< マタイの福音書 12 >

1 第一款 イエズスとファリザイ人 其頃、イエズス安息日に當りて[麦]畑を過ぎ給ひしが、弟子等飢ゑて穂を摘み食始めしかば、
At that time Jesus went through the grain fields on the Sabbath. But His disciples became hungry and began to pluck heads of grain and to eat.
2 ファリザイ人之を見てイエズスに向ひ、看よ、汝の弟子等安息日に為すべからざる事を為すぞ、と云ひしに、
And upon seeing it the Pharisees said to Him, “Hey, your disciples are doing what is not lawful to do on a Sabbath!”
3 イエズス曰ひけるは、ダヴィドが己及伴へる人々の飢ゑし時に為しし事を、汝等読まざりしか。
But He said to them: “Have you not read what David did when he became hungry, he and those who were with him,
4 即彼は神の家に入り、司祭ならでは、彼も伴へる人々も食すべからざる、供の麪を食せしなり。
how he entered the house of God and ate the loaves of presentation, which was not lawful for him to eat, nor for those with him, but only for the priests?
5 又、安息日に司祭等[神]殿にて安息を犯せども罪なし、と律法にあるを読まざりしか。
Or have you not read in the Law that on the Sabbaths the priests in the temple profane the Sabbath and are guiltless?
6 我汝等に告ぐ、[神]殿よりも大なるもの此處に在り。
Yet I say to you that a greater than the temple is here.
7 汝等若「我が好むは憫なり、犠牲に非ず」とは何の謂なるかを知らば、罪なき人を罪せざりしならん、
If you had but known what this means, ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice,’ you would not have condemned the innocent.
8 其は人の子は亦安息日の主なればなり、と。
Furthermore, the Son of the Man is Lord of the Sabbath!”
9 イエズス此處を去りて、彼等の會堂に至り給ひしに、
Now moving on from there He went into their synagogue.
10 折しも隻手痿たる人あり。彼等イエズスを訟へんとて、安息日に醫すは可きか、と問ひしかば、
And there was a man with a withered hand! And they asked Him saying, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?”—so that they might accuse Him.
11 イエズス曰ひけるは、汝等の中一頭の羊有てる者あらんに、若其羊安息日に坑に陥らば、誰か之を取上げざらんや、
So He said to them: “What man will there be among you who has one sheep, and should this one fall into a ditch on the Sabbath, will he not lay hold of it and lift it out?
12 人の羊に優れること幾何ぞや。然れば安息日に善を為すは可し、と。
Of how much more value then is a man than a sheep! Therefore it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath.”
13 頓て其人に、手を伸べよ、と曰ひければ、彼伸ばしたるに、其手痊えて他と齊しくなれり。
Then He says to the man, “Stretch out your hand!” And he stretched it out, and it was restored whole like the other.
14 斯てファリザイ人出でて、如何にしてかイエズスを亡ぼさんと謀り居るを、
But going out the Pharisees plotted against Him, how they might destroy Him.
15 イエズス知りて此處を去り給ひしが、多くの人從ひしかば、悉く彼等を醫し、
So being aware, Jesus withdrew from there. And large crowds followed Him, and He healed them all.
16 且我を言顕すこと勿れ、と戒め給へり。
Yet He warned them not to make Him known,
17 是預言者イザヤによりて云はれし事の成就せん為なり、
so that what was spoken through Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled, namely:
18 曰く「是ぞ我選みし我僕、我心に能く適へる最愛の者なる、我彼の上に我霊を置けり。彼は異邦人に正義を告げん。
“Behold my Servant whom I chose, my Beloved in whom my soul is well pleased! I will put my Spirit upon Him, and He will declare justice to the nations.
19 争はず叫ばず、誰も衢に其聲を聞かず、
He will not quarrel nor cry-out, nor will anyone hear His voice in the streets.
20 正義を勝利に至らしむるまで、折れたる葦を断たず、煙れる麻を熄す事なからん、
A bruised reed He will not break, and a smoldering wick He will not quench, until He sends justice forth to victory.
21 又異邦人は彼の名を仰ぎ望まん」と。
And in His name Gentiles will trust.”
22 時に一人、惡魔に憑かれて瞽ひ口唖なるもの差出されしを、イエズス醫し給ひて、彼言ひ且見るに至りしかば、
Then a demonized man was brought to Him, blind and mute, and He healed him, so that the A blind and B mute B spoke and A saw.
23 群衆皆驚きて、是ダヴィドの子に非ずや、と云へるを、
And all the crowds were amazed and said, “Might this not be the Christ, the Son of David?”
24 ファイリザイ人聞きて、彼が惡魔を逐払ふは、唯惡魔の長ベエルゼブブに籍るのみ、と云へり。
But upon hearing it the Pharisees said, “This fellow does not cast out demons except by Beelzebul, ruler of the demons.”
25 イエズス彼等の心を知りて曰ひけるは、総て分れ争ふ國は亡びん、又総て分れ争ふ町と家とは立たじ。
But knowing their thoughts Jesus said to them: “Every kingdom divided against itself becomes desolate, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.
26 サタン若サタンを逐払はば、自分るるなり、然らば其國如何にしてか立つべき。
So if Satan casts out Satan he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand?
