< Romanos 8 >
1 Kamik kꞌut, maj chi kꞌaxkꞌolal kayeꞌm ri e kꞌo pa Cristo Jesús.
There is, then, now no condemnation to those in Christ Jesus, who walk not according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit;
2 Jeriꞌ, rumal xa rumal rech Areꞌ ri taqanik rech ri Uxlabꞌixel rech kꞌaslemal xinukiro chuxeꞌ raqan ri taqanik rech mak xuqujeꞌ rech kamikal.
for the law of the Spirit of the life in Christ Jesus did set me free from the law of the sin and of the death;
3 Qas tzij, ri taqanik man xkwin taj xujukiro rumal cher ri mak xresaj ri ukwinem. Rumal riꞌ ri Dios xutaq loq ri Ukꞌojol, xubꞌan ajmak che rech kutzuj ribꞌ xa rumal rech ri mak. Jeriꞌ ri Dios xuqꞌat tzij puꞌwiꞌ ri makaj pa utyoꞌjal ri Jesús.
for what the law was not able to do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God, His own Son having sent in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, did condemn the sin in the flesh,
4 Rech kakꞌulmataj ri kuta ri taqanik chaqe uj, ri man uj kꞌo ta chuxeꞌ ri mak, xane uj kꞌo pa ri Uxlabꞌixel.
that the righteousness of the law may be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.
5 Ri e rech ri tyoꞌjal xaq are kakilij ubꞌanik ri jastaq rech ri tyoꞌjal, are kꞌu ri e rech ri Uxlabꞌixel xaq are kakilij uchomaxik ri jastaq rech ri Uxlabꞌixel.
For those who are according to the flesh, the things of the flesh do mind; and those according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit;
6 Ri bꞌanoj makaj kukꞌam loq kamikal, are kꞌu ri bꞌanoj jastaq rech ri Uxlabꞌixel kukꞌam loq kꞌaslemal xuqujeꞌ jaꞌmaril.
for the mind of the flesh [is] death, and the mind of the Spirit — life and peace;
7 Ri urayinik ri makaj kꞌulel rukꞌ ri Dios, jeriꞌ rumal man kaniman taj che ri Dios, pune karaj kanimanik.
because the mind of the flesh [is] enmity to God, for to the law of God it doth not subject itself,
8 Ri winaq ri are kakilij ubꞌanik ri karaj ri tyoꞌjal, man keqaj taj cho ri Dios.
for neither is it able; and those who are in the flesh are not able to please God.
9 Ri ix kꞌut man are ta kibꞌan ri karaj ri tyoꞌjal, xane are kibꞌan ri karaj ri Uxlabꞌixel, we qas are ne ri Uxlabꞌixel rech ri Dios kꞌo pa iwanimaꞌ. We kꞌo jun man kꞌo taj ri Uxlabꞌixel rech ri Cristo pa ranimaꞌ, riꞌ man rech taj ri Cristo.
And ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God doth dwell in you; and if any one hath not the Spirit of Christ — this one is not His;
10 We kꞌu are ri Cristo kꞌo pa iwanimaꞌ, kaminaq chi riꞌ ri ityoꞌjal rumal rech ri makaj, are kꞌu ri uxlabꞌal kꞌaslik rumal ri sukꞌal.
and if Christ [is] in you, the body, indeed, [is] dead because of sin, and the Spirit [is] life because of righteousness,
11 Xuqujeꞌ we are ri Uxlabꞌal ri xkꞌastajisan ri Jesús chikixoꞌl ri kaminaqibꞌ kꞌo pa iwanimaꞌ, areꞌ kayoꞌw na ikꞌaslemal rumal ri Uxlabꞌixel, ri kꞌo chiꞌwe.
and if the Spirit of Him who did raise up Jesus out of the dead doth dwell in you, He who did raise up the Christ out of the dead shall quicken also your dying bodies, through His Spirit dwelling in you.
12 Xaq jeriꞌ qachalal, uj ajkꞌasibꞌ, man rukꞌ taj ri tyoꞌjal rech are kaqabꞌan ri karaj ri tyoꞌjal.
So, then, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh;
13 Rumal kꞌu we are kibꞌan ri karaj ri tyoꞌjal, kixkam riꞌ, are kꞌu we are kiya bꞌe kakam ri uchak ri ityoꞌjal, kixkꞌasiꞌ na riꞌ.
for if according to the flesh ye do live, ye are about to die; and if, by the Spirit, the deeds of the body ye put to death, ye shall live;
14 Konojel ri kꞌamtal kibꞌe rumal ri Dios e ralkꞌwaꞌl ri Dios.
for as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God;
15 Man xikꞌamawaꞌj ta kꞌut jun uxlabꞌal ri kubꞌan chiꞌwe kixux patanil rech ri xibꞌin ibꞌ, xane ri Uxlabꞌixel ri xixkꞌamawaꞌn che ralkꞌwaꞌl, kuya bꞌe chiꞌwe kibꞌij iTat che ri Dios.
for ye did not receive a spirit of bondage again for fear, but ye did receive a spirit of adoption in which we cry, 'Abba — Father.'
