< Maki 4 >

1 Mago'ene Jisasi'a rantiru'mofo ankenare mani'neno naneke erigafa huno rempi huzami'ne. Ana nehige'za tusi'a vahe krerfamo'za regorave hazageno, Jisasi'a votifi marerino mani'nege'za, tusi'a vahe krerfamo'za tiru ankenarega mani'naze.
And again he began to teach by the sea, and there was gathered unto him a great multitude, so that he, having gone into the boat, sat in the sea, and all the multitude was near the sea, on the land,
2 Ana nehuno agra rama'a fronka ke zamasami'ne. Rempima huzamifina, anage hu'ne,
and he taught them many things in similes, and he said to them in his teaching:
3 Kama antahiho! Hoza ne'mo avimaza ruraniku hozarega vu'ne.
'Hearken, lo, the sower went forth to sow;
4 Ana'ma huno ome runeranigeno, mago'a avimzamo'a kamofo ankinafi evuramigeno, namamo'za eme ne'naze.
and it came to pass, in the sowing, some fell by the way, and the fowls of the heaven did come and devour it;
5 Mago'a avimaza avimo'a havege huno rama'a mopa omanenefi evuramiteno ame huno hagene. Na'ankure havege huno osia mopa me'negeno'e.
and other fell upon the rocky ground, where it had not much earth, and immediately it sprang forth, because of not having depth of earth,
6 Hagi zagemo'a hanatino teosaparene, na'ankure rafu'namo'a fempina uorami'negeno osapare'ne.
and the sun having risen, it was scorched, and because of not having root it did wither;
7 Mago'a avimaza avimo'a ave'ave trazampi evuramigeno, aveave trazamo'a hageno, rentrako higeno raga'a reonte'ne.
and other fell toward the thorns, and the thorns did come up, and choke it, and fruit it gave not;
8 Hu'neanagi mago'a avimzamo'a tima'ane mopafi evuramiteno hageno raga'a rente'ne. Mago'amo'a 30'a rentegeno, mago'amo'a 60'a rentegeno, mago'amo'a 100'a rente'ne.
and other fell to the good ground, and was giving fruit, coming up and increasing, and it bare, one thirty-fold, and one sixty, and one an hundred.'
9 Ana nehuno anage hu'ne, Izano agesa me'nenigeno nentahisimofona, atregeno ama kea antahise hino.
And he said to them, 'He who is having ears to hear — let him hear.'
10 Hagi anama huteno Jisasi'ma Agrake'ma umani'nege'za, mago'a manigagi'naza vahe'mo'zane, 12fu'a amage'ma nentaza disaipol naga'mo'za, ana fronka keramimofo agafa'a antahise hunaku antahige'naze.
And when he was alone, those about him, with the twelve, did ask him of the simile,
11 Jisasi'a anage huno zamasami'ne, Anumzamofo kumamofo oku'a antahintahia tamagrira ko tamine. Hianagi megi'ama mani'naza vahe'mo'za fronka kege nentahize.
and he said to them, 'To you it hath been given to know the secret of the reign of God, but to those who are without, in similes are all the things done;
12 Ana higu Avontafepina anage hu'ne, kegahazanagi keama osugahaze. Antahigahazanagi antahi amara osugahaze. Zamagra aru zmagu'a rukrahe hanageno Anumzamo kumizimi eri atrezankure anara hugahie. (Ais 6:9-10)
that seeing they may see and not perceive, and hearing they may hear and not understand, lest they may turn, and the sins may be forgiven them.'
13 Anante Jisasi'a anage huno zamasami'ne, Ama fronka kemofo agafa'a antahi ama'ma osanutma, inankna hutma mika fronka kemofo agafa'a antahi amara hugahaze?
And he saith to them, 'Have ye not known this simile? and how shall ye know all the similes?
