< コロサイ人への手紙 3 >
1 第一項 信徒一般に関する教訓 然れば汝等、若キリストと共に復活したるならば、上の事、即ち神御右にキリストの坐し居給ふ處の事を求めよ。
If then you have been raised with Christ, the [things] above do seek, where Christ is at [the] right hand of God sitting;
The [things] above do set [your] minds on not the [things] on the earth.
3 蓋汝等は死したる者にして、其生命は、キリストと共に神に於て隠れたるなり。
You have died for and the life of you has been hidden with Christ in God;
4 我等の生命にて在すキリストの顕れ給ふ時には、汝等も亦彼と共に光榮の中に顕るべし。
When Christ may be revealed, the life (of you, *N(K)O*) then also you yourselves with Him will appear in glory.
5 故に汝等、地上に於る四肢五體、即ち私通、淫亂、情慾、邪慾及び偶像崇拝なる貪欲を殺すべし、
do put to death therefore the members (of you *K*) which [are] upon the earth: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, desire evil and covetousness which is idolatry,
6 神御怒は、是等の事の為に不信の子等の上に來る。
because of which things is coming the wrath of God on the sons of disobedience;
7 汝等も彼等の中に生活せし時は、斯る事の中に歩みたれど、
in which also you yourselves walked once when you were living in (them. *N(k)O*)
8 今は汝等も是等の一切と、怒、憤、惡心、罵罾とを棄て、猥褻なる談話を其口より棄てよ。
Now however do put off also you yourselves all [these] things: anger, rage, malice, slander, foul language out of the mouth of you.
Not do lie to one another having put off the old man with the practices of him
10 新しき人、即ち之を造り給ひしものの御像に肖りて知識に進む様、新になる人を着るべし。
and having put on the new, which is being renewed in knowledge according to [the] image of the [one who] having created him;
11 茲に至りては、異邦人もユデア人も、割禮も無割禮も、夷もシタ人も、奴隷も自由の身もある事なく、唯萬民の中に萬事と成り給へるキリストの在せるのみ。
where not there is Greek and Jew, circumcision and uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, slave, free, but all and in all Christ [is].
12 然れば汝等、神に選まれ奉りたる聖にして且至愛なる者の如く、慈悲の腸、寛仁、謙遜、柔和、堪忍等を身に纏ひて、
do put on therefore, as [the] elect of God holy and beloved, hearts (of compassion, *N(k)O*) kindness, humility, gentleness, [and] patience;
13 互に忍耐し、若人に對して苦情あらば互に宥恕し、主の汝等に赦し給ひし如く、汝等も亦然せよ。
bearing with each other and forgiving each other If anyone against another shall have a complaint; even as also the (Lord *N(K)O*) has forgiven you, so also you;
14 尚此一切の事に加へて愛を有せよ、愛は完徳の結なればなり。
Beyond all now these [put on] the love, (which *N(k)O*) is [the] bond of perfect unity.
15 而して汝等一體としてキリストの平和に召されたれば、其平和をして汝等の心を司らしむべし、汝等も亦感謝し奉れ。
And the peace (from Christ *N(K)O*) should rule in the hearts of you, to which also you were called in one body; And thankful do be.
16 キリストの御言汝等の中に豊に宿りて、凡ての知識に於て相教へ相勧め、恩寵によりて霊的の詩、讃美歌、歌を以て、心の中に神に謳ふべし。
The word of Christ should dwell in you richly, in all wisdom teaching and admonishing yourselves in psalms, (and *k*) in hymns, (and *k*) in songs spiritual with (*no*) grace singing in (the hearts *N(k)O*) of you (to God; *N(K)O*)
17 何事を為すも、或は言、或は行、悉く主イエズス、キリストの御名により、之を以て父にて在す神に感謝し奉りつつ為すべし。
And everything (which what *NK(o)*) (maybe *N(k)O*) you shall do in word or in deed, all in [the] name of [the] Lord Jesus giving thanks to God (and *k*) [the] Father through Him.
18 第二項 家庭に関する教訓 妻たる者よ、為すべき如く主に於て夫に從へ。
you who [are] wives, do be submitted (to [your] own *K*) husbands as was fitting in [the] Lord.
19 夫たる者よ、其妻を愛して彼等に苦かること勿れ。
you who [are] Husbands, do love the wives and not do be harsh toward them.
20 子たる者よ、萬事に於て親に從へ、是主の御意に適ふが故なり。
you who [are] Children, do obey the parents in all things; this for pleasing is (in *N(k)O*) Lord.
21 父たる者よ、汝等其子等の怒を買ふ事勿れ、恐らくは落胆せん。
you who [are] Fathers, not do provoke the children of you, that not they may become discouraged.
22 奴隷たる者よ、萬事に於て肉身上の主人に從へ、人に喜ばれんとするが如くに、目前のみにて事へず、純朴なる心を以て主を畏れて事へよ。
you who [are] Slaves, do obey in all things the according to flesh masters, not with (eye-service *N(k)O*) as men-pleasers but in sincerity of heart fearing the (Lord. *N(K)O*)
23 汝等何事を為すも、人の為にすと思はず、主の為にすと思ひ、
(and *k*) (everything *K*) that (any [of] *K*) maybe you shall do, from [the] soul do work as to the Lord and not to men;
24 主より世嗣の報を得べしと覚りて之を心より行へ。主キリストに事へ奉れ、
knowing that from [the] Lord (you will receive *NK(o)*) the reward of the inheritance; The (for *k*) Lord Christ you serve.
25 蓋不義を為す人は其不義の報を得べし、且神に於ては人に偏り給ふ事あらざるなり。
The [one] (for *N(k)O*) doing wrong he will be repaid [for] what he has done wrong and not there is partiality.