< 1 Kroniku 9 >

1 Hagi e'ina hu'za nagate nofite maka zamagi'a kre'za eri fatgo hazageno, Israeli kini vahetmimofo avontafepina kre'za eri fatgo hunte'naze. Hagi Juda vahetmina zamavare'za Babiloni kina ome huzmante'naze. Na'ankure Ra Anumzamofona ovariri zamage'na humi'nazagu anara hu'naze.
And [this is] all Israel, [even] their enrolment: and these [are] written down in the book of the kings of Israel and Juda, with the [names of them] that were carried away to Babylon for their transgressions.
2 Hagi kinama ome hu'nazaregati'ma ese'ma e'za mopa'zamima emeri'naza vahera, Pristi vahetmima, Livae vahetmima, mono nompi eri'za vahetamine mago'a Israeli vahe'mo'zanena e'za mopazmia emeri'naze.
And they that dwelt before in their possessions in the cities of Israel, the priests, the Levites, and the appointed ones.
3 Hagi mago'a vahera Juda nagapinti'ma Benzameni nagapinti'ma, Efraemi nagapinti'ma, Manase nagapintiki hu'za e'za Jerusalemi kumatera emani'naze.
And there dwelt in Jerusalem some of the children of Juda, and of the children of Benjamin, and of the children of Ephraim, and Manasse.
4 Hagi anampima mago'a naga'ma e'nazana, Utai naga e'naze. Hagi Utai'a Amihudi nemofo'e, Amihudi'a Omri nemofo'e, Omri'a Imri nemofo'e, Imri'a Bani nemofo'e, hagi Imri'a Perezi nagapinti fore hu'ne. Hagi Perezi'a Juda nemofo'e.
And Gnothi, and the son of Samiud, the son of Amri, the son of Ambraim, the son of Buni, son of the sons of Phares, the son of Juda.
5 Hagi mago'a vahe'ma anampima e'nazana, Sela nagapinti Asaia'ene ne' mofavreramima'ane e'naze.
And of the Selonites; Asaia his first-born, and his sons.
6 Hagi Zera ne'mofavre nagapinti'ma mago'a vahetmina e'nazana, e'i ana nagara Jueli'ene naga'ane e'nazankino ana maka vahera 690'a vahe e'naze.
Of the sons of Zara; Jeel, and their brethren, six hundred and ninety.
7 Hagi Benzameni nagapinti vahe'ma e'nazana, Mesulamu nemofo Salu e'ne. Hagi Mesulamu'a Hodavia nemofo'e, Hadavia'a Hasenua nemofo'e,
And of the sons of Benjamin; Salom, son of Mosollam, son of Odouia, son of Asinu.
8 hagi Hasenua'a Ibneia nemofo'e, Ibneia'a Jerohamu nemofo'e, Jerohamu'a Ela nemofo'e, Ela'a e'i Uzi nemofo'e, Uzi'a Mikri nemofo'e, Mikri'a Mesulamu nemofo'e, Mesulamu'a Sefataia nemofo'e, Sefataia'a Reueli nemofo'e, hagi Reueli'a Ibnaiza nemofo'e.
And Jemnaa son of Jeroboam, and Elo: these [are] the sons of Ozi the son of Machir: and Mosollam, son of Saphatia, son of Raguel, son of Jemnai;
9 Hagi ama ana vahetmina maka naga nofizmimofonte ugagota kva vahetminkino, kasezmante kasezmantema huno e'neregati zamagia kre'za eri fatgo hu'za avontafepina krente'naze. Hagi ana maka Benzameni nagapinti fore hu'naza vaheki'za, 956'a vahe'mo'za mopazmia emeri'za mani'naze.
and their brethren according to their generations, nine hundred and fifty-six, all the men [were] heads of families according to the houses of their fathers.
