< Lementesen-Zavi Krafa 2 >

1 Saioni kumamo'a vene omase mofakna hu'neankino Ra Anumzamo'a arimpa ahenenteno, arimpahe'zana hamponkna huno atregeno eramino Saioni kumara refite'ne. Ana knafina Ra Anumzamo'a agiama nentea trakura agesa ontahi, Israeli vahe'mo'ma ra agima eneria konaririzama'a eri mopafi atre'ne!
ALEPH. How has the Lord darkened in his wrath the daughter of Sion! he has cast down the glory of Israel from heaven to earth, and has not remembered his footstool.
2 Ra Anumzamo'a Jekopu nagamokizmia asunkura huozmanteno, afi zagamo'ma mago zagama asgahu nakriaza huno zamaheno eri vaganereno, magore huno nonkumazmia otre eri haviza huvagare'ne. Ana nehuno tusi arimpa ahenezmanteno, ana maka Juda mopafima me'nea ranra kumatamimofo vihu kegina tapagehu atre vagare'ne. Ana maka mopane kva vahe'enena mopafi zamazeri atre vagarege'za tusi zamagazegu hu'naze.
BETH. In the day of his wrath the Lord has overwhelmed [her] as in the sea, [and] not spared: he has brought down in his fury all the beautiful things of Jacob; he has brought down to the ground the strong-holds of the daughter of Juda; he has profaned her kings and her princes.
3 Ra Anumzamo'a Israeli vahera tusi arimpa ahenezmanteno, maka hankave zamia eri atre'ne. Ana nehuno ha' vahe'zamimo'zama ha'ma eme huzmante'naku'ma erava'oma nehazageno'ma, tamaga azanu'ma anteso huno'ma zamazama nehizana eritreno zamaza osu'ne. Teve nefa'mo hagna hagna huno maka'za teno eri vagareaza huno, Jekopu nagara zamazeri havizantfa hu'ne.
GIMEL. He has broken in his fierce anger all the horn of Israel: he has turned back his right hand from the face of the enemy, and has kindled a flame in Jacob as a fire, and it has devoured all things round about.
4 Ha' vahe'mo'ma hiaza huno kevea atifi erinteno kri krarapeno, Saioni kumara hara hunte'ne. Jerusalemi kumamo'ma avesinentea vahe'a, Ra Anumzamo'a hankave'a erinteama huno zamahe fri vagare'ne. Ra Anumzamofo arimpa ahe'zamo'a, tusi'a teve nefa'mo hiaza huno Jerusalemi rankumara teno eri vagare'ne.
DALETH. He has bent his bow as an opposing enemy: he has strengthened his right hand as an adversary, and has destroyed all the desirable things of my eyes in the tabernacle of the daughter of Sion: he has poured forth his anger as fire.
5 Hagi ha' vahe'mo hiaza huno, Ra Anumzamo'a Israeli vahera ha' rezmanteno maka mopa'zamia eri haviza nehuno, kini vahe nontamine hankave vihu zaminena eri haviza huvagare'ne. Anama hiazamo hige'za mofanemo'zama nehazaza hu'za maka Juda mopafima nemaniza vahe'mo'za tusi zamasunku zampi mani'neza, zavi krafa hu'naze.
HE. The Lord is become as an enemy: he has overwhelmed Israel as in the sea, he has overwhelmed her palaces: he has destroyed her strong-holds, and has multiplied the afflicted and humbled ones to the daughter of Juda.
6 Ra Anumzamo'a hozafi fugagi noma hiaza huno, mono noma'a eri tapage hutre'ne. E'ina nehuno atruma hu'za mono'ma hunentaza nona eri tapage hutre vagare'ne. Ana nehuno Saioni kumapima ne'zama kre'za nene'za musema nehaza knane, mani fruma nehaza Sabati knanena zamazeri zamagekanine. Ana nehuno Ra Anumzamo'a kini vahe'ene pristi vahera tusi arimpa ahenezmanteno, eri'za zamifintira zamazeri atre'ne.
VAU. And he has scattered his tabernacle as a vine, he has marred his feast: the Lord has forgotten the feast and the sabbath which he appointed in Sion, and in the fury of his wrath has vexed the king, and priest, and prince.
7 Ra Anumzamo'a Agritegama kresramna vunentaza ita amefi hunemino Mono noma'anena amefi humi'ne. Ana nehuno ha' vahe zamazampi zamavarentege'za Jerusalemi kumapima kinimofo nontamima azeri agu'ma vazi'nea vihu keginaramina emeri anafa'a hu'naze. Ana nehu'za mono'ma hu knare'ma hiaza hu'za, ha' vahe'mo'za Ra Anumzamofo Mono nompi mareri'za ivimo agazamo huza tusi zamagasasa ru'naze.
