< Sams-Zgame 107 >

1 Ra Anumzamofona susu huntesnune. Na'ankure agra knare avu'ava hu'neranteankino, avesimaranteno knare'ma hunerantea avu'avazamo'a mevava huno vugahie.
Alleluia. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his mercy [endures] for ever.
2 Ra Anumzamo'ma ha' vahe zamazampinti'ma tamagu'vazino tamavre'nenia vahe'mota, ranke huta Ra Anumzamo ha' vahe'mofo zamazampinti tagu'vazino tavre'ne huta huama huta vahera zamasamiho.
Let them say [so] who have been redeemed by the Lord, whom he has redeemed from the hand of the enemy;
3 Na'ankure zage hanati kazigane, zage fre kazigane, noti kazigane, sauti kaziganema ru vahe moparegama umani emanima huta kinama huta mani'nazaregatira, agra ete zamavare atru hu'ne.
and gathered them out of the countries, from the east, and west, and north, and south.
4 Mago'amo'za vahe omani ka'ma kokampi vano vano nehu'za, manisnaza rankumaku hake'nazanagi onke'naze.
They wandered in the wilderness in a dry land; they found no way to a city of habitation.
5 Ne'zankura zamaganetege'za tinku'enena hagage nehu'za fri'za hu'naze.
Hungry and thirsty, their soul fainted in them.
6 Ana kna zampima manine'za, Ra Anumzamofontega zavi krafa hazageno, ana kna zampintira zamagu'vazino ete zamavare'ne.
Then they cried to the Lord in their affliction, and he delivered them out of their distresses.
7 Agra knare huno zamavare fatgo huno umanisaza rankumate zamavareno vu'ne.
And he guided them into a straight path, that they might go to a city of habitation.
8 Zamatrenke'za Ra Anumzamofona vagaore mevava avesi zama'agura susu hunente'za, knare avu'ava'ma huzmante'nea zanku'enena humuse hunteho.
Let them acknowledge to the Lord his mercies, and his wonderful works to the children of men.
9 Tinku'ma avesiaza huno maka zanku'ma ave'nesia vaheran eri knare hunente. Ne'zanku'ma hiaza huno maka zanku'ma aga'ma netea vahera, knare zantaminu agu'afina antevinete.
For he satisfies the empty soul, and fills the hungry [soul] with good things,
10 Mago'a nagara tusi haninkino antrako hu'nefi, seni nofiteti kina huzmantage'za zamatagu nehu'za mani'naze.
[even] them that sit in darkness and the shadow of death, fettered in poverty and iron;
11 Na'ankure Ra Anumzamofo nanekea ha'arente'za zamefi hunemiza Marerisa Anumzamo'ma hihoma huno huzmantea nanekea amagera onte'nazagu anara hu'naze.
because they rebelled against the words of God, and provoked the counsel of the Most High.
12 E'ina agafare Anumzamo'a zamazeri anteramisige'za akohe'za manisazegu, zamatrege'za tusi maraguzati'za knanentake eri'zana eri'naze. Ana nehu'za traka hu'nazanagi, mago vahe'mo'e hunora zamaza osu'ne.
So their heart was brought low with troubles; they were weak, and there was no helper.
13 Ana knaza zamifima zamagrama mani'ne'za, Ra Anumzamofontega zavi krafa hazageno, ana knazampintira zamaza huno zamagu'vazi'ne.
Then they cried to the Lord in their affliction, and he saved them out of their distresses.
14 Tusi hani zampinti'ene fri'zamofo turunapima mani'nazafintira Anumzamo'a zamavare atineramino, seni nofimo'ma kinama rezmante'nea zana katufezmante'ne.
And he brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and broke their bonds asunder.
15 Ana'ma hanige'za zamatrenke'za Ra Anumzamofona vagaore mevava avesi zama'agura susu hunente'za, knare huno hentofa avu'ava'ma huzmante'nea zanku'enena susu hunteho.
