< 1 Wakorintho 9 >
1 Nene si huru? Nene si mtume? Nene nsmbwene lepi Yesu Bwana watete? muenga si matunda gha mbombo ya nene katika Bwana?
Am I not an apostle? Am I not free? Have I not seen Jesus Christ our Lord? Are you not my work in the Lord?
2 Ikiwa nene si mtume kwa bhangi angalau ni mtume kwa yhomo muenga. Kwa maana muenga ni uthibitisho wa utume wanene katika Bwana.
If to others I am not an apostle, at least I am to you, for you are the seal of my apostleship in the Lord.
3 Obho ndio utetezi wanene kwa bhala bhakanichunguza nene.
This is my defense to those who examine me.
4 Je tuyelepi ni haki ya kulya ni kunywa?
Do we not have a right to eat and to drink?
5 Tuyelepi ni haki kutola ndala ya amini kama yakibhikheta mitume bhangi, ni bhalongo bha Bwana, ni Kefa?
Do we not have a right to take along a wife who is a sister in Christ, as do the other apostles, the brothers of the Lord, and Cephas?
6 Au ni nene namwene ni Barnaba ambavo twipasibhwa kufuanya mbombo?
Or is it only Barnabas and I who must work to support ourselves?
7 Niani yaifuanya ya muene? Ni niani yaipanda mzabibu na akolokulya matunda ghaki? Au ni niani yaichunga likundi yaibela kunywa maziwa ghaki?
Who at any time serves as a soldier while supplying his own provisions? Who plants a vineyard and does not eat of its fruit? Or who tends a flock and does not drink of its milk?
8 Je nijobha agha kwa mamlaka gha kibinadamu? Sheria ni yhene yijobha hee naha?
Do I say this on human authority? Does not the law also say the same thing?
9 Kwa ndabha iyandikibhu katika sheria ya Musa, “Kolokuikhonga ng'ombi kinywa payilya nafaka.” Ni ukueli kwamba apa K'yara ijali ng'ombi?
For in the law of Moses it is written, “Yoʋ shall not muzzle an ox while it is threshing.” Is it for oxen that God is concerned?
10 Au je ijobhalepi kwa ajili ya tete? ujandikibhu kwa ajili ya tete, kwa ndabha yhola yailheme nafaka yikampasa kulhema kwa matumaini, ni muene yaifuna yikampasa afunai kwa matarajio gha kushiriki mu mavuno.
Or does he speak entirely for our sake? Yes, this was written for our sake, because he who plows ought to plow in hope, and he who threshes in hope ought to partake of his hope.
11 Ikiwa twapandili fhenu fya rohoni miongoni mwayhomo, Je! Ni lisu libhaha kwa tete tukavunai fhenu fya mumbhele kuhoma kwa yhomho?
If we have sown spiritual blessings among you, is it too much if we reap material benefits from you?
12 Ikiwa bhangi bhakakabhili haki eye kuhoma kwa muenga, Je! tete si zaidi? Hata naha, tukadai hee haki eye. Badala yiaki, twavumilili mambo ghoa badala ya kuya kikwazo kya injili ya Kristu.
If others have a share in this right over you, do not we have it even more? Nevertheless, we have not made use of this right, but we endure everything so that we may not give any hindrance to the gospel of Christ.
13 Mumanyili lepi ya kuwa bhoa bhabhifuanya mbombo hekaluni? bhikabha kyakulya kya bhene kuhoma hekaluni? Mumanyili lepi ya kuwa bhoa bhabhitenda mbombo madhabahuni bhikabha sehemu ya khela kakitolibhu madhabahuni?
Do you not know that those who perform sacred services eat of the temple sacrifices, and those who attend to the altar have a share in the altar sacrifices?
14 Kwa jinsi eyu eyu, Bwana alaghisi ya kuwa bhoa bhoa bhabhikaitangasya injili sheriti bhakabhai kuishikutokana ni eyu injili.
In the same way, the Lord has commanded that those who proclaim the gospel should earn their living by the gospel.