ZAIN. The Lord has rejected his altar, he has cast off his sanctuary, he has broken by the hand of the enemy the wall of her palaces; they have uttered their voice in the house of the Lord as on a feast day.
8 Ra Anumzamo'a Jerusalemi kumamofo kuma kegina tapage hutrenigeno haviza haniegu agesa antahi'ne. Ana nehuno nofi avazuhumpi huno anteno keteno, azama rusuteno kuma keginama eri havizama hunaku'ma nehia azana eri onamagi'neanki rusuteno, kuma keginane, manisga hu'nezama ha'ma nehaza nonena eri haviza higeke zanasunku nehuke zavi ate'na'e.
HETH. And he has turned to destroy the wall of the daughter of Sion: he has stretched out the measuring line, he has not turned back his hand from afflicting [her]: therefore the bulwark mourned, and the wall was weakened with it.
9 Ana higeno Jerusalemi kumamofo rankafaramina mopamo refinetegeno, kafante'ma eri rusima nehaza ainiramina, Ra Anumzamo'a rufutagi atrene. Hagi kini vahe'zamine kva vahe'zaminena ha' vahe'mo'za eme zamavare'za afete moparega vu'za kina ome hunezmantageno kasegemo'enena fanane hu'ne. Ana nehigeno Ra Anumzamo'a ava'nagna zampina eforera huno kasnampa vahera nanekea eme ozmasami'ne.
TETH. Her gates are sunk into the ground: he has destroyed and broken to pieces her bars, [and] her king and her prince among the Gentiles: there is no law, nay, her prophets have seen no vision from the Lord.
10 Hagi Jerusalemi kumapi ranra vahe'mo'za zamasunku kukena nehu'za, kugusopa kate'za zamanunte nefre'za, kea osu akohe'za mopafi mani'naze. Ana nehazage'za vene omase mofa'nema Jerusalemi kumapima nemaniza mofanemo'za mopafi kepri hu'naze.
JOD. The elders of the daughter of Sion have sat upon the ground, they have kept silence: they have cast up dust upon their heads; they have girded themselves with sackcloths: they have brought down to the ground the chief virgins in Jerusalem.
11 Nagri vahe'ma knama eri'zazama nege'na, ne'onse mofavre naga'mozama kumamofo kankamumpima hankavezmi omanege'zama umase emasema nehaza zama negena, zavira netogeno navumo'a pro nehigeno, tumonimo'a atane'ne. Ana nehigeno nagu'afi zamo'a marerino nanankempi titipa hu'ne.
CHAPH. Mine eyes have failed with tears, my heart is troubled, my glory is cast down to the ground, for the destruction of the daughter of my people; while the infant and suckling swoon in the streets of the city.
12 Ne'onse mofavre naga'moza, hapinti ahe kuzafa hu'naza sondia vahe'mo hiaza hu'za, kumamofo kankamumpi mani'neza ne'zanku fri'za nehu'za, antazamimofonku hu'za ne'zane tinena tamiho hu'za nehazage'za antazamimo'za zamazampi zamavare'nage'za nefrize.
LAMED. They said to their mothers, Where is corn and wine? while they fainted like wounded men in the streets of the city, while their souls were poured out into their mother's bosom.
13 Hagi Jerusalemi kunamokagura nasunku hugantoanki, na'ane hu'na kagrikura hugahue? Magora ina kuma'mo kagrama eri'nankna knazana kora eri'neane hu'na kagri'enena erinte'na kegahue? Saioni mofa'moka na'ane hu'na kazeri hankaveti nanekea hugahue? Kagrama eri'nana hazenke zamo'a, hagerimo'ma hiaza huno amefenkame antuntu huno urami'ne. Ana hu'neankino mago vahe'mo'a kazeri onkanamregahie.
MEM. What shall I testify to thee, or what shall I compare to thee, O daughter of Jerusalem? who shall save and comfort thee, O virgin daughter of Sion? for the cup of thy destruction is enlarged: who shall heal thee?
14 Kasnampa vahekamo'zama avanagnaza ke'none hu'zama huama'ma hu'nazana, havige hu'za kagrira regavatga hu'naze. Hagi kagrama hu'nana kumira erinte amara hu'za kasamizagenka nentahinka, ana kumimofo kinafintira atrenka fru hunka omani'nane. Anumzamofontegati eri'nona kasnampa ke hu'zama kagri'ma kasami'nazana havige hu'za kavre'za havi kampi vu'naze.
NUN. Thy prophets have seen for thee vanities and folly: and they have not discovered thine iniquity, to turn back thy captivity; but they have seen for thee vain burdens, and worthless visions.
