< Ruku 11 >

1 Hagi mago zupa, Jisasi'a magokaziga mani'neno nunamu huvagaretegeno, amagema nentea disaipol ne'mo'a anage huno ome antahige'ne. Ramoka nunamuma hu'zana, Joni'ma amagema nentaza disaipol naga'ama huzami'neaza hunka rempi huramio huno antahige'ne.
And as He was praying in a certain retired place, as soon as He had done, one of his disciples said to Him, Lord, teach us to pray as John also taught his disciples.
2 Higeno Agra anage huno zamasami'ne, Nunamuma hanutma anage hiho, Tafatimoka Kagri Kagimo'a ruotge huno mesie. Kagri kumamo'a e'nie.
And He said unto them, when ye pray, say, "Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done as in heaven so also upon earth;
3 Magoke magoke zage knafima nesuna ne'zana (bretia) neraminka,
give us day by day our daily bread; and forgive us our sins,
4 kumitia apaserantegeta, tagranena anazanke huta miko kumima hurantesamokizmia atrezmantamneno. Hagi tatregeta reravataga zampina u'oframneno.
for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one."
5 Huteno anante Jisasi'a anage huno zamasami'ne, Hagi magomoka roneka'amofontega kenage vunka, tagufa breti namitegena, henka nonahuna kamineno,
And He said unto them, Which of you shall have a friend, and shall go to him at midnight, and say to him, Friend, lend me three loaves; for a friend of mine on his journey is come to me,
6 na'ankure ronenimo'a afeteti eno emaninegena, ne'zama amisuazana omanenegena nehue hanankeno'a,
and I have nothing to set before him:
7 nomofo agu'afinti ana ne'mo'a kenona anage hugahie. Ko kafa erigi'na mofavre'ni'ane, nagranena tafete mase'nonanki, mago'zana eri onkamigahuanki eme nazeri oraotio hugahie.
and he from within shall answer and say, Do not be troublesome; the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed, I cannot rise to give thee.
8 Nagra neramasamue, nomofo agu'afima mani'nea ne'mo'a, arone'amo mani'neanagi otino agrira ne'zana omigahie. Hianagi na'ankure kazikazima hania zanku avesinesiama'a eri amigahie.
I tell you, tho' he will not rise and give him, because he is his friend: yet because of his importunity he will rise and give him as many as he wants.
9 Ana hu'negu Nagra neramasamue, antahigegeno, anazana kamino, hakesunka, kenka eri fore hugahane. Kafante vagre vagre hugeno, kafamo'a anagi kantegahie.
And so I tell you, Ask and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you.
10 Na'ankure antahigaza vahe'mo'za e'nerize. Hakraza vahe'mo'za, keza eri fore nehaze, kafante vagre vagre hanamokizmia, kafana anagi zmantegahie.
For every one that asketh receiveth, and he that seeketh findeth, and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
11 Ina ne'mo amuno tamifintira, mofavre'amo'ma aganetenkeno nozamegu'ma antahigesigeno'a, nozamea omi osifavea eri amigahio?
If a son ask bread of any father among you, will he give him a stone? and if he ask for a fish, will he instead of a fish give him a serpent? or if he ask for an egg,
12 Hifi kokore amuku'ma antahigesigeno'a, amane segintave (Scorpion) amigahio?
will he give him a scorpion?
13 Hanki tamagra havizama nehzamota, tamagra antahinaze. Knare museza mofavretmia nezamize. Mago'ane monafi mani'nea Neramafa'a, Ruotge Avamuku'ma antahigaza vahera zamigahie!
If ye then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall your heavenly Father give the holy Spirit to them that ask Him?
14 Mago zupa ageruma eri tagane havi avamu mago ne'pinti Jisasi'a humegi atrene. Ana havi avamumo atineramigeno, kema nosia nemo'a agafa huno kea nehige'za, tusi'a veamo'za antri hu'naze.
And He was casting out a demon, and it was dumb: and when the demon was gone out, the dumb man spake; and the people wondered.
15 Hianagi mago'amo'za hu'za, havi hankromofo ugagota kvazmimofo Belsebuli hanavefi, Agra havi avamura hunente hu'naze.
But some of them said, He casteth out demons by Beelzebub the prince of demons:
16 Mago'amo'za rehe'za kenaku, agafa hu'za monafinti mago avame'za huraveri huo hu'za hankavetiza antahige'naze.
and others, to try Him, desired of Him a sign from heaven.
