< 2 Kroniku 34 >

1 Hagi Josaia'a 8'a kafu hu'neno Juda vahe kinia efore huteno, 31'a kafu Jerusalemi kumatera kinia mani'ne.
Josiah was eight years old when he became the king [of Judah]. He ruled from Jerusalem for 31 years.
2 Hagi Josaia'a Ra Anumzamofo avurera fatgo avu'ava huno ufrege efregera osuno, negeho Deviti'ma hu'nea avu'ava avariri'ne.
He did things that were pleasing to Yahweh and conducted his life like his ancestor King David had done. He fully obeyed [IDM] all the laws of God.
3 Hagi Josaia'a 8'a kafuma kinima nemanino, 15ni'a kafu hu'neno agafa huno negeho Deviti'ma hu'neaza huno Anumzamofona monora hunte'ne. Hagi namba 12fu kafurera Juda mopafine, Jerusalemi kumapinena vano nehuno, maka havi anumzama mono'ma hunentaza kumatmina tapage hunetreno, Asera havi anumzamofo amema'ama zafare'ma antre'zama tro'ma hu'naza zantamina antagi netreno, zafare'ma antre'za kaza osu havi anumzamofo amema'aramima tro'ma hunte'naza zantamina rutmanatmanu hunetreno, kre mramrama hu'za havi anumzamofo amema'ama tro'ma hunte'naza zantaminena rutmana tamanu hutre'ne. Hagi Josaia'a e'inahu huno Juda mopane, Jerusalemi kuma'enena azeri agru hu'ne.
When he had been ruling for almost eight years, while he was still a young man, he began to worship God like his ancestor [King] David had done. Four years later, he began to get rid of all the pagan shrines on hilltops in Jerusalem and in [other places in] Judah, and the poles to [honor the goddess] Asherah, and the carved idols and statues of gods.
4 Ana nehuno Josaia'a hige'za Bali havi anumzamofonte'ma kresramana vu itaramina negege'za tagnavazi netre'za, mnanentake'za insensima kre mnama nevaza itaraminena tagna vazitre'naze. Ana nehuno Asera havi anumzamofo amema'ama me'nea zafaramine, kaza osu havi anumzamofo amema'ama antre'za tro'ma huntenaza zantamine, kre mramrama hu'za havi anumzamofo amema'ama troma hunte'naza ame'ma'aramina rutmana hu'za rufuzafupete'za, ana anumzantminte'ma mono'ma hunentaza vahe'mokizmi matipi atre'za vano hu'naze.
While he directed them, his workers tore down the altars where people worshiped Baal. They smashed the altars that were near those altars, where people burned incense. They smashed the poles [honor the goddess] Asherah and the idols and statues. They smashed them to bits and scattered the bits over the graves of those who had offered sacrifices to them.
5 Ana nehuno Josaia havi anumzantmimofo pristi vahe'mokizmi zaferinaramina Kresramana vu itazmire kreno Juda mopane, Jerusalemi kuma'enena eri agru hu'ne.
They burned the bones of the priests [who had offered sacrifices]; they burned them on their own altars. In that way Josiah caused Jerusalem and other places in Judah to be acceptable places to worship Yahweh again.
6 Hagi anazanke huno Manase nagamokizmi rankumapine, Efraemi nagamokizmi rankumapine, Simioni nagamokizmi rankumapine, Nafatari nagamokizmi rankumapine, tava'ozmire'ma me'nea kuma'ma havizama hu'nea kumatamimpinena vuno,
In the towns in [the tribes of] Manasseh, Ephraim, and Simeon, and as far [north] as [the tribe of] Naphtali and in the ruins around all those towns,
7 havi anumzamofonte'ma kresramana vu itaramine, Asera havi anumzamofo amema'ama me'nea zafaramina maka antagino kitagi kotago hunetreno, havi anumzamofo amema'aramima tro hunte'nazana rutamna huno ru fuzafupenetreno, mnanentake'za insensima kre mnama nevaza itaraminena Israeli mopafintira maka tagna vazitreteno, ete Jerusalemi kumate vu'ne.
Josiah’s [workers] tore down the pagan altars and the poles to [honor the goddess] Asherah, and crushed the idols to powder. They also smashed to pieces all the altars for burning incense throughout Israel. Then Josiah returned to Jerusalem.
