< Hivru 10 >

1 Hagi ko avu'avazama Mosese kasegefima me'neana henka knare'zama esiazamofo avame'za me'ne. Hu'negu ko avu'avazampima mago'anena anahukna zana huvava hu'za kafugu kafugura vugahazanagi, mono'ma huntenaku'ma haza vahe'mokizmi, ana zamo'a zamazeri agru osutfa hu'ne.
For the law having but a faint shadow of good things to come, and not the full image of the things, can never, even by the great annual sacrifices which they offer statedly, make the comers thereunto perfect.
2 Hagi koma kresramna nevaza'zamo'ma mono'ma nehaza vahe'mokizmi kumi'ma sese hu'neresina, kresramna vuvava nosu'za, zamagu zamagesafina kumi me'ne hu'za ontahizasine.
For then they would have ceased to be offered, because the sacrificers, being once purified, would no longer retain any consciousness of sins.
3 Hu'neanagi e'i ana kresramnamo'a kafugu kafuguma hu'naza kumimofo huzmagesa hutere nehie.
Whereas in these very sacrifices there is a recalling of sins to mind every year.
4 Na'ankure bulimakaomofo koramo ene mememofo koramo'a kumira sese hugara osu'ne.
For it is impossible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins.
5 E'i ana agafare Kraisima ama mopafima ne-eno'a Anumzamofona anage huno asami'ne, Vahe'mofo kumitema zagagafa korama Kresramanama vuzankura kavenosie. Hianagi Kagri kemofo amage antesuegu ama navufga nami'nane.
Wherefore upon his coming into the world He saith, "Sacrifice and offering thou didst not desire, but a body hast thou prepared me:
6 Kumitema zaga kfama mika Kresramana vuzankura, Kagra musena nosane.
in whole burnt-offerings and sacrifices for sin thou hadst no pleasure:
7 Nagra anage nehue, koma Anumzamoka avontafemo Nagriku hu'nea kante, Kagri kavesi avaririnaku ama e'noe hu'ne. (Sam-Zga 40:6-8)
then said I, Lo I come, as in the volume of the book it is written of me, to do thy will, O God."
8 Kasegemo'a rempi huramino, kresramna vu'zane musezane erinka enka kumika'agura kresramnavuo hu'ne. Hianagi nahigeno Kraisi'a ama ana zankura huama huno Anumzamofona avenosie hu'ne?
Having said before, "Thou didst not desire, nor hadst pleasure in, sacrifice and offering, and whole burnt-offerings, and sacrifices for sin," (which are offered by the law) then He adds,
9 Anantera Agra anage hu'ne, Kagri kavesiza avaririnaku Nagra e'noe hu'ne. Agra ese hagerafi huvempa kea eri netreno, henka huvempa ke eri agafa hu'ne. (Sam-Zga 40:7-8)
"Lo I come to do thy will, O God." (He taketh away the first, that He may establish the second.)
10 Jisas Kraisi'a Anumzamofo avesite Agra'a avufga magoke zupa tamigeno mika kna, mika vahera tazeri ruotge hu'ne.
By which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
11 Hagi knane knanena pristi vahe'mo'za otine'za mono eri'za zamige'za ana hukna hu'za kre sramana vuvava nehazazamo'a kumiti eritregara osu'ne.
And indeed every priest under the law standeth daily ministring, and frequently offering the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins:
12 Hianagi tagri Ugagota Pristi nemo'a magoke zupa tagri knare zanku, Agra'a avufga Anumzamofo amigeno, kumitigura avufa agu'zarutegeno, Agra Anumzamofo azantamaga kaziga mani'ne. (Sam-Zga 110:1)
but He having offered one sacrifice for sins, is for ever sat down at the right hand of God;
13 Agra anante avega anteno mani'negeno, Ha'marenentaza vahera zamavre agafi antegeno, zamagra agama ante tra trohu'za mani'naze.
waiting for the future, till his enemies be put under his feet.
14 Na'ankure magoke zupa avufga agu'za ru'nea zamo, zamazeri ruotge hu'naza nagamokizmia, miko zupa zamazeri knare'zantfa nehie.
For by one offering He hath perfected for ever those that are sanctified.
15 Ruotge Avamumo'a ama ana zankura tagritera huama huno esera anage hu'ne,
And of this the holy Ghost also beareth witness with us:
16 Vahe'niarera kasefa hagerafi huvempa kea ana knarera hugahue huno Ramo'a hu'ne. Nagra kasegea zamagu'afi nentena antahintahizamifi krentegahue hu'ne. (Jer 31:33-34)
for after He had said, "This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and on their minds will I inscribe them;
17 Anantera anage hu'ne, Kumi nehu'za kasegema rutagre zamavuzmava nehaza zankura, Nagra mago'ene nagesa ontahigosue hu'ne.
He adds, and their sins and their iniquities I will remember no more."
18 Hagi ko'ma kumi'ma atrentenesigeno'a, mago'ane kumikura kresramna ovugosie.
Now where there is such a remission of these, there needs no more offering for sin.
19 E'ina hu'negu nafuheta hanavetita Jisasi koranteti azeri Ruotge hu'nefinka ufrenune.
Having therefore, brethren, free admission into the holy places by the blood of Jesus,
20 Jisasima tagriku'ma fri'neazamo, kasefa huno asimu eri kama tavravemo runkaniregeno, Ruotgema hu'nefinka kana anagirante'ne.
the new and living way which He hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say,
21 Hagi tagri'ma Mareri Agatere Pristi Ne'mo, Anumzamofo vahetera kegava hu'negu,
his flesh, and having a great high-priest over the house of God,
22 erinketa tamage tagu'areti Anumzamofontera antahinemita urava'o hamneno. Na'ankure havi tagutagesamofona, Kraisi koranu tagino sesehu agru higeno tavufgamofona sese hurantene.
let us draw near with sincerity, in the full assurance of faith, having our hearts cleansed from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.