17 Hianagi Jisasi'a antahintahizmia negeno, anage huno zamasmi'ne, Mago rankumo amu'nompinti refko huno ha' orente arente haniana, taregamoke haviza hugaha'e. Mago nompi naga'moma amu'nompinti refkoma hanuno'a traka huno haviza hugahie.
But He who well knew their thoughts, said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself becomes desolate, and a house against a house falleth: if Satan also be divided against himself,
18 Hagi Satama agra'a naga'ane amu'nompinti refko huno ha' orente arente haniana, nankna huno ana kuma'amo'a oti hankavetigahie? Tamantahimanegoana, na'ankure tamagra hutma, Belsebul ugagota havi hankromofo hanavefi, havi hankrora hunente hazazanku nehue.
how shall his kingdom stand? because ye say, that I cast out demons by Beelzebub.
19 Hagi Nagra'ma ugagota havi hankromofo Belsebul hanavefima, havi hankroma huntesugeno'a, iza hanavefi tamagri'ma tamagema nentaza naga'mo'za hunentaze? E'ina hu'neankiza zamagra refko hurmantegahaze.
And if I by Beelzebub cast out demons, by whom do your own people cast them out? wherefore they shall be your judges.
20 Hianagi Anumzamofo hanaveretima havi avamu hunentesuana, Anumzamofo kumamo'a ko tamagrite e'ne.
But if I cast out demons by the power of God, you may be sure the kingdom of God is come unto you:
21 Hanave ne'moma kuma'ama kegava huno manisigeno'a, maka zama'amo'a mane so'e hugahie.
for when a strong man well-armed defends his palace, his substance is secure:
22 Hianagi mago hanavenentake ne'mo'ma ha' eme hunteno agateresuno'a, maka ati keve'ane, so'e zama'a erino ome refko hugahie.
but when a stronger than he cometh upon him and conquers him, he taketh away his armour, wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils.
23 Iza'o Nagranema nomanimo'a ha' renenante. Iza'o Nagrane emeritru nosimo'a repanini higeno nefre.
He, that is not with me, is against me; and he, that gathereth not with me, scattereth.
24 Agru osu havi avamumo vahepinti atiramino vuteno, ti omane'nea kokampi nevuno, manigasahu kumaku hakeana onkeno anage hu'ne. Ete rukrahe hu'na ko'ma mani'no'a vahe'mofo agu'afi vanue nehuno,
When an impure spirit is gone out of a man, he wanders through dry desert places, seeking rest: and finding none he saith, I will return into my house, that I came out of;
25 vuno ana nonte ome keana, nona harafi huno eri so'ehu fatgo hunte'ne.
and when he cometh he findeth it swept and set in order.
26 Anante ete vuno mago'a 7ni'a havi avu'ava agetereno nehia avamutmi ome zmavareno ege'za, ufre'za umani'naze. Hankino ana ne'mofona henka nomani'zamo'a, kote nomanizana agatereno havizantfa hu'ne.
Then he goeth and taketh with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and so the last state of that man is worse than the first.
27 Jisasi'a anage huno nehigeno, mago a'mo vea kevumofo amuno'zimifi mani'neno kezatino, amanage hu'ne, Negrera kaseganteno ami kami'nemo'a muse hugahie.
As He was speaking these things, a certain woman lifted up her voice from amidst the croud, and said, Happy is the womb that bare thee, and the breasts which thou didst suck!
28 Hianagi Jisasi'a kenona huno, Ana hu'neanagi Anumzamofo nanekema nentahino amagema nentemo, agatereno musena hugahie.
but He replied, Yea rather happy are they, that hear the word of God and keep it.
29 Tusi'a vea krefamo'za mago'ane etruhu rama nehazageno, Jisasi'a agafa huno anage hu'ne, Ama knafi vahera havi vahe mani'ne'za avame'za kenaku nantahinegaze. Hianagi mago avame'za onkegahazanki, Jona avame zanke kegahaze.
And when the multitudes were gathering thick together He began to say, This is a wicked generation: they demand a sign, but no sign shall be given them, except that of the prophet Jonah:
30 Na'ankure Ninive kumate vahe'mokizmire, Jona'a avame'za mani'neankna huno, Vahe'mofo Mofavremo enena anahukna huno menima mani'naza vahe'motarera huramaverina kegahaze.
for as Jonah was a sign to the Ninevites, so shall also the Son of man be to this generation.
