< 2 Kroniku 31 >

1 Hagi ana maka musenkase'zamo'ma vagamaregeno'a, Israeli vahe'ma anampima mani'naza vahe'mo'za atirami'za Juda rankumatamimpi vu'za havi anumzante'ma mono'ma hunentaza zafaramine, Asera havi anumzamofo amema'ama zafare'ma antre'za tro hunte'neza mono'ma hunentaza zafaraminena maka Juda mopafine, Benzameni mopafine, Efraemi mopafine, Manase mopafima, havi anumzama mono'ma hunentaza itane, agonafima havi anumzantema mono'ma hunentaza kumatmima me'neana ana maka taganavazi atre'naze. Ana hute'za maka Israeli vahe'mo'za ete nozmima me'nea rankuma zamirega vu'naze.
Now, when all this was finished, all Israel who were present went forth unto the cities of Judah, and brake in pieces the pillars—and cut down the Sacred Stems—and threw down the high places and the altars, out of all Judah and Benjamin—and throughout Ephraim and Manasseh, until they had made an end, —then all the sons of Israel returned every man to his own possession, unto their own cities.
2 Hagi pristi vahe'mo'zane Livae vahe'mo'zama Ra Anumzamofo mono nonkumapima ufre kafaraminte'ma eri'zama eri'nagura, Hesekai'a refko huno Kresramanama vu eri'zane, arimpa fru ofama hu eri'zane, kafante'ma manine'za susu hu'za zagame'ma hu eri'zana kevure kevure zamitere hu'ne.
And Hezekiah appointed the courses of the priests, and the Levites, over their courses, every man according to the requirements of his service, both priests and Levites, for ascending-sacrifice and for peace-offerings, —to be in attendance and to give thanks and to offer praise, in the gates of the camps of Yahweh;
3 Hagi kinagane nanterane, maka mani fru hu Sabati knare'ene, kasefa ikante'ene, Ra Anumzamofo kasegefima huno ne'zama kreta neneta muse hugahazema hu'nea knare'enema Kresramanama vu zana kini ne' Hesekai'a agra'a afu keginafintira zami'ne.
also the portion of the king out of his own substance, for the ascending-sacrifices, —[even] for the ascending-sacrifices of the morning and of the evening, and the ascending-sacrifices for the sabbaths, and for the new moons and for the appointed feasts, —as written in the law of Yahweh.
4 Hagi kini ne'mo'a Jerusalemi kumapima nemaniza vahetminkura huno, pristi vahe'ene Livae vahe'enena, ana ne'zana zamigahazema hu'nea kante anteta ne'zana eme zaminke'za nene'za, Ra Anumzamofo kasegefima hu'neaza hu'za zamagu'areti hu'za eri'zana eriho.
And he bade the people who were dwelling in Jerusalem give the portion of the priests and the Levites, —to the end they might persevere in the law of Yahweh.
5 Hagi Hesekaia'ma hia nanekema Israeli vahe'mo'zama nentahi'za ese ne'zama hozafima nenama hu'nea ne'zana tusi ne'za eri'za e'naze.
And, as soon as the thing spread abroad, the sons of Israel caused to abound the firstfruit of corn, new wine, and oil, and honey, and all the increase of the field, -yea, the tithe of all—in abundance, brought they in.
6 Hagi Israeli vahetamine Juda vahetamimo'zama Juda rankumatamimpima nemaniza vahe'mo'za bulimakao afuzmine, sipisipi afuzmine hampriza nevazageno, 10nima hia bulimakao afutamine sipisipi afutaminena avre'za e'naze. Ana nehu'za Ra Anumzana zamagri Anumzamofonte'ma eri ruotgema hu'nea zantamina hampriza nevazageno 10nima hia zantamina eri'za eme kevure kevure antazageno agonagna huno hihi huno mareri'ne.
And, as for the sons of Israel and Judah who were dwelling in the cities of Judah, even they, a tithe of oxen, and sheep, and a tithe of hallowed things, which had been hallowed unto Yahweh their God, did bring in and pile up—heaps, heaps.
7 Hagi namba 3 ikante agafa hu'za ana ne'zana eri atru hu'za nevazageno, 7ni ikante ome vagare'naze.
In the third month, began they the heaps, at the foundation, —and, in the seventh, they finished.
8 Ana'ma nehazageno Hesekai'ene vugota kva vahe'mo'zanema eme kazama ana neza kevuramimo'ma agonagna'ma huno mareri'nege'za, Ra Anumzamofona agia erisga nehu'za, asomu kea Israeli vahetmina huzmante'naze.
And Hezekiah and the rulers came, and saw the heaps, —and blessed Yahweh, and his people Israel.
9 Ana huteno Hesekai'a pristi vahetamine Livae vahetaminena ana ne'za kevuraminkura zamagenoka huno, Igati ama ne'za kevuramina eri atru hu'naze?
Then applied Hezekiah unto the priests and the Levites, concerning the heaps.
10 Higeno Zadoku nagapinti ugagota pristi ne' Azaraia'a kenona huzmanteno ne'zama eri'za e'naza knareti'ma eno amare'ma ehanati'neana, nezantimo'a hakare higeta nenonkeno rama'a ne'zamo'a amne aviteno me'ne. Na'ankure Ra Anumzamo'a tusi'a zampi Agra'a vahetmina asomura huzmante huno hu'ne.
