< Matayo 20 >

1 Kwa ndabha bhufalme bhwa kumbinguni bhwifwanana ni mmiliki ghwa n'gonda, jha ajhumuiki lukhela na mapema ili kuajili bhabhombambombo mu n'gonda bhwa muene bhwa mizabibu.
For the kingdom of heaven is like the master of a house, who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard.
2 Baada j'ha kujha akubaliene ni bhabhomba mbombo dinari jhimonga kwa kutwa, akabhatuma kulola kun'gonda ghwa mizabibu.
And when he had agreed with the laborers for a denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard.
3 Akalota kabhele baada j'ha masaa madatu ivi na akabhabhona bhabhombambombo bhangi bhajhele bhajhemili bila mbombo mu lieneo lya soko.
And he went out about the third hour, and saw others standing in the market, idle;
4 Akabhajobhela, 'Muenga pia, mlotayi kun'gonda lya mizabibu, na kyokioha kya kij'hele halali nibetakubhapela.' Hivyo bhakalota kubhomba mbombo.
and he said to them: Go you also into my vineyard, and whatever is right I will give you.
5 Akalota kabhele baada jha masaa sita ni kabhele katika saa jha tisa, na abhombili mebhu.
And they went. Again he went out about the sixth, and about the ninth hour, and did in like manner.
6 Mara j'henge kabhele mnamo saa kumi na moja, akalota ni kubhakolela bhangi bhajhemili bila mbombo. Akabhajobhela, 'kwa ndabha jhakiki mujhemili apa bila mbombo j'hoj'hioha j'hela kwa ligono lyoha?
And about the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing idle, and said to them, Why do you stand here all the day idle?
7 Bhakan'jobhela, kwa ndabha ajhelepi munu jhejhioha j'hola j'haatuajiri. Akabhajobhela, 'Ni muenga mulotayi mu n'gonda ghwa mizabibu.'
They said to him: No man has hired us. He said to them: Go you also into the vineyard, and whatever is right you shall receive.
8 Bhwakati bhwa kimihi bho bhufikiri, n'kolo n'gonda ghwa mizabibu akan'jobhela msimamizi ghwa muene, 'Ubhakutayi bhabhombambombo na ubhalepayi mishahara, kwa kubhwanja ni bhwa mwishu hadi ghwa kubhwandelu.'
When the evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his steward: Call the laborers, and, beginning with the last, pay them their hire even to the first.
9 Bhobhahidili bhabhaajiribhu saa kumi na moja, kila mmonga ghwa bhene apelibhu dinari.
And when those came who had been hired about the eleventh hour, they received each one a denarius.
10 Bho bhahidili bhabhomba mbomo bha kubhwandelu bhafikirileghe kujha bhibeta kukabha zaidi, lakini bhapokili pia kila munu dinari jhimonga kwa kila munu.
But when those came who had been hired first, they thought that they would receive more; and they received each one a denarius.
11 Baada jha kupokela malipo gha bhene, bhandalamikili mmiliki ghwa n'gonda.
And when they received it, they murmured against the master of the house,
12 Bhakajobha, “Abha bhabhombambombo bha mwishu bhabhombili lisaa limonga tu kubhombambombo, lakini ubhalenganisi ni tete, tete tup'hendili misighu ligono lyoha ni kupya ni lifukhe.'
saying: These last have worked one hour, and you have made them equal to us, who have borne the burden of the day, and the heat.
13 Lakini n'kolo n'gonda akajibu ni kujobha kwa mmonga ghwa bhene, 'Rafiki, nabhombili lepi khenu kibhibhi. Je! tukakubaliene lepi ni nene dinari j'himonga?
But he answered and said to one of them: Friend, I do you no injustice; did you not agree with me for a denarius?
14 Pokelayi khela kya kijhele halali jha bhebhe naubho kayi. turahe ya nene kubhap'hela abha bhabhomba mbombo bhabhaajiribhu kumwishu sawasawa ni muenga.
Take what is yours, and go; I will give to this last even as to you.
15 Je! hakilepi kwa nene kubhomba khela kyanilonda ni mali syangu? au lihu lya bhebhe liovu kwa ndabha nene ne mwema?
Is it not allowed me to do what I will with my own? Or, is your eye envious, because I am good?
16 Efyo ghwa mwishu ij'ha ghwa kubhwandelu nighwa kubhwandelu ijha ghwa mwishu”
So the last shall be first, and the first last. For many are called, but few are chosen.
17 Yesu bho ikwela kulota Yerusalemu, akabhatola bhanafynzibha muene kumi na bhabhale palubhafu, na mun'jhela akabhajibhela,
And as Jesus was going up to Jerusalem, he took the twelve disciples aside on his journey, and said to them:
18 Langai twilota Yerusalemu, ni Mwana ghwa Adamu ibetakujha mmabhoko gha bhakuu bha makuhani ni bhaandishi.
Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of man shall be delivered to the chief priests and the scribes, and they will condemn him to death,
19 Na bhibetakun'hukumula kifo na bhibetakumbosya kwa bhanu bha mataifa ili kundhihaki, kun'tobha ni kunsulubisya. Lakini ligono lya tatu ibetakufufuka.”
and will deliver him to the Gentiles to deride, and to scourge, and to crucify: and on the third day he shall rise again.
