and (were not loyal to/did not faithfully [obey]) him; they were as [unreliable as] a crooked arrow [that does not go straight] [SIM].
58 자기 산당으로 그 노를 격동하며 저희 조각한 우상으로 그를 진노케 하였으매
Because they [worshiped] carved images of their gods on the tops of hills, they caused God to become angry [DOU].
59 하나님이 들으시고 분내어 이스라엘을 크게 미워하사
He saw what they were doing and became very angry, so he rejected the Israeli people.
60 실로의 성막 곧 인간에 세우신 장막을 떠나시고
He no longer appeared to them at Shiloh in the tent where he had lived among them.
61 그 능력된 자를 포로에 붙이시며 자기 영광을 대적의 손에 붙이시고
He allowed their enemies to capture [the sacred chest], [which was the symbol of] his power and his glory.
62 그 백성을 또 칼에 붙이사 그의 기업에게 분내셨으니
Because he was angry with his people, he allowed them to be killed [MTY] [by their enemies].
63 저희 청년은 불에 살라지고 저희 처녀에게는 혼인 노래가 없으며
Young men were killed in battles, with the result that the young women had no one to marry.
64 저희 제사장들은 칼에 엎드러지고 저희 과부들은 애곡하지 못하였도다
[Many] priests were killed by [their enemies’] swords, and (the people did not allow the priests’ widows/the priests’ widows were not allowed) to mourn.
65 때에 주께서 자다가 깬 자 같이 포도주로 인하여 외치는 용사 같이 일어나사
Later, [it was as though] the Lord awoke from sleeping; he was like a strong man who (became stimulated/felt that he was strong) by (OR, became sober after) [drinking] a lot of wine [SIM].
66 그 대적들을 쳐 물리쳐서 길이 욕되게 하시고
He pushed their enemies back and caused them to be [very] ashamed for a long time [HYP] [because they had been defeated].
67 또 요셉의 장막을 싫어 버리시며 에브라임 지파를 택하지 아니하시고
[But] he did not set up his tent where [the people of] the tribe of Ephraim lived; he did not choose their area [to do that].
68 오직 유다 지파와 그 사랑하시는 시온산을 택하시고
Instead he chose [the area where] the tribe of Judah [lived]; he chose Zion Hill, which he loves.
69 그 성소를 산의 높음 같이, 영원히 두신 땅 같이 지으셨으며
He [decided to have] his temple built [there], high up, like [his home in] heaven; he caused it to be firm, [and intended that] his temple would last forever, like the earth.
70 또 그 종 다윗을 택하시되 양의 우리에서 취하시며
He chose David, who served him [faithfully], and took him from the pastures
71 젖 양을 지키는 중에서 저희를 이끄사 그 백성인 야곱 그 기업인 이스라엘을 기르게 하셨더니
where he was taking care of his [father’s] sheep, and appointed him to be the leader [MET] of the Israeli people, the people who belong to God.
72 이에 저가 그 마음의 성실함으로 기르고 그 손의 공교함으로 지도하였도다
David took care of the Israeli people sincerely and wholeheartedly, and guided them skillfully/wisely.

< 시편 78 >