< Ufunuo 14 >

1 Nalangili na nabhwene mwanakondoo ajhemili palongolo pa nene panani pa kidonda sayuni. Pamonga ni muene bhajhele 144, 000 bhenye lihina lya muene ni lihina lya Dadi munu lijhandikibhu mu mapaji gha nyuso sya bhene.
I looked, and saw the Lamb standing on Mount Zion. With him were 144,000 who had his name, and the name of his Father, written on their foreheads.
2 Napeliki sauti kuhoma kumbinguni jhikajha jhipelekeka kama lipajhula lya masi ghamehele ni sauti mbaha jha radi. Sauti jhanajhipeliki ndo kama bhakhobha vinubi bhikhobha vinubi fya bhene.
I heard a voice from heaven that sounded like rushing water and loud thunder and many harps being played.
3 Bhakajha bhijhemba nyembu mpya palongolo pa kiti kya enzi ni palongolo pa bhene uhai bhancheche ni bhaseya. Ajhelepi mwenye uwezo bhwa kwimanyisya luembu o'lu isipokujha kwa 144, 000 ambabho bhakombolibhu kuhoma kuduniani.
They sang a new song in front of the throne and the four living creatures and the elders. Nobody could learn the song except the 144,000, those who had been redeemed from the earth.
4 Abha ndo bhala ambabho bhakichafuili lepi bhene kwa bhadala, maana bhakilunzili bhene dhidi jha matendo gha zinaa. Ndo abha bhabhan'kesili mwanakondoo popoha paalotili. Abha bhakombolibhu kuhoma kwa bhanadamu bhakajha matunda gha kuanza kwa K'yara ni kwa mwanakondoo.
They have not become morally impure by sinning with women; spiritually they are virgins. They follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They were redeemed from humankind as the firstfruits to God and the Lamb.
5 Ujhelepi udesi bhwa bhwapatikene mu finywa fya bhene; Bhilaumibhwalepi.
They speak no lies; they are without fault.
6 Nikabhona malaika jhongi iruka pagati pa mbingu ambajhe ajhe ni ujumbe bhwa kumbinguni bhwa habari jhinofu kwa kubhatangasila bhenye kuishi pa duniani kwa khila litaifa, kabila, lugha, ni bhanu. (aiōnios g166)
Then I saw another angel flying in mid-heaven. He had the eternal good news to announce to those who lived on the earth, to every nation, tribe, language, and people. (aiōnios g166)
7 Akabhakuta kwa sauti mbaha, “Muntilayi K'yara na mumpelayi utukufu kwandabha muda bhwa hukumu ukaribili. Mumwabhuduajhi muene, muene jhaabhombili mbingu, ni dunia, ni bahari, ni chemichemi sya.”
He cried out in a loud voice, “Give God reverence and glory, for the time of his judgment has come. Worship the one who made heaven and earth and sea and springs of water.”
8 Malaika jhongi- malaika ghwa bhubhele- akakesya akajobha, “Ubinili Babeli mbaha, ambajhe ghwabhanywesisi mataifa divai ambajho jhaletili gadhabu panani pa muene.”
A second angel followed, calling out, “Babylon the great has collapsed into ruins! She made all the nations drink the wine of her sexual immorality that brings God's furious opposition.”
9 Malaika jhongi - malaika ghwa tatu- abhakesisi, akajobha kwa sauti mbaha, “Jhejhioha jhaibeta kumwabudu mnyama ojhu ni sanamu jha muene, ni kupokela alama mu lipaji lya uso bhwa muene au mkibhoko,
A third angel followed the first two, and cried out in a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image and receives a mark on their forehead or on their hand,
10 Muene kabhele ibeta kunywa divai jha gadhabu jha K'yara, divai ambajho jhiandalibhu ni kujhitisibhwa bila kuchanganyibhwa mu kikombi kya ligoga lya muene. Munu jhaibeta kunywa ibeta kutesibhwa kwa muoto ni muoto bhwa kiberiti palongolo pa malaika bha muene bhatakatifu ni palongolo pa mwanakondoo.
they will also drink of the wine of God's furious opposition that is poured undiluted into the cup of his anger, and they will suffer anguish in fire and burning sulfur before the holy angels and the Lamb.
