< ヨハネの福音書 7 >

1 第一款 幕屋祭に往き給ふ ユデア人が殺さんと謀れるに因り、イエズス其後はユデアを巡ることを好み給はず、ガリレアを巡り給ひしが、
After these things Jesus continued to move about in Galilee, since He did not wish to move about in Judea because the Jews were wanting to kill Him.
2 ユデア人の幕屋の祝日近づきければ、
Now the Jews' Feast of Tabernacles was near.
3 兄弟等イエズスに向ひ、汝の行へる業を弟子等に見せん為、此處を去りてユデアに往け、
So His brothers said to Him: “Leave here and go up into Judea so your disciples also may see the works that you are doing,
4 蓋公に知れん事を求めながら、而も窃に事を為す人はあらず、斯る事を為す上は己を世を顕せかし、と云へり。
because no one does anything in secret while he actually wants to be in evidence. Since you are doing these things, show yourself to the world!”
5 是其兄弟等も之を信ぜざりし故なり。
For not even His brothers were believing into Him.
6 然ればイエズス彼等に曰ひけるは、汝等の時は恒に備はれども、我時は未だ至らず、
So Jesus says to them: “My time is not here yet, but your time is always available.
7 世は汝等を憎む能はざるに我をば憎めり、其は我之に就きて、其所業の惡きことを證すればなり、
The world cannot hate you, but does hate me, because I testify about it that its works are malignant.
8 汝等は此祭日に上れ、我時未だ満たざれば、我は此祭日に上らず、と。
You guys go up to this feast; I am not going up yet to this feast, because my time has not yet fully come.”
9 斯く曰ひてガリレアに留り給ひしが、
So upon saying these things to them He stayed on in Galilee.
10 兄弟等の上りたる後、自らも顕ならず忍びたる様にて祭日に上り給へり。
Now when His brothers had gone up to the feast, then He too went up, not openly but in secret like.
11 然れば祭日に當りて、ユデア人、彼は何處に居るぞとて之を探し、
So the Jews were looking for Him at the feast and saying, “Where is he?”
12 又群衆の中に之に就きて囁く者多かりき。即ち或人は彼は善人なりと謂ひ、或人は否人民を惑はすのみと謂ひ居たり、
And there was a lot of murmuring about Him among the crowds. Some were saying, “He is good”; others were saying, “On the contrary, he's deceiving the people.”
13 然れど孰もユデア人の懼ろしさに、彼に就きて顕に語る人なかりき。
However, no one was talking openly about Him for fear of the Jews.
14 斯て祭日の半に、イエズス[神]殿に上りて教へ給ひければ、
Now when the feast was already half over Jesus went up into the temple and started to teach.
15 ユデア人驚嘆して、彼曾て學ばざるに如何にして文字を知れるぞ、と云ひ居たるを、
And the Jews were marveling saying, “How is this man learned, not having been educated?”
16 イエズス彼等に答へて曰ひけるは、我教は我のに非ず、我を遣はし給ひし者の[教]なり。
So Jesus answered them and said: “What I teach is not mine, but His who sent me.
17 其思召を肯て為さん人は、此教が神よりせるか又は我が私を以て言へるかを暁らん。
If anyone wants to do His will, he will know concerning the teaching, whether it is from God or whether I am speaking on my own.
18 己が私を以て語る人は己の光榮を求むれども、己を遣わしし者の光榮を求むる人は、眞實にして衷に不義ある事なし。
Someone who speaks on his own is seeking his own glory; but He who seeks the glory of the One who sent Him, He is true, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.
19 モイゼは律法を汝等に授けしに、汝等の中に之を行ふ者なきは何ぞや、
“Did not Moses give you the Law? And yet not one of you keeps the Law! Why do you want to kill me?”
20 汝等如何ぞ我を殺さんとは謀る、と。群衆答へて、汝は惡魔に憑かれたり、誰か汝を殺さんとはする、と云ひしかば、
The crowd answered and said, “You must have a demon! Who wants to kill you?”
21 イエズス答へて曰ひけるは、我一の業を為ししに汝等皆之を訝れり、
Jesus answered and said to them: “I did one work, and you all marvel.
22 夫モイゼ割禮を汝等に授けたれば、――モイゼより出しに非ずして先祖より出でたるものなるに、――汝等安息日にも人に割禮を行ひ、
Consider this: Moses gave you circumcision (not that it comes from Moses, but from the patriarchs), and you circumcise a man on the Sabbath.
23 モイゼの律法を破らじとて、人は安息日にも割禮を受くるに、我が安息日に人の全身を醫したればとて、汝等の我を憤るは何ぞや。
If a man receives circumcision on the Sabbath, so that the Law of Moses won't be broken, are you angry at me because I made a whole man well on the Sabbath?
24 外見によりて是非すること無く、正しき判断によりて是非を定めよ、と。
Stop judging on the basis of appearances, but judge the righteous judgment.”
25 是に於てエルザレムの或人々言ひけるは、是人々が殺さんと謀れる者に非ずや、
Now some of the Jerusalemites were saying: “Isn't this the man they are wanting to kill?
26 看よ公然と談話すれども人は之に何をも言はず。司等は彼がキリストたる事を眞に認めたるか、
Yet look! He is speaking openly and they are saying nothing to Him. Could it be true that the rulers know that this is really the Christ?
27 然りながら我等は此人の何處の者なるかを知れり、キリストの來る時には其何處よりせるかを知る人あらじ、と。
On the other hand, we know where this man is from; but whenever the Christ comes nobody knows where He is from.”