27 我若ベエルゼブブに籍りて惡魔を逐払ふならば、汝等の子等は誰に籍りて逐払ふぞ、然れば彼等は汝等の審判者となるべし。
And if I cast out demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your sons cast them out? Therefore they will be your judges.
28 然れど我若神の霊に籍りて惡魔を逐払ふならば、神の國は汝等に格れるなり。
But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, then surely the kingdom of God has come upon you.
29 又人先強き者を縛るに非ずんば、爭でか強き者の家に入りて其家具を掠むることを得ん、[縛りて]後こそ其家を掠むべけれ。
Or how can anyone go into the house of the strong man and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man? Then he can plunder the house.
30 我に與せざる人は我に反し、我と共に歛めざる人は散らすなり。
“He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters.
31 故に我汝等に告ぐ、凡ての罪及冒涜は人に赦されん、然れど[聖]霊に對する冒涜は赦されざるべし。
Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven people, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven people.
32 又総て人の子に對して[冒涜の]言を吐く人は赦されん、然れど聖霊に對して之を吐く人は、此世、後世共に赦されざるべし。 (aiōn g165)
And whoever speaks a word against the Son of the Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, neither in the present age nor in the next. (aiōn g165)
33 或は樹を善しとし其果をも善しとせよ、或は樹を惡しとし其果をも惡しとせよ、樹は其果によりて知らるればなり。
“Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree rotten and its fruit rotten; for the tree is known by the fruit.
34 蝮の裔よ、汝等惡しければ、爭でか善きを云ふを得ん、口に語るは心に充てる所より出ればなり。
Brood of vipers! How can you, being malignant, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
35 善き人は善き庫より善き物を出し、惡しき人は惡しき庫より惡しき物を出す。
The good man out of the good reservoir brings forth good things, and the malignant man out of the malignant reservoir brings forth malignant things.
36 我汝等に告ぐ、総て人の語りたる無益な言は、審判の日に於て之を糺さるべし。
Furthermore, I say to you that for every useless word whatever that people may speak, they will give account of it in the Day of judgment.
37 其は汝其言によりて義とされ、又其言によりて罪せらるべければなり、と。
For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”
38 其時數人の律法學士及ファリザイ人、彼に答へて云ひけるは、師よ、我等汝の為す徴を見んと欲す、と。
Then some of the scribes and Pharisees reacted saying, “Teacher, we want to see a sign from you.”
39 イエズス答へて曰ひけるは、奸惡なる現代は徴を求むれども、預言者ヨナの徴の外は徴を與へられじ。
But in answer He said to them: “A malignant and adulterous generation seeks a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.
40 即ヨナが三日三夜魚の腹に在りし如く、人の子も三日三夜地の中に在らん。
For just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the stomach of the sea monster, so will the Son of the Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
41 ニニヴの人々は、審判の時現代と共に立ちて之を罪に定めん、彼等はヨナの説教によりて改心したればなり、見よ、ヨナに優れるもの茲に在り。
Ninevite men will arise with this generation at the judgment and will condemn it, because they repented at the preaching of Jonah; and really, a greater than Jonah is here.
42 南方の女王は、審判の時現代と共に立ちて之を罪に定めん、彼はサロモンの智恵を聴かんとて地の極より來りたればなり、見よ、サロモンに優れるもの茲に在り。
The queen of the South will be raised with this generation at the judgment and she will condemn it, because she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and really, a greater than Solomon is here.
43 汚鬼人より出でし時、荒れたる處を巡りて息を求むれども得ず、
“Now when an unclean spirit [demon] goes out from a man, it goes through arid places looking for rest, but finds none.
44 是に於て、出でし我家に歸らんと云ひて、來りて其家の既に空き、掃清められ飾られたるを見るや、
Then it says, ‘I will return to my house from where I came.’ And coming it finds it unoccupied, swept and put in order.
45 乃往きて己よりも惡き七の惡鬼を携へ、偕に入りて此處に住む。斯て彼人の末は、前よりも更に惡くなり増る。極惡なる現代も亦斯の如くならん、と。
Then it goes and takes along with itself seven different spirits, more malignant than itself, and going in it dwells there; and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first. Just so it will be for this malignant generation also.”
46 イエズス尚群衆に語り給へる折しも、母と兄弟等と、彼に物語せんとて外に立ちければ、
But then, while He was still speaking to the crowds, His mother and brothers stood outside, seeking to speak with Him.
47 或人云ひけるは、看よ、汝の母、兄弟汝を尋ねて外に立てり、と。
So someone said to Him, “Look, your mother and your brothers are standing outside, seeking to speak with you.”
48 イエズス己に告げし人に答へて曰ひけるは、誰か我母、誰か我兄弟なるぞ、と。
But in answer He said to the one who told Him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?”
49 即手を弟子等の方に伸べて曰ひけるは、是ぞ我母我兄弟なる、
And stretching out His hand toward His disciples He said: “Here are my mother and my brothers!
50 其は誰にもあれ、天に在す我父の御旨を行ふ人、即是我兄弟姉妹母なればなり、と。
For whoever does the will of my Father in the heavens, he is my brother and sister and mother.”

< マタイの福音書 12 >