23 Fore hugahie huta tamentinti nehuta huama nehuna zana azeri hanavetisune. Na'ankure huvempama hurantenemo'a hugahuema hu'neazana amanehu nere.
Let us inflexibly retain the profession of our hope,
24 Hagi mago magomotma hanavetita ovesinte avesinte huzanku'ene, knare eri'zama erizankura nentahisunkeno, vahepina eama hanie.
(for He is faithful who hath promised) and let us observe each other to the incitement of love and good works:
25 Jisasi'ma esia knamo'a kofta nehigu, mago'amo'zama magopima atruma hu'zama netrazaza huta, magopima atruma hu'zana otresune. Tamagra antahinaze, Kraisi'ma esiakna hago kofta nehigu, ozeri hanaveti azeri hanaveti hanune.
not forsaking our assemblies, as the custom of some is, but exhorting one another; and so much the more as ye see the day approaching.
26 Hagi nafuheta ko'ma tamage kema antahinetama, kumi'ma huvava hanunana, mago'anena ana kumi'ma eriatre kre sramana vu'zana omnegosie.
For if we sin wilfully after having received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins;
27 Hianagi Anumzamo'ma refkoma hurante zankura tusi kore nehuta, Anumzamofo ha'renentesia vahe'ma amuhonentake tevefima tasegesagu avega antegahaze.
but a dreadful expectation of judgement, and a fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.
28 Hagi iza'o Mosese kasegemofo agorga'a omanigeno, taremo'o 3'amo'o kete'za ana zanku'ma huama huntege'za, asunkura hunontazanki ahenefrize. (Diu-Kas 17:2-6)
If any one that violateth the law of Moses, dieth without mercy under two or three witnesses,
29 Hagi, Anumzamofo Mofavrema amagena hunemino, hagerafi huvempa kema kumitima sese hu'nea korama ke'amne zankna nehuno, Anumzamofo asunku'zama vahetegama avreno ne-ea Ruotage Avamumofo arimpa knaza erimisia vahe'mofona, tusi'a kefo'za huntegahianki antahiho.
of how much greater punishment, think ye, shall he be counted worthy, who hath trampled under foot the Son of God, and accounted the blood of the covenant, by which he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and abused the Spirit of grace?
30 Na'ankure tagra antahi'none, Anumzamo'a amanage hu'ne, Nagra nona hu'na hara hugahue. Nagra nona huna mizana zamigahue. Agra mago'ane hune, Nagra nona hu'na mizana zamigahue. Agra ete mago'ane hune, Ramo Agra'a vahera refko huzmantegahie hu'ne. Antahi'none,
For we know who hath said, "To me belongeth vengeance, I will recompense, saith the Lord:" and again, "The Lord will judge his people."
31 kasefa huno mani'nea Anumzamo magomofo azeri haviza hu'naku haniana, ana ne'mo'a koro hugahie.
It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
32 Ese'ma Kraisima antahinka kenka hunana knare ete antahigeno vino. Kagesa antahio, tusi'a hazenke zana fore higeno, tusi katazana fore hu'neanagi kamentintia otre'nane.
But call to remembrance the former days, in which after being enlightened, ye sustained a great conflict of sufferings;
33 Mago'a zupa vahe avufi kazeri ama hu'za kaheza katazana kami'naze. Anahukna hu'za mago'a zupa zamahe'za zamatama zamiza vahera zamaza hu'nane.
partly, being made a public spectacle by reproaches and afflictions; and partly, as ye became associates of those who were so treated:
34 Kagra kina nompima zamavarentaza vahe'enena magoka zamagranena katazana enerinka, miko zanka'ama erizagenka muse nehunka, zamatranke'za e'nerize. Na'ankure mevava knare fenozanka'a monafi me'negenka kagra antahi'nane.
for ye sympathized with me in my bonds, and ye took joyfully the plundering of your goods, knowing in yourselves that ye have in heaven a better and an enduring substance.
35 Hu'negu e'i ana hanave kamentintima Ramofontema hunte'nana zana otro. Na'ankure ana hanave kamentintiretira tusi'a miza erigahane.
Cast not away therefore your couragious profession, which hath a great recompence of reward.
36 Akohenka mani'nenka knazana erinka vanunka, Anumzamofo avesi nevaririnka, Anumzamo'ma huhampri kante'nea zana erigahane.
For ye have need of patience, that having done the will of God ye may receive the promise.
37 Na'ankure kofta knafi Egahiema hu'nemo'a avegaonte, ko egahie.
For yet a little while, and He, that is coming, will come, and will not delay:
38 Hu'negu fatgo vahe'mo'za zamentintifi manigahaze. Hianagi iza'o amagenama hunamino natre'noma vanimofona musena huontegosue hu'ne.
and the just shall live by faith, but if any draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him.
39 Hianagi Anumzamofonteti atre'zama nevu'za fanane hanaza vaheknara tagra osanunanki, tagra hugahunema hu'naza nehuna nagakita, taguvaziza erisuna vahe mani'none.
But we are not of those who withdraw to perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul.

< Hivru 10 >