+ Filemoni 1 >

1 Paul nkongwaa wa Yiisu Kristi, nu lukolo Timoti hwa filemoni, mmanyani nu gane vetu nu mbomba mbombo baninie nufwe.
Paul, a prisoner of Jesus Christ, and Timothy, the brother, to Philemon, the beloved, and our fellow-laborer;
2 nu hu ng'ancha vetu Afia, nu hwa Arkipas usihri njetu, nu hu-pelela u-guhwaganita pavujenge waho.
and to Apphia, the beloved; and to Archippus, our fellow-soldier, and to the congregation in your house:
3 Uluhungu luve huliyomwe nu inonchehecho ulwihuma hwa Nguruve Daada vetu nu Nswambe Yiisu Kristi.
Favor to you, and peace from God our Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ.
4 Emiseke gyone nihosana u Nguruve. Nihohotambula mwu nyesayo njango.
I give thanks to my God always, making mention of you in my prayers--
5 Nepulike ulugano nu luhungu uluulenalyo mu Yiisu na avakilisti vone.
(having heard of the faith which you have toward the Lord Jesus, and of your love to all the saints)--
6 Nihohodova ukuta ulululandamano nu lugano iwenyo five nu hulutelela mbu-jnsi wa inongwa inonu ichili hulyofwe nu Kristi.
that the communication of your faith may become effectual by the acknowledgment of every good thing that is among us, toward Christ Jesus.
7 U-lwahova nevile nu luhekelo nu luhuvilo ndu gano lwako, hu numbula incha vakilisiti nzivile nchinuna chiwa nuve, lukolo.
For we have much joy and consolation in your love; because the souls of the saints are refreshed by you, brother.
8 Lwa hova, neleno wvujima vwoni mwa krisiti nihuhulagila uve ukuvomba ihevuwesya ukuvomba.
Wherefore, thought I might be bold in Christ, to enjoin you what is fit;
9 Ulwahova nongwa ya lugano, nihohosimelencha one ne Pau ne gogolo, na leno nelekangwa aji ya Yiisu Krisiti.
yet, for love's sake, I rather beseech, being such a one as Paul, an old man, and now, also a prisoner of Jesus Christ.
10 Nihohodova hu nwambango Onesmo, yuywa neng'olile pukongwa wango.
I beseech you for my son, whom I have begot, in my bonds, even Onesimus;
11 U lwahuva pavutengulilo salehwidihana nuve na yone, leno ihwedehana nuve na yone.
who formerly was to you unprofitable, but now will be very profitable to you, even as he has been to me--
12 Nesuhile umwene uva nu munumbula yango-uhuvuya hulyove.
whom I have sent back: do you, therefore, receive him as an object of my tenderest affection;
13 Nihuvela uhutale ajige pupaninie nune, ili ambombelage apyanile palyove, asehe vu nele pukongwa hu nongwa ija uvangeili.
whom I was desirous to have detained with myself, that, in your stead, he might have ministered to me, in these bonds, for the gospel:
14 Ulwahova sanenogilwe ukuvomba hyohyoni hesitatavuliwa nuve ne vombile ulwahuva hesikuli ehenu ehenonu ehesahevombike kwa huhomehumelencha, ulwahuva wanogilwe yove uhuvomba.
but without your mind I would do nothing, that the good derived might not be as if by constraint, but as voluntary.
15 Ulwahuva ale patali nuve useke unsupi -yale evo puave nuve amanchova goni. (aiōnios g166)
Perhaps, also, for this reason he was separated for a little while, that you might have him for ever: (aiōnios g166)
16 Alehe uhuva insuhiwa, ave igane hulyione, nu hulotelela kulovye, mwu mbele na kurudeva.
no longer as a slave only, but above a slave, a beloved brother, especially to me--and how much more to you, both in the flesh and in the Lord.
17 Inave vuhonolela one pu-kristi, umpokehe ndu alaleihomohela une.
If, then, you hold me as a partner, receive him as myself.
18 ingave ukuvipiche ehenu hyohyoni, apange vuhodaya ehenu hyohyoni, udaye ehyo ukuhuma hulyone.
And if he had injured you in anything, or owes you, place it to my account.
19 Unene Paul, nisimba ne kevoko kyango yune: one nelahohomba. Saninchora kulyove uhuta ulenukole mu mitamele kyaho gyioni.
I, Paul, have written with my own hand--I will repay. I forbear to urge upon you, that you owe to me even your ownself.
20 Eena lukolo, indeke nupelele luhekelo lwa Nkundeva uhuhome hulyove: uguhovye untema gwango mwa krisiti.
I beseech you brother, let me have joy of you in the Lord-- gratify my tender affections for Christ's sake.
21 Nengave nu lwedekopa luginio lwako, ihohosimbela vunelomanyile ulavomab nu kuhutelela hu fila ifyonikudova.
Having confidence in your obedience, I have written to you, knowing that you will even do more than I ask.
22 Useke gugugwa utesanie eheyumba hya avagenji hya hufikile une, ulwahuva nihovela uhugendela inyesayo nchaho nihuhugendela unseke usupi.
But at the same time, prepare me also a lodging; for I hope that through your prayers, I shall be granted to you.
23 Epafra, onkongwa njango mwa Yiisu Kristi nihohopania.
These salute you, Epaphras, my fellow prisoner for Christ Jesus;
24 Ndu umuivomba Malika, Aristarko, Dema, Luka ava vombambombo nune.
Mark, Aristarchus; Demas, Luke, my fellow-laborers.
25 Ulusayo lwa Nswambe U Yiisu Kristi luve paninie ne numbula yako. Amen.
The favor of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.

+ Filemoni 1 >