< テトスへの手紙 2 >

1 第一項 各階級の信徒の務 然れども汝は健全なる教に相當する事を語れ。
But you, speak what fits with faithful instruction.
2 老人には節制し、尊く且敏くして、信仰と愛と忍耐とに健全ならん事を勧め、
Teach older men to be temperate, dignified, sensible, sound in faith, in love, and in perseverance.
3 老女には同じく聖女らしき行儀を守りて、謗らず、酒を嗜まず、善く教へん事を勧め、
Teach older women likewise to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or being slaves to much wine, but to be teachers of what is good.
4 彼等をして若き女を敏く教へしめ、其夫を愛し、其子等を慈み、
In this way they may train the younger women to love their own husbands and children,
5 怜悧、貞操(謹慎)にして家事を治め、親切にして夫に順ひ、神の御言の罵られざる様にすべき事を教へさせよ。
to be sensible, pure, good housekeepers, and obedient to their own husbands. They should do these things so that God's word may not be insulted.
6 青年には同じく謹慎ならん事を勧むべし。
In the same way, encourage the younger men to use good sense.
7 萬事に就きて己を善業の模範に供し、教ふるに廉潔と厳格とを顕し、
In all ways present yourself as an example of good works. In your teaching, show integrity, dignity,
8 言健全にして咎むべき所なかるべし、是反對者が、我等の惡を挙ぐるに術なくして自ら耻ぢん為なり。
and a correct message, so that anyone who opposes you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us.
9 奴隷には其主人に從ひて、何事も其旨を為し、言逆らはず、掠めず、
Teach slaves to obey their masters in everything, to please them and not argue with them,
10 我救主にて在す神の教を萬事に飾らん為に、何事に就きても忠實を顕さんことを勧めよ。
to not steal from them, but instead to demonstrate all good faith, so that in every way they may bring credit to the teaching about God our Savior.
11 蓋一切の人に救と成る神の恩寵顕れ、
For the grace of God has appeared for the salvation of all people.
12 我等に諭すに、不敬虔と世俗の欲とを棄てて、謹慎と正義と敬虔とを以て此世に生活すべき事、 (aiōn g165)
It trains us to reject godlessness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in this age, (aiōn g165)
13 福なる希望即ち、我等の救主にて在す大御神イエズス、キリストの光榮なる公現を待つべき事を以てせり。
while we look forward to receiving our blessed hope, the appearance of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.
14 キリストが我等の為に己を付し給ひしは、我等を一切の不義より贖ひて、善業に熱心なる固有の民を、己が為に潔め給はんとてなり。
Jesus gave himself for us in order to redeem us from all lawlessness and to make pure, for himself, a special people who are eager to do good works.
15 汝是等の事を全き権威を以て語り、且勧め、且諌めよ、誰も汝を軽んずべからず。
Speak of these things, encourage people to do them, and give correction with all authority. Let no one disregard you.

< テトスへの手紙 2 >