14 Avimaza rurani'nea ne'mo'a, Anumzamofo ke ome krine.
He who is sowing doth sow the word;
15 Mago'a avimazama kamofo ankinarega evurami'neana, mago'a vahe'mo'za Anumzamofo kea nentahizageno, Sata'a ame huno zamagu'afima krinea kea eritrene.
and these are they by the way where the word is sown: and whenever they may hear, immediately cometh the Adversary, and he taketh away the word that hath been sown in their hearts.
16 Havege mopafima rurani'neana, Anumzamofo kema nentahi'za, muse hu'za ame hu'za eneri'ze.
'And these are they, in like manner, who on the rocky ground are sown: who, whenever they may hear the word, immediately with joy do receive it,
17 Hianagi zamagu'afina rafuna ore'neza oti hanave oti'nazankiza, anante'ma Anumzamofo kegu hu'za hazenke zano, zamazeri haviza huzama fore hige'za, ame hu'za atre'za nevaze.
and have not root in themselves, but are temporary; afterward tribulation or persecution having come because of the word, immediately they are stumbled.
18 Mago'amo'za ave'ave trazampi avimaza ruranineankna hu'naze. Anamo'za Anumzamofo kea antahinazanagi,
'And these are they who toward the thorns are sown: these are they who are hearing the word,
19 mopafi zankuke zamagesa nentahi'za, zago afu fenoma eri atruma huzamo rezmatga nehuno, mago'azama zamesinte'zamo zamagu'afina efreno Anumzamofo nanekea rentrako higeno ne'za raga'a renonte. (aiōn g165)
and the anxieties of this age, and the deceitfulness of the riches, and the desires concerning the other things, entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful. (aiōn g165)
20 Hianagi tima'ane mopafi rurani'nea avimazana, zamagra Anumzamofo kea antahi ankere'za, ana kea e'neri'za nena raga'a renentaze. Mago'mo'a 30'a rentegeno, mago'mo'a 60'a rentegeno, mago'mo'a 100'a renente.
'And these are they who on the good ground have been sown: who do hear the word, and receive, and do bear fruit, one thirty-fold, and one sixty, and one an hundred.'
21 Jisasi'a amanage huno mago'ane zamasmi'ne, Rampe tavi'ma rekruma hazana, sipagampi ome nentafi, kavo agu'afinka ome nentazo? A'o anara nosaze. Rekru hutma tavima rekru hunte azotare ome nentaze.
And he said to them, 'Doth the lamp come that under the measure it may be put, or under the couch — not that it may be put on the lamp-stand?
22 Na'ankure miko'zama fra'ma ki'nesiazamo'a, eama nehanigeno, oku'a me'nesiazamo'a, masare eama hugahie.
for there is not anything hid that may not be manifested, nor was anything kept hid but that it may come to light.
23 Izano agesa me'nenigeno nentahisimofona, atregeno ama kea antahise hino.
If any hath ears to hear — let him hear.'
24 Mago'ane anage huno zamasmi'ne, Kema nentahizana antahi so'e hiho. Tamagrama amisaza avamente, ana avamente tamagrira neramamino, mago'ane agofetu huno tamamigahie.
And he said to them, 'Take heed what ye hear; in what measure ye measure, it shall be measured to you; and to you who hear it shall be added;
25 Na'ankure iza'o eri'nenimofona mago'ene agofetu huno amigahie. Hagi iza'o e'orinesimofona, osiama eri'nenia zana eritre vagaregahie.
for whoever may have, there shall be given to him, and whoever hath not, also that which he hath shall be taken from him.'
