< Jenesis 36 >

1 Ama'i Isompinti fore hu'za vu'naza naga'mokizmi zamagi'e, Isona mago agi'a Idomu'e.
And these [are] the generations of Esau; this is Edom.
2 Iso'a Kenani vahe'mokizmi mofane ara eri'ne, Ada'a Hiti ne Eloni mofare. Oholibama'a, agra Ana mofakino Hivi ne' Zibeoni negeho'e.
And Esau took to himself wives of the daughters of the Chananites; Ada, the daughter of Aelom the Chettite; and Olibema, daughter of Ana the son of Sebegon, the Evite;
3 Hanki mago a'mofo agi'a Basemati'e, Ismaeli mofa, Nebaioti nesaro'e.
and Basemath, daughter of Ismael, sister of Nabaioth.
4 Ada'a Elifazi kasentegeno, Basemati'a Reueli kase ante'ne,
And Ada bore to him Eliphas; and Basemath bore Raguel.
5 Oholibama'a Jeusima, Jalamuma, Korama huno kase zamante'ne. Iso'ma Kenani mopare mani'neno kasezmante'nea ne'mofavreramimofo zamagi'e.
And Olibema bore Jeus, and Jeglom, and Core; these [are] the sons of Esau, which were born to him in the land of Chanaan.
6 Iso'a a'neane, ne'mofavre ane, mofa'neane, maka noma'afi nemaniza naga'ane, memene, sipisipi kevune, bulimakao kevune, mika fenona Kenani mani'neno erifore hu'nea fenoma'ane enerino, negna Jekopuna atreno afete moparega vu'ne.
And Esau took his wives, and his sons, and his daughters, and all the persons of his house, and all his possessions, and all his cattle, and all that he had got, and all things whatsoever he had acquired in the land of Chanaan; and Esau went forth from the land of Chanaan, from the face of his brother Jacob.
7 Maka zazanimo'a hakare nehigeno, afu kevu zinimo'a rukazi huno emanina'a mopamo'a avitegeno, Iso'a atreno vu'ne.
For their substance was too great for them to dwell together; and the land of their sojourning could not bear them, because of the abundance of their possessions.
8 Higeno Iso'a Seiri agona moparega umani'ne. Isona mago agi'a Idomu'e.
And Esau dwelt in mount Seir; Esau, he is Edom.
9 Iso'a Seiri agona kokampi nemaniza Idomu vahe'mofo nezmageho'e.
And these [are] the generations of Esau, the father of Edom in the mount Seir.
10 Iso ne'mofavremokizmi zamagi'a, Elifazi'a Iso nenaro Ada ne'mofavre, Reueli'a Iso nenaro Basemati ne'mofavre.
And these [are] the names of the sons of Esau. Eliphas, the son of Ada, the wife of Esau; and Raguel, the son of Basemath, wife of Esau.
11 Hanki Elifazi ne'mofavre zamagi'a Temani'ma, Omari'ma, Zefo'ma, Gata'ma, Kenasi'ma hu'za mani'naze.
And the sons of Eliphas were Thaeman, Omar, Sophar, Gothom, and Kenez.
12 Iso nemofo Elifazina, mago kazokzo eri'za a'amofo agi'a Timna'e. Timna'a mago ne'mofavre Elifazina kase ami'ne, agi'a Amaleki'e. Iso nenaro Ada ana ne'mofavrea kase zamante'ne.
And Thamna was a concubine of Eliphaz, the son of Esau; and she bore Amalec to Eliphas. These [are] the sons of Ada, the wife of Esau.
13 Hanki Reueli ne'mofavre zamagi'a, Nahati'e, Zera'e, Sama'e, Miza'e. E'i ne'mofavre nagara, Iso nenaro Basemati kase zamante'ne.
And these [are] the sons of Raguel; Nachoth, Zare, Some, and Moze. These were the sons of Basemath, wife of Esau.
14 Isona mago a'amofo agi'a Oholibama'e. Ana mofakino Zibeon negeho'e. Ama Iso nenaro Basemati'ma kase zamante'nea ne'mofavre zamagi'a, Jeusi'e, Jalamu'e, Koranki huno Isona kase ami'ne.
And these [are] the sons of Olibema, the daughter of Ana, the son of Sebegon, the wife of Esau; and she bore to Esau, Jeus, and Jeglom, and Core.
