< マルコの福音書 8 >

1 其時復群衆夥しくして、食すべきものあらざりしかば、イエズス弟子等を呼集めて曰ひけるは、
In those days, the multitude being very large and not having anything to eat, Jesus called His disciples and said to them:
2 我此群衆を憫む。夫既に三日を我と共に過して今や食すべき物なし。
“I have compassion on the multitude, because they have stayed with me three days now and have nothing to eat.
3 彼等を空腹にして家に歸らしめば、中には遠方より來れる人々あり、途にて倒るべし、と。
If I send them away hungry to their homes, they will give out on the way, because some of them have come a long distance.”
4 弟子等答へけるは、此荒野にて、誰か何處より麪を得て彼等を飽かしめ得べき、と。
His disciples answered Him, “From what source could anyone satisfy these people with bread here in a wilderness?”
5 イエズス、汝等幾個の麪をか有てる、と問ひ給ふに、七個と云ひしかば、
He asked them, “How many loaves do you have?” And they said, “Seven.”
6 イエズス命じて群衆を地に坐らせ、七個の麪を取り、謝して之を擘き、人々の前に供へしめんとて弟子等に與へ給ひしかば、彼等之を群衆の前に供へたり。
So He told the crowd to sit down on the ground; then taking the seven loaves and giving thanks, He broke them and gave them to His disciples to set before the crowd, and they did.
7 又少しの小魚ありけるを、イエズス之をも祝し給ひ、命じて人々の前に供へしめ給ひしかば、
They also had a few small fish; so blessing them He said to distribute them as well.
8 人々食して飽足り、殘の屑七筐を拾へり。
Well they ate and were filled; they even took up seven hampers of broken pieces that were left over.
9 食せし者は凡四千人なりしが、イエズスさて彼等を去らしめ給へり。
Now those who had eaten were about four thousand; and He sent them away.
10 斯て直に弟子等と共に船に乗りて、ダルマヌタ地方に至り給ひしに、
Then He got right into the boat with His disciples and went to the region of Dalmanutha.
11 ファリザイ人等出でて論じかかり、イエズスを試みて天よりの徴を求めければ、
The Pharisees came out and began to argue with Him, requesting of Him a sign from heaven, by way of testing Him.
12 イエズス心の中に歎じて曰ひけるは、現代の人は何ぞ徴を求むるや、我誠に汝等に告ぐ、現代の人豈徴を與へられんや、と。
But He sighed deeply in His spirit and said: “Why does this generation seek a sign? I tell you emphatically, no sign shall be given to this generation!”
13 軈て彼等を去らしめ、復船に乗りて湖の彼方に至り給へり。
Turning His back on them, He got back into the boat and went off to the other side.
14 時に弟子等麪を携ふる事を忘れて、船中唯一個の麪あるのみなりしが、
(His disciples had forgotten to take bread; they did not have more than one loaf with them in the boat.)
15 イエズス彼等に命じて、汝等慎みて、ファリザイ人の麪酵と、ヘロデの麪酵とに用心せよ、と曰ひしかば、
And He charged them, saying, “Watch out; beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.”
16 彼等、是我等が麪を有たざる故ならん、とて案じ合ひけるを、
So they started reasoning among themselves, saying, “It's because we have no bread.”
17 イエズス知りて曰ひけるは、汝等何ぞ麪を有たざる事を案ずるや、未知らず暁らざるか、汝等の心猶盲なるか、
Being aware of it Jesus said to them: “Why are you reasoning because you have no bread? Do you still neither perceive nor understand? Do you still have hearts that have been hardened?
18 目ありて見えず、耳ありて聞こえざるか、又記憶せざるか。
Having eyes do you not see, and having ears do you not hear, and do you not remember?
19 即我五個の麪を五千人に擘與へし時、汝等屑の満ちたる筐幾許を取収めしぞ、と。彼等十二と云ひしに、
When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of pieces did you take up?” They say to Him, “Twelve.”
20 又[曰ひけるは、]七個の麪を四千人に擘與へし時、幾筐の屑を取収めしぞと、彼等、七と云ひしかば、
“And when I broke the seven for the four thousand, how many hampers full of pieces did you take up?” And they said, “Seven.”
