< Zmavarene 17 >

1 Anantera maka Israeli vahe'mo'za Anumzamo'ma zmasamino, vihoma hige'za Sinie nehaza hagege ka'ma kokana atre'za, seli nona ome ki'za masete masete hu'za vu'naze. Hagi ana hu'za nevu'za henka Refitimie nehaza kumate uhanati'za seli nona ome ki'naze. Hianagi nesaza tina ana kumatera omane'ne.
And all the congregation of the children of Israel departed from the wilderness of Sin, according to their encampments, by the word of the Lord; and they encamped in Raphidin: and there was no water for the people to drink.
2 E'ina hige'za Israeli vahe'mo'za Mosesena ke hara hunte'za, anage hu'naze. Tina tamigeta namneno, hazageno Mosese'a anage huno zamasami'ne, nahigeta nagrira ke hara hunentaze? Nahigeta Ra Anumzamofona rehetma negaze?
And the people reviled Moses, saying, Give us water, that we may drink; and Moses said to them, Why do ye revile me, and why tempt ye the Lord?
3 Hianagi vahe'mokizmia tinkura tusiza huno zmagege'za, Mosesena ke hakare hunte'za, nahigenka Isipitira tavrenka amafina e'nanketa, tagrane maka mofavrezagatine, afu'zagatinena ti ne'zankura nehuta frigahune?
And the people thirsted there for water, and there the people murmured against Moses, saying, Why is this? hast thou brought us up out of Egypt to slay us and our children and our cattle with thirst?
4 Anama hazageno Mosese'a Ra Anumzamofontega krafa huno nunamu nehuno, Hago haveknonu nahe frigahazanki, na'a nagra ama vahera huzmantegahue huno antahige'ne?
And Moses cried to the Lord, saying, What shall I do to this people? yet a little while and they will stone me.
5 Anante Ra Anumzamo'a amanage huno asami'ne, Naeli tima amasagi'nana azompa eri'nenka, Israeli vahe'mokizmi zmavuga kva vahezaga zamavarenka ugagota hutma viho.
And the Lord said to Moses, Go before this people, and take to thyself of the elders of the people; and the rod with which thou smotest the river, take in thine hand, and thou shalt go.
6 Hagi antahio, Horepi agonafi havemofo agofetu Nagra otina manigahuanki, kagra ana azompanu havea ome amasagigeno, timo'a anampinti hanatina negahaze. Higeno Mosese'a Israeli kva vahe'mokizmi zmavuga ana zana hu'ne.
Behold, I stand there before thou [come], on the rock in Choreb, and thou shalt smite the rock, and water shall come out from it, and the people shall drink. And Moses did so before the sons of Israel.
7 Ana kumakura Mosese'a Masae nehuno, Meribae hu'ne, na'ankure Israeli vahe'mo'zama haframa nehu'za, Ra Anumzamofona rehe'za nege'za, Ra Anumzamo'a tagri amu'nompina mani'nefi omani'ne?
And he called the name of that place, Temptation, and Reviling, because of the reviling of the children of Israel, and because they tempted the Lord, saying, Is the Lord among us or not?
8 Anantera Ameleki vahe'mo'za e'za, Israeli vahera Refitimie nehzafi hara huzmante'naze.
And Amalec came and fought with Israel in Raphidin.
9 Ana hazageno Mosese'a anage huno Josuana asmi'ne, Mago'a vahera tagripintira huhamprizmantege'za Ameleki vahe'enena hara ome hiho. Okina nagra Anumzamofo azompa nzampi eri'ne'na agonarera otigahue.
And Moses said to Joshua, Choose out for thyself mighty men, and go forth and set the army in array against Amalec to-morrow; and, behold, I [shall] stand on the top of the hill, and the rod of God [will be] in my hand.
10 Mosese'ma asamia kante anteno, Josua'a Amaleki vahe'enena hara nehige'za, Mosese'ma, Aroni'ma, Huri'ma hu'za agonarega mreri'naze.
And Joshua did as Moses said to him, and he went out and set the army in array against Amalec, and Moses and Aaron and Or went up to the top of the hill.
11 Hagi Mosese'ma azama erintesga hige'za, Israeli vahe'mo'za hara Amaleki vahera huzmangatere'naze. Hagi Mosese'ma aza'ma erinte fenka atrege'za, Ameleki vahe'mo'za Israeli vahera hara huzmagetere'naze.
And it came to pass, when Moses lifted up his hands, Israel prevailed; and when he let down his hands, Amalec prevailed.
12 Hianagi Mosese azamo'a arageramigeno, Aroni'ene Hurikea have erike, mopafi ante'nakeno anante mani'nege'ne, rugaraga mani'neke azana erisga hu'nakeno kinagaseno zagea urami'ne,
But the hands of Moses were heavy, and they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat upon it; and Aaron and Or supported his hands one on this side and the other on that, and the hands of Moses were supported till the going down of the sun.
13 Josua'ene Israeli vahe'mo'za bainati kazinu Ameleki vahera zmahege'za kazimofo ne'za se'naze.
And Joshua routed Amalec and all his people with the slaughter of the sword.
14 Anantera Ra Anumzamo'a anage huno Mosesena asami'ne, Ama ha'mofo agenke'a avontafepi kretenegeno avame'za me'nenke'za nege'za zmagera okaniho. Hagi Josuana hamprinka ama ana nanekea asamio, Nagra ama mopafintira Ameleki vahera zamahe fanane hanugeno zmagi zmagenkea ama mopafina omanegahie.
And the Lord said to Moses, Write this for a memorial in a book, and speak [this] in the ears of Joshua; for I will utterly blot out the memorial of Amalec from under heaven.
15 Mosese'a anante Kresramanavu ita tro huno, Ra Anumzamo'a nagri krauvefani'e (frekie) huno agia antemi'ne.
And Moses built an altar to the Lord, and called the name of it, The Lord my Refuge.
16 Mosese'a anage hu'ne, Ra Anumzamofo hanave eritre'za hazankino, Amaleki vahera henkama fore hunante anante hu'za esaza vahera, Ra Anumzamo'a huvempa hu'neankino ha' huzmantegahue hu'ne.
For with a secret hand the Lord wages war upon Amalec to all generations.

< Zmavarene 17 >