10 Hagi pristi vahetmina, Jedaia'ma, Jehoiaribi'ma, Jakini'e.
And of the priests; Jodae, and Joarim, and Jachin,
11 Hagi Hilkaia nemofo'a Azaraia'e. Hagi Hilkaia'a Mesulamu nemofo'e, Mesulamu'a Sadoku nemofo'e, Sadoku'a Meraioti nemofo'e, Meraioti'a Anumzamofo mono nonte'ma ugagota huno'ma kvama hu'nea ne' Ahitubu nemofo'e.
and Azaria the son of Chelcias, the son of Mosollam, the son of Sadoc, the son of Maraioth, the son of Achitob, the ruler of the house of God;
12 Hagi mago pristi ne'ma anampima e'neana Adaia'e. Hagi Adaia'a Jerohamu nemofo'e, Jerohamu'a Pasuri nemofo'e, hagi Pasuri'a Malkija nemofo'e. Hagi mago pristi nera Masai'e. Hagi Masai'a Adieli nemofo'e, Adieli'a Jazera nemofo'e, Jazera'a Mesulamu nemofo'e, Mesulamu'a Mesilemiti nemofo'e, hagi Mesilemiti'a Imeri nemofo'e.
and Adaia son of Iraam, son of Phascor, son of Melchia, and Maasaia son of Adiel, son of Ezira, son of Mosollam, son of Maselmoth, son of Emmer;
13 Hagi ana maka vahe'ma e'nazana 1tausen 760'a pristi vahetami ete mopa zamirera e'naze. Hagi e'i ana vahetmina naga'zmimofonte ugagota kva vahetami mani'ne'za, Anumzamofo nomo nompi hankaveti'za eri'za e'neriza vahetami e'naze.
and their brethren, chiefs of their families, a thousand seven hundred and sixty, mighty [men] for the work of the ministration of the house of God.
14 Hagi Livae naga'ma e'nazana, Hasubu nemofo Semaia'e. Hagi Hasubu'a Azrikamu nemofo'e, Azrikamu'a Hasabaia nemofo'e, Hasabaia'a Merari nagapinti fore hu'ne.
And of the Levites; Samaia son of Asob, son of Ezricam, son of Asabia, of the sons of Merari.
15 Hagi mago'a Livae vahe'mofo zamagi'a, Bakbakari'ma, Heresi'ma, Galali'ma, Mika nemofo Matanaia'e. Hagi Mika'a Zikri nemofo'e, Zikri'a Asapu ne'mofo'e.
And Bacbacar, and Ares, and Galaal, and Matthanias son of Micha, son of Zechri, son of Asaph;
16 Hagi mago Livae ne'ma e'neana, Semaia nemofo Obadaia'e. Hagi Semaia'a Galali nemofo'e Galali'a Jedutuni nemofo'e. Hagi mago ne'ma e'neana, Asa nemofo Berekaia'e. Hagi Asa'a, Elkana nemofo'e. Hagi ama ana vahe'mo'za Netofa vahetamimofo kumatamimpi nemaniza vahe mani'naze.
and Abdia, son of Samia, son of Galaal, son of Idithun, and Barachia son of Ossa, son of Helcana—who dwelt in the villages of the Notephatites.
17 Hagi kinama hu'naregati'ma mono no kafantema kvama hanaza Livae vahe'ma Juda mopare'ma e'naza vahe zamagia ama'ne, Salumu'ma, Akubu'ma, Talmoni'ma, Ahimani'e. Hagi ana naga'mo'za zamagrakera ome'nazanki mago'a naga'zamine e'naze. Hagi anampina Salumu ugota kvazimia mani'ne.
The door-keepers; Salom, Acum, Telmon, and Diman, and their brethren; Salom [was] the chief;
18 Hagi korapara Jerusalemi kumamofona zage hanati kaziga kini vahe kafane nehaza kuma kafante kegava hu'nazane. Hagi ka'ma kopima e'naza knafina, Livae nagamofo kuma kafante kegava hu'za maniza e'naza nagare.
and [he waited] hitherto in the king's gate eastward: these [are] the gates of the companies of the sons of Levi.
19 Hagi Salumu'a Kore nemofo'e, hagi Korena Abiasapu kasente'ne. Hagi Abiasapu'a seli mono no kafante'ma kegavama nehaza naga, Kora nagapinti' nere. Hagi Kora naga'mo'za zamafahe'mozama ka'ma kokampima Ra Anumzamofo seli mono nonkafama kegavama hu'nazaza hu'za kegava hu'naze.