15 Lakini nikabhadai haki sioa esu. Na niyandika hee agha ilii jambo lilyoha lhela lifuanyikai kwa ajili ya nene. Ni heri nene nifwai kuliko munu yuywoha kubatilisya khoni kujisifu kwa nene.
But I have not used any of these rights, and I am not writing this so that such may be done in my case. For I would rather die than have anyone deprive me of my reason for boasting.
16 Maana ikiwa nihubiri injili, niyelepi ni sababu ni lazima nifuanya naha, ni ole wangu nikabelai kuhubiri injili!
If I preach the gospel, I have no reason to boast, because I am compelled to preach, and woe to me if I do not preach the gospel.
17 Kwa maana nikafuanyai naha kwa hiari ya nene, nuja ni thawabu. Lakini ikiwa si kwa hiari, nakhona nujele ni jukumu lanipelibhu kuya wakili.
If I do this voluntarily, I have a reward; but if I do it under compulsion, it is because I have been entrusted with a responsibility.
18 Basi thawabu yanene kiki? ya kuwa panihubiri, nilola kuipisya injili pasipo gharama ni bila kutumila kwa utimilifu wa haki ya nene yaniyenayu mu injili.
What then is my reward? That when I preach, I may present the gospel of Christ free of charge, so as not to make full use of my right in the gospel.
19 Maana japo niyele huru kwa bhoa, nafuanyiki mtumwa wa bhoa, ili kwamba nibhuesyai kubha kabha bhingi zaidi.
For though I am free from all, I have made myself a servant to all, in order to win as many as possible.
20 Kwa bhayahudi wayele kama myahudi ili nikabhakabhai bhayahudi kwa bhala bhabhayele chini ya sheria nayele kama mmonga wa bhene yayele chini ya sheria ili nibhakabhai bhala bhabhayele chini ya sheria. Nafuanyili naha ingawa nene binafsi nayelepi chini ya sheria.
To the Jews I became like a Jew, so that I might win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law, so that I might win those under the law.
21 Kwa bhala bhabhayele nje ya sheria, nayele kama mmonga wa bhene nje ya sheria, ingawa nene binafsi nayelepi nje ya sheria ya K'yara, bali chini ya sheria ya Kristu. Nafuanyili naha ili nibhakabhai bhala bhabhayele nje ya sheria.
To those outside the law I became like one outside the law (though I am not outside the law of God but under the law of Christ), so that I might win those outside the law.
22 Kwa bhayele bhanyonge, ili nayele mnyonge ili nibhakabhai bhabhayele bhanyonge. Niyele hali sioa kwa bhanu bhoa ili kwa njela syoa nikabhai kubhaokola baadhi.
To the weak I became like one who is weak, so that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all people, so that by all means I might save some.
23 Ninene nifuanya mambo ghoa kwa ajili ya injili, ili nikabhai kushiriki katika baraka.
I do this for the sake of the gospel, so that I may share in its blessings.
24 Mumanyili lepi ya kuwa mu mbio bhoa bhabhishindana bhipinga mbio, lakini yaipokela tuzo ni mmonga? Henu mkembhelai mbio ili mkabhai tuzo.
Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it.
25 Mwana michezo kajizuila mu ghoa pauja mu mafunzo. Abhu bhifuanya naha ili bhapokelai taji yaiharibika, lakini tete twivembhela hela ili tukabhaa taji yaibela kuharibika.
Every athlete who competes exercises self-control in all things. They do so to receive a perishable wreath, but we do so to receive an imperishable crown.
26 Henu nene nikhembhela lepi bila sababu au ni kukomana numi kama kutobha mpongho.
Therefore I do not run aimlessly, nor do I box as though beating the air;
27 Lakini ikautesya mbhele wa nne ni kuufuanya kama mtumwa, ili kwamba nijapokwisha kubhahubiri bhangi, nene na muene ni kholho kuya wa kubelekilibhwa.
but I discipline my body and make it my slave, lest somehow after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.