< Maki 16 >

1 Hagi mani fruhu kna (Sabat) vagarege'za Makdalati Mariaki, mago Maria Jemisi nereraki, Salomeki hu'za mananentake masave Jisasi avufare ome frentenaku miza se'naze.
When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so they could go and anoint the body of Jesus.
2 Ana wikimofo ese knazupa (Sonta) nanterame zage nehanatige'za, Jisasi kerirega vu'naze.
Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise, they went to the tomb.
3 Nevu'za ontahige antahige hu'za, kerimofo kafantema rehiza hu'nea havea iza rekrehe hutregahie, hu'za hume vu'naze.
They were asking one another, “Who will roll away the stone from the entrance of the tomb?”
4 Hianagi tusi'a haveagi, ko revahe hutrenege'za ome ke'naze.
But when they looked up, they saw that the stone had been rolled away, even though it was extremely large.
5 Anante have kerigampi ufre'za kazana, mago nehaza ne'mo efeke kukena huno tamaga'a kaziga mani'nege'za ome nege'za zamagogogu hu'naze.
When they entered the tomb, they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side, and they were alarmed.
6 Hianagi anage huno zamasami'ne, Tamagogogura osiho. Nazareti Jisasima keka zafarema ahe'naza ne'ku nehakaze. Hianagi Agra ko oti'ne. Amafina omanine, avufa'ama ante'nazarera ami'nagi keho!
But he said to them, “Do not be alarmed. You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here! See the place where they put Him.
7 Hianagi vutma amage'ma nentaza disaipol naga'ane, Pitanena ome zmasamiho, Agra vugota huno Galili vu'ne, koma tmasami'nea kante antetma anantega Jisasina ome kegahaze.
But go, tell His disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see Him, just as He told you.’”
8 Anagema hige'za zmagare'za keria atre'za atinerami'za, zmahirahi nerege'za zamagogogu hu'naze. Na'ankure zamagra koro nehu'za, mago vahere hu'za ozmasami'naze.
So the women left the tomb and ran away, trembling and bewildered. And in their fear they did not say a word to anyone.
9 (note: The most reliable and earliest manuscripts do not include Mark 16:9-20.) [Hagi ana wikimofo ese zupa (Sonta), nanterame Jisasi'a fri'nefinti otiteno, esera Makdala kumate a' Mariana, 7ni'a havi avamu agu'afi mani'negeno eri atrente'nea ate efore hu'ne.
(note: The most reliable and earliest manuscripts do not include Mark 16:9-20.) Early on the first day of the week, after Jesus had risen, He appeared first to Mary Magdalene, from whom He had driven out seven demons.
10 Hagi Jisasi'ene vano nehaza vahe'mo'za zavi krafage nehazageno ana a'mo'a ome zamasami'ne.
She went and told those who had been with Him, who were mourning and weeping.
11 Ana a'mo'a, Jisasi'a otino asimu erino maninege'na ke'noe huno'ma hia kegura, antahi omi'naze.
And when they heard that Jesus was alive and she had seen Him, they did not believe it.
12 Hagi ana'ma hutegeno tare netremo'kea Jerusalemi atreke fegi'a nevakeno, Jisasi avufagamo'a ruzahe nehigeno zanagrite efore hu'ne.
After this, Jesus appeared in a different form to two of them as they walked along in the country.
13 Fore nehige'ne kete'ne rukrehe hune e'ne, mago'a disaipol nagama mani'namokizmi eme zamasamizage'za, anankegura zamentinti osu'naze.
And they went back and reported it to the rest, but they did not believe them either.
14 Ana huteno 11ni'a amage'ma nentaza disaipol nagatera, ne'za nene'za maninageno, Jisasi'a zmagrite efore nehuno, frinefinti oti'ne hu'za zmasami'naza kere antahi ozami'naza zankura, nahigeta tamentintia osu'naze huno ke zamasu'ne.
Later, as they were eating, Jesus appeared to the Eleven and rebuked them for their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they did not believe those who had seen Him after He had risen.
15 Anage hu'ne, maka moparega vutma Knare Musenkea ome huama hutma, hakare vahera zamasamiho.
And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.
16 Hagi iza'o Nagrite'ma amentinti nehuno, mono ti fresnimofona Anumzamo'a agu'vazina knare huno manigahie. Hianagi iza'o amentinti osanimo'a, keagafi manino fanana hugahie.
Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.
17 Hagi zamentinti hanamo'za amanahu avame'za erigahaze. Nagri nagirera havi avamura hunente'za, kasefa zamageru arugahaze.
And these signs will accompany those who believe: In My name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues;
18 Ha' osifa'vea zamazanu azeneri'za, avuataga zama nesnaza'zamo'a zamazeri haviza nosinke'za, kri vahete zamazama antesageno'a, krizamimo'a amane hinke'za, knare hu'za manigahaze.
they will pick up snakes with their hands, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not harm them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will be made well.”
19 Hagi anagema huno Rana Jisasima zamasmitegeno'a, Anumzamo'a Jisasina avareno monafi marerino, azantmaga kaziga ome antegeno mani'ne.
After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, He was taken up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God.
20 Ana huno vutege'za, amage'ma nentaza naga'mo'za maka kaziga vano nehu'za, Ramofona ke'a huama nehazageno, Jisasi'a ana kezmia eri hanavetino avame'zane, kaguva'zanena anama hazankefina hu'ne].
And they went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked through them, confirming His word by the signs that accompanied it.

< Maki 16 >