And Azariah, the chief priest of the house of Zadok, spake unto him, —and said—From the time of beginning to bring in, the heave-offering, into the house of Yahweh—to eat and to be full, there hath still been left, even to this abundance. For, Yahweh, hath blessed his people, and, that which is left, is this great plenty.
11 Hagi Hesekai'a kave'ma ante nontamina, Ra Anumzamofo nompi retro hiho hige'za, zamagra retro hunte'naze.
Then Hezekiah gave word to prepare chambers, in the house of Yahweh, and they prepared them;
12 Ana hige'za vahe'mo'za kentahiza ne'zana hamprizageno 10nima hia ne'za kevuramine, eri ruotgema hu'naza ofaraminena eri'za ana nompi eme ante'naze. Hagi ana maka zantmintera Livae nagapinti ne' Konani vugota huno kva mani'neno kegava higeno, nefu Semei agri amefi'a kva mani'ne.
and brought in the heave-offering and the tithe and the hallowed things, faithfully, —and, over them, as chief ruler, was Cononiah the Levite, and Shimei his brother, next;
13 Hagi kini ne' Hesekai'ene Anumzamofo mono nonte kva ne' Azariake'ma huzmante'naza kante ante'za Konanine nefu, Simeinema zanaza hu'zama ana nompima eri'zama eri'naza vahetmina, Jehieli'ma, Azazia'ma, Nahati'ma, Asaheli'ma, Jerimoti'ma, Jozabati'ma, Elieli'ma, Ismakia'ma, Mahati'ma, Benaia'e.
and Jehiel and Azaziah and Nahath and Asahel and Jerimoth and Jozabad, and Eliel and Ismachiah, and Mahath, and Benaiah, —overseers under the direction of Cononiah and Shemei his brother, by the appointment of Hezekiah the king, and Azariah the chief ruler of the house of God.
14 Hagi Livae ne' Imna nemofo Kore'a, zage hanati kaziga kuma kafante kva hu'neno vahe'mo'zama zamagra'a zamavesite'ma Anumzamofonte'ma eri'za aza ofane, Ra Anumzamofoma eme ami'za zantamine, eri ruotge hu'neza eri'za aza ofanena kegava hu'neno refko huno pristi vahe'ene Livae vahera zami'ne.
And, Kore, son of Imnah the Levite, the door-keeper on the east, was over the freewill offerings of God, —to give the heave-offering of Yahweh, and the most holy things.
15 Hagi Edeni'ma, Miniamini'ma, Jesua'ma, Semaia'ma, Amaraia'ma, Sekeniaki hu'za Korena aza hu'za ana ofaramima eri'zama azana pristi vahe'ma nemaniza ran kumatamimpima nemaniza zamafuhe'ina, ra vahetetima vuno mofavrere'ma vu'neana, ana ne'zantamina refko hu'za zamente zmente zamitere hu'naze.
And, under his direction, were Eden and Miniamin and Jeshua and Shemaiah, Amariah and Shecaniah, in the cities of the priests, in trust to give unto their brethren by courses, as the great so the small;
16 Ra Anumzamofo nompima eri'zama zamige'za eri'zama eneri'za vahera ana zantamina refko hu'za maka 3'a kafuma hu'nea ne' mofavreramintetima mareri anagamuma atre'nea venenema zamagima avontafepima krente'nea vahetmina ana ne'zana refko hu'za zamitere hu'naze.
besides registering them by males, from three years old and upward, unto every one that entered into the house of Yahweh, in the need of a day upon its day, —by their service, in their watches, according to their courses:
17 Hagi pristi vahetmimofo zamagima kre'nazana, nagate nagate negre'za 20'a kafuma agatere'naza Livae vahetmimofo zamagia eri'zama zamiterema hu'nere zamagi'a krentetere hu'ne.
both the registering of the priests, by their ancestral houses, and the Levites, from twenty years old and upward, —in their watches, in their courses;
18 Hagi ana kva vahe'mo'za ne'one mofavrezmine, a'nezmine, ne' mofavrezmine, mofa'nezminena zamagima krenentaza avontafepina maka zamagia krente'naze. Na'ankure zamagra'a hankavetiza Anumzamofo avurera zamazeri agru hu'naze.
even to the registering of all their little ones, their wives and their sons and their daughters, unto all the convocation, —for, in their trust, they hallowed themselves in holiness;
19 Hagi pristi vahetmima Aroni agehemo'zama ranra kumatamimofo hozafu hu mopama megagi'nea mopafima nemaniza vahe'mo'za, mago'a vahetami huhampri zamante'nege'za ne'zazmia eri'za ome zami'naze. Hagi ana ne'zana pristi nagapine, Livae nagapinema maka venenema zamagima avontafepima me'nea naga'mo'zage eri'naze.
also unto the sons of Aaron the priests in the fields of the pasture land of their cities, in every several city, men who were expressed by name, —to give portions to every male among the priests, and to all registered among the Levites.
20 E'inahu huno maka Juda mopafina Hezekaia'a agu'areti huno Ra Anumzana Anumzama'amofo avurera knare huno fatgo avu'ava hu'ne.
And Hezekiah did thus, throughout all Judah, —and he did that which was good and right and faithful, before Yahweh his God.
21 Hagi Hesekai'a agu'areti huno Anumzamofo mono nomofo eri'zana enerino, kasegea kegava nehuno, Anumzamofona avaririne. E'ina higeno maka zama hia zamo'a knare'zanke hu'ne.
And, in all the work which he began in the service of the house of God—and in the law—and in the commandment, to seek unto his God, with all his heart, he wrought, and prospered.

< 2 Kroniku 31 >