8 Josaia'ma 18ni'a kafuma kinima nemanino'a, havi anumzama mono'ma hunentaza zantamina eri haviza huno Juda mopane, ran mono nonena eri agru huteno, Azalia nemofo Safanima, rankumamofo kva ne' Ma'aseiama, avonkre eri'za e'neria ne' Joahazi nemofo Joanki huno Ra Anumzana Anumzama'amofo no eriso'e hiho huno huzmante'ne.
When Josiah had been ruling for almost 18 years, he [did something else to] cause the land and the temple to be acceptable places to worship Yahweh. He sent Shaphan the son of Azaliah and Maaseiah the governor of the city and Joah the son of Joahaz, who wrote on a scroll what happened in the city, to repair the temple of Yahweh.
9 Hige'za e'za Manase nagama, Efraemi nagama, mago'a Israeli naga'ma, maka Juda mopafinti vahetmima, Benzameni naga'ma, Jerusalemi kumapima nemaniza vahe'mo'zanema Anumzamofo mono nompima ne-eza, zagoa eri'za Livae vahetami eme zami'zage'za, eri'za ugagota pristi ne' Hilkaiana ome ami'naze.
They went to Hilkiah the Supreme Priest and gave him the money that had been brought to the temple. That was the money that the descendants of Levi who guarded the doors of the temple had collected from the people of [the tribes of] Manasseh and Ephraim and [other places in northern] Israel, and also from all the people in Jerusalem and other places in the tribes of Judah and Benjamin.
10 Hagi ana zagoa erino mono noma eri so'e nehaza vahe'mokizimi kva vahe zamige'za, ana zagoa eri'za mono noma eriso'ema nehaza vahe'mokizmi miza sezmante'naze.
Then Hilkiah gave some of the money to the men who had been appointed to supervise the work of repairing the temple. The supervisors paid the men who did the repair work.
11 Hagi ana zagoma zami'nazana, zamagra ana zagoa eri'za noma negi'za vahe'ene ke'onkezama tagama hunte haverami miza nese'za, zafarami mizase'za Juda kini vahe'mo'zama eri so'ema osu'za atrazageno'ma havizama hu'nea nomofo zafaramina eri fatgo hu'naze.
They also gave some of the money to the carpenters and builders to buy the cut stones and the timber for the joists and the beams for the buildings that the kings of Judah had allowed to decay.
12 Hagi ana vahe'mo'za eri'zana hankaveti'za eri'naze. Ana eri'za vahetmima kegavama huzmante'naza vahetmina, Merari nagapinti Livae netre Jahati'ene, Obadaiakegi, Kohati nagapinti netre Zekaraiake Mesulamuke. Hagi ana maka Livae nagaki'za zavenama ahe'za zagame'ma hu zana antahi ankere'naza vaheki'za,
The workers did their work faithfully. Their supervisors were Jahath and Obadiah, who were descendants of [Levi’s son] Merari, and Zechariah and Meshullam, who were descendants of [Levi’s son] Kohath. All the other descendants of Levi, those who played musical instruments well,
13 eri'za vahetmina kegava nehu'za, erizante'ma vugote'zama kegavama hu'naza vahera e'ina hiho, amana hiho hu'za antahintahi zami'naze. Hagi mago'a Livae vahe'mo'za avonkre eri'za e'nerizageno, mago'amo'za Kasegema kreno eri fatgoma hu eri'za enerizageno, mago'amo'za kafante'ma kegava hu eri'za eri'naze.
supervised all the workers as they did their various jobs. Some of the descendants of Levi were secretaries and some kept records and some guarded the gates [of the temple].
14 Hagi Ra Anumzamofo nompima ana zagoma eri'za e'naza zagoma eri'za atineramizageno'a, pristi ne' Hilkaia'a Ra Anumzamo'ma Mosesema ami'nea Kasege Avontafera keno eri'ne.
While they were giving to the supervisors the money that had been taken to the temple, Hilkiah the [Supreme] Priest found a scroll on which were written the laws that Yahweh had told Moses to give to the people.
15 Hagi Hilkaia'ma ana kasege avontafema hakreno enerino'a, kasegema kreno eri fatgo nehia ne' Safanina amanage huno asmi'ne, Kasege avontafera Ra Anumzamofo mono nompinti kena erue, nehuno ana avontafera Safani ami'ne.
