< Ufunuo 16 >
1 Niekhaphuliekha elimenyu ukhuhuma khuntembiele, liliekhuvavula avasuhwa vala saba, “Mulutanghemukhadhudheliele ifidhiedhulielo fila saba ifa luviepho ulea Nguluve mukhilungha.”
And I herde a great voyce out of ye temple sayinge to the seven angels: goo youre wayes poure out youre vialles of wrath apon the erth.
2 Akhaluta yuywa ataliele akhalahiela iekhidhiedhulielo eikyamwene munkhilungha; pwu phakhava nielieilanchi eilivaha eilivivi khuvanu vala vavo vala niekhiemanyielo eikyakhikhanu, na khuvala vavo vasanagha khukhiekyani eikyayene.
And the fyrst went and poured out his viall apo the erth and there fell anoysom and a sore botche apo the me which had the marke of the best and ap on the which worshipped his ymage.
3 Uvavieli akhalagha eikhidhidhulilo iekyamwene munyanja; pwu ghukhava nkisa ndhukhisa ugwa vufwe, nie finu fyoni ifinyanumbu eiyawuomi munyanja fikhafwa.
And the seconde angell shed out his viall apon ye see and it turned as it were into the bloud of a deed ma: and every lyvinge thynge dyed in the see.
4 Vope uvadhatu akhalaha akhalaha eikhiendhulielo kyamwene munghasi na mufie ndwiwudwiwu ifya lunghasi; pwu ghukhava inkisa.
And ye thyrde angell shed out his vyall apon the ryvers and fountaynes of waters and they turned to bloud.
5 Une pwu niekhamphulika unsuhwa uvalunghasi, “Nchova uve vie nyalweli yuve kyule hanghe uyuwieva khwole vilembalanche ulwakhu ng'ieghile eiwo.
And I herde an angell saye: lorde which arte and wast thou arte ryghteous and holy because thou hast geve soche iudgmentes
6 Ulwakhuva uadhudhile unkisa ughwa vavalanche nughoa vanyamalagho, nuve uvaphie unkisa vanywe, vophe viedhikhe.”
for they shed out the bloude of sayntes and prophettes and therfore hast thou geven them bloud to drynke: for they are worthy.
7 Pwu nikhaphuli pa khietekhelelo phienchova, “Ena! Ntwa Nguluve vinyavuntwa, uvuhieghi wakho.”
And I herde another out of the aultre saye: even soo lorde god almyghty true and righteous are thy iudgementes.
8 Unsuhwa uvane akhadhudhielila eikhiedhiendulielo kyamwene phakyanya palienchuva likhatavuliwa ukhuvanyanya avanu khu mwoto.
And the fourth angell poured out his viall on the sunne and power was geve vnto him to vexe men with heate of fyre.
9 Vanyanyiewe nie lifukhe eilikhali eilindhwancha, pwu valiekhubedhe eilimenyu eilya Nghuluve, uvyalienamakha undamuli va luvunghu uolwa hanghe savapheliele vakhalemwa ukhupha ulughinio umwene.
And the men raged in gret heate and spake evyll of the name of God which had power over those plages and they repented not to geve him glory.
10 Unsuhwa uvahano akhadhidha ukhuhuma mubakhuli yamwene pha khiekhanu, nie khisiyekhaghubiekha uvuntwa uwa mwene. Pwu valiekhuluma nukwieheveta amino khuluvavo ulukhali.
And the fifte angell poured out his vyall apon the seate of the beste and his kyngdome wexed derke and they gnewe their tonges for sorowe
11 Pwu vakhadhukha u Nguluve uva khukyanya ulwakhuva vale nuluvavo nifikhoho ufyuvale nafyo, pwu savaliekhunonghwa ukhuphela khumbombo unchuvavombiele.
and blasphemed the god of heven for sorowe and payne of their sores and repented not of their dedes.