Let them acknowledge to the Lord his mercies, and his wonders to the children of men.
16 Bronsireti'ma tro hu'naza kahana rurapage huno rufuzafupenetreno, kafama erigi'za rentrako nehaza ainia rufutagi atre'ne.
For he broke to pieces the brazen gates, and crushed the iron bars.
17 Zamagrama agri ke'ama ontahi avu'ava'ma hazazamo'a, negi vahe'mofo avu'ava'za tro nehu'za, kumi'ma haza nona'a knafina ufre'za zamatazana eri'naze.
He helped them out of the way of their iniquity; for they were brought low because of their iniquities.
18 Ne'zama ne'zankura zamavesra nehu'za, fri'zamofo kahantera erava'o nehaze.
Their soul abhorred all meat; and they drew near to the gates of death.
19 Ana knazamo'ma zamazeri haviza hige'zama manine'za, Ra Anumzamofontega zavi krafa hazageno, ana hazenkefintira zamagu'vazino zamavare atirami'ne.
Then they cried to the Lord in their affliction, and he saved them out of their distresses.
20 Anumzamo'a naneke'a huntegeno eno zamazeri neganamreno, frinaku'ma nehazafintira eme zamagu'vazi'ne.
He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them out of their destructions.
21 Ana hu'negu zamagra Ra Anumzamofona vagaore mevava avesi zama'agu'ene, knare avu'ava'ma huzmante'nea zanku'enena susu huntegahaze.
Let them acknowledge to the Lord his mercies, and his wonderful works to the children of men.
22 Ana nehu'za muse ofa Anumzamofontega Kresramana nevu'za, knare avu'ava'ma hu'nea zankura zagame hu'za musenkase nehu'za huama hiho.
And let them offer to him the sacrifice of praise, and proclaim this works with exultation.
23 Mago'amo'za ventefi mani'za hagerimofo agofetu vu'za e'za hu'za ru moparega fenozana eri'za zagore ometre emetre nehaze.
They that go down to the sea in ships, doing business in many waters;
24 Ana vahe'mo'za zamagranena Ra Anumzamo'ma hankave eri'zama eri'nea zana ke'za antahi'za nehu'za, knare zantfama hu'nea zantamima hagerimofo agu'afima tro'ma hunte'nea zanena ke'naze.
these [men] have seen the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deep.
25 Anumzamo'a hankave zaho huntegeno eno hagerina eme vazi'zoregeno, hagerimo'a kranto kranto nehie.
He speaks, and the stormy wind arises, and its waves are lifted up.
26 Ana nehuno anama mani'naza ventea erisga huno ame'nagame monafi mareriteno, atregeno hagerimpina amefenkame uneramie. Ana'ma higeno'a ventefima vanoma nehaza vahe'mo'za koro hu'za tusi zamagogogu nehaze.
They go up to the heavens, and go down to the depths; their soul melts because of troubles.
27 Ana nehu'za ventefima vanoma nehaza vahe'mo'za aka tima ne'nea vahe'mo'ma neginagi nehuno, traka huno umse emase hiaza nehu'za, ventema agu'vazi antahi'zazmimo'a vagare'ne.
They are troubled, they stagger as a drunkard, and all their wisdom is swallowed up.
28 Ana knazamo'ma zamazeri havizama nehige'za, Ra Anumzamofontega kezati'zageno, ana knaza ramimpintira zamagu'vazino zamavare'ne.
Then they cry to the Lord in their affliction, and he brings them out of their distresses.
29 Anumzamo'a hagerimofona akohenka manio huno magoke zupa higeno, hagerimo'ma kranto kranto'ma nehia agasasamo'a urami avazage'ne.
And he commands the storm, and it is calmed into a gentle breeze, and its waves are still.
30 Hagerimo'ma ome avamazagegeno'a ventefima vano nehaza vahe'mo'zama nege'za tusi muse nehazageno, vunaku'ma haza kumate'ma me'nea tinkenarega zamavare so'e huno zamagu'ma vazisaza kumatega vu'ne
And they are glad, because they are quiet; and he guides them to their desire haven.