So Hilkiah said to Shaphan, “I have found in the temple a scroll on which are written the laws [that God gave to Moses]!” Then Hilkiah gave the scroll to Shaphan.
16 Ana higeno Safani'a ana avontafera erino kini ne' Josaia ome nemino, eri'zamofo agenkea anage huno asmi'ne, Eri'za vaheka'ama maka eri'zama zami'nana eri'zana knare hu'za e'nerize.
Shaphan [took the scroll] to the king and said to him, “Your officials are doing everything that you told them to do.
17 Hagi Ra Anumzamofo mono nompima me'nea zagoa eri'za, eri'zante'ma vugote'za kegavama hu'naza vahetami zami'naze.
They have taken the money that was in the temple, and they have given it to the men who will supervise the workers who will repair the temple.”
18 Hagi mago'ane Safani'a kini nera asmino, Ama avontafera pristi ne' Hilkaia nami'ne, huno nesmino ana avontafera kini nemofo avuga hampri'ne.
Then Shaphan said to the king, “[I have brought to you] a scroll [that] Hilkiah gave to me.” And Shaphan started to read it to the king.
19 Hagi kini ne' Josaia'ma kasegefima me'nea nanekeramima nentahino'a, zaza kukena'a tagato hu'ne.
When the king heard the laws [that were written in the scroll], he tore his clothes [because he was very dismayed/worried].
20 Ana nehuno kini ne'mo'a Hilkaiama, Safani nemofo Ahikamuma, Maika nemofo Abdonima, avon kre eri'za ne' Safanima, kini ne'mofo eri'za ne' Asaianena amanage huno zamasami'ne,
Then he gave these instructions to Hilkiah, to Shaphan’s son Ahikam, to Micah’s son Abdon, to Shaphan, and to Asaiah the king’s special advisor:
21 Hagi nagrane maka Israeli vahe'ene, Juda vahe'motanena ama avontafepima me'nea nanekerera na'a hugahumpi, vuta Ra Anumzamofona ome antahigeta keho. Na'ankure tagehe'mo'za ama avontafepima me'nea kasegea ovaririnazageno, Ra Anumzamo'a tagrira tusi arimpa aherante'ne.
“Go and ask Yahweh for me, and for all his people who are still alive in Judah and Israel, about what is written in this scroll that has been found. Because [it is clear that] Yahweh is very angry with us because our ancestors disobeyed what Yahweh said; they did not obey the laws that are written on this scroll.”
22 E'inage higeno Hilkaia'ene kini ne'mo'ma huzmantea vahe'mo'zanena, kasnampa a' Hulda kenaku Jerusalemi kumapina, noti kaziga mago kuma me'nea kumapi vu'naze. Hagi ana a'mofo neve'a, Salumukino Tokhati nemofo Hasra negeho'e. Hagi agra kukena nonte kva ne' mani'ne. Hagi ana kini ne'mo'ma hiankea ana vahe'mo'za kasnampa ara ome asami'naze.
So Hilkiah and the others went to talk with a woman whose name was Huldah, who was a prophetess who lived in the newer part of Jerusalem. Her husband Shallum who was the son of Tikvah, took care of the robes that were worn [in the temple].
23 Hagi ana kasnampa a'mo'a amanage huno zamasami'ne, Ra Anumzana Israeli vahe Anumzamo'a huno, huramantegeta e'naza nera amanage huta ome asamiho,
[When they told her what the king had said, ] she said to them, “This is what Yahweh, the God whom we Israelis [worship], says: ‘Go back and tell the king who sent you
24 Ama kumate'ene ama ana kumapi vahete'enena, Juda kini ne'mofo avugama nehampri'za avontafepima me'nea hazenkezane, maka kazusizanena atrenugeno egahie.
that this is what Yahweh says: “Listen to this carefully. I am going to cause a disaster to strike Jerusalem and all the people who live here. I will cause them to experience the curses that were written in the scroll that was read to the king of Judah.
25 Na'ankure zamagra Nagrira zamefi hunami'za, ru anumzantminte Kresramana nevu'za, monora hunente'za, havi zamavu'zmava'ma hazazamo'a, tusiza huno Nagrira nazeri narimpa ahe'ne. E'ina hu'negu ama kumapi vahetmima narimpama ahezmante'noa zana, mago zamo'a eri amne hugara osu'ne.