12 Unsuhwa uvasita akhadhudheilida ukhuhuma mundibakhuli eilyamwene khulughasi uluvaha ulwa, Flati, na maghasi ghakhuma ukhuva einjiela yakhughenda avantwa vavo uyuviehuoma khuvuhuomo uwa linchuva.
And the sixte angell poured out his vyall apon the gret ryver Euphrates and the water dryed vp that the wayes of the kyngss of the este shulde be prepared.
13 Niekhanchivona enumbula eidhatu iembivi nchikhavonekha ukhuta malyola vughiehuma mundhomo ughwa njokha, eikhiekhanu khiela, nu nyamalagho ula uvavudhesi.
And I sawe thre vnclene sprettes lyke frogges come out of the mouthe of the dragon and out of the mouthe of the beeste and out of the mouthe of the falce prophett.
14 Nchunumbula iencha mepho ienchivomba iefimanyielo nie fiedhegho, valiekhuluta khu nkhuludheva uvakhielungha kyoni pwu unkhunkhongha uvalundamanie pwuphanienie khulighiha khulienchuva liela eilivaha ielya Nguluve unyavuntwa.
For they are the sprettes of devyls workynge myracles to go out vnto the kynges of the erth and of the whole worlde to gaddre them to the battayle of that gret daye of God allmyghty.
15 (“Ulole! niekwincha nduo ndyasi itouba! Uvieighonesya, nukhulolela eimyendhagya mwene alekhe ukhughenda vubuna na vanu viekhunchivogha isoni nchamwene.”)
Beholde I come as a thefe. Happy is he that watcheth and kepeth his garmentes Lest he be founde naked and men se his filthynes.
16 Vuvagheghiela voni aphonu upwavita khukhie eblani Amagedoni.
And he gaddered them togedder into a place called in the hebrue tonge Armagedon.
17 Unsuhwa uva saba akhadhudha ukhuhuma mubakhuli eiyamwene khu kyanya. Pwu likhaphulekhiekha eilimenyu eilivaha ukhuhuma pha vuvalanche nukhuhuma phakhieghodha eikyavuntwa, yeliekhunchova, “Yeisiliele!”
And the seventhe angell poured out his viall in to the ayre. And there came a voyce out of heven from the seate sayinge: it is done.
18 Pwu yielekhumuliekha einjasi pwu lulie khuvonekha ulumuli ulwa njasi, ukhunkhuluma, ukhuliendi ma einjasi, neikhiesenyenghe eikhiedwancha, ekhielungha khiekhatetema fincho umusa nkhighela khieteteme ewo eikhielungha ukhuhuma umunu vupwale mukhielungha, uvulyaveliele lievaha ukhulutieliela.
And there folowed voyces thondringes and lightnynges and there was a grett erthquake soche as was not sence men were apon the erth so myghty an erthquake and so grett.
19 Uvunchenghe uvuvaha vukhaghaveikha ifiphande fidhatu, nu vunchenghe uwa vantenghe vukhaghwa. Unguluve pwa akhankhumbusya u Babeli umbaha, pwu akhavupha uvunchenghe ghule uvughiembe ukhuhuma khuluviepho ulwamwene ulukhali.
And the greate cite was devyded into thre parties And the cities of nacions fell. And grett Babilon came in remembraunce before God to geve vnto hyr the cuppe of wyne of the fearcenes of his wrathe.
20 Khiela khiesiva khiekhayagha nie fyamba safyavonekhe khavieli.
Every yle fled awaye and the mountaynes were not founde.
21 Eifula eimbula eiyamawe, yekhava nuwunchietu wa talanta, yeikhiekha ukhuhuma khuokyanya khu vanu, pwu valiekhundughula Unghuluve khu luvungho ulwafula iyamawe ulwakhuva uluvungho luola lyale luvievi ukhulutieliela.
And ther fell a gret hayle as it had bene talentes out of heven apon the men and the men blasphemed God be cause of the plage of the hayle for it was grett and the plage of it sore.