< Waebrania 9 >

1 Henu hata agano lya kubhwandelu lyalijhele ni sehemu jha ibada pa duniani apa ni taratibu sya ibada.
It is true that even the first covenant had its regulations for divine worship, and its sanctuary – though only a material one.
2 Kwani mulihema kwajhele ni kichumba kyakaandalibhu, kuchumba kya kwibhala, pakutibhu mahali patakatifu. Mu lieneo l'ela pajheke ni kinara kya taa, meza ni mikate ghya wonyesho.
For a tent was constructed, with an outer part which contained the stand for the lamps, and the table, and the consecrated bread. This is called the sanctuary.
3 Ni kumbele jha pazia lya bhubhele kwajhele ni kichumba kh'enge, pakutibhu mahali patakatifu nesu.
The part of the tent behind the second curtain is called the inner sanctuary.
4 Mwajhele ni madhabahu gha dhahabu kwa kufukizila uvumba. Kabhele mwajhele ni lisanduku lya agano, ambalyo lajhele lijhengibhu kwa dhahabu sitopo. Mugati mwajhele ni bakuli lya dhahabu lyalijhe ni manna, ndonga jha Haruni jhajhameli mat'ondo ni s'ela mbao sya maganga gha agano.
In it is the gold incense-altar, and the ark containing the covenant, completely covered with gold. In the ark is a gold casket containing the manna, Aaron’s rod that budded, and the tablets on which the covenant was written;
5 Panani pa lisanduku lya agano maumbo jha maserafi gha utukufu kug'upika mababatilu gha bhene palongolo pa kiti kya upatanisu, ambakyo kwa henu twibhwesya lepi kujhelesya kwa kina.
while above it, and overshadowing the cover on which atonement was made, are the cherubim of the presence. Now is not the time to discuss these things in detail.
6 Baada jha fenu efe kujha fimaliku andalibhwa, Makuhani kawaida bhijhingila kichumba kya kwibhala kya lihema kuhomesya huduma sya bhene.
Such, then, was the arrangement of the tent. Into the outer part priests are constantly going, in the discharge of their sacred duties;
7 Lakini kuhani mbaha ijhingila khela kichumba kya bhubhele muene mara jhimonga khila mwaka, ni bila kuleka kupisya dhabihu kwa ndabha jha muene binafsi, ni kwa dhambi sya bhanu bhabhasibhombili bila kusudila.
but into the inner only the high priest goes, and that but once a year, and never without taking the blood of a victim, which he offers on his own behalf, and on behalf of the errors of the people.
8 Roho Mtakatifu ishuhudila kujha, njela jha mahali patakatifu nesu jhakona kufunulibhwa kwa fela lihema lela lya kubhwandelu lyakona lijhema.
By this the Holy Spirit is teaching that the way into the sanctuary was hidden, as long as the outer part of the tent still remained.
9 E'le ndo kielelesu kya muda obhu kwa henu. Fyoha zawadi ni dhabhihu ambafyo fihomesibhwa henu fibhuesya lepi kukamilisya dhamiri jhaiabudu.
For that was only a type, to continue down to the present time; and, in keeping with it, both gifts and sacrifices are offered, though incapable of satisfying the conscience of the worshiper;
10 Fyakula ni finywaji fiene fiunganisibhu kwa namna jha taratibu sya ibada jhakwisuka. Fyoha efe fyajhele taratibu sya mb'el'e fyaandalibhu hadi ihidajhi amri mpya jhajhibetakubhekibhwa mahali pa muene.
the whole system being concerned only with food and drink and various ablutions – external ceremonials imposed until the coming of the new order.
11 Kristu ahidili kama kuhani mbaha ghwa mambo manifu ambagho ghahidili. kup'etela ubhaha ni ukamilifu bhwa lihema libhaha ambajho jhabhombili lepi ni mabhoko gha bhanu, ambabho bhaulimwengu lepi obhu bhwabhubhombibhu.
But, when Christ came, he appeared as high priest of that better system which was established; and he entered through that nobler and more perfect tent, not made by human hands – that is to say, not a part of this present creation.
12 lepi sio kwa damu jha mene ni litoli, bali kwa damu jha muene kujha Kristu ajhingili mahali patakatifu nesu mara jhimonga kwa khila mmonga ni kutuhakikishila ukombozi bhwa tete bhwa milele. (aiōnios g166)
Nor was it with the blood of goats and calves, but with his own blood, that he entered, once and for all, into the sanctuary, and obtained our eternal deliverance. (aiōnios g166)
13 Kama kwa damu jha mene ni makambaku gha ng'ombi ni kunyunyisibhwa kwa malienge ghya lilobhi kati jha abhu bhabhabeli kujha kinofu bhatengibhu kwa K'yara ni kubhomba mibhele ghya bhene minofu,
For, if the blood of goats and bulls, and the sprinkling of the ashes of a heifer, purify those who have been defiled (as far as ceremonial purification goes),
14 Je nesu lepi damu jha Kristu ambajhe kup'etela Roho ghwa milele akwihomisi muene bila mawaa kwa K'yara, kusudi dhamiri sya tete kuhoma matendo mafu kun'tumikila K'yara jhaajhe muomi? (aiōnios g166)
how much more will the blood of the Christ, who, through his eternal Spirit, offered himself up to God, as a victim without blemish, purify our consciences from a lifeless formality, and fit us for the service of the living God! (aiōnios g166)
15 Kwa ndabha ejhu, Kristu ndo mjumbe ghwa agano jipya. Ejhe ndo sababu ambajho mauti jhibhalekili huru bhoha bhabhajhele bha agano lya kubhwandelu kuhoma mu hatia sya dhambi sya bhene, ili kwamba bhoha bhabhakutibhu ni K'yara bhabhwesiajhi kujhamb'el'ela ahadi jha urithi bhwa bhene bhwa milele. (aiōnios g166)
And that is why he is the intermediary of a new covenant; in order that, as a death has taken place to effect a deliverance from the offences committed under the first covenant, those who have received the call may obtain the eternal inheritance promised to them. (aiōnios g166)
