< 使徒の働き 27 >

1 第九項 パウロロマへ出立して難船に遇ふ 斯てパウロイタリアへ航海し、且他の囚人等と共に、オグスト隊のユリオと云へる百夫長に付さるべしと決せられしかば、
When now was determined sailing our to Italy, they were delivering both Paul and certain other prisoners to a centurion named Julius of the cohort of Augustus.
2 我等は[小]アジアの處々に廻航すべきアドラミットの船に乗りて出帆せしが、テサロニケのマケドニア人アリスタルコも、亦我等と共に在りき。
Having boarded then on a ship of Adramyttium (being about *N(k)O*) to sail (to *no*) the along Asia places we set sail — while was being with us Aristarchus a Macedonian of Thessalonica.
3 翌日シドンに至りしに[百夫長]ユリオは懇切にパウロを遇ひ、友人の家に至りて歓待を受くる事を許せり。
On the then next [day] we landed at Sidon, Considerately then Julius Paul was treating he allowed [him] to [his] friends (may be going *N(k)O*) care to receive.
4 然て此處を出帆して、逆風の為にクプロ[島]の風下を通り、
And from there And from there having set sail we sailed under Cyprus because of the winds being contrary,
5 シリシアとパンフィリアとの灘を航して、リシア[州]のミラ[港]に至り、
And then along Cilicia and Pamphylia having sailed across [the sea] we came to Myra of Lycia.
6 此處にてイタリアへ出帆するアレキサンドリアの船を見付けしかば、百夫長我等を之に乗替へさせたり。
And there And there having found the centurion a ship of Alexandria sailing to Italy he placed us into it.
7 數日の間、船の進行遅く、辛うじてグニド[半島]の沖合に至りしも、尚逆風の為にサルモネ[岬]に近づき、クレタ[島]の風下を通りて、
For many now days sailing slowly and with difficulty having arrived off Cnidus not is permitting us the wind we sailed under Crete off Salmone,
8 漸く陸に沿ひて、タラサの町に程近き、良港と云へる處に至れり。
With difficulty and coasting along it we came to a place certain being called Fair Havens, to which near [the] city was of Lasea.
9 時を経る事既に久しく、断食節も過ぎし頃とて、航海安全ならざれば、パウロ彼等を警戒して、
When much now time having passed and is being already dangerous the voyage because of even the Fast already being over, was admonishing [them] Paul
10 云ひけるは、男子等よ、我は航海の漸く困難と成り、啻に積荷と船と耳ならず、我等の身にも損害多かるべきことを認む、と。
saying to them; Men, I understand that with disaster and much loss not only of the (burden *N(k)O*) and of the ship but also the lives of us ensuing to be the voyage.
11 然れど百夫長は、パウロの云ふ所よりも船長と船主とを信用し、
But the centurion by the pilot and by the ship owner rather was persuaded than by the [things] by (*k*) Paul spoken.
12 此港は冬を過すに不便なればとて、多數の決議によりて此處を發し、成るべくクレタ[島]の一港にして、西南と北西との風下に向へるフェニスに至りて、冬を過ごさん事となれり。
Unsuitable now the harbor being to winter in the majority reached a decision to set sail (from there, *N(k)O*) if somehow they would be able having arrived at Phoenix to winter [there] — a harbor of Crete looking toward [the] southwest and toward [the] northwest.
13 折しも南風静に吹きければ、彼等は其目的に叶へりと思ひて碇を上げ、近くクレタ[島]に沿ひて航行しけるに、
When was blowing gently now a south wind having thought the purpose to have obtained, having weighed [anchor] very near they were coasting along Crete.
14 幾程もなくユロアクィロと名くる大風吹荒みしかば、
After not long however it threw down from it a wind tempestuous which is being called [the] Northeaster.
15 船は吹流されて風上に進み得べくもあらず、風に任せて漂ひつつ、
When was being seized then the ship and not being able to face to the wind having given way we were driven along.
