< Matai 18 >
1 Unsiekhe ghula avankonghi vakhincha khwa Yesu valikhumbula, “Vie veni uvavile imbaha kuludeva ulwa khukyanya?”
Just then the disciples came to Jesus and asked, "Who ranks higher than others in the Kingdom of the Heavens?"
2 Pwu akhamwilangha umwa undhebe akhambiekha paghati pa vene,
So He called a young child to Him, and, bidding him stand in the midst of them,
3 akhanchova, “Mwiedhikhaghe nikhuvavula, munghalekhe ukhunchilekha imbivi nukhuva ndavana avadhebe, samulienghila khuludheva ulwa Nguluve khukyanya.
said, "In solemn truth I tell you that unless you turn and become like little children, you will in no case be admitted into the Kingdom of the Heavens.
4 Uvieikhieyisya mwene ndumwa udhebe, uywa veiva iembaha khu ludheva ulwa khukyanya.
Whoever therefore shall humble himself as this young child, he it is who is superior to others in the Kingdom of the Heavens.
5 Nu vei ikhumwuphielila umwana undhebe khulitawa eilyangho iva ikhumokhela une.
And whoever for my sake receives one young child such as this, receives me.
6 Hanghe yuywa iekhunjancha umwana undhebe yumo avikhunyiedhiekha, pwu lwiva lunonu umunu uywa ukhunkungha musingho eiliwe eilivaha elya khuhevelela, nu khunchikhuntagha mughati munyanja.
But whoever shall occasion the fall of one of these little ones who believe in me, it would be better for him to have a millstone hung round his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.
7 Ole khuva nkhilungha khumbombo incha khuyancha! Ulwa khuva nchilincha inongwa inchakhuyancha, ole khumunu uveighegha imbombo incha khuyancha!
"Alas for the world because of causes of falling! They cannot but come, but alas for each man through whom they come!
8 Enghave eikhievokho kyakho fikhukhu yancha, ughiedhe utaghe khuvutali nuve. Pwu lwiva lunonu khulyuve ukwinghile khuludeva ulwa khukyanya vukhipungwikhe eikhivokho apanghe eikhilundhe. Hanghe unghave na mavokho ghavieli na malunde ghavieli utaghiwe mumwoto ghugwa saghulasila lusikhu. (aiōnios )
If your hand or your foot is causing you to fall into sin, cut it off and away with it. It is better for you to enter into Life crippled in hand or foot than to remain in possession of two sound hands or feet but be thrown into the fire of the Ages. (aiōnios )
9 Nie liho lyakho lieghukhuyanche, uliehenche, ukhalietaghe pavutali nuve. Hoba ukwinghile khuludheva nie liho leimo eililola, nukwienghila na miho ghavile, nukhitaghiwa mu mumbuhighi uwa mwoto. (Geenna )
And if your eye is causing you to fall into sin, tear it out and away with it; it is better for you to enter into Life with only one eye, than to remain in possession of two eyes but be thrown into the Gehenna of fire. (Geenna )
10 Mlolaghe mulavabeolagha udhebe yumo va ava. Niekhuvavula avasukhwa vavo avakhukyanya amanchuva ghoni vielola phamiho pha Dada vangho yaywa aliekhukyanya.
"Beware of ever despising one of these little ones, for I tell you that in Heaven their angels have continual access to my Father who is in Heaven.
11 (“Ulwa khuva umwa va Adamu ainchile khukhie khiephokha khila iekhieyaghile).
12 Mwilola ndakhikhi? Umunu anghave nie ng'osi miamoja, yeimo yie nghayaghe, sakhanchielekhe nchila tisini na tisa, nukhuluta khukyamba, khulonda yiela iyieyaghile?
What do you yourselves think? Suppose a man gets a hundred sheep and one of them strays away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go and look for the one that is straying?
13 Anghayievone iyiekhayaghila, mwiedhikhaghe, niekhuvavula, niehovokha ukhulutiela khunchila tisini na tisa nchincho sanchiyaghile.
And if he succeeds in finding it, in solemn truth I tell you that he rejoices over it more than he does over the ninety-nine that have not gone astray.
14 Vuyie liewo ewo saphunonghile pavulongholo vetu uvakhukyanya ukhuta undhebe yumo muava ayaghaghe.
Just so it is not the will of your Father in Heaven that one of these little ones should be lost.
15 Ulukhololyo anghakhu nanghiele, ulute mukhanchovane muvulane umwe mwivavile mwie vene inchumuyaghine, anghakhuphulikhe wiva weikhiliwile ulukhololwo.
"If your brother acts wrongly towards you, go and point out his fault to him when only you and he are there. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother.
16 Hanghe anghalekhe ukhukhuphulikha pwu untole uyungha umunu nu va viele nuvadaatu ukhuta amamenyu gha ava ghavinchaghe vusaidi pa vuyielweli aghivuliwa.
But if he will not listen to you, go again, and ask one or two to go with you, that every word spoken may be attested by two or three witnesses.
17 Pwu anghabedhe ukhuvaphuhiencha, pwu mukhaghuvule umpelela, pwu aghalemwe ukhughuphuliehiencha umpelela, pwave munu va khuva khulyuve ndumunu untenghe nuo nsongha songho.
If he refuses to hear them, appeal to the Church; and if he refuses to hear even the Church, regard him just as you regard a Gentile or a tax-gatherer.