16 Are ri Uxlabꞌixel kayoꞌw ubꞌixik che ri quxlabꞌal chi uj ralkꞌwaꞌl ri Dios.
The Spirit himself doth testify with our spirit, that we are children of God;
17 We kꞌu uj ralkꞌwaꞌl ri Dios, uj echaꞌnel. Uj echaꞌnel rukꞌ ri Dios xuqujeꞌ kꞌo qech che ri echabꞌal rech ri Cristo, we kamik kaqarik kꞌax rukꞌ, kayaꞌtaj xuqujeꞌ na qe ri ujuluwem.
and if children, also heirs, heirs, indeed, of God, and heirs together of Christ — if, indeed, we suffer together, that we may also be glorified together.
18 Qas tzij kinbꞌij chi ri kꞌax ri kariqitaj cho ri uwachulew man kajunumataj ta rukꞌ ri ujuluwem ri Dios ri kukꞌut na ribꞌ chiqawach.
For I reckon that the sufferings of the present time [are] not worthy [to be compared] with the glory about to be revealed in us;
19 Jeriꞌ rumal ri urayibꞌal ukꞌuꞌx ronojel ri xutik ri Dios, are chi kakikꞌut na kibꞌ konojel.
for the earnest looking out of the creation doth expect the revelation of the sons of God;
20 Jeriꞌ, rumal chi ronojel ri tiktalik xqꞌat tzij puꞌwiꞌ man kꞌo ta chi kupatanij, man xaq ta kꞌu pa rech wi, xane are xbꞌan rech ri Dios. Kꞌo kꞌu na kuꞌlibꞌal kuꞌx chaqe.
for to vanity was the creation made subject — not of its will, but because of Him who did subject [it] — in hope,
21 Jeriꞌ rumal ronojel ri utikom ri Dios kesataj na chuxeꞌ ri etzelal, rech jeriꞌ kakiritaj na xuqujeꞌ kayaꞌtaj na pa ri kijuluwem ri e ralkꞌwaꞌl ri Dios.
that also the creation itself shall be set free from the servitude of the corruption to the liberty of the glory of the children of God;
22 Qetaꞌm chi ronojel ri tiktalik koqꞌik jetaq ri kubꞌan jun ixoq are kakꞌojiꞌ ral.
for we have known that all the creation doth groan together, and doth travail in pain together till now.
23 Man xaq xwi ta ri tiktalik, xane je xuqujeꞌ uj ri xnabꞌejisax uyaꞌik chaqe ri ujeꞌlal ri Uxlabꞌixel, ri uj xuqujeꞌ kujoqꞌ pa qanimaꞌ qayeꞌm chi kujkꞌamawaꞌx che alkꞌwaꞌlaxelabꞌ xuqujeꞌ kujesax bꞌik pa ri qatyoꞌjal.
And not only [so], but also we ourselves, having the first-fruit of the Spirit, we also ourselves in ourselves do groan, adoption expecting — the redemption of our body;
24 Rumal cher pa ri kuꞌlibꞌal kuꞌx riꞌ, xujkolotajik. Are kꞌu ri kuꞌlibꞌal kuꞌx ri kilitaj uwach, man kuꞌlibꞌal kuꞌx ta riꞌ. Rumal cher ¿jachin ta kꞌu riꞌ ri karayeꞌj jun jastaq ri kꞌo chi rukꞌ?
for in hope we were saved, and hope beheld is not hope; for what any one doth behold, why also doth he hope for [it]?
25 We kꞌu kaqayeꞌj ri man kaqil ta uwach, chujjeqel chirayeꞌxik.
and if what we do not behold we hope for, through continuance we expect [it].
26 Je xuqujeꞌ are maj qachuqꞌabꞌ ri Uxlabꞌixel kujutoꞌo. Man qetaꞌm taj qas ri choqꞌaqꞌ kaqato, ri Uxlabꞌixel kꞌut kachꞌaw pa qawiꞌ rukꞌ oqꞌej ri man kujkwin taj kaqabꞌij rukꞌ tzij.
And, in like manner also, the Spirit doth help our weaknesses; for, what we may pray for, as it behoveth [us], we have not known, but the Spirit himself doth make intercession for us with groanings unutterable,
27 Ri Dios kꞌut ri kunikꞌoj ri animaꞌaj retaꞌm jas ri karaj ri Uxlabꞌixel, jeriꞌ rumal are ri Uxlabꞌixel kachꞌaw pa kiwiꞌ konojel ri e kojonelabꞌ, jetaq ri karaj ri Dios.
and He who is searching the hearts hath known what [is] the mind of the Spirit, because according to God he doth intercede for saints.
