< Aizaia 66 >

1 Ra Anumzamo'a amanage huno hu'ne, Mona kumamo'a Nagrama nemanue tra megeno, ama mopamo'a nagiama nentoa tra me'ne. E'ina hu'neankita Nagri nona inantega kinantesnage'na, nagra mani frua hugahue? (Matiu 5: 34, 35. Aposolo 7: 49, 50)
Thus saith the Lord, Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: what kind of a house will ye build me? and of what kind [is to be] the place of my rest?
2 Na'ankure Nagra Ra Anumzamo'na monane mopane maka zantamina nazampinti tro huntogeno me'ne huno Ra Anumzamo'a hu'ne. Hagi zamavufagama anteramiza nemaniza, zamasunku hu'za zamagu'a rukrahe nehu'za, nagri nanekegu'ma koroma hunte'za zmahirahiku'ma nehaza vaheku nagrira nave'nesie.
For all these things are mine, saith the Lord: and to whom will I have respect, but to the humble and meek, and the [man] that trembles [at] my words?
3 Hianagi ve bulimakaoma ahe'za ofama nehaza zamo'a vahe'ma ahe friaza nehu'za, sipisipi anenta'ma ahe'za ofama nehaza zamo'a, krama ananke eri vamigino ofama nehazankna nehaze. Hagi witi ofama nehaza zamo'a, nagri navurera afumofo korama ofama hazankna nehu'za, mna nentake'zama ofama haza zamo'a, nagrama koana havi anumzante kre mna nevazankna nehaze. Ana nehu'za zamagra'a zamavesite kasarino'ma agoterfa avu'ava zana nehu'za, kana atre'za zamagra'a zamavesi nevaririze.
But the transgressor that sacrifices a calf to me, is as he that kills a dog; and he that offers fine flour, as [one that offers] swine's blood; he that gives frankincense for a memorial, is as a blasphemer. Yet they have chosen their own ways, and their soul has delighted in their abominations.
4 E'ina hu'negu zamagrama koro'ma nehaza knazana ko huhampri zamante'noanki'na, atrenugeno zamagrite egahie. Na'ankure Nagrama kema hu'noana mago'mo'e huno kenona osigeno, kema nehugeno'a mago'mo'e huno nagri kea ontahine. Nagri navurera kefo avu'ava nehu'za nagrama musema nosua zamavuzmava nehaze.
I also will choose their mockeries, and will recompense their sins upon them; because I called them, and they did not hearken to me; I spoke, and they heard not: and they did evil before me, and chose the things wherein I delighted not.
5 Hagi iza'o Ra Anumzamofo kegu'ma ahirahiku'ma nehania vahe'mo'a Ra Anumzamofo kea agesa anteno antahino. Nagri nagireku hu'za neramafu'za zamavesra huneramante'za kiza zokago ke huneramante'za Ra Anumzamo'a hankave'ane eno eme zamazeri muse nehina, kamaneno hu'za nehaze. Hianagi tamagerfa hu'za ana kema nehaza vahe'mo'za tusi'a zamagazegu hugahaze.
Hear the words of the Lord, ye that tremble at his word; speak ye, our brethren, to them that hate you and abominate you, that the name of the Lord may be glorified, and may appear their joy; but they shall be ashamed.
6 Rankumapinti'ma tusi agasasankemo'ma nehiana nentahita, ra mono nompinti'ma nehaza agasasankea antahiho. E'i ana agasasankea Ra Anumzamo'a agri'ma ha'ma rente'naza vahe nona huno miza nezamige'za nehaza agasasamo'e!
A voice of a cry from the city, a voice from the temple, a voice of the Lord rendering recompence to [his] adversaries.
7 Jerusalemi rankumamo'a mago a'mo mofavre anteku nehigeno ata negrigeno ne' mofavre omenteaza osu'neanki, ame huno ne' mofavre anteankna hu'ne.
Before she that travailed brought forth, before the travail-pain came on, she escaped [it] and brought forth a male.