15 Hagi Iso nagapinti kva eri'za eri'naza vahe zamagi'e. Isona agonesa ne'mofavre Elifasi ne' mofavre naga'mo'za kva eri'za eri'naza vahe zamagi'a Temani'e, Omari'e, Zefo'e, Kenazi'e,
These [are] the chiefs of the son of Esau, [even] the sons of Eliphas, the first-born of Esau; chief Thaeman, chief Omar, chief Sophar, chief Kenez,
16 Kora'e, Gatami'e, Amaleki'e. E'i'a kva vahe'tmina Idomu mopafi kegava hu'naze. Elifasi nagapinti, Isone nenaro Adakizni zanagehoze.
chief Core, chief Gothom, chief Amalec. These [are] the chiefs of Eliphas, in the land of Edom; these are the sons of Ada.
17 Hanki Isona mago a'amofo agi'a Basemati'e, nemofo agi'a Reuelie. Hagi Reueli ne' mofavre nagamoza kva eri'za eri'naza naga'mokizmi zamagi'a, Nahati'e, Zera'e, Sama'e, Miza'e. Reueli naga Idomu mopafi kva eri'za eri'naza naga'mokizmi nezmageho'a Basemati'e.
And these [are] the sons of Raguel, the son of Esau; chief Nachoth, chief Zare, chief Some, chief Moze. These [are] the chiefs of Raguel, in the land of Edom; these are the sons of Basemath, wife of Esau.
18 Iso nenaro Oholibama ne' mofavre nagapinti kva eriza eri'namokizmi zamagi'e, Jalami'e, Kora'e. Oholibama'a Ana mofakino, Isonteti kase zamante'nea tagufa mofavremo'za kva eri'zana eri'naze.
And these [are] the sons of Olibema, wife of Esau; chief Jeus, chief Jeglom, chief Core. These [are] the chiefs of Olibema, daughter of Ana, wife of Esau.
19 E'ina vahera Iso ne'mofavreraminki'za mago agi'a Idomu'e nehazankino agripinti fore hu'za kva eri'zana eri'naza vahe'mokizmi zamagi'e.
These [are] the sons of Esau, and these are the chiefs; these are the sons of Edom.
20 Ama Seiri ne'mofavre Horati ne' ko'ma ana mopa nafa'a hu'zama mani'naza vahepinti fore hu'za kva eri'za eri'za mani'naza vahe zamagi'e, Lotani'ma, Sobali'ma, Zibeoni'ma, Ana'ma,
And these [are] the sons of Seir, the Chorrhite, who inhabited the land; Lotan, Sobal, Sebegon, Ana,
21 Disoni'ma, Eseli'ma, Disani'ma hu'za zamagra kva eri'za eri'naza Horaet' vahe, Seiri ne' mofavre Idomu mopafi mani'naza kva vahe zamagi'e.
and Deson, and Asar, and Rison. These [are] the chiefs of the Chorrhite, the son of Seir, in the land of Edom.
22 Lotani ne'mofavre agi'a Hori ene, Hemani'enene. Hanki Lotani nesaro'a Timna'e.
And the sons of Lotan [were] Chorrhi and Haeman; and the sister of Lotan, Thamna.
23 Sobali ne'mofavre naga zamagi'a Alvani'ma, Manahati'ma, Ebali'ma, Sefo'ma, Onami'e.
And these [are] the sons of Sobal; Golam, and Manachath, and Gaebel, and Sophar, and Omar.
24 Zibeoni ne'mofavre nagara, Aia'ene, Ana'enene. Ana'a agra amuho tinkeria ka'ma mopafina keno eri fore hu'ne. Nefa Zibeoni donki kegava huno vano nehuno ana tinkeria ke fore hu'neane.
And these [are] the sons of Sebegon; Aie, and Ana; this is the Ana who found Jamin in the wilderness, when he tended the beasts of his father Sebegon.
25 Ana mofavrezaga zamagi'a, Disoni'ma, Oholibama'e. Oholibama'a, Ana mofare.
And these [are] the sons of Ana; Deson—and Olibema [was] daughter of Ana.
26 Disoni ne'mofavre zamagi'a Hemdani'ma, Esbani'ma, Itrani'ma Kerani'e.
And these [are] the sons of Deson; Amada, and Asban, and Ithran, and Charrhan.
