< 1 Samue 8 >

1 Hagi Samueli'ma ozafama nereno'a keaga refakoma hu kva vahera nemofokizni huhampri zanante'ne.
When Samuel was old, he made his sons judges over Israel.
2 Hagi ese ne' mofavre'mofo agi'a, Joeli'e. Hanki henka ne'mofo agi'a, Abija'e. Zanagra Berseba kumate keaga refako hu kva vahetre mani'na'e.
Now the name of his firstborn was Joel, and the name of his second, Abijah. They were judges in Beersheba.
3 Hianagi ana netremokea neznafa'ma hu'neaza huke kva eri'zana e'ori'na'e. Zanagra tamage huke eri'zana e'orina'anki, havi kazigati oku'a zagoreti'ma masavema zanamiza hazankaziga anteke keaga refko huke zamaza hu'na'e.
His sons didn’t walk in his ways, but turned away after dishonest gain, took bribes, and perverted justice.
4 Ana'ma hake'za miko Israeli ranra vahe'mo'za eri hantage'za Samuelinte Rama kumate vu'za,
Then all the elders of Israel gathered themselves together and came to Samuel to Ramah.
5 amanage ome hu'naze, Kagra hago ozafare'nane, tare negamofokea kagrama nehanaza huke eri'zana e'ori'anki, mago'a kumapi vahe'mo'zama nehazaza hunka kini huhamprintegeno tagrira kegava huranteno.
They said to him, “Behold, you are old, and your sons don’t walk in your ways. Now make us a king to judge us like all the nations.”
6 Hianagi kini vahe azeri otigeno kegava hurantenoma hu'za hazankegura Samueli'a musena osuno, Ra Anumzamofontega nunamuna higeno,
But the thing displeased Samuel when they said, “Give us a king to judge us.” Samuel prayed to the LORD.
7 Ra Anumzamo'a Samuelina asamino, na'anema hu'za vahe'mo'za hanaza kante antenka amane anazana huo. Na'ankure zamagra kagri zamefira hunogamizanki, Nagri zamefira hunenami'za, Nagrikura kinitia omanisie hu'za nehaze.
The LORD said to Samuel, “Listen to the voice of the people in all that they tell you; for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected me as the king over them.
8 Hagi Isipitima zamavare atiramina e'noregati anazana hu'za ne-eza Nagrira zamefi hunenami'za ru anumza avariri'za monora hunente'za eri'zama'a erinte'za e'nazanki'za, anahukna kagri'enena hunegantaze.
According to all the works which they have done since the day that I brought them up out of Egypt even to this day, in that they have forsaken me and served other gods, so they also do to you.
9 Hagi kagra ke zamia amage antenka kini ne' azeri otigeno, kegava huzmanteno. Hianagi kini ne'mo'ma kegavama huzmanteneno'ma maka avu'avazama huzmantesia zamofo nanekea zamasamio.
Now therefore, listen to their voice. However, you shall protest solemnly to them, and shall show them the way of the king who will reign over them.”
10 Higeno Samueli'a kini vaheku'ma eme antahigaza vahera, Ra Anumzamo'ma asamia nanekea miko zamasami vagare'ne
Samuel told all the LORD’s words to the people who asked him for a king.
11 Hagi Samueli'a zamasamino, Amanahu'za kinima manino kegava huramantesia ne'mo'a hugahie. Agra miko mofavretamia avreno hosi afu'ama eri'zama ha'ma ome hanaza vahe nezamanteno, karisima eri'za nevu'za ha'ma hu vahe zamavarentesige'za mago'amo'za agri karisimofo avuga ugote'za vugahaze.
He said, “This will be the way of the king who shall reign over you: he will take your sons and appoint them as his servants, for his chariots and to be his horsemen; and they will run before his chariots.
12 Hagi mago'a zamavareno 1tauseni'a sondia vahete kva nezamanteno, mago'a zamavareno 50'a sondia vahe kva vahe nezamanteno, mago'a zamavareno hozama erino ante vahe nezamanteno, mago'a zamavareno hozama hamare vahe nezamanteno, mago'a vahera zamavareno ha'zane kevema trohu vahe nezmanteno, mago'a zamavareno karisimofo mikazama tro hu vahe zamantegahie.
He will appoint them to him for captains of thousands and captains of fifties; and he will assign some to plough his ground and to reap his harvest; and to make his instruments of war and the instruments of his chariots.
13 Hagi mofa'netamia mago'a zamavareno mananentake zama retro'ma hanagu nezamateno, mago'a zamavareno ne'zama kre vahe nezamanteno, mago'a zamavareno bretima kre vahe zamantegahie.
He will take your daughters to be perfumers, to be cooks, and to be bakers.
14 Hagi knare hu'nenia witi hozama, knarema hunenia waini hozama, knare'ma hunenia olivi hozanena erino agra'a eri'za vahe zamigahie.
He will take your fields, your vineyards, and your olive groves, even your best, and give them to his servants.
15 Hagi 10ni'a kevuma witine wainima ante'nenafintira mago kevu erino eri'zama'a kegava nehaza vahe'ane eri'za vahe'a zamigahie.
He will take one tenth of your seed and of your vineyards, and give it to his officers and to his servants.
16 Anahunkna huno ve kazokzo eri'za vahe'ene a' kazokzo eri'za vahe'ene, hanave nehazavene, knare'ma hu'nenia donkiramine bulimakaotamia zamavareno agra'a eri'za kante zamantegahie.
He will take your male servants, your female servants, your best young men, and your donkeys, and assign them to his own work.
17 Hagi agra 10ni'a bulimakao afu kevu ante'nesafintira mago kevua agra nevreno, tamagria kazokzo eri'za vahe tamavrentegahie.
He will take one tenth of your flocks; and you will be his servants.
18 Hagi ana'ma hanigeta Ra Anumzamofona krafage hunteta tamagrama huhampri'naza kini ne'mofo azampintira tazahunka tavro huta nunamuna hugahazanagi, Ra Anumzamo'a tamaza osugahie.
You will cry out in that day because of your king whom you will have chosen for yourselves; and the LORD will not answer you in that day.”
19 Anagema Samueli'ma hige'za, ana ke'a ontahi'za zamagra hu'za, tagrira kini ne'mo kegava hurante'niegu tave'sie.
But the people refused to listen to the voice of Samuel; and they said, “No, but we will have a king over us,
20 E'ina hanigeta ruga'a kumate vahe'mo'zama nehazaza huta kinimofo kvafi mani'nunkeno agra'a vugota huranteno, hatera tavreno vugahie.
that we also may be like all the nations; and that our king may judge us, and go out before us, and fight our battles.”
21 Hagi ana miko kema hazana Samueli'a antahiteno ana miko kea Ra Anumzamofo ome asami'ne.
Samuel heard all the words of the people, and he rehearsed them in the ears of the LORD.
22 Hagi Ra Anumzamo'a amanage huno Samuelina asami'ne, zamagri ke antahinka mago kini zamio. Anage higeno Samueli'a miko vahera huzmantege'za kuma'zamirega vu'za e'za hu'naze.
The LORD said to Samuel, “Listen to their voice, and make them a king.” Samuel said to the men of Israel, “Everyone go to your own city.”

< 1 Samue 8 >