8 Hanki e'ina hu'zana kora negeta nentahita hu'nazafi? Mago kumamo'a mago zupagera ame hunora eforera nehia zampi? Mago kumate vahe'mo'a ame hunora vahera forera huno eri hakare nehia zampi? I'o. Ana hu'neanagi Saioni kumamo'ma mofavrema antenakura agafa huno atama negrisnigeno'a, ame huno ne' mofavreramina kasezamantegahie.
Who has heard such a thing? and who has seen after this manner? Has the earth travailed in one day? or has even a nation been born at once, that Sion has travailed, and brought forth her children?
9 Nagra hanugeno mofavrema kasentezama nehaniretira mofavrea kase ontegahifi? Nagrama mofavrema fore hinoma hu'na hugeno'ma fore nehia Ra Anumza mani'noanki'na, nagra zamarimpa eri kugeno mofavrea nontaze hu'na tamagri Ra Anumzamo'na nehue.
But I have raised this expectation, yet thou hast not remembered me, saith the Lord: behold, have not I made the bearing and barren woman? saith thy God.
10 Jerusalemi kumaku'ma avesinentamota, agrane tusi musena hiho. Maka vahe'ma Jerusalemi kumaku'ma tamasunku huta zavi'ma netaza vahe'mota, menina agrane musena hiho!
Rejoice, O Jerusalem, and all ye that love her hold in her a general assembly: rejoice greatly with her, all that [now] mourn over her:
11 Ana nehinkeno mofavrema ami amiaza tamagrira nehina, agripintira amima anivazu huno neaza huta anivazu huta rama'aza enerita mani so'e huta manigahaze.
that ye may suck, and be satisfied with the breast of her consolation; that ye may milk out, and delight yourselves with the influx of her glory.
12 E'ina hu'negu Ra Anumzamo'a amanage huno hu'ne, Antahiho, Nagra hanugeno tima hageaza huno maka ama mopafi vahe'mokizmi feno zamo'a Jerusalemi kumapina eme avitenigeno, mago zankura atupara osugahie. Ana zantamima erinutma tusi muse hugahaze. Mago a'mo mofavre'a azampi avre'neno ami amigeno neneno muse hiaza nehuta, nerera'a amote avrenteneno zokago renenteaza hugahaze.
For thus saith the Lord, Behold, I turn toward them as a river of peace, and as a torrent bringing upon them in a flood the glory of the Gentiles: their children shall be borne upon the shoulders, and comforted on the knees.
13 Mago a'mo mofavre'a kvahu so'e hu'neno avavaseaza hu'na, kegava huzmantegahue. Ana hanugeta Jerusalemi kumapina fru huta manigahaze.
As if his mother should comfort one, so will I also comfort you; and ye shall be comforted in Jerusalem.
14 Anazama eri fore'ma hanua zama negesnageno'a, tamagu'afintira tusi muse nehanigeta, trazamo hageno amosre ahenteaza huta hankave vahe fore hugahaze. Ra Anumzamo'a hankave'a, agra'a eri'za vahe'are erinte ama hugahie. Hianagi ha' vahe'amokizmia arimpa ahezmantegahie.
And ye shall see, and your heart shall rejoice, and your bones shall thrive like grass: and the hand of the Lord shall be known to them that fear him, and he shall threaten the disobedient.
15 Hanki tamagra negesnageno, Ra Anumzamo'a teve anefa'ene ne-eno, kagikagi zahomo'ma hiaza huno karisi'afi mani'neno ame huno egahie. Ana nehuno tusi arimpa ahezmanteno tevereti ha' vahe'a zamazeri haviza hugahie.
For, behold, the Lord will come as fire, and his chariots as a storm, to render his vengeance with wrath, and his rebuke with a flame of fire.
16 Ra Anumzamo'a tevereti'ene bainati kazinteti'ene maka ama mopafi vahera kumi zamimofo nona huno zamahe vagaregahie. Ana hanige'za rama'a vahe frigahaze.
For with the fire of the Lord all the earth shall be judged, and all flesh with his sword: many shall be slain by the Lord.
17 Ra Anumzamo'a huno, havi anumzante'ma vu'za hozafima mono ome hunteku'ma nehu'za, zamagra'a zamazeri agru hu avu'avaza nehazageno, amu'nozamifinti mago vahemo'ma afu'mofo ame'a neneno, kafane mago'a Ra Anumzamo'ma i'oma higeno agruma osu'nea zagaramima nenea vahekura, Ra Anumzamo'a zamazeri haviza hanuge'za fanane hugahaze huno hu'ne.