28 Qetaꞌm chi ri kakiloqꞌaj ri Dios, ronojel ri kakꞌulmatajik kukꞌam bꞌik pa ri utzilal, jeriꞌ kakꞌulmataj kukꞌ ri e sikꞌital apanoq rumal ri Dios rech are kakibꞌan ri karaj Areꞌ.
And we have known that to those loving God all things do work together for good, to those who are called according to purpose;
29 Ri xretaꞌmaj kiwach ri Dios ojer, xuꞌchaꞌo rech je kuꞌxik jetaq ri Ukꞌojol, rech jeriꞌ Areꞌ kux nabꞌyal chikiwach konojel ri alaxik.
because whom He did foreknow, He also did fore-appoint, conformed to the image of His Son, that he might be first-born among many brethren;
30 Ri xuꞌcha ri Dios ojer xuꞌsikꞌij. Ri xuꞌsikꞌij xubꞌan sukꞌ chike. Ri xubꞌan sukꞌ chike xuya kiqꞌij.
and whom He did fore-appoint, these also He did call; and whom He did call, these also He declared righteous; and whom He declared righteous, these also He did glorify.
31 ¿Jas kꞌu kaqabꞌij waꞌ che we riꞌ? We are ri Dios kꞌo qukꞌ ¿jachin ta kꞌu riꞌ kakwinik kubꞌan kꞌax chaqe?
What, then, shall we say unto these things? if God [is] for us, who [is] against us?
32 Ri man xutoqꞌobꞌisaj taj uwach ri Ukꞌojol, xane xujach pa kamikal xa rumal qe, ¿jas ta kꞌu che ri mat kuya chaqe ronojel ri jastaq junam rukꞌ Areꞌ?
He who indeed His own Son did not spare, but for us all did deliver him up, how shall He not also with him the all things grant to us?
33 ¿Jachin ta kꞌu ri kamolow kimak ri winaq ri uchaꞌom ri Dios? Maj jun, rumal cher are ri Dios kabꞌanow sukꞌ chike ri winaq.
Who shall lay a charge against the choice ones of God? God [is] He that is declaring righteous,
34 ¿Jachin ta kꞌu riꞌ ri kaqꞌatow tzij puꞌwiꞌ jun? Man kꞌo ta jun, rumal cher are ri Cristo xkamik, xuqujeꞌ xkꞌastaj uwach, chanim tꞌuyul chik pa uwiqiqꞌabꞌ ri Dios, kachꞌaw pa qawiꞌ qonojel.
who [is] he that is condemning? Christ [is] He that died, yea, rather also, was raised up; who is also on the right hand of God — who also doth intercede for us.
35 Man kꞌo ta jun jastaq kujtasow che ri uloqꞌanik ri Cristo, man kakwin taj ri kꞌaxkꞌolal, ri bꞌis, ri kꞌax kabꞌan che jun, ri numik, ri maj ratzꞌyaq jun, ri xibꞌibꞌal utatajik, o ri kamisanik.
Who shall separate us from the love of the Christ? tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
36 Ri tzꞌibꞌatalik kubꞌij: “Xa rumal ech la kujkꞌam bꞌik pa kamikal; je kabꞌan chiqajilaxik jetaq ri kabꞌan chike ri chij ri kekamisaxik.”
(according as it hath been written — 'For Thy sake we are put to death all the day long, we were reckoned as sheep of slaughter,')
37 Pune jewaꞌ kakꞌulmatajik, xa tzi uj chꞌekenelabꞌ wi na chikiwach ri e chꞌekenelabꞌ rumal rech ri xujloqꞌanik.
but in all these we more than conquer, through him who loved us;
38 Qas uchapom na kꞌuꞌx chi man are taj ri kamikal, ri kꞌaslemal, man are taj ri angelibꞌ xuqujeꞌ man are taj ri itzel taq uxlabꞌal, man are taj ri jastaq ri kꞌo kamik, man are taj ri kape na, xuqujeꞌ man are taj ri e chuqꞌabꞌ.
for I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor messengers, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present,
39 Man are taj ri sibꞌalaj nim elinaq chikaj, xuqujeꞌ man are taj ri sibꞌalaj qajinaq pa ri ulew, xa ta ne jun chike ri jastaq ri e tiktalik kakwinik kujutas che ri uloqꞌanik ri Dios pa Cristo Jesús ri Ajawxel.
nor things about to be, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of god, that [is] in Christ Jesus our Lord.