I will do that because they have rejected me, and they burn incense to [honor] other gods. They have caused me to become very angry because of all the idols that they have made (OR, because of all the wicked things that they have done), [and my anger is like] a fire that will not be extinguished.
26 Hianagi Juda kini ne'mo'ma Ra Anumzamofoma ome agenoka huta antahiho huno'ma huramantegetama e'naza nera, Ra Anumzana Israeli vahe Anumzamo'a ko'ma hamprizagenka antahi'nana kerera amanage hie huta ome asmiho,
The king of Judah sent you to ask what I, Yahweh, want. Go and tell him that this is what I, Yahweh, the God whom you Israelis worship, say about what you read:
27 Na'ankure nagra ama kumate'ene, ama kumapi vahetema hunaku'ma hua nanekema nentahinka, kagu'a anteraminka Anumzamo'na navuga nemaninka, kukenaka'a tagato hunka kasunkura nehunka, zavira atanke'na antahue huno Ra Anumzamo'a hie huta ome asamiho.
“Because you heeded [what was written in the scroll], and you humbled yourself when you heard what I said to warn [about what would happen to] this city and the people who live here, and because you tore your robes and wept in my presence, I have heard you.
28 Hagi menina ama kumate'ene ana kumapi vahe'ma zamazeri havizama hanuazana onkenenka knare hunka mani'nenka frigahane. Anage hige'za ana vahe'mo'za atre'za vu'za, Hulda'ma hiankea kini ne' Josaiana ome asmi'naze.
So I will allow you to die and be buried peacefully. I will cause a great disaster to strike this place and the people who live here, but you will not [be alive to] see it.”’” So they reported her reply to the king.
29 Higeno kini ne' Josaia'a mika Juda kumapi ranra vahetamine, Jerusalemi kumapi ranra vahetamina kehu atru hu'ne.
Then the king summoned all the elders of Jerusalem and [other places in] Judea.
30 Ana huteno vuno maka Juda vahetamine, Jerusalemi vahetamine, pristi vahetamine, Livae vahetaminena Ra Anumzamofo mono nompi zamavare atru higeno, ositeti'ma vuno ra vahetema vu'neana maka atru hu'naze. Ana hutazageno, Ra Anumzamofo mono nompinti'ma ke'za eri'naza avontafepima me'nea nanekea ranke huno maka hampri vagare'ne.
They went up together to the temple with the leaders of Judah and many other people of Jerusalem and the priests and other descendants of Levi, from the least important to the most important ones. And while they listened, the king read to them everything that was in the scroll containing God’s laws that had been found in the temple.
31 Ana huteno kini ne' Josaia'a kini vahe'mo'zama oneti'zare otino, Ra Anumzamofo kasege'ane, avu'ava'ane, tra ke'anema ama avontafepima krente'neana, maka nagu namenteti hu'na avaririgahue huno huvempa hu'ne.
Then the king stood next to the pillar [at the entrance to the temple, where kings stood when they announced something important], and while Yahweh was listening, he repeated his promise to very sincerely and completely obey Yahweh and all his commands and regulations and decrees that were written on the scroll.
32 Ana nehuno miko Jerusalemi kumapima nemaniza vahe'ene, Benzameni naga'enena hige'za agri'ene oti'naze. Ana hazageno Jerusalemi kumapi vahe'mo'za Anumzamofo huhagerafi huvempa kemo'ma hu'nea kante ante'za, zamafahe'mofo Anumzantera huvempa hu'naze.
Then the king said that everyone who lived in Jerusalem and from [the tribe of] Benjamin should promise that they also would obey those laws. And they did that, agreeing that they would keep the agreement that God, whom their ancestors had worshiped, had made with them.
33 Hagi mika Israeli mopa agu'afima kaza osu havi anumzantmimofo amema'aramina Josaia'a ru takoraku hunetreno, maka vahetmina hige'za Ra Anumzana zamagehe'mokizmi Anumzante monora hunte'naze. Hagi Josaia'ama kegavama hu'nea knafina Israeli vahe'mo'za Ra Anumzana atre'za ru anumzantmina monora huonte'naze.
Josiah [instructed his workers to] remove all the detestable idols from everywhere in the land of the Israeli people, and he commanded that all the people from Israel who were there should worship [only] Yahweh their God. And as long as Josiah was alive, the people did what was pleasing to Yahweh, the God whom their ancestors [worshiped].

< 2 Kroniku 34 >