31 Anumzamo'ma vahe'ma refko huno keagama huzmantesia knarera, Sauti kaziga Siba kumateti Kuini a'mo'a otino, Anumzamo'ma keagama refkoma hanirera, ama knafi vahera keontahi vahe mani'naze huno keaga huzmantegahie. Na'ankure ana kuini amo'a afete'arega mani'neanagi, Solomoni knare antahintahi'a antahinaku e'ne. Hianagi antahiho, mago nera Solomonima agaterenea nera amuno tamifina mani'ne.
The queen of the south shall rise up in the day of judgement against the men of this generation and condemn them: for she came from the remote parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and behold a greater than Solomon is here.
32 Anumzamo'ma vahe'ma refkoma hania knarera, Ninive vahe'mo'za oti'za ama knafi vahera keontahi vahe mani'naze hu'za keaga huzmantegahaze. Na'ankure Jona'ma hia kerera zamagu'a rukrehe hu'naze. Hanki keho, Jonama agaterenea nera amafi mani'ne. (Jona 3:4-10,1 Kin 10:1-13.)
And the men of Nineveh shall rise up in the judgement against this generation, and condemn it; for they repented upon the preaching of Jonas, and behold a greater than Jonas is here.
33 Hagi vahe'mo'za tavira rekru hu'za oku'a antege, ekaeka kupina eririza refinotaze. Hianagi tavira tagiza tavima rekru hunte azotare antenesageno, remsa hu'nenige'za ufresaza vahe'mo'za kegahaze.
But yet no one having lighted a candle putteth it into a secret place, nor under a bushel, but on a candlestick, that they who come in may see the light.
34 Tamavurgamo'a tamavufgamofo tavire, tamavurgamo'ma keama nehanigeno'a, maka tamavufgamo'a masa hugahie. Hianagi haviza hanigeno'a maka tamavufgamo'a hani hugahie.
The eye is the candle of the body: therefore when thine eye is clear, thy whole body also is light; but when it is bad, thy body also is dark.
35 Hanki tamagripima me'nea tavi'moma hanima huzankura, kva hiho.
Take heed therefore least the light which is in thee be darkness.
36 E'ina hu'negu maka tamavufgafima msamoma avimatenenkeno'a, tamavufgafina hanina omnenena, maka tamavufgamo'a tavimoma hiaza huno remsa hu vagaregahie.
For if thy whole body be light, having no part dark, it will be (when all enlightened) as when a candle giveth thee light by its brightness.
37 Jisasi'a ana kea huvagaretegeno, mago Farisi ne'mo'a huno, nagrane feru ne'zana eme no huno antahigegeno, vuno neza nenaza trate aza tununte (reclined) umanine.
And as He spake, a certain pharisee asked Him to dine with him: and He went in and sat down at table.
38 Ana Farisi ne'mo'ma keama, zamagra Farisi vahe'mo'zama zamazama sesema hute'za nezama nenazaza osu, Jisasima nezama amne nenegeno'a, antri hu'ne.
And when the pharisee saw it he wondered that He did not wash first, before dinner.
39 Hianagi Ramo'a anage huno ana nera asami'ne, Tamagra Farisi vahe'motma kapune, pletinena amega sese nehaze. Hianagi tamagu'afina kumazafa zamo'ene, havi avu'avazamo avite'ne.
But the Lord said unto him, ye pharisees clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but your inward part is full of rapine and wickedness.
40 Tamagra negi vahe mani'naze, Agra amegama troma hu'nemo'a, agu'afinena trora osunefi?
Senseless creatures! Did not He who made the outside, make also that which is within? give alms rather according to your ability:
41 Tamagrama erinenaza zama, muse nehutma tamagu'areti huta zamunte omane vahe'ma zamamisazana, tamagrira maka zantamimo'a agru hugahie.
and behold all things are clean to you.
42 Hianagi Farisi vahe'mota kva hiho! Na'ankure tamagra izane aruine, maka hozafinti mananentake ne'zana 10ni'a kevufinti, mago kevua refko huta nemizanagi, Anumzamofo fatgo avu'avazane, avesizamofona netreta, vahera so'e hunozmantaze.