And Sellum the son of Core, the son of Abiasaph, the son of Core, and his brethren belonging to the house of his father, the Corites [were] over the works of the service, keeping the watches of the tabernacle, and their fathers over the camp of the Lord, keeping the entrance.
20 Hagi kora Eleaza nemofo Finiasi' ugota huno kegava huzmantegeno, Ra Anumzamo'a agrane mani'neane.
And Phinees son of Eleazar was head over them before the Lord, and these [were] with him.
21 Hagi anantera Meselemaia nemofo Zekaraia atruhu seli mono nontera kva hu'neane.
Zacharias the son of Mosollami [was] keeper of the door of the tabernacle of witness.
22 Hagi ana eri'zama eri'naza vahetmina ana maka 212fu'a vahetaminkino, kasezmante kasezamantema hu'za eneregati eri fatgo huno kuma'ma maniterema hu'nazare zamagia krentetere hu'naze. Hagi Deviti'ene kasnampa ne' Samuelike ama ana eri'zana zamike'za eri'naze.
All the chosen porters in the gates [were] two hundred and twelve, these [were] in their courts, [this was] their distribution: these David and Samuel the seer established in their charge.
23 Hagi ama ana vahe'tmina Ra Anumzamofo no kafante kegava hu eri'zama eneriza vahere. Hagi zamagrane kasema zamantaza vahemo'zanena ana eri'zana seli mono nompina erime ne-eza ra mono nompinena eme eri'naze.
And these and their sons [were] over the gates in the house of the Lord, and in the house of the tabernacle, to keep watch.
24 E'i ana vahe'mo'za mono'ma nehaza kumamofo zage hanati kazigagi, zage fre kazigagi noti kazigagi, sauti kazigagi hu'za 4'a kaziga kuma kafante kegava hu vahetamine.
The gates were toward the four winds, eastward, westward, northward, southward.
25 Hagi ana vahetmimofona nagazmimoza kumara atre'za 7ni'a zagegnafina ana eri'zana eme zamaza hute'za vutere hu'naze.
And their brethren [were] in their courts, to enter in weekly from time to time with these.
26 E'ina hu'neanagi, Livae nagapintira 4'a veneneramimo'za vugota hu'za Ra Anumzamofo mono noma hunaraginte nontamine, fenoma ante nontaminena kegava hu'naze.
For four strong [men] have the charge of the gates; and the Levites were over the chambers, and they keep watch over the treasures of the house of God.
27 Hagi kenagera Anumzamofo nonte kegava hu'za mani'ne'za nanterana kafana anagitere hu'naze.
For the charge [was] upon them, and these [were] charged with the keys to open the doors of the temple every morning.
28 Hagi mago'a Livae naga'mo'za kavo zuomparami kegavama hu eri'za eri'naze. Ana kavo zuomparamima mono nompintima eri'za atiramige, eri'za marerigema hazage'za hampriza erifatgo huntetere hu'naze.
And [some] of them [were appointed] over the vessels of service, that they should carry them in by number, and carry them out by number.
29 Hagi mago'a Livae naga'mo'za mono nompi itarami kegava nehu'za, witine, wainine, olivi masavene, mnanentake'za frenkisensine, mago'a mnanentake zantmima eri'za aza zantamina kegava hu'naze.
And [some] of them [were] appointed over the furniture, and over all the holy vessels, and over the fine flour, the wine, the oil, the frankincense, and the spices.
30 Hianagi ana zantmima eri haviama higeno knare mnama vu zantmima tro hu eri'zana, pristi vahe'mo'zage eri'naze.
And some of the priests were makers of the ointment, and [appointed to prepare] the spices.
31 Hagi Livae nemofo Kora nagapinti ne' Sulamuna ese ne' mofavre'a Matitiakino ofama hu bretima kre eri'zana agra eri'ne.
And Matthathias of the Levites, (he [was] the first-born of Salom the Corite, ) [was set] in charge over the sacrifices of meat-offering of the pan belonging to the high priest.
32 Hagi Livae vahepinti mago'a Kohati naga'mo'za maka Sabatima mono nehaza knare'ma Anumzamofo avure'ma ante bretima kre eri'zana eri'naze.