11 Ni liosi lya maumivu gha bhene ukalota milele, na bhajhelepi ni mapomoseku pamusi ni pakilu - abhu bhabhiabudu mnyama ni sanamu jha muene, ni khila munu jhaapokili alama jha lihina lya muene. (aiōn g165)
The smoke of their anguish ascends for ever and ever. They don't have any relief day or night, those who worship the beast and his image and who receive the mark of his name.” (aiōn g165)
12 Obho ndo mwito bhwa subira ni uvumilivu kwa bhaamini, bhala bhabhitii amri sya K'yara ni imani kwa Yesu.”
This means the believers must patiently endure, keeping God's commandments and trusting in Jesus.
13 Napeliki sauti kuhoma kumbinguni jhijobha, “jhandikayi agha: Heri bhafu bha bhifwa ni Bwana.” “Ena,” ijobha Roho, “ili bhabhwesiajhi kup'omoseka kuhoma mu mbombo sya bhene ndabha malombosi gha bhene ghibeta kubhakesya.”
Then I heard a voice from heaven that told me, “Write this down! Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on. Yes, says the Spirit, because they can rest from their troubles. What they have accomplished will speak for them.”
14 Nalangili na nabhuene kwajhele ni libhengu libhalafu, na jhaatamili mu libhengu ajhele ni mfuano bhwa mwana bhwa munu. Ajhele ni taji jha dhahabu pa mutu pa muene ni kisyengelu kikali mu kibhoko kya muene.
I looked and I saw a white cloud. Sitting on the cloud was someone that looked like the Son of man, wearing a golden crown on his head and holding a sharp sickle in his hand.
15 Malaika jhongi kabhele akahida kuhoma mu hekalu na akutili kwa sauti mbaha kulota kwa jhola jhaatamili mu libhengu: “Tolayi kisyengelu kya jhobhi na ujhandayi kuvuna. Kwakujha muda ghwa mavuno uwadili ndabha mavuno ghaghajhele mu dunia ghamalikufunda.”
Another angel came out of the Temple and shouted in a loud voice to the one sitting on the cloud, “Take your sickle and start reaping, for it is harvest-time, and earth's harvest is ripe.”
16 Kabhele jhola jhaajhele mu libhengu abhup'etisi mundu bhwa muene panani pa dunia, ni dunia jhavunibhu.
The one sitting on the cloud swung his sickle towards the earth, and reaped earth's harvest.
17 Ni malaika jhongi akahida kuhoma mu hekalu lya kumbinguni; ni muene ajhele ni kisengelu kikali.
Another angel came out of the Temple in heaven. He also had a sharp sickle.
18 Na bado malaika jhongi akahida kuhoma mu madhabahu, ni malaika jhaajhele ni mamlaka juu jha muoto. Akan'kuta kwa sauti mbaha malaika ambajhe ajhele ni kisengelu kikali, “tolayi kisengelu kikali na ughabhonganiayi matafi gha mzabibu bhwa nchi, kwandabha zabibu henu sifundili.”
He was followed by an angel coming from the altar that was in charge of the fire, who called in a loud voice to the angel with the sharp sickle, “Take your sharp sickle and harvest the bunches of grapes from the earth's vine, because its grapes are ripe.”
19 Malaika apeliki kisengelu kya muene mu dunia na abhongeniye mavuno gha zabibu jha dunia na asopili mu lipipa libhaha lya divai jha gadhabu jha K'yara.
The angel swung his sickle on the earth and harvested the grapes from the vine, and threw them into the great winepress of God's judgment.
20 Lichujio lya divai lyapondibhu kwibhala jha mji ni damu jhajhitiki kuhoma mu kimo e'ku kya hatamu jha farasi, kwa stadia 1, 600.
They were trampled in the winepress outside the city. Blood flowed out of the winepress to the height of a horse's bridle, and to a distance of 1,600 stadia.

< Ufunuo 14 >