15 Jerusalemi kumamoka kagri tvaonte'ma enevuza kasunku zampima mani'nana zama nege'za, zamazana rupro nehu'za kiza zokago ke hunegante'za, Jerusalemi kumapima mani'naza vahe'ma nezamage'za zamagena ru'naze. Ana nehu'za amanage hu'za hu'naze. Kora ama kumamo'a knare zantfama huno konariri'ane kuma me'nege'za maka ama mopafi vahe'mo'zama nege'za muse nehu'za husgama hunte'naza kumapi ru kumare? hu'za hu'naze.
SAMECH. All that go by the way have clapped their hands at thee; they have hissed and shaken their head at the daughter of Jerusalem. Is this the city, they say, the crown of joy of all the earth?
16 Jerusalemi kumamoka maka ha' vahekamo'za sifna kea hunegante'za, zamavera aninkreki nehu'za zokago kea amanage hu'za nehaze. Amanahu knama fore hanie hutama avegama ante'nona kna meni efore higeta ofri kasefa huta mani'neta Jerusalemi kumara eri haviza nehune hu'za nehaze.
AIN. All thine enemies have opened their mouth against thee: they have hissed and gnashed their teeth, and said, We have swallowed her up: moreover this is the day which we looked for; we have found it, we have seen it.
17 Ra Anumzamo'ma korapa'ma huno, e'ina hu'za hugahuema huno retroma hunte'nea zamo efore nehigeno, hugahuema huno'ma hu'nea nanekea eri rganere. Ana hu'neankino Jerusalemi kumamoka asunkura huoganteno, kazeri mopafi atre'ne. Ha' vaheka'a hankave nezamino, zmatrege'za e'za, hara eme hugagatere'naze. Ana nehu'za kagrama havizama hana zankura tusi musenkase hu'naze.
PHE. The Lord has done that which he purposed; he has accomplished his word, [even] the things which he commanded from the ancient days: he has thrown down, and has not spared: and he has caused the enemy to rejoice over thee, he has exalted the horn of him that afflicted thee.
18 Jerusalemi kumapima mani'naza vahemota Ra Anumzamofontega zavi krafagea hiho. Ana nehuta feru'ene kenage'enena zavira netenkeno, tamavunu'mo'a tinkna huno eramino. Kagra amnea omaninka, zavira tevava nehugeno kavumo'a pro hino.
TSADE. Their heart cried to the Lord, Ye walls of Sion, pour down tears like torrents day and night: give thyself no rest; let not the apple of thine eyes cease.
19 Kenagera otinka mani'nenka, tima eri tagi treaza hunka, knazane krimpa haviza hu'zanena erinte ama hunka kazama hanigura Ra Anumzamofona asamio. Ana nehunka ne'onse mofavre nagaka'ama zamagaku'ma nehu'zama kuma kankamumpima fri'zama nehaza nagama zamazama hanigura, kazana erisga hunka Ra Anumzamofontega nunamuna huo.
KOPH. Arise, rejoice in the night at the beginning of thy watch: pour out thy heart as water before the face of the Lord; lift up thy hands to him for the life of thine infants, who faint for hunger at the top of all the streets.
20 Ra Anumzamoka Kagra'a vahete'ma amanahu knazama eri fore'ma nehana zana negenka kagesa antahio. Ane'mo'zama zamavesi zamavesi'ma hunezmantaza mofavrezamia zamahe'zama nenazana, e'i knare nehifi? Pristi vahe'ene kasnampa vahe'enema ha' vahe'mo'zama Kagri mono nompima mareri'zama zamahe nefri'zana, e'i knare nehifi?
RHECHS. Behold, O Lord, and see for whom thou has gathered thus. Shall the women eat the fruit of their womb? the cook has made a gathering: shall the infants sucking at the breasts be slain? wilt thou slay the priest and prophet in the sanctuary of the Lord?
21 Ha' vahe'mo'za kasefa vahe'ene tavava ozafaramima zamahe frizage'za, kuma kankamumpina, kugusopafi mase'naze. Nahezaveramine mofa'neramina bainati kazinteti zamahe fri'naze. Ra Anumzamoka anama krimpama ahea knafina, magore hunka ozmatre zamahe fri' vagare'nane.
CHSEN. The child and old man have lain down in the street: my virgins and my young men are gone into captivity: thou hast slain [them] with the sword and with famine; in the day of thy wrath thou hast mangled [them], thou has not spared.
22 Ra Anumzamoka karimpahe knama egenka ne'zama kreno neneno musema hu kna zupa vahe'ma zurunama hanke'zama azankna hunka, ha' vaheni'a zuruna hanke'za e'za maka kazigatira eme nazeri koro nehu'za hara hunante'za nagrama kase zamante'na kegavama nehua ne'onse mofavre nagani'a ozmatre'za ana maka zamahe hana hu'naze.
THAU. He has called my sojourners round about to a solemn day, and there was not in the day of the wrath of the Lord any one that escaped or was left; whereas I have strengthened and multiplied all mine enemies.

< Lementesen-Zavi Krafa 2 >