< 1 Yohana 3 >

1 Mbe nimulole ni lyenda lya kutiki linu Lata achiyaye, ati chibhilikilwe bhana bha Nyamuanga, na nikwo kutyo chili. Ku nsonga inu Echalo chitakuchimenya kulwo kubha chitamumenyele omwene.
And see how great is the love of the Father toward us, that sons he hath called us, and also made us! Therefore the world doth not know us, because that it hath also not known him.
2 Abhendwa eswe wolyanu chili bhana bha Nyamuanga, na jichali kumenyekana lwa kutyo jakabhe. Echimenya ati olwo Kristo alibhonekana, chilisusana nage, kulwo kubha chilimulola lwa kutyo ali.
MY beloved, now are we the sons of Aloha; and it is not manifest, as yet, what we are to become, but we know, that when he is manifested, in his likeness we are and see him, according to that which he is.
3 Na bhuli umwi unu ali no bhubhasi bhunu kwo okulubhana no mwanya gunu oguja gunu gwelesibhwe ku mwene, abhelesha abhene lwa kutyo mwenene ali mwelu
And every one who hath in him this hope, purifieth himself, as He is pure.
4 Bhuli munu unu kagendelela okukola ebhibhibhi kanyamula ebhilagilo. Ku nsonga echibhibhi ni bhunyamusi bhwe bhilagilo.
But whoever committeth sin doeth iniquity; for all sin is iniquity.
5 mumenyele ati Kristo abhulisibhwe koleleki asoshewo echibhibhi chimwi. Na mu mwene chitalimo chibhibhi.
And you know that he was manifested to bear our sins, and sin in him is not.
6 Ataliwo nolwo umwi unu katula okulama mu mwene no kugendelela okukola ebhibhibhi. Ataliwo munu nolwo umwi unu katula okulama mu bhibhibhi akabha amubhwene amwi amumenyele mwenene.
And every one who in him abideth, sinneth not. And every one who sinneth, hath not seen him, nor known him.
7 Abhana abhendwa, munu wona wona asiga kubhayabhya. Unu kakola ejo bhulengelesi ni mulengelesi, lwa kutyo Kristo one ni mulengelesi.
My sons, let no man deceive you: he who worketh righteousness is righteous, as also the Meshiha himself is righteous.
8 Unu kakola ebhibhibhi ni wa Shetani, ku nsonga Shetani ni mukosi we bhibhibhi kusoka bhusimuka. Ku nsonga inu omwana wa Nyamuanga abhulisibhwe koleleki atule okujinyamula emilimu ja Shetani.
And he who doeth sin is of Satana, because that from the commencement Satana was a sinner. And for this cause did the Son of Aloha appear, that he might destroy the works of Satana.
9 Wona wona unu ebhuywe na Nyamuanga atakutula kukola chibhibhi, Ku nsonga injuma ya Nyamuanga imulimo. Atakutula kugendelela kukola chibhibhi Ku nsonga ebhuywe na Nyamuanga.
Every one who is born of Aloha, sin doth not work, because that his seed is in him, and he cannot sin, because of Aloha he is born.
10 Mulinu bhana bha Nyamuanga na bhana bha Shetani abhamenyekana. Wona wona unu atakukola chinu chili cho bhulengelesi, atali wa Nyamuanga, nolwo ulya unu atakutula okumwenda owabho.
In this are distinguished the sons of Aloha from the sons of Satana; every one who doeth not righteousness, nor loveth his brother, is not of Aloha.
11 Gunu Nigwo omusango gunu mwonguywe okusoka bhusimuka, ati kuchiile okwenda eswe abhene kwa bhene,
For this is the commandment which you have heard from before, that you love one another.
12 atali lwa kutyo Kaini aliga ali mubhibhi no kumwita owabho. Na ni kulwa-ki amwitile? Ku nsonga ye bhikolwa bhyaye bhyaliga bhibhibhi, ne bhyo wabho bhyaliga bhyo bhulengelesi.
Not as Koen, who was from the Evil, and killed his brother. And on what account killed he him? unless that his own works were evil and his brother's righteous.
13 Bhana bhasu, mwasiga kulugula, nolwo echalo chikabhabhililillwa.
Do not wonder, my brethren, if the world hate you.
14 Echimenya ati chasokele mu lufu no kwingila mu bhuanga, ku nsonga echibhenda abhaili bhasu. Wona wona unu atali na lyenda kakomela mu kufwa.
We know that we have passed from death unto life, by this, that we love our brethren. He who loveth not his brother, in death continueth.
15 Omunu wona wona unu kamubhiilililwa owabho ni mwiti. Na mumenyele ati obhuanga bhwa kajanende bhutakwinyanja munda yo mwiti. (aiōnios g166)
For every one who hateth his brother is a man-killer; and we know that in no man-killer can abide the life which is eternal. (aiōnios g166)
16 Mu linu echilimenya elyenda, ku nsonga Kristo esosishe obhuanga bhekaye ingulu yeswe. Neswe one kuchiile okubhusosha obhulame bheswe ingulu ya bhasu.
In this we know His love toward us, that he gave himself for us; (so) also it is right for us for the sake of our brethren to give ourselves.
17 Mbe nawe wona wona unu ali ne bhinu, mbe namulola owabho ali mukene, mbe nawe naguganya omwoyo gwaye ogwe chigongo ingulu yaye; Angu, okwenda kwa Nyamuanga kubhekayemo kutiki?
And he who hath the possession of the world, and shall see his brother that he needeth, and shall shut his compassions from him, how is there in him the love of Aloha?
18 Abhana bhani abhendwa, chasiga kwenda kwe minwa-la nolwo kwe misango jinu chitalimo chinu nawe mu bhikolwa ne chimali.
My sons, let us not love one another in words and in tongue, but in works and in truth.
19 Mu linu echimenya ati eswe chili mu chimali, ne mioyo jeswe ejikomelesha mu mwene.
And by this we make known that we are of the truth, and before that he cometh we make confident our hearts.
20 Nolwo kutyo emioyo jeswe ejichilamula, Nyamuanga ni mukulu kukila emioyo jeswe, no mwene kamenya misango jona.
And if our heart condemn us, how much (more) Aloha, who is greater than our heart, and knoweth every thing!
21 Abhendwa, alabha emioyo jeswe jitakuchilamula, mbe chili no bhubhasi ku Nyamuanga.
My beloved, if our heart condemn us not, we have openness of face before Aloha.
22 Na chona chona chinu echisabhwa echichilamila okusoka kwaye, ku nsonga chigawtile ebhilagilo bhyaye no kukola emisango jinu ejo kukondelesha imbele yaye.
And whatever we ask, we shall receive from him, because we keep his commandments, and do the things which are beautiful before him.
23 Mbe chinu nicho echilagilo chaye ati kuchiile okulikilisha lisina lyo mwana ways Yesu Kristo no mwendanega eswe abhene kwa bhene -lwa kutyo achiyaye echilagilo chaye,
And this is his commandment, That we believe in the name of his Son Jeshu Meshiha, and love one another, as he hath commanded us.
24 unu kabhyolobhela ebhilagilo bhyaye kakomela mu mwene, na Nyamuanga kabhekalamo abhene. Na ku nsonga inu echimenya ati kachiikaya eswe, ku Mwoyo unu achiyaye.
And he who keepeth his commandments, is kept by him, and he dwelleth in him: and by this we perceive that he dwelleth in us, by his Spirit whom he hath given to us.

< 1 Yohana 3 >