< Matiu 11 >

1 Jisasi'a 12fu'a amage'ma nentaza disaipol nagamokizmi naneke zamasmi vagareteno, anantetira rankumate'ene ne'onse kumate ene mono ke nehuno, rempi huzamiku vu'ne.
And when Jesus had made an end of giving orders to his twelve disciples, He departed from thence to teach and preach in their cities.
2 Hagi Joni'a kina nompi mani'neno, Kraisi'ma eria erizamofo ke nentahino, Joni'a agri'a amagema nentaza disaipol naga agenoka ome hutma keho huno huzamantege'za,
Now when John heard in prison of the works of Christ,
3 vu'za, Kagra avegama ante'nomokafi ru nere, hifi tagra mago'a vaheku kegahune?
he sent two of his disciples to ask Him, Art thou He who was to come, or are we to expect another?
4 Ana ke nona'a Jisasi'a anage huno zamasmi'ne. Tamagra vutma, nentahita, kaza zana Jonina ome asamiho,
And Jesus said to them in answer, Go and tell John the things which ye hear and see:
5 avu suhu vahe'mo'za kazageno, zmaga havizahu vahe'mo'za kana vazageno, fugo namuzmare'nea vahe'mo'za knare hazageno, zamagesa ankanire vahe'mo'za antahi'zageno, fri vahe'mo'za otizageno, zamunte omane vahe'mo'za knare muse ke antahi'naze.
the blind are restored to sight, and the lame walk; the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear; the dead are raised to life, and the poor have the gospel preached to them:
6 Hanki iza'o Nagrama huazanku'ma amentintima ataresigeno uoramisimofona, Anumzamo'a asomu huntegahie hutma ome asamiho.
and happy is the man who shall not be offended at any thing in me.
7 Joni amagema nentaza disaipol naga nevazageno, Jisasi'a agafa huno anampi mani'naza kevua Joninkura zamasmi'ne, Ka'ma kopima vu'nazana na'a ome ke'naku vu'naze? Zahomo traza eri tagosi hiaza ke'naku vu'nazafi?
And as they departed, Jesus took occasion to say to the people concerning John, What went ye out into the desert to see? a reed shaken by the wind?
8 Hagi na'a ome kenaku vu'naze? Mago vahe'mo marerisa kukena hu'nea kenafi? Kinimofo kumapi nemaniza vahe'mo'zage marerisa kukena eri nehankraze.
But what went ye out to see? a man clad in fine attire? they that wear rich clothes are in the palaces of kings.
9 Hu'neanagi na'a ome kenaku vu'naze? Mago kasnampa nepi? Tamage hu'na Nagra neramasamue, hakare kasnampa vahera zamagatereno mani'nea ne' ome ke'naze.
But what did ye indeed go out to see? a prophet? Yes, verily, and one superior to a prophet.
10 Ama ana neku avontafepina amanage huno krentene, Antahio, kema erino vu vahe'ni'a Nagra huntogeno ugagota huganteno kama vanana kana varino vugahie hu'ne. (Mal 3:1)
For this is he, of whom it is written, "Behold I send my messenger before thy face, who shall prepare thy way before thee."
11 Tamage hu'na Nagra neramasmue, a'nemo'za kasema zamante'naza vahepintira, mago'mo'e huno mono tima frezamante Joni knara osu'ne! Ana hianagi Anumzamofo kumapima osi hu'nemo, anamo agrira agatere'ne.
For I assure you that in the whole human race there hath not risen a greater than John the baptist: though the lest in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he:
12 Mono ti frezamante Joni knareti eno menima eana, Anumzamofo kumama erikura hanavetiza kazigazi hu'za ha' nehaze.
and from the days of John the baptist to this time, the kingdom of heaven is as it were forced into, and the most pressing seize upon it with eagerness.
13 Hagi miko kasnampa kene, kasegea nehazageno eno Joni knare eme atre'ne.
For all the prophets, and the law, did no more than prophesy, till John came:
14 Hagi Nagrama nehua kema antahinakuma hanutma, antahiho, Elaijae egahie hu'nea nera agra'a Joni'e.
and, if ye are willing to receive the truth, This is that Elias who was to come.
