< Zmavarene 40 >

1 Ra Anumzamo'a amanage huno Mosesena asmi'ne,
And Jehovah speaketh unto Moses, saying,
2 Nagranema atruma hanaza seli mono nona, kasefa kafumofo ese ikamofona ese zage knare azeri otiho.
'On the first day of the month, in the first month, thou dost raise up the tabernacle of the tent of meeting,
3 Huhagerafi huvempa kasege vogisia anampinka nentetma, tavravenuti hunargintenkeno agu'afi meno.
and hast set there the ark of the testimony, and hast covered over the ark with the vail,
4 Anampinka ita erinka ome nentenka, ana itare'ma ante zantamina erinka ome antese nehunka, tavi'ma rekru hunte zota erinka ome nentenka, ana zotarera tavitamima rekru hunte'a retro huntetere huo.
and hast brought in the table, and set its arrangement in order, and hast brought in the candlestick, and caused its lamps to go up.
5 Hanki mnanentake zama kre mnavu golire ita Anumzane hagerafi kasege ante vokisimofo avuga'a nentetma, ana seli mono nomofo kahantera tavravea renteho.
'And thou hast put the golden altar for perfume before the ark of the testimony, and hast put the covering of the opening to the tabernacle,
6 Anumzane atruhu seli mono nomofo avuga kahantera, kresramna vu ita nentenka,
and hast put the altar of the burnt-offering before the opening of the tabernacle of the tent of meeting,
7 bronsireti'ma ra tifre zuompa tro'ma hu'nazana, Anumzane atruhu seli mono nomofone, Kresramanama vu itamofo amu'nompi nentenka tina ana zuompafina taginto.
and hast put the laver between the tent of meeting and the altar, and hast put water there.
8 Hagi anante ana seli mono nomofo megi'a kumara tavrave kegina huganeginka, ana megi'a kumamofo kahantera tavravea hantinto.
'And thou hast set the court round about, and hast placed the covering of the gate of the court,
9 Ana hutenka, tagino frenteno Anumzamofo zanema huno huhamprinte masave erinka ana seli mono none, ana seli mono nomofo agu'afima me'nea maka zantamina ana masavea taginka frenezmantenka, Anumzamofo zantamine hunka huhamprinezmantenka zamazeri ruotage huge'za ana seli mono none, ana seli mono nompima me'nea maka zantmimo'za me ruotage hu'za megahaze.
and hast taken the anointing oil, and anointed the tabernacle, and all that [is] in it, and hallowed it, and all its vessels, and it hath been holy;
10 Anazanke hunka Kresramanama vu itane ana itare'ma eri'zama eri zantaminena ana masave taginka frenezmantenka, Anumzamofo zantamine hunka huhamprizmantenka zamazeri ruotage hugeno, ana itamo'a me ruotage huno meno.
and thou hast anointed the altar of the burnt-offering, and all its vessels, and sanctified the altar, and the altar hath been most holy;
11 Anazanke hunka tifre ra zuompane aga'anena ana masaveretike taginka freneznantenka, Anumzamofo zane hunka huhamprintegeno meno.
and thou hast anointed the laver and its base, and sanctified it.
12 Hagi anante Aronine, ne' mofavrermima'anena zmavrenka Anumzane atru hu seli mono nomofo kahante tina frezmanto.
'And thou hast brought near Aaron and his sons unto the opening of the tent of meeting, and hast bathed them with water;
13 Anante Aronina ruotage hu'nea pristi kukena eri hankrentenka, huhamprinte masave taginka frenentenka, Anumzamofo nere hunka huhamprintenka azeri ruotage hugeno mani ruotage huno mani'neno, Nagri pristi eri'zana erigahie.
and thou hast clothed Aaron with the holy garments, and anointed him, and sanctified him, and he hath acted as priest to Me.
14 E'ina nehunka Aronina ne' mofavrermima'a zmavrenka agu'afi avate antani kukena eri hankre zmanto.
'And his sons thou dost bring near, and hast clothed them with coats,
15 Nezmafama hunte'nana kna hunka ana masave taginka frezmantenka, huhampri zmantege'za Nagri pristi eri'zana eriho. E'i ana zama hanana zamo'a henkama ana nagapinti fore hunante anante hu'za vanaza vahe'mo'za pristi eri'za, eri'za vugahaze.
and anointed them as thou hast anointed their father, and they have acted as priests to Me, and their anointing hath been to be to them for a priesthood age-during, to their generations.'
16 Hagi Mosese'a Anumzamo'ma huoma huno'ma hunte'nea kante anteno, ana maka eri'zana eri'ne.
And Moses doth according to all that Jehovah hath commanded him; so he hath done.
17 Hagi namba 2 kafumofona, ese ikamofo ese zage knare Anumzamofo seli mono nona azeri oti'za ki'naze.
And it cometh to pass, in the first month, in the second year, in the first of the month, the tabernacle hath been raised up;
18 Mosese'a ana seli mono noma azeri oti'nea regri zafarmimofo tra'zmia anteteno, retrure zafaramina regrinteteno, nomofo asoparegama rugekahu zafaramina erirusi hunteteno, no zaferina'a azeri retrurene.
and Moses raiseth up the tabernacle, and setteth its sockets, and placeth its boards, and placeth its bars, and raiseth its pillars,
19 Hagi Mosesi'a Ra Anumzamo'ma huoma huno hunte'nea kante anteno, seria eri atareno seli mono nona refiteteno, ana agofetura mago anteno refite'ne.
and spreadeth the tent over the tabernacle, and putteth the covering of the tent upon it above, as Jehovah hath commanded Moses.