21 イエズス何ぞ未だ暁らざる、と曰へり。
So He said to them, “How is it that you still don't understand?”
22 一行ベッサイダに至りしに、人々一個の瞽者をイエズスに連來りて、是に触れ給はん事を願ひければ、
Then He came to Bethsaida; and they brought a blind man to Him and begged Him to touch him.
23 イエズス、瞽者の手を執りて之を邑外に導き、其目に唾して是に按手し、見ゆる物ありや、と問ひ給ひしに、
So He took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the village; then spitting into his eyes and laying hands on him, He asked him if he saw anything.
24 彼瞠りて、我人々の歩むを見るに、樹の如くなり、と云へり。
And looking up he said, “I do see men, only they look like walking trees.”
25 軈て復其目に按手し給ひしに、目漸く開け、遂に回復して、凡ての物明に見ゆるに至れり。
Then He put His hands on his eyes again, and made him look up; and he was restored and saw everyone clearly.
26 イエズス彼を其家に歸らしめて曰ひけるは、己が家に往け、邑に入る事なく、誰にも告ぐること勿れ、と。
Then He sent him away to his house, saying, “Neither go into the village nor tell anyone in the village.”
27 第六項 イエズス弟子等に己が受難を預期せしめ給ふ イエズス弟子等と共にフィリッポのカイザリアの邑々に出行き給ひしが、途中弟子等に問ひて、人々我を誰とか云へる、と曰ひしに、
Then Jesus and His disciples set out for the towns of Caesarea Philippi; and on the way He questioned His disciples, saying to them, “Who are people saying that I am?”
28 彼等答へて、[或人々は]洗者ヨハネ、或人々はエリア、或人々は預言者の一人の如しと云ふ、と云ひしかば、
So they answered, “John the Baptist; others Elijah; still others one of the prophets.”
29 イエズス彼等に曰ひけるは、然て汝等は我を誰なりと云ふか、と。ペトロ答へて、汝はキリストなりと云ひけるを、
He said to them, “And who do you say that I am?” So Peter answered and said to Him, “You are the Christ!”
30 イエズス我事を誰にも告ぐること勿れ、と厳しく戒め給へり。
Then He charged them that they should tell no one about Him.
31 又人の子が多くの苦を受け、長老、司祭長、律法學士等に排斥せられ、終に殺されて、三日の後復活すべき事を彼等に教へ始め給ひしが、
He then began to teach them that the Son of the Man must suffer many things, and be rejected by the elders, chief priests and the scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again.
32 其事を公に語り給ひければ、ペトロ彼を拔きて諌出でけるを、
He said these things quite plainly. Then Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him.
33 イエズス顧みて弟子等を見廻し給ひ、ペトロを譴責して曰ひけるは、サタンよ、退け、汝の味へるは神の事に非ずして人の事なればなり、と。
But He turned, looked at His disciples, and rebuked Peter, saying: “Get behind me, Satan! You have in mind men's values, not God's values.”
34 イエズス群衆と弟子等とを呼集めて、是に曰ひけるは、人若我に從はんと欲せば、己を棄て、己が十字架を取りて、我に從ふべし。
He summoned the crowd, along with His disciples, and said to them: “Whoever wants to follow along behind me must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.
35 其は己が生命を救はんと欲する人は之を失ひ、我及福音の為に生命を失ふ人は、之を救ふべければなり。
Because whoever may resolve to ‘save’ his life will waste it; but whoever may ‘waste’ his life for my sake and the Gospel's, he will save it.
36 人全世界を贏くとも、若其生命を損せば、何の益かあらん。
Well, what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?
37 又人何を以てか其生命に易へんや。
Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?
38 蓋奸惡なる現代に於て、我及我言を愧ぢたる人をば、人の子も己が父の光榮を以て、聖なる天使等を從へて來らん時之を愧づべし、と。
Yes, whoever is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of the Man will also be ashamed of Him whenever He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy Angels.”

< マルコの福音書 8 >