They that sanctify themselves and purify themselves in the gardens, and eat swine's flesh in the porches, and the abominations, and the mouse, shall be consumed together, saith the Lord.
18 Ra Anumzamo'a huno, Vahe'mokizmi antahintahi'zane zamavu zamava zanena ko ke'na antahi'na hu'noanki'na, kokankoka vahe'ene maka ruzahu ruzahu zamageru'ma neraza vahe'enena, e'na eme zamazeri atru hugahue. Anama hanuge'za zamagra e'za Nagri hihamu hankaveni'a kegahaze.
And I [know] their works and their imagination. I am going to gather all nations and tongues; and they shall come, and see my glory.
19 Hanki ama ana nanekema eri tamagema senakura, ofri'ma mani'naza vahera huzmantesnuge'zama mago'a ru kumategama vanazana, Tasisima, Putima, Ludima, Mesekima, Tubalima, Javani kumate'ene hageri amu'nompima me'nea kumatamimpine huzmantesnuge'za vu'za Nagri'ma nageza antahi'za osu'naza vahetera nagri hankavegura ome huama hugahaze.
And I will leave a sign upon them, and I will send forth them that have escaped of them to the nations, to Tharsis, and Phud, and Lud, and Mosoch, and to Thobel, and to Greece, and to the isles afar off, to those who have not heard my name, nor seen my glory; and they shall declare my glory among the Gentiles.
20 Hanki maka tamagri naga'ma umani'naza moparegati vahe'mo'za maka tamagri nagara zamagra hosi afu zamifine, tonki afu zamifine, kemoli afu zamifine, karisi zamifine zamavarentete'za zamavare'za nagri ruotge agona Jerusalemia egahaze huno Ra Anumzamo'a hu'ne. Israeli vahe'mo'zama witi ofama hunaku'ma, nagri navure'ma agruma hu'nea zuompafima witima erinte'za nagri mono nompima vazaza hu'za zamagrira zamavare'za egahaze.
And they shall bring your brethren out of all nations for a gift to the Lord with horses, and chariots, in litters [drawn by] mules with awnings, to the holy city Jerusalem, said the Lord, as though the children of Israel should bring their sacrifices to me with psalms into the house of the Lord.
21 Anama hutesnage'na mago'a nagara pristi erizante huhampari nezmante'na, mago'a nagara huhampari zamantesnuge'za Livae naga manigahaze huno Ra Anumzamo'a hu'ne.
And I will take of them priests and Levites, saith the Lord.
22 Nagra Ra Anumzamo'na amanage hu'na nehue, Kasefa monane kasefa mopama tro'ma hanua monane mopamokea nagri navure mevava hugaha'e. E'ina hukna huno tamagripinti'ma fore'ma hanaza vahe'mo'za mani vava hu'za vanageno, zamagri zamagimo'a fananea osuno mevava hugahie.
For as the new heaven and the new earth, which I make, remain before me, saith the Lord, so shall your seed and your name continue.
23 Mago kasefa ikanteti vuno mago ikante vutere hanigeno, mago Sabati knareti vuno mago Sabati knare'ma vuterema hanige'za, maka ama mopafi vahe'mo'za e'za nagri navuga zamarena eme re'za mono hunantegahaze huno Ra Anumzamo'a hu'ne.
And it shall come to pass from month to month, and from sabbath to sabbath, [that] all flesh shall come to worship before me in Jerusalem, saith the Lord.
24 Ana'ma hute'za atirami'za vu'za, nagri kema ruhantagi naza vahe'ma fri'naza zamavufaga ome zamagesnazana, anama fri'naza vahe zamavufagafima mani'naza kanimo'za nofrisnageno, tevema nezamarea tevemo'enena asura osugahie. Maka vahe'mo'zama ana vahe zamavufagama kesnazana, hinimnage huno zamagotegahie.
And they shall go forth, and see the carcasses of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, and their fire shall not be quenched; and they shall be a spectacle to all flesh.

< Aizaia 66 >