20 Hagi anante Mosese'a 10ni'a kasegema me'nea havererena erino Anumzane huhagerafi vogisimofo agu'afi anteteno, ana vogisima erisga huno vu azota zafararena ana vogisire me'nea riniramimpi vazinteteno, ana vogisimofo avaza'a asunku zamofo trarema nehaza avaza'a erino ana vogisia runkanire'ne.
And he taketh and putteth the testimony unto the ark, and setteth the staves on the ark, and putteth the mercy-seat on the ark above;
21 Ana huteno Ra Anumzamo'ma huo huno'ma hunte'nea kante anteno Mosese'a vogisia erino ana seli mono nompinka ome nenteno, hunaragi tavrave hantintegeno ana vogisia azeri agu'a ate'ne.
and bringeth in the ark unto the tabernacle, and placeth the vail of the covering, and covereth over the ark of the testimony, as Jehovah hath commanded Moses.
22 Ra Anumzane atruhu seli mono nompima ana hunaragi tavravemofo megi'a noti kaziga ita erino ome nenteno,
And he putteth the table in the tent of meeting, on the side of the tabernacle northward, at the outside of the vail,
23 Ra Anumzamo'ma huo huno'ma hunte'nea kante anteno Mosese'a Ra Anumzamofo avure'ma ante bretia ana itare ome ante'ne.
and setteth in order upon it the arrangement of bread, before Jehovah, as Jehovah hath commanded Moses.
24 Anante seli mono nompima bretima ante itamofo kantu sauti kaziga, tavi'ma rekru hunte zota erino ome nenteno,
And he putteth the candlestick in the tent of meeting, over-against the table, on the side of the tabernacle southward,
25 Ra Anumzamo'ma huo huno'ma hunte'nea kante anteno, Mosese'a tavi'ma rekru hunte zotama ra Anumzamofo avure me'nere tavitamina rekru hunte'ne.
and causeth the lamps to go up before Jehovah, as Jehovah hath commanded Moses.
26 Ra Anumzane atruhu' seli mono nompinka hunaragi tavravemofo avuga golireti'ma tro hu'nea ita erino ome anteteno.
And he setteth the golden altar in the tent of meeting, before the vail,
27 Ra Anumzamo'ma huo huno'ma hunte'nea kante anteno Mosese'a, ana itarera mnanentake zana kre mana vu'ne.
and maketh perfume on it — spice-perfume — as Jehovah hath commanded Moses.
28 Anante ana seli mono nomofo kahantera tavravea rente'ne.
And he setteth the covering of the opening to the tabernacle,
29 Ana huteno kre fnanehu ofama kre ita Ra Anumzane atruhu seli mono nomofo kahante anteno ana itare Ra Anumzamo'ma huo huno'ma hunte'nea kante anteno Mosese'a kre fanene hu ofane witi ofanena hu'ne.
and the altar of the burnt-offering he hath set at the opening of the tabernacle of the tent of meeting, and causeth the burnt-offering to go up upon it, and the present, as Jehovah hath commanded Moses.
30 Anante tifre ra zuompa Ra Anumzane atruhu seli mono none kresramnama vu' itamofo amu'noznifi nenteno anampina tima fre'zana taginte'ne.
And he putteth the laver between the tent of meeting and the altar, and putteth water there for washing,
31 Ana hutege'za Mosese ene Aroni ene Aroni ne' mofavrermima'anena ana timpi zmazane zmaganena sese hu'naze.
and Moses and Aaron and his sons have washed their hands and their feet at the same;
32 Ra Anumzane atruhu seli mono nompima ufrege Kresramana vu itare'ma vu tavao hunaku'ma hanu'za, Ra Anumzamo'ma huo huno'ma Mosesema hunte'nea kante ante'za zamagra ana timpi tina fregahaze.
in their going in unto the tent of meeting, and in their drawing near unto the altar, they wash, as Jehovah hath commanded Moses.
33 Anante Mosese'a ana seli mono nomofo kuma kegina tavravea hantintegagi vagareteno ana kuma'mofo kahante tavravea hantinte'ne. E'inahu kna huno ana maka eri'zana eri vagare'ne.
And he raiseth up the court round about the tabernacle, and about the altar, and placeth the covering of the gate of the court; and Moses completeth the work.
34 Ana hutegeno hampomo ana atruhu seli mono nona eme refitegeno, Ra Anumzamofo hanavenentake msaa'amo'a ana seli mono nona eme avite'ne.
And the cloud covereth the tent of meeting, and the honour of Jehovah hath filled the tabernacle;
35 E'ina higeno Mosese'a ana seli mono nompina uofregeno, Anumzamofo hanavenentake masa'amo'a avite'ne.
and Moses hath not been able to go in unto the tent of meeting, for the cloud hath tabernacled on it, and the honour of Jehovah hath filled the tabernacle.
36 Israeli vahe'mo'za negageno seli mono noma eme refite'nea hampomo'ma atreno marerige'za ana seli mono nona tagana vazi'za renamagi'za e'neri'za, ana hampomo'ma virega avariri'za vutere hu'naze.
And in the going up of the cloud from off the tabernacle the sons of Israel journey in all their journeys;
37 Hianagi ana hampomo seli mono noma refiteteno'ma mege'za, Israeli vahe'mo'za anama mani'naza kumara atre'za ovu mani'nazageno, ana hampomo'ma vige'za avariri'za vu'naze.
and if the cloud go not up then they journey not, until the day of its going up:
38 Ra Anumzamofo hampomo'a msarera seli mono nona refiteno me'negeno, hanima higeno'a, ana hampomo'a tevenefa higeno, ana maka Israeli vahe'mo'za ke'naze. Israeli vahe'mo'zama ana mika kama vazafina e'i ana hu'za fore huno vu'ne.
for the cloud of Jehovah [is] on the tabernacle by day, and fire is in it by night, before the eyes of all the house of Israel in all their journeys.

< Zmavarene 40 >