< 2 Avakolinto 12 >
1 Yiinogiwa nedaye, ilakhesikhuli ekhekhidenchiwa nelyo. Ila nikhwendelela khunyivonelo mwinukhe uwakhukhuma khwa mbaha.
I am compelled to boast. It is not a profitable employment, but I will proceed to visions and revelations granted me by the Lord.
2 Nemanyile umunu yumo mwa Kilisite uuvalenave miaka kumi na minne egegerutile inave—giva mumbele, au khunchi khumbele, one sanehumanyile, Unguluve alumanyile—akhapembiwe khukwanya khukherunga ekhwadatu.
I know a Christian man who fourteen years ago-- whether in the body I do not know, or out of the body I do not know; God knows--was caught up (this man of whom I am speaking) even to the highest Heaven.
3 Tena nelumanyile ukhuta umunu oyo—yingave khumbele, au khunchi khumbele ane saneluumanyile Unguluve alumanyile—
And I know that this man-- whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know;
4 ataliwe khukwanya impakha akhu paradeisi nukhupulekha embombo embalanchee khu munu vevoni uvikhoganchova.
God knows--was caught up into Paradise and heard unspeakable things which no human being is permitted to repeat.
5 Pakhuva umunu uyale nduyu yu nikhedaya. ila pakhuva ningave nemwene uvupepowango.
Of such a one I will boast; but of myself I will not boast, except in my weaknesses.
6 Inave ninogwa ukhwedaya, sananiva inkonyofu, ulwakuva naninchoovaga uvutilweli. Ila nibekhela ukhwedaya, ili ave asipali vevoni uvakhusagila fivi pakwanya paago kholikho ekhokhive nekha igati ndyune au ukhupulekhekhe khulwune.
If however I should choose to boast, I should not be a fool for so doing, for I should be speaking the truth. But I forbear, lest any one should be led to estimate me more highly than what his own eyes attest, or more highly than what he hears from my lips.
7 Sanekhedaye ulwakhuva inyivonelo inchoo ajaabu. Ulwakhuva, sanidendiwa na matingo, elitoni lwa vekhiwe igati ndyune, usung'wa va ndugu khukhonesya onenee, ili nesite ukhupendukha ukhuva nulwedayo.
And judging by the stupendous grandeur of the revelations--therefore lest I should be over-elated there has been sent to me, like the agony of impalement, Satan's angel dealing blow after blow, lest I should be over-elated.
8 Ifisekhe vidatu nekhanchoovile mumbaha khukhusu ela, ili omwene okhukhencha ukhukhuma khulwune.
As for this, three times have I besought the Lord to rid me of him;
9 Umwene akhambula, “Uluhungu lwango lukwelile khulwune, inave amakha givomba ukhuva ipepe. Inave, nenganogweficha ulwedayo ukhulengana uvupepo wetu, niogwa uvuwesyo uvya Kilisiti vuwesya ukhutama pakwanya palyunee.
but His reply has been, "My grace suffices for you, for power matures in weakness." Most gladly therefore will I boast of my infirmities rather than complain of them--in order that Christ's power may overshadow me.
10 Hata evo nikwelanila ukhukongana nu Kilisti, inave uvupepo, mu maganilo, mu taabu, mukhutesivwa, inave bado ulendokuto, ulwakhuva usekhe ugunavile nuvupepo, tena nelena makha.
In fact I take pleasure in infirmities, in the bearing of insults, in distress, in persecutions, in grievous difficulties--for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong.
11 One nevile inkonyoofu! umwe mwa nyumelinche khu ele, ulwakhuva na niva nimuliwe numwe. Ulwakhuva sanala pasi khabisa khu vale avavikhelangiwa vasikhiwa— vanono, inave one siyo khantu.
It is foolish of me to write all this, but you have compelled me to do so. Why, you ought to have been my vindicators; for in no respect have I been inferior to these superlatively great Apostles, even though in myself I am nothing.
