< Galesia 1 >

1 Hagi nagra Poli'na aposolo ne'mo'na, ama eri'zana mago'a vahe'mo hunantege, mago'a naga'mo'za erio hazage'na e'norue. Hianagi Anumza Nafatimo Jisas Kraisi'ma fri'nefinti azeri otine'mo, hunantege'na e'nerue.
Paul an apostle (not from men, nor by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised Him from the dead),
2 Maka nagrane mani'naza nafuhezanena, Galesia mani'naza mono naga'motarega musenkea atreneramantone.
and all the brethren that are with me, to the churches of Galatia:
3 Anumza Nafatimofone Ranti Jisas Kraisi asunkuzamo'ene rimpa fruzamo'a tamagrane mesie.
grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ,
4 Jisas'a asimu'a atreno kumitia atrerante'ne. E'inama hu'neana Anumza Nafatimofo avesi avaririno, mopafima amama meni mani'nona kefo avu'avazampintira tahokeno tazahunaku anara hu'ne. (aiōn g165)
who gave himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from the present evil world, according to the will of our God and Father: (aiōn g165)
5 Ana hu'negu Anumzamo ra agia, Agra'a eri vava hugahie! Tamage. (aiōn g165)
to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. (aiōn g165)
6 Hagi nagra antri hue, Anumzamo'a Jisasi asunkuzanteti tamagi hu'nea nagamota netretma, ruzahu musenkemofo amage nentaze.
I wonder that ye are so soon removed from him who called you by the grace of Christ to another gospel: which is not another;
7 Hanki ru Knare Musenkea omnene, mago'amo'za tamazeri savri hu'za Jisas Kraisi Knare Musenkea erisavri hunaku nehaze.
but there be some that disturb you, and would subvert the gospel of Christ.
8 Hianagi tagraneno, monafinti ankero vahe'mo'zanema, ko'ma tamasmi'nona Knare Musenkema atre'za, ru kema tamasamisazana, kazusifi manigahaze!
But tho' we or an angel from heaven should preach to you any other gospel than what we have preached to you; let him be accursed.
9 Ko'ma tmasmi'nona ke menina mago'ene neramasamue, ko'ma Knare Musenkema huama hunketa antahi'naza kemofoma ha'ma rente kazigatima kema hanimo'a, kazusifi manigahie!
I say it again, if any one preach to you any other gospel than what ye have received, let him be accursed.
10 Na'ankure nagrama e'inagema nehuana, vahe'mo'za antahi so'e hunantege, Anumzamo antahi so'e hunantenogu nehufi? Hifi nagrama mraguzamanetuana vahe'mo'za antahi muse hunantehogupi? Nagrama vahe'mo'za antahi muse hunante'nazegu'ma nehanu'na, Nagra Kraisi kazokzo eri'za vahera omani'noe.
For do I now persuade you to obey men or God? Or do I seek to please men? if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.
11 Na'ankure nenafugata nagri'ma navesiana, Knare Musenkema huama nehuana, vahe'mofo antahintahireti hunoramie huta antahi ama hanazegu nehue.
But I assure you, brethren, that the gospel preached by me is not of human invention.
12 Na'ankure ama ana kea vahepinti e'orina, vahe'mo'za rempia huonami'naze. Hianagi oku'a frakinea kea Jisasi Kraisi eriama huno nami'ne.
For I neither received it, nor was taught it by man, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.
13 Na'ankure korapama Jiu vahe'mota avu'avaza nagrama nehua knafina, Anumzamofo avu'ava nehue nehu'na, mono naga'ma nezmahe'na, zamazeri havizama hu'noana tamagra ko antahi'naze. (Apo 8:3)
For ye have heard of my conversation formerly in Judaism, that I outragiously persecuted the church of God, and laid it waste:
14 Nagra tusi hanaveti'na tagehe'mokizmi zamuzmara amage'nentogeno, anama huazamo'a nagri navuma mani'naza, Jiu vahe'mokizmia zamuzmamofona zmagatere'noe. Nagra tusi hanavetina nagehemofo avu'avara avaririnoe.
and I made a proficiency in Judaism above many of the same age with me in my own nation, being excessively zealous for the traditions of my fathers.
15 Hianagi nagra nenrera rimpafina forera osu'nogeno, korapa Anumzamo Agra'a asunkuzanteti huhamprinante'nemo muse hunanteno,
But when it pleased God, (who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace, )
16 Agra'a ne'mofona naveri hige'na, megi'a vahepina Knare Musenkea huama nehue. Mago vahe'mokizmia ame hu'na nagra ama ana kegura zmantahi'onke'noe.
to reveal his Son in me, that I might preach Him among the gentiles; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood,
17 Jerusalemi kumatera nagra mareori'na, ko'ma mani'naza aposol nagara ome ozmage'noe. Hianagi nagra Arabia kumate vute'na, ete mago'ene Damasakasi kumate vu'noe.
nor went I up to Jerusalem to those that were apostles before me, but I departed into Arabia, and afterwards returned again to Damascus.
18 Ana hute'na, 3'a kafu evige'na, Jerusalemi kumate vu'na, Pita'ene kea ome nehu'na, 15ni'agna agrane anante mani'noe.
Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to visit Peter, and I staid with him fifteen days.
19 Hianagi mago'a mono nenafugizmia ozmage'noanki, Ramofo negna Jemisinke ke'noe. (Apo 9:26-30, 11:29-30.)
But I saw no other of the apostles, except James the brother of our Lord.
20 Nagrama ama avoma kreneramuana, Anumzamofo avufina tamage hu'na reramatga nosue.
(Now in what I write to you, behold, before God, I do not lie.)
21 Ana hute'na Jerusalemi kumara atre'na Siriane, Silisia kaziga vu'noe.
Afterwards I came into the regions of Syria and Cilicia,
22 Judia kazigama mono nagama Kraisimpi mani'namo'za, nagrira navufina onage'naze.
and was not known in person to the churches of Judea, which were in Christ.
23 Hianagi tagrama tamentintima nehunkeno, nerahegeta agenke'a nentahuna ne'mo'a, anama eri havizama nehia amentintimofo kea huama nehie hu'za nagrikura hu'naze.
But only they had heard that he who persecuted us before, now preacheth the faith which he formerly would have destroyed.
24 Na'ankure nagrite'ma fore'ma hu'neazankura, Anumzamofo agi erisaga hu'naze.
And they glorified God on my account.

< Galesia 1 >