< 1 Korinti 3 >

1 Hagi nenafugatane nasareheta tamagranema ko'ma mani'noana, avamupi nena hu'za mani'naza vahe'mo'za nehazaza huta mani'nagena nagra noramasamue. Hianagi mopafi avu'avazampi mani'nagu Kraisimpina osi mofavregna huta mani'nazage'na neramasmue.
And I, my brethren, could not speak to you, as to spiritual persons, but as to carnal ones, even as to babes in Christ.
2 Nagra rempima huramufina amiri tamiaza nehu'na, hanave ne'zana noramue, na'ankure tamagra hanave ne'zana eriga osu'naze. Tamage, tamagra hanave ne'zana eri avamentera omani'naze.
I have fed you with milk, and not with meat; for ye were not hitherto able to bear it, nor yet are ye even now able.
3 Na'ankure mopafi vahe'mo'za nehazankna nehaze. Na'ankure kanive nereta, ke fra amu'nontamifina nehaze. Tamagra ama mopafi vahetfa omani'nafi? Tamagra mopafi avu'avazampi vano hiaza nosazafi?
Because ye are still carnal: for while there is among you envy and strife and divisions, are ye not carnal, and do ye not walk as men?
4 Na'ankure mago'mo'a huno, nagra Poli amage nentoe nehigeno, rumo'a nagra Apolosi amage nentoe nehiana, tamagra mono ontahi vahe mani'nazo?
For when one saith, I am of Paul; and another, I am of Apollos, are ye not carnal?
5 Apolosi'a inanknahu nere? Poli'na iza'ne? Tagra eri'za vahetfa mani'no'e. Ramo hurantegeta tagra eri'zana e'neru'e. Anumzamo'a tagripi huvazino tamaza higeta tamentintia hu'naza eri'za ne' trene.
Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whose means ye embraced the faith, even as the Lord gave success to each of them?
6 Nagra avimaza asogeno, Apolosi'a ti ami'ne. Hianagi Anumzamoke azeri nena nehie.
I have planted, Apollos watered: but God gave the increase.
7 Ana higu avimaza kri'nemo' o tima ami'nemo enena razana omne'neanki, Anumzamo maka'zana azeri nena nehie.
So that neither he that planteth is any thing, nor he that watereth, but God that giveth the increase.
8 Avimazama ase'nemo'ene tima ami'nemo enena magoke eri'zanke e'neriankino, eri'zama eri'na'a avamente ante'ne mizazani'a erigaha'e.
And he that planteth, and he that watereth, are as one: but each shall receive his own reward according to his own labor.
9 Na'ankure tagra Anumzamofo eri'za vahe manuketa, tamagra Anumzamofo hozane, nonkna hutma mani'naze.
For we are fellow-laborers, the servants of God: and ye are the husbandry of God, ye are the building of God.
10 Anumzamo'a asunku zama'areti nami'nea avamente, nogi antahi'zane vahekna hu'na nomagi trara eri agafa hunte'noge'za, mago'a vahe'mo'za anante negize. Hianagi magoke magokemo'a, nankna huno kinaku hanuno'a, kva hu'neno ana agofetura nona kino.
According to the grace of God given to me, as a wise architect I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon: but let every one see to it how he buildeth thereon.
11 Hianagi mago'mo'e huno ru tratera nona eri agafa huno onkino, ko'ma ki'nea trateke kino, e'i Jisas Kraisi Agrake ana trara mani'ne.
For no one can lay any other foundation, but that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ: and if any build upon this foundation gold,
12 Anante'ma mago'amo'za kisazana goliretiro, silva retiro, zago'amo mareri'nea haveretiro, zafaretiro, rampa zantetiro, hofareti negizankna nehazankino,
silver, precious stones, or wood, hay, stubble;
13 magoke magokemofona eri'zama'amo'a eama hugahie. Refkoma hania knarera tevereti kreno eri'zama'amofona nena'a eriama hugahie. Na'ankure magoke magokemo e'neria eri'zamofo hanave'a, tevenu kreno eriama huno kegahie.
every man's work shall be made manifest. For the great day will shew it; because it will be discovered by fire, and the fire will prove every man's work of what sort it is.
14 Hagi iza ana tra'mofo agofetu eri'za eri'nesia eri'zamo tevema oresigeno'a, mizama'a erigahie.
If any man's work abide, which he hath built upon it, he shall receive a reward:
15 Mago'mofo eri'zama tevemo tevagaresigeno'a, ana eri'zamo'a haviza huno fanane hugahianagi, ana ne'mofona, tevefinti ahokeno avreankna hugahie.
but if any man's work be burnt, he will be damaged; though he himself shall be saved, but, as it were out of fire.
16 Tamagra Anumzamofo mono no mani'nageno, Anumzamofo Avamu'mo'ma tamagu'afima mani'neana ontahi'nazo?
Do ye not know that ye are the temple of God, and the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
17 Iza'o Anumzamofo noma erihaviza hanigeno'a, Anumzamo'a anamofona azeri haviza hugahie. Na'ankure Anumzamofo nomo'a ruotge hu'negenka, kagra ana no mani'nane.
If any one destroy the temple of God, him will God destroy: for the temple of God is holy, and this temple are ye.
18 Mago vahe'mo'ma antahintahi huno, nagra knare antahi'zane vahe ama knafina mani'noe hania vahe'mo'a, agra'a ravatga osino. Hanki atrenkeno neginagi vahe maniteno, henka knare antahi'zane vahera efore hino. (aiōn g165)
Let no one deceive himself: if any among you seem to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be truly wise. (aiōn g165)
19 Na'ankure ama mopafi knare antahi'zamo'a neginagi avu'ava Anumzamofo avufina me'ne. Hanki anage huno Anumzamofo avontafepina krente'ne, Knare antahi'zane vahe'mo'za knare antahi'za zmireti, vahe rezmatga hunaku hazana, Anumzamo'a zamazenerie. (Jop 5:13)
For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God; for it is written, "He taketh the wise in their own craftiness:"
20 Mago'ane avontafepina anage hu'ne, Ramo'a knare antahi'zane vahe'mofo agafa'a keno antahino hiana, amnezankna nehie. (Sam-Zga 94:11)
and again, "The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain."
21 Ana hu'negu mago'mo ugota huramante'simofonkura tmavufa ra osiho, na'ankure maka'zana tamagri'zane.
Therefore let no one glory in men: for all things are yours;
22 Poli'nafi, Apolosipi, Sefasipi (Pita), ama mopafi kasefa huno mani'zampi, fri'zampi, meni knafi, henkama esiankna maka tamagri'za me'ne.
whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or future, all are yours;
23 Tamagra Kraisi suza manizageno, Kraisi'a Anumzamofo su'za mani'ne.
and ye are Christ's; and Christ is God's.

< 1 Korinti 3 >