And Banaias the Caathite, from among their brethren, [was set] over the shewbread, to prepare it every sabbath.
33 Hagi Livae naga'ma ugagotama hu'za kegavama hu'naza vahemo'zane naga'zmimo'zanena mono nompima zavenama aheno zgame'ma hu eri'zantera vugota hu'naze. Hagi ana naga'mo'za mago'a eri'zana e'ori'nazanki, ana eri'zanke eri'naze. Na'ankure maka kna ana mono nompi nemase'za kinagane, nanteranena ana eri'zanke eri'naze.
And these [were] the singers, heads of families of the Levites, [to whom were] established daily courses, for they were employed in the services day and night.
34 Hagi ama ana vahetmina Livae nagapina mago mago nagate ugagota hu'za kegava hu'naza vahetamine. Hagi ana vahe'mofo zamagi'a avontafepina krentenaze. Hagi ana vahe'mo'za zamagra Jerusalemi mani'naze.
These [were] the heads of the families of the Levites according to their generations; these chiefs dwelt in Jerusalem.
35 Hagi Gibioni kuma'ma eri fore'ma hu'nea nera Jeielikino nenaro Ma'aka'ene Gibioni kumate mani'na'e.
And Jeel the father of Gabaon dwelt in Gabaon; and his wife's name [was] Moocha.
36 Hagi kota mofavre'amofo agi'a Abdoni'e. Hagi Jeielina mago'a ne'mofavre'amokizmi zamagi'a, Zuri'ma, Kisi'ma, Ba'ali'ma, Neri'ma, Nadapu'ma,
And his first-born son [was] Abdon, and [he had] Sur, and Kis, and Baal, and Ner, and Nadab,
37 Kedori'ma, Ahio'ma, Zekaraia'ma, Mikloti'e.
and Gedur and [his] brother, and Zacchur, and Makeloth.
38 Hagi Mikloti'a Simeamu nefa'e. Hagi ama ana naga'mo'za mago'a nagazmima mani'naza tava'onte Jerusalemi kumate mani'naze.
And Makeloth begot Samaa: and these dwelt in the midst of their brethren in Jerusalem, [even] in the midst of their brethren.
39 Hagi Neri'a Kisi nefa'e, Kisi'a, Soli nefa'e, hagi Soli ne'mofavre'mokizimi zamagi'a, Jonatani'ma, Malki-sua'ma, Abinadapu'ma, Esba'alie.
And Ner begot Kis, and Kis begot Saul, and Saul begot Jonathan, and Melchisue, and Aminadab, and Asabal.
40 Hagi Jonatani'a Merib-ba'ali nefa'e, hagi Merib-ba'alina mago agia Mefibosetikino Maika nefa'e.
And the son of Jonathan [was] Meribaal: and Meribaal begot Micha.
41 Hagi Maika ne' mofavremokizmi zamagi'a, Pitoni'ma, Meleki'ma, Taharea'ma, Ahasi'e.
And the sons of Micha [were] Phithon and Malach, and Tharach.
42 Hagi Ahasi'a Jara nefa'e. Hagi Jara ne' mofavremokizmi zamagi'a, Alemeti'ma, Azmaveti'ma, Zimri'e. Hagi Zimri'a Moza nefa'e.
And Achaz begot Jada: and Jada begot Galemeth, and Gazmoth, and Zambri; and Zambri begot Massa.
43 Hagi Moza'a Binea nefa'e, hagi Binea'a Refaia nefa'e, Refaia'a Eleasa nefa'e, hagi Eleasa'a Azeli nefa'e.
And Massa begot Baana, and Rhaphaia [was] his son, Elasa his son, Esel his son.
44 Hagi Azeli'a 6si'a ne' mofavre zamante'neankino zamagi'a, Azrikamu'ma, Bokeru'ma, Ismaeli'ma, Searaia'ma, Obadaia'ma, Hanani'e.
And Esel had six sons, and these [were] their names; Esricam his first-born, and Ismael, and Saraia, and Abdia, and Anan, and Asa: these [were] the sons of Esel.

< 1 Kroniku 9 >