16 Kama lijhele agano lyalisindamala, ndo lazima kuthibitishibhwa kwa kifo kya munu jhola jhaalibhombili.
Whenever such a covenant as a will is in question, the death of the testator must of necessity be alleged.
17 Kwani agano libetakujha ni nghofu mahali kwihomela mauti kwa ndabha jhijhelepi nghofu wakati n'kolo kulibhomba akonaiishi.
For such a covenant takes effect only on death, it does not come into force as long as the testator is alive.
18 Hivyo sio lela liagano lya kwanza lyabhakibhu bila damu.
This explains why even the first covenant was not ratified without the shedding of blood.
19 Bho Musa ahomisi khila lilaghisu lya sheria kwa bhanu bhoha, atolili damu jha ng'ombi ni mene, pamonga ni masi, kutambala kidung'u ni hisopo, ni kubhanyunyisili gombo lyene ni bhanu bhoha.
For, when every command had been announced to all the people by Moses in accordance with the Law, he took the blood of the calves and of the goats, with water, scarlet wool, and a bunch of hyssop, and sprinkled even the book of the Law, as well as all the people,
20 Kisha ajobhili, “Ejhe ndo damu jha agano ambajho K'yara abhapelili amri kwa muenga”.
saying, as he did so – ‘This is the blood that renders valid the covenant which God has commanded to be made with you.’
21 Mu hali j'helaj'hela, anyunyisili damu panani pa lihema ni fenu fyoha fyafyatumibhu kwa huduma jha ukuhani.
And in the same way he also sprinkled with the blood the tent and all the things that were used in public worship.
22 Ni kul'engana ni sheria, karibila khela khenu kitakasibhwa ni damu. Bila kujhitisya damu bhujhelepi msamaha.
Indeed, under the Law, almost everything is purified with blood; and, unless blood is shed, no forgiveness is to be obtained.
23 Henu jhajhele lazima kujha nakala sya fenu fya kumbinguni sharti fisukibhwayi kwa ejhe dhabihu jha bhanyama. Hata nahu, fenu fya kumbinguni fyene filondekeghe kusukibhwa kwa ejhe dhabihu jhajhijhele bora nesu.
While, then, it was necessary for the copies of the heavenly realities to be purified by such means as these, the heavenly realities themselves required better sacrifices.
24 Kwani Kristu ajhingilepi mahali patakatifu nesu papabhombiki ni mabhoko, ambajho ndo nakala jha khenu halisi. Badala jhiake ajhingili mbingu jhiene, mahali ambapo henu ajhele, palongolo pa mihu gha K'yara kwandabha jha tete.
For it was not into a sanctuary made by human hands, which merely foreshadowed the true one, that Christ entered, but into heaven itself, so that he might now appear in the presence of God on our behalf.
25 Ajhingili lepi kula kwandabha jha kwihomesya sadaka kwa ndabha jha muene mara kwa mara, kama kyaibhomba kuhani mbaha, ambajhe ijhingila mahali patakatifu nesu mwaka baada jha mwaka pamonga ni damu jha bhamana,
Nor yet was it to offer himself may times, as year after year the high priest entered the sanctuary with an offering of blood – but not his own blood;
26 kama ejhu jhajhele bhukweli, basi ngajhijhele lazima kwa muene kutesibhwa mara simehele nesu kuhomela kubhuandelu kwa ulimwengu. Lakini henu ndo mara jhimonga hadi kumwishu bhwa miaka jhajhikifunuili kujibhosya dhambi kwa dhabihu jha muene. (aiōn g165)
for then Christ would have had to undergo death many times since the creation of the world. But now, once and for all, at the close of the age, he has appeared, in order to abolish sin by the sacrifice of himself. (aiōn g165)
27 Kama kyajhijhele kwa khila munu kufwa mara jhimonga, ni baada jha ejhu jhihida hukumu,
And, as it is ordained for people to die but once (death being followed by judgment),
28 nahu ndo Kristu ni muene ambajhe ahomesibhu mara jhimonga kusibhosya dhambi sya bhamehele, ibetakuhomela mara jha bhubhele, sio kwa kusudila lya kushughulikila dhambi, bali kwa ukombozi kwa bhala bhabhakandendela kwa saburi.
so it is with the Christ. He was offered up once and for all, to bear away the sins of many; and the second time he will appear – but without any burden of sin – to those who are waiting for him, to bring salvation.

< Waebrania 9 >