31 E'ina hu'negu Ra Anumzamofona vagaore avesi zama'agura susu hunente'za, knare avu'ava'ma huzmante'nea zanku'enena susu huntegahaze.
Let them acknowledge to the Lord his mercies, and his wonderful works to the children of men.
32 Anumzamofo vahe'ma atruma hanafina Agri agi'a ahentesga nehu'za, kva vahe'ma atruma hanafinena husga huntegahaze.
Let them exalt him in the congregation of the people, and praise him in the seat of the elders.
33 Tirama ne-ea tintamina Anumzamo'a eriranegeno hagege mopa fore nehigeno, tima nehanatia kampuitamina eri ranegeno mopamo'a hagege hu'ne.
He turns rivers into a desert, and streams of water into a dry land;
34 Ana nehuno masave nentake'ma hu'nea mopafina, higeno hagemo'a aviteno mopa eri haviza hu'ne. Na'ankure ana mopafima nemaniza vahe'mo'zama havi avu'avazama hu'naza zanku huno anara hu'ne.
a fruitful land into saltness, for the wickedness of them that dwell in it.
35 Hianagi hagege kokampina Anumzamo'a higeno tirura mare'nevazigeno, ka'ma kokampina higeno tintamimo'a rama'a eforera huno ne-e.
He turns a wilderness into pools of water, and a dry land into streams of water.
36 Ana'ma huteno'a ne'zanku'ma zamaga'ma netea vahera zamavareno ana mopafina vige'za umanine'za, nona ki'za ranra kumatmina erifore hu'za mani'naze.
And there he causes the hungry to dwell, and they establish for themselves cities of habitation.
37 Ana mopafina hoza ome eri'za nente'za, waini hozanena antazageno raga rentege'za rama'a tagi'naze.
And they sow fields, and plant vineyards, and they yield fruit of increase.
38 Anumzamo'a vahe'a asomu huzmantege'za rama'a mofavre kasezamante'za eri hakare nehazageno, bulimakao afu'mo'zanena rama'a forehu hakare hu'za vu'naze.
And he blesses them, and they multiply exceedingly, and he diminishes not the number of their cattle.
39 Hagi zamagra rama'a vahe'ma mani'nazaretira ome osi osi hume vu'za osi'a vahe mani'nazagu ha' vahe zamimo'za hara eme huzmagatere'za zamazeri zamagaze nehu'za, zamata nezami'za tusi knaza zamizage'za zamasunku zampi mani'naze.
Again they become few, and are brought low, by the pressure of evils and pain.
40 Ra Anumzamofo vahe'ma ha'ma eme huzmantaza vahe'mokizmi kva vahetera, Anumzamo'a arimpa ahe'zana erikaha hutrege'za, ka'ma kokampina kanku hazagre'za vano vano nehaze.
Contempt is poured upon their princes, and he causes them to wander in a desert and trackless land.
41 Hianagi zamunte omane vahe'mo'zama knafima mani'nazageno'a, Anumzamo'a zamaza huno zamavare netreno, sipisipi afu'mo'zama nehazaza huno zamazeri hakare hige'za, rama'a mofavre zamante'za eri hakare nehaze.
But he helps the poor out of poverty, and makes [him] families as a flock.
42 Fatgo avu'ava'zama nehaza vahe'mo'za ana zama nege'za muse nehanage'za, kefo avu'avazama nehaza vahe'mo'za kea osu zamagira hamunki'za mani'naze.
The upright shall see and rejoice; and all iniquity shall stop her mouth.
43 Hagi iza'o knare antahi'zama me'nesia vahe'mo'a ama ana zankura agesa anteno nentahino, Ra Anumzamofo vagaore mevava avesi zama'a keno antahino hugahie.
Who is wise, and will observe these things, and understand the mercies of the Lord?

< Sams-Zgame 107 >