27 Eseli ne'mofavre zamagi'a Bilhani'ma, Zavani'ma, Akani'e.
And these [are] the sons of Asar; Balaam, and Zucam, and Jucam.
28 Disani ne'mofavre zamagi'a Usike, Aranike.
And these [are] the sons of Rison; Hos, and Aran.
29 Horaeti vahepi kva eri'za eri'naza naga zamagi'a, Lotani'ma, Sobali'ma, Zibeoni'ma, Ana'ma,
And these [are] the chiefs of Chorri; chief Lotan, chief Sobal, chief Sebegon, chief Ana,
30 Disoni'ma, Ezeri'ma, Disani'e. Ama'i Horati vahepi fore hu'naza kva vahere. Seiri mopare nagate nofite hu'za mani'neza kva eri'za eri'naza vahe zamagi'e.
chief Deson, chief Asar, chief Rison. These [are] the chiefs of Chorri, in their principalities in the land of Edom.
31 Hanki ama'i Idomu mopafi kini vahe zamagi'e, Israeli ne' mofavre'mo'za kini vahe fore osu'naza knafi, Idomu moparera kini vahe fore hu'za mani'nazane.
these [are] the kings which reigned in Edom, before a king reigned in Israel.
32 Bela'a agra Beori nemofo kinia manino Idomua kegava kri'ne, rankuma'amofo agi'a Dinhabae.
And Balac, son of Beor, reigned in Edom; and the name of his city [was] Dennaba.
33 Bela'ma nefrigeno'a, Zera nemofo Jobabu, Bozra kumate ne'mo Bela nona erino kinia mani'ne.
And Balac died; and Jobab, son of Zara, from Bosorrha reigned in his stead.
34 Jobabu'ma nefrigeno'a, Temati mopareti ne' Husamu kinia mani'ne.
And Jobab died; and Asom, from the land of the Thaemanites, reigned in his stead.
35 Husamu'ma nefrigeno'a Bedati nemofo Hadadi kinia manino kegava hu'neankino, Midian vahe Moapu kumapi ha' huzamagatere'nea nekino, rankuma'amofo agi'a Avitie.
And Asom died; and Adad son of Barad, who cut off Madiam in the plain of Moab, ruled in his stead; and the name of his city was Getthaim.
36 Hadadi'ma nefrigeno'a Samla, Masreka kumateti ne'mo, kinia manino kegava hu'ne.
And Adad died; and Samada of Massecca reigned in his stead.
37 Samla'ma nefrigeno'a Sauli, Yufretis timofo tva'onte Rehoboti kumate ne'mo agri nona eri'ne.
Samada died; and Saul of Rhooboth by the river reigned in his stead.
38 Sauli'ma nefrigeno'a Bal-hanan Akbor nemofo kinimofo nona erino kegava hu'ne.
And Saul died; and Ballenon the son of Achobor reigned in his stead.
39 Bal-hanani nemofo Akbori'ma nefrigeno'a, Pao rankumateti ne'mo Hadari kuma'a erino kini mani'neane, Nenaro agi'a Mehetabelikino, Matreti mofa Mezahab negeho'e.
And Ballenon the son of Achobor died; and Arad the son of Barad reigned in his stead; and the name of his city was Phogor; and the name of his wife was Metebeel, daughter of Matraith, son of Maizoob.
40 Isompinti'ma fore hu'za kva eri'zama eneri'za nagate nofite'ma hu'za kuma ante'za mani'naza naga'zmire'ma kva huterema hu'naza vahe zamagi'a, Timna'ma, Alvani'ma, Jeteti'ma,
These [are] the names of the chiefs of Esau, in their tribes, according to their place, in their countries, and in their nations; chief Thamna, chief Gola, chief Jether,
41 Oholiba'ma, Ela'ma, Pino'ma,
chief Olibema, chief Helas, chief Phinon,
42 Kenazi'ma, Temani'ma, Mibzari'ma,
chief Kenez, chief Thaeman, chief Mazar,
43 Megdili'ma, Irami'e. E'i zamagra Idomu kva nagare, Iso'a Idomu vahe nezmafa'e. Ana hu'neanki'za nonku'ma ante'za nemani'za mopare kva hutere hu'za mani'naze.
chief Magediel, chief Zaphoin. These are the chiefs of Edom in their dwelling-places in the land of their possession; this is Esau, the father of Edom.

< Jenesis 36 >