12 Ulwedekho ulwayilweli ulwa vasikhiwa twavombikhe pagati palwufwe nu lweyumilenchoo, nchivonekha nchakhuswiga nemigendelo.
The signs that characterize the true Apostle have been done among you, accompanied by unwearied fortitude, and by tokens and marvels and displays of power.
13 Khulugendo lulekho monogelamile ukhuva pasi pa tembile inchisigile, ila onene sanave inchigo khulwumwe? Musyekhele khunongwa inchi!
In what respect, therefore, have you been worse dealt with than other Churches, except that I myself never hung as a dead weight upon you? Forgive the injustice I thus did you!
14 Lolaa! one ninogwa okhwincha khulwumwe mara ya datu. Saniva inchigo khulwumwe, olwakhuva saninogwa ekhenu. Nikhuvonogwa omwe. Ulwakhuva avana savinogiwa ukhuvekha ifyapongera. Pakhuva yamwene, avavakha vinogiwa ukhuvekha ifyapongera khwa khuvatanga avana.
See, I am now for the third time prepared to visit you, but I will not be a dead weight to you. I desire not your money, but yourselves; for children ought not to put by for their parents, but parents for their children.
15 Nikhovokha sana ukhutumikha nukhutumekhewa mbunogwe wenyo. Inave nivaganile finchoo, ninogiwa ukhuganiwa padebe?
And as for me, most gladly will I spend all I have and be utterly spent for your salvation.
16 Ila inave vuyelevo, sanekhavalekhele unchingo umwe. Ulwakhuva one nelemanyi sana, une ne navakolile omwe nale ndo khuva navawene khuvudesi.
If I love you so intensely, am I the less to be loved? Be that as it may: I was not a burden to you. But being by no means scrupulous, I entrapped you, they say!
17 Te, nekhatolile nu khwevombela ifyapakwanya khwa vevoni uvenekhasukhile khulwumwe?
Have I gained any selfish advantage over you through any one of the messengers I have sent to you?
18 Nambulaninche uTito ukhwincha khulwumwe, ne khasung'ile ulokolo ayonge okhwincha pupaninie? Je, uTito avavombile ifinu fihi? Je, satwagendile munjila yila yila? Je, satwagende mulwayo lula lula?
I begged Titus to visit you, and sent our other brother with him. Did Titus gain any selfish advantage over you? Were not he and I guided by one and the same Spirit, and did we not walk in the same steps?
19 Mutile khusekhe gwoni ugu tulekhwetetela yufwe twevene khulwumwe? Khuvulongolo khwa Nguluve, nu Kriisti, tuvile twinchova khelakhela khunjela iyakhuvemikha omwe.
You are imagining, all this time, that we are making our defense at your bar. In reality it is as in God's presence and in communion with Christ that we speak; but, dear friends, it is all with a view to your progress in goodness.
20 Inave nele nulutende ukhuta nelava nikhwinchi nesite okhuvavona omwe ndo luninogwa. Nele nulotende ukhuta muwesya msite ukhumbona one ndolo mwinogwa. Nele nulutende ukhuta palava namalumbano, uwifu, umwinukhu ugwa luvipo, uvwegane uvwa vemwene, uvudesi, ekhiburi, na matata.
For I am afraid that perhaps when I come I may not find you to be what I desire, and that you may find me to be what you do not desire; that perhaps there may be contention, jealousy, bitter feeling, party spirit, ill-natured talk, backbiting, undue eulogy, unrest;
21 Nele nulutende ukhuva upuyakhanivuya tena, Unguluve vango iwesya ukhunyisya pavulongolo palwumwe. Nele nulutende ukhuta yuniwesya ukhwelelesya na vingi avava vombile imbivi usekhe ugu, na avasavadovele ulusyekhelo, nu vuligu ni mbombo inchinchivombiwa.
and that upon re-visiting you I may be humbled by my God in your presence, and may have to mourn over many whose hearts still cling to their old sins, and who have not repented of the impurity, fornication, and gross sensuality, of which they have been guilty.