But wo unto you pharisees, who tithe even your mint, and rue, and all your herbs, and pass by judgement and the love of God: these ought ye to practise and not to omit the others.
43 Kva hiho Farisi vahe'motma! Na'ankure tamagra osi mono nontamimpi ugota trate mani'zanku tamavenesigetma, maketi kumatamimpi vahe'mo'za antahiramiza husgama huramantezankuke nehaze.
Wo unto you pharisees; for ye love the chief seat in synagogues, and salutations in public places.
44 Tamagra Kva hiho! Fri vahe'mokizmi keri refiteankna huta mani'nage'za, vahe'mo'za ana agofetu ontahiza vano nehaze.
Wo unto you scribes and pharisees, hypocrites; for ye are like graves that do not appear, and those that walk over them are not aware of them.
45 Kasegere ugagota hu'naza vahepinti mago'mo kenona anage hu'ne, Rempi hurami ne'moka, kagrama ama kema hanana, tagriku'ene huhaviza hurantane huno hu'ne.
And one of the doctors of the law answered and said unto Him, Master, in saying these things thou reproachest us also.
46 Hianagi Jisasi'a amanage hu'ne, Kasegere ugagota hu'naza vahe'motmanena kva hiho. Na'ankure tamagra vahe'mokizmia tusi'a knaza zamizage'za kanagu hu'za eri'za nevazagetma, tamagra mago tamazankoa antetma knaza zmia e'norize.
And He said, Wo unto you also, ye interpreters of the law, for ye load men with insupportable burthens, and ye yourselves touch not the burthens with one of your fingers.
47 Tamagra kva hiho! Na'ankure korapama neramagehozama zamahe'naza kasnampa vahe'mokizmia keri tamagra negafize.
Wo unto you; who build the sepulchres of the prophets, and your fathers killed them.
48 E'i ana avu'avazamofona, tamagra vahera zmaveri hutma, neramagehoma hu'neazankura knare hu'ne hutma nehaze. Na'ankure neramageho'za kasnampa vahera zamahe fri'nazagetma, tamagra kerizmia kafinentaze.
Thus ye testify that ye approve of the deeds of your fathers; for they put them to death, and ye build their sepulchres.
49 E'i ana agafare, tamagri havi tamavu tamavazamofonku, Anumzamofo knare antahintahimofo kemo'enena huno, Nagra kasnampa vahe'ene, aposol nagara huzmantesugeno e'nagetma, mago'amokizmia zamahe nefritma, mago'amokizmia zamazeri haviza hugahaze hu'ne.
And therefore the wisdom of God hath said, I will send them prophets and apostles, and some of them they will kill and persecute:
50 E'ina hu'negu, mona mopama fore'ma hu'neregatima kasnampa vahe'ma zamahe'za korazmima eritagi atre'za e'naza zantera, nona hu'za meni gnafima mani'naza vahe'mo'za knazana erigahaze.
that the blood of all the prophets which has been shed from the foundation of the world may be required of this generation, from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zachariah,
51 Abelima ahegeno korama'ama tagiraminereti eno, Kresramana vu itane ra mono nomofo amu'nompima Zekaraiama ahazageno, korama'ama tagitre'nea knarema ehanati'nea vahe'mokizmi koramofo nona'a, tamage ama knafi vahe'motare refko huno nona huramantegahie.
who perished between the altar and the temple. Verily I tell you, it shall be required of this generation.
52 Kasegere ugagota hu'naza vahe'motma kva hiho! Na'ankure antahi'zama eri ki nofira erinetretma, tamagra'a anampina unofreta, anampima ufrenaku'ma nehaza vahe'mokizmi kana rehi'za hunezmantaze.
Wo unto you interpreters of the law; for ye have taken away the key of knowledge, ye entered not in yourselves, and those that were entering in, ye hindered.
53 Jisasi'ma anama huteno'a, ananteti atreno nevige'za, kasegere ugagota hunaza vahe'mo'zane, Farisi vahe'mo'zanena agafa hu'za zamarimpa henente'za, rama'a zanku agenoka nehu'za,
As He was saying these things unto them the scribes and pharisees began vehemently to attack Him, and urge Him to speak of many things,
54 mago'a kema hanifinti azerinaza kanku hake'naze.
laying snares for Him, and endeavouring to catch something out of his mouth, that they might accuse Him.

< Ruku 11 >