26 Hagi Jisasi'a mago'ane anage hu'ne, Anumzamofo kumamo'a, mago vahe'mo avimza avi mopafi ruranino kriankna hu'ne.
And he said, 'Thus is the reign of God: as if a man may cast the seed on the earth,
27 Kriteno umasenegeno feru ene kenage'enena hageno, ana avimza avimo'a ru hanana huno hagegeno, anama hageana nankna huno hage'neo agra ontahine.
and may sleep, and may rise night and day, and the seed spring up and grow, he hath not known how;
28 Mopamo'a agra'a azerinena higeno ne'zama'a rente'ne, esera asina reno rampa'a fore huteno, anante amosare aheno, ramparera ne'zana rente avinete.
for of itself doth the earth bear fruit, first a blade, afterwards an ear, afterwards full corn in the ear;
29 Anantera raga'a renteno nena hutegeno, agena kazaki kazinteti eme taga hu'ne. Na'ankure hozama hamarekna egeno'e.
and whenever the fruit may yield itself, immediately he doth send forth the sickle, because the harvest hath come.'
30 Hagi Jisasi'a mago'ane anage huno zamantahige'ne, Inankna ke hunteta Anumzamofo kumakura hugahune. Inankna fronka ke hunteta eriama hugahune?
And he said, 'To what may we liken the reign of God, or in what simile may we compare it?
31 Masteti raga'agna hunege'za mopafi negrize, ama mopafima me'nea avimzana agatereno onensatfa hu'ne.
As a grain of mustard, which, whenever it may be sown on the earth, is less than any of the seeds that are on the earth;
32 Hagi kritageno'a hageno nena huno, maka hozafima me'nea ne'zana ra huno agetenereno, rama'a azankuna'a hageno vuno eno higeno, maka afi' namamo'za ana zafamofo tonapi nona eme kigahaze.
and whenever it may be sown, it cometh up, and doth become greater than any of the herbs, and doth make great branches, so that under its shade the fowls of the heaven are able to rest.'
33 Ana nehuno rama'a fronka kefinti zamagrama antahi ama' hanaza avamente zamasami'ne.
And with many such similes he was speaking to them the word, as they were able to hear,
34 Agra mago'a kema hunakura fronka kefintike zamasmi'ne. Ana hu'neanagi amage'ma nentaza disaipol nagamo'zama zamagrake'ma mani'nageno, eriama huno maka'zana zamasami'ne.
and without a simile he was not speaking to them, and by themselves, to his disciples he was expounding all.
35 Hagi ananzupa kinagasegeno Jisasi'a amage nentaza disaipol naga'agura anage hu'ne, Erinketa kantu kaziga tinkenare vamneno huno hige'za,
And he saith to them on that day, evening having come, 'We may pass over to the other side;'
36 vahe krerfa zamatrete'za Jisasi'ma mani'nea votifi mareri'za vazageno, mago'a ventea zamagrane vu'naze.
and having let away the multitude, they take him up as he was in the boat, and other little boats also were with him.
37 Nevazageno tusi'a ununko atuno, tina erikranto kranto nehuno, ana votifi timo'a marevite'za higeno, timpi votimo'a tami'za hu'ne.
And there cometh a great storm of wind, and the waves were beating on the boat, so that it is now being filled,
38 Hagi Jisasi'a votimofona arigarega fita runo mase'negeza, azeri oti'za anage Agrikura hu'naze. Rempi hurami ne'moka, timo'ma tazeri nakri'za nehiana nonkano?
and he himself was upon the stern, upon the pillow sleeping, and they wake him up, and say to him, 'Teacher, art thou not caring that we perish?'
39 Anante otino zaho'mofona kesuno, Tami avazago huno timofona higeno, akoheno urami avazagene.
And having waked up, he rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, 'Peace, be stilled;' and the wind did lull, and there was a great calm:
40 Ana higeno Jisasi'a anage huno zmantahige'ne, Nahigetma amanahu huta koro nehaze? Tamentintia nosazo?
and he said to them, 'Why are ye so fearful? how have ye not faith?'
41 Ana nehige'za zamagra tusi'a zamagogo fege'za, inankna ne'mo kea nehigeno zahomo'ene timokea ke'a antahinezmi'e hu'za hu'naze.
and they feared a great fear, and said one to another, 'Who, then, is this, that even the wind and the sea do obey him?'

< Maki 4 >