15 Iza'o agesama me'nenimo'a, ama nanekea antahi ankereno.
He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
16 Hianagi amagnafi mani'naza vahe kura inankna ke zamagrikura hunte'na hugahue? Amanahu kna hu'ne, maketi kumapi mofavre'zagamo'za kanuzage hu'za mani'ne'za, mago'amokizmigu ke'za atigantu zami'za,
But to what shall I compare this generation? they are like children sitting in the market-places,
17 tagra konke tafe reneramantonketa, tamagra avoa nohagaze, zavi nehunketa, tamagra zavira notaze hu'za hu'naze.
and calling to their companions, and saying "We have sung and ye have not danced; we have mourned, and ye have not lamented:"
18 Hagi Joni'ma manino e'nea knafina, ne'zana rama'a oneno, waini tina onege'za, zamagra havi avamu agripina mani'ne hu'naze!
for John came neither eating nor drinking as others do, and they say, He is beside himself:
19 Vahe'mofo mofavremo eno ne'zane tine nenege'za, zamagra anage hu'naze, keho ne'za nevaganereno, aka tinte nehuno, takesi eri vahe'ene kumi vahe'mokizmi ronezamie hu'naze! Ana hu'neanagi anama hu'nefina knare antahi'za, eriama hu'ne.
the Son of man came eating and drinking like other men, and they call Him a gluttonous man, and a wine-bibber, and a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified by her children.
20 Anante Jisasi erigafa huno mago'a kaguvaza higeza ke'naza ranra kumateti vahe'mo'za zamagu'a rukarehe osaza zanku, ke ontahi vahere huno huhaviza huzamantene.
Then began He to upbraid the cities, in which most of his miracles were wrought; because they did not repent.
21 Kva hiho Korasini vahe'mota! Kva hiho Bedsaita vahemota tusi nasunku huramantoe! Na'ankure kaguvazama huazama Tairine, Saidoni kumatema huasina, zamagra zamasunku kukena nehu'za, tanefa fare'za zamagu'a rukarehe ko hazasine.
Wo unto thee, Chorazin; wo unto thee, Bethsaida: for if the miracles wrought among you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes:
22 Tamage hu'na neramasamue, Tairi vahe'mo'zane, Saidoni vahe'mo'za Anumzamoma vahe'ma refakoma huknare osi'a knaza erigahazanki, tamagra rama'a knaza zamagareta erigahaze.
therefore I tell you, it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the day of judgement, than for you.
23 Hagi tamagra Kapaniumu vahe'mota monarera marerigahafi? Anara osugahaze. Tamagra fri vahe'mofo kumapi Hedes uramigahaze, Nagrama tamagripima hua kaguvaza Sodomu huasina, meninena amane mesine. (Hadēs g86)
And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted even to heaven, shalt be cast down to hell: for if the miracles, which have been wrought in thee, had been wrought in Sodom, it would have remained unto this day. (Hadēs g86)
24 Tamage hu'na neramasmue, vahe'ma refakohu knarera, Sodomu mopafi vahe'mo'za erisaza knazana, agateretma ra knaza erigahaze.
Moreover I tell you, that it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day of judgement, than for thee.
25 Ana knazupa Jisasi anage huno nunamuna hu'ne, Nenfaga monane, mopamofo Ra mani'nane, susu hu'na musenke hugantoe. Antahi'zane vahe manita, antahi ankerenone nehaza vahetera, eri frakinenka, osi mofavre'gna hu'naza vahete eri ama hu'nane.
And upon this occasion Jesus opened his mouth and said, "I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and knowing, and hast revealed them to babes:
26 Hagi Nafa'nimoka amanahu'zama hua zamo'a, Kagri kazeri muse nehie.
even so, Father, for it was thy good pleasure that so it should be."
27 Miko'azana Nenfa nami'ne, magomo'a Nemofona antahino keno osu'neanagi, Nefake antahi'ne. Mago'mo'e huno Nefana antahino keno osu'neanagi, Nemofoke antahino keno hu'ne. Hagi Nemofoma eri averi hugahue himofo, eri averi hugahie.
All things are delivered to me by my Father: and no one knoweth the Son, but the Father; nor does any one know the Father, but the Son, and he to whom the Son is pleased to reveal Him.
28 Ana'ana nehuta maragu'za neti'nageno, knama tamavenesinimota nagrite enkena tamazeri fru ha'neno.
Come unto me therefore all ye who are labouring and oppressed, and I will give you ease.
29 Nagri agarenamare zafa eri kofinetma, Nagriteti rempi hiho. Na'ankure Nagra akohena nagu'a antefru hu'na nemanue. Hanigeno tamagu'amo'a fru hugahie.
Take but my yoke upon you, and learn of me, (for I am meek and lowly in heart, ) and ye shall find refreshment to your souls:
30 Nagri agarenmare zafama eri'amo'a oza higeno, knazanima erisaga hu'amo'a, amuho osu'ne.
for my yoke is easy, and my burthen is light.

< Matiu 11 >