18 Mwiedhikhaghe, mikhuvavula, ikyumuphulihana ukhukhiekhungha mukhilungha na khukhu kyanya khiva khiekhunghiwe.
I solemnly tell you that whatever you as a Church bind on earth will in Heaven be held as bound, and whatever you loose on earth will in Heaven be held to be loosed.
19 Hanghe nikhuvavula ukhuta avanu vavieli mughati ndyumwe vanghiedhiehana mukhilungha khukhinu ikyuvidova, iekhuvapha ikhienu ikyuvidova, uDada vango uvakhukya iekhuvavombela.
I also solemnly tell you that if two of you here on earth agree together concerning anything whatever that they shall ask, the boon will come to them from my Father who is in Heaven.
20 Ulwa khuva avanu vavieli aphanghe vadhatu vanghalundamane pwuphaninie khulitawa lyangho, une pwu niva paghati pavene.
For where there are two or three assembled in my name, there am I in the midst of them."
21 Hanghe uPetro akhincha nukhumbula uYesu, “Nkhuludeva, pilondiwa ulukhololyo akhunanghiele khalienghi pwu wiesyiekhile? Ndawisyiekhile mara saba?”
At this point Peter came to Him with the question, "Master, how often shall my brother act wrongly towards me and I forgive him? seven times?"
22 U Yesu akhambula, “Sanikhukhuvula ukhuta mala saba, hanghe unsiekhile saba mala saba.
"I do not say seven times," answered Jesus, "but seventy times seven times.
23 Ulwa khuva uludheva ulwa khukyanya lulieanile nuntwa yuomo uvieanogwagha ukhuliehania eimbalilo ukhuhuva khuva vanda vamwene.
"For this reason the Kingdom of the Heavens may be compared to a king who determined to have a settlement of accounts with his servants.
24 Watenghwile ukhuliehania eimbalilo ya mwene, umbanda yumo va mwene vakhaghegha khumwene yuywa akhandhayagha, intalanta avaelfu khumi.
But as soon as he began the settlement, one was brought before him who owed 10,000 talents,
25 Ulwa khuva alemwagha ukhuta ihomba ndakhiekhi, untwa vamwene akhalaghincha aghunchiwe, undhala va mwene na vavana vamwene na khila khinu eikyalienakyo, nuluhombo puluvombekhe.
and was unable to pay. So his master ordered that he and his wife and children and everything that he had should be sold, and payment be made.
26 Umbendha ankaghwa, akhafughama pavulonghole pa mwene, akhanchova, “Nkhuludeva, uvinchaghe vakhu muliekhila pwu paninie nune, niekhukhuhomba khila khinu.'
The servant therefore falling down, prostrated himself at his feet and entreated him. "'Only give me time,' he said, 'and I will pay you the whole.'
27 Pwu untwa va mbandha ula, ulwakhuva akholile eikhisa akhandhekha pwu akhansiekhila unkhole ngwa mwene.
"Whereupon his master, touched with compassion, set him free and forgave him the debt.
28 Khanghe umbanda ula akhahuma hanghe akhambona yumo mu vavanda avanine, yuywa andhayagha unkhole idinali mia moja. Akhankwegha, akhunkhuda khusingho, nukhumbula ukhuta, 'Uhombe unkhole gwanghokhiekyo nikhukhumela.'
But no sooner had that servant gone out, than he met with one of his fellow servants who owed him 100 shillings; and seizing him by the throat and nearly strangling him he exclaimed, "'Pay me all you owe.'
29 Hanghe umbandha ula unine akhaghwa nukhundhova ukhulutielila, aliekhuta, “Uve munu vakhumuliekhila, une nikhukhuhomba.'
"His fellow servant therefore fell at his feet and entreated him, "'Only give me time,' he said, 'and I will pay you.'
30 Pwu umbanda uviatalile abelile. Pwu akhaluta nukhuntagha mumbunkhungwa, imphakha akhieva ihomba unklole gwa mwene.
"He would not, however, but went and threw him into prison until he should pay what was due.
31 Vavile vilola avavanda avanine nchila inchivombikhe. Vasaghile eino. Puvakhincha vakhambula untwa vavo khilakhieno iekhievumbikhe.
His fellow servants, therefore, seeing what had happened, were exceedingly angry; and they came and told their master without reserve all that had happened.
32 Pwu ule untwa va mbanda ula akhamwilangha, nukhumbula, 'Uve vie mbanda vintulanonghwa, nikhakhusyiekhile unkhole gwangho gwoni ulwa khuva ukhansiemielinche eno.
At once his master called him and said, "'Wicked servant, I forgave you all that debt, because you entreated me:
33 Khekhi! Sukhalondiwagha ukhuta uvienchaghe niekhisa khumbanda nieno, nduvuniekhakhukholile einkhesa uve?
ought not you also to have had pity on your fellow servant, just as I had pity on you?'
34 Untwa va mwene akhaviepha pwu akhan'ielekha khuvavo vietesya imphakha upwakhiva iehomba unkhole fyoni fifyo akhandhayagha.
"So his master, greatly incensed, handed him over to the jailers until he should pay all he owed him.
35 Vuyayiwa ewo u Dada uvakhukyanya wayikhuvavombela, khila munu yuywa sakhasyiekhile ulukhololwe ukhuhuma munumbula yamwene.”
"In the same way my Heavenly Father will deal with you, if you do not all of you forgive one another from your hearts."