28 然るにイエズス神殿にて呼はりつつ教へて曰ひけるは、汝等は我を知り、亦我が何處より來れるかを知れり、然れども我は己によりて來りたるには非ず、我を遣はし給ひし者は眞實にて在す、汝等は之を知らず、
So Jesus called out in the temple, teaching and saying: “You do know me, and you know where I am from. Yet I have not come on my own, but the One who sent me is true, whom you do not know.
29 我は之を知れり、其は我彼より出でて、彼我を遣はし給ひたればなり、と。
I do know Him because I am from Him, and He sent me.”
30 是に於て彼等イエズスを捕へんと謀れども、誰も手を掛くる者なかりき、其は彼が時未だ至らざればなり。
So they tried to arrest Him, yet no one laid a hand on Him because His hour had not yet come.
31 然れど人民の中には之を信じたる者多く、キリスト來ればとて豈此人の為すより多くの奇蹟を為さんや、と云ひ居たり。
Now many of the crowd were believing into Him, and they were saying, “Whenever the Christ comes He won't perform more signs than these which this man has done, will He?”
32 人民がイエズスに就きて斯く囁ける由ファリザイ人の耳に入りしかば、司祭長とファリザイ人とは、下役等を遣はしてイエズスを捕へしめんとせしを、
The Pharisees heard the crowd murmuring these things about Him, so the Pharisees and the chief priests sent operatives to arrest Him.
33 イエズス彼等に曰ひけるは、我尚暫く汝等と共に居て、然て我を遣し給し者の御許に之かんとす、
Then Jesus said: “For a little while I am still with you, and then I go to the One who sent me.
34 汝等我を尋ぬべけれど而も我に遇はじ、我が居る處には汝等來る事能はず、と。
You will look for me and not find me; also, where I am you cannot come.”
35 是に於てユデア人等語合ひけるは、我等彼に遇はじとて、彼は何處に往かんとするぞ、異邦人の中に散在せる同邦人の許に往きて、異邦人を教へんとするか、
So the Jews said among themselves: “Where does this fellow intend to go that we won't find him? He doesn't intend to go to the Dispersion among the Greeks and teach the Greeks, does he?
36 其言に、汝等我を尋ぬべけれど而も我に遇はじ、我が居る處には汝等來る事能はず、と云ひしは何事ぞや、と。
What word is this that he spoke, ‘You will look for me and not find me’; also, ‘where I am you cannot come’?”
37 祭の終の日、即ち其大祭日に、イエズス立ちて呼はりつつ曰ひけるは、渇ける人あらば我許に來りて飲め、
Now on the last and most important day of the Feast, Jesus stood up and called out saying: “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink.
38 我を信ずる人は、聖書に云へる如く、活ける水の川其腹より流出づべし、と。
The one believing into me, just as the Scripture has said, out from his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.”
39 斯く曰ひしは、己を信ずる人々に賜はるべき[聖]霊の事なりき、其はイエズス未だ光榮を受け給はざるにより、[聖]霊は未だ賜はざりしが故なり。
(Now He said this about the Spirit, whom those believing into Him were going to receive, in that the Holy Spirit had not yet been given because Jesus had not yet been glorified.)
40 斯て彼群衆の中に、是等の言を聞きて、是眞に彼預言者なり、と謂ふ人あり、
So upon hearing this word many from the crowd began to say, “This One really is ‘the Prophet’!”
41 是キリストなり、と謂ふ人もありき。然れど或人は、キリストはガリレアより出づべき者なるか、
Others were saying, “This One is the Christ!” Others were saying: “Surely the Christ isn't coming out of Galilee, is He?
42 聖書にキリストはダヴィドの裔より、又ダヴィドの居たりしベトレヘムの町より出づ、と云へるに非ずや、と云ひつつ、
Doesn't the Scripture say that the Christ comes out of the seed of David and from the town of Bethlehem, where David was?”
43 イエズスに就きて群衆の中に諍論を生じたり。
So there developed a division in the crowd because of Him.
44 中にはイエズスを捕へんと欲する者ありたれど、誰も手を掛くる者なかりき。
Further, some of them were wanting to arrest Him, but no one laid a hand on Him.
45 然れど下役等は、司祭長とファリザイ人との許に還りしに、何ぞ彼を引來らざる、と云はれて、
Then the operatives came to the chief priests and Pharisees, who said to them, “Why haven't you brought him?”
46 下役等、此人の如く語りし人は未だ曾てあらず、と答へしかば、
The operatives answered, “No man ever spoke like this man!”
47 ファリザイ人答へけるは、汝等も亦惑はされしか、
So the Pharisees answered them: “You haven't been fooled too, have you?
48 長及びファリザイ人の中に、一人だも彼を信じたる者ありや、
None of the rulers or the Pharisees have believed into him, have they?
49 然れど律法を知らざる彼群衆は詛はれたる者なり、と。
But this crowd that doesn't know the law is accursed!”
50 曾て夜イエズスに至りし彼ニコデモは、其中の一人なりしが、彼等に向ひて、
Nicodemus (the one who came to Him at night, being one of them) says to them,
51 我律法は、先其人にも聴糺さず、其為す所をも知らずして、之を罪に定むるものなるか、と云ひしかば、
“Our law doesn't judge a man before it hears him and knows what he is doing, does it?”
52 彼等答へて云ひけるは、汝も亦ガリレア人なるか、聖書を探り見よ、然て預言者はガリレアより起るものに非ずと暁れ、と。
They answered and said to him: “You aren't from Galilee too, are you? Search and see that no prophet has ever arisen out of Galilee.”
53 斯て各自宅に歸れり。
So each one went to his own house.

< ヨハネの福音書 7 >