20 Kisha mabhu ghwa bhana bha Zebedayo ahidili kwa Yesu ni bhana munu. Apigili magoti mbele jha muene ni kun'soma khenu kuhoma kwa muene.
Then came to him the mother of the sons of Zebedee, with her sons, bowing down, and asking something of him.
21 Yesu akan'jobhela, “Ghwilonda kiki?” Akanijobhela, “Amuru kujha abha bhanabhangu bhabhele bhatamayi, mmonga kibhoko kya kulia ni mmonga kibhoko kya bhebhe kya kushoto mu bhufalme bhwa jhobhi.”
He said to her: What do you wish? She said to him: Command that these two sons of mine may sit, the one on thy right hand, and the other on thy left, in thy kingdom.
22 Lakini Yesu akan'jibu ni kujobha, “Ukimanyili lepi khela kyaghwis'oma. Je! Ghwibhwesya kukinyuela kikombi ambakyo nibetakunywela?” bhakan'jobhela, “Twibhwesya.”
But Jesus answered and said: You know not what you ask. Are you able to drink the cup that I am about to drink, and to be immersed with the immersion with which I am immersed? They said to him: We are able.
23 Akabhajobhela, “Kikombi kya nene hakika mwibeta kukinywela. Lakini kutama kibhoko kya nene kya kulia ni kibhoko kya nene kya kushoto sio jukumu la nene kubhap'hela, lakini ni kwa bhala ambabho bhamalili kuandalibhwa ni dadiyangu.”
And he said to them: You shall drink my cup, and be immersed with the immersion with which I am immersed: but to sit on my right hand, and on my left, is not mine to give; but it shall be given to them for whom it has been prepared by my Father.
24 Bhanafunzi bhangi kumi bho bhapeliki naha, bhakahuzunishwa sana ni bhala bhanu bhabhele.
And when the ten heard it, their anger was aroused against the two brothers.
25 Lakini Yesu akabhakuta bhene ni kubhajobhela, “Mmanyili kujha bhatawala bha mataifa bhakabhalisya, ni bhabhaha bha bhene bhibetakelesya mamlaka juu jha bhene.
But Jesus called them to him, and said: You know that the rulers of the Gentiles act as lords over them, and their great men have authority over them.
26 Lakini isijhi naha kwa muenga. Badala yake, yeyote atakayetaka kuwa mkubwa miongoni mwenu lazima awe mtumishi wenu.
It shall not be so among you. But whoever will be great among you, let him be your minister.
27 Na jhaibeta kujha ghwa kubhuandu kati jha muenga lazima ajhiaghe n'tumishi ghwa muenga.
And whoever will be first among you, let him be your servant;
28 Kama vile Mwana ghwa Adamu ahidilepi kutumikibhwa, bali kutumika, ni kuhomesya bhuhai bhwake kujha bhukhombozi kwa bhingi.”
even as the Son of man came, not to be ministered to, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.
29 Bhwakati bhihomela Yeriko, bhumati m'baha bhwa n'kesisi.
And as they went out from Jericho, a great multitude followed him.
30 Na bhabhabhuene fipofu mbabhele bhatamili kando j'ha barabara. Bho bhapeliki kuj'ha Yesu ipeta, bhakakuesya sauti ni kujobha, “Bwana, Mwana ghwa Daudi, utuhurumilayi.”
And behold, two blind men, sitting by the road, when they heard that Jesus was passing by, cried out, saying: Have mercy on us, Lord, son of David.
31 Lakini bhumati ukabhakhemela, ni kubhajobhela mgudamayi. Hata ivyo, bhene bhakazidi kukwesya sauti ni kujobha, “Bwana, Mwana ghwa Daudi, utuhurumilayi.”
And the multitude charged them to be silent. But they cried the more, saying: Have mercy on us, Lord, son of David.
32 Kisha Yesu akajhema na akabhakuta ni kubhakota, “Mwilonda nibhambombilayi kiki?”
And Jesus stood still, and called them, and said: What do you wish me to do for you?
33 Bhakan'jobhela, “Bwana kuj'ha mihu gha tete ghabhwesiaghe, kulola.”
They said to him: Lord, that our eyes may be opened.
34 Basi Yesu, akajha avutibhu ni huruma, akaghagusa mihu gha bhene, mara ej'hu bhakapokela bhuwezo bhwa kulola na bhakan'kesya.
Jesus had compassion on them, and touched their eyes; and their eyes immediately received sight, and they followed him.

< Matayo 20 >