16 コウダと云へる[小]島の下に至り、辛うじて小艇を止むるを得たり。
An Island then certain having run under being called (Cauda *N(K)O*) we were able with difficulty control to gain of the lifeboat,
17 然て之を引上げしに船員は、シルト[湾]へ吹遣られん事を懼れて、備縄を以て船體を巻縛り、帆を下して其儘に流れけるに、
which having taken up supports they were using undergirding the ship; Fearing then lest into the sandbars of Syrtis they may fall having lowered the gear, thus they were driven along.
18 烈しき風浪に漂はされて、翌日は積荷を擲ね、
Violently now being storm-tossed of us on the next [day] a jettison of cargo they were making;
19 三日目には手づから船具をも投げたり。
and on the third [day] with [their] own hands the tackle of the ship (they cast away; *N(K)O*)
20 斯て數日の間日も星も見えず、甚しき風浪に罹りて、我等の助かるべき見込は全く絶果てたり。
Neither now sun nor stars appearing for many days, tempest and no small afflicted [us] from then on was abandoned hope all of being saved us.
21 人々飲食せざる事既に久しければ、パウロ彼等の中に立ちて云ひけるは、男子等よ、前に我が言ふ事を聴きて、クレタ[島]を出帆せざりしならば、斯る損害と危険とを免れたりしものを。
Much (also *N(k)O*) time without food there being at that time having stood up Paul in midst of them he said; It was necessary [for you] indeed, O men, having been obedient to me not to have set sail from Crete, to have incurred then disaster this and loss.
22 然て我、今は安心せん事を汝等に勧む、其は汝等の中一人も生命を失はずして、船のみ棄るべければなり。
And yet now I exhort you to keep up your courage; loss for of life none there will be from among you only of the ship.
23 蓋我が属する所、事へ奉る所の神の使、昨夜我傍に立ちて、
Stood by for me this night of God whose am (I myself *n*) whom and I serve an angel
24 云ひけるは、パウロよ恐るること勿れ、汝はセザルの前に出廷せざるべからず、且神は汝と同船せるものを悉く汝に賜ひたるなり、と。
saying; Not do fear, Paul, to Caesar you it behooves to stand before, And behold has granted to you God all those sailing with you.
25 然れば男子等、心を安んぜよ、其は我に謂はれし如く、然あるべし、と神に由りて信ずればなり。
Therefore take courage men; I believe for in God that thus it will be according to the way it has been said to me.
26 我等は必ず或島に至るべし、と。
Upon an island however certain it behooves us to fall.
27 斯て第十四夜に至りて、我等アドリア海を航しつつありしに、夜半頃に水夫等何處やらん土地の見ゆる様に覚えしかば、
When then [the] fourteenth night had come being driven about of us in the Adriatic, toward [the] middle of the night were sensing the sailors to be drawing near some to them land;
28 測鉛を投じたるに、廿尋なる事を認め、少しく進みて十五尋なる事を認めたり。
And having taken soundings they found fathoms twenty, A little then having gone farther and again having taken soundings they found fathoms fifteen;
29 瀬に觸らん事の恐しければ、艫よりの碇を下して夜の明くるを待ちたりしが、
Fearing then lest perhaps (on *N(k)O*) rocky places (we may fall, *NK(O)*) out of [the] stern having cast anchors four they were praying for day to come.
30 水夫は船より迯れま欲しさに、船の舳より碇を下さんとするを口實にて既に小艇を海に浮べたれば、
Of the then sailors seeking to flee out of the ship and having let down the lifeboat into the sea under pretense as from [the] bow anchors being about to cast out
31 パウロ百夫長と兵卒等とに向ひ、此人々船に止らずば、汝等助る事能はじ、と云ひしに、
said Paul to the centurion and to the soldiers; Only unless these shall remain in the ship, [then] you yourselves to be saved not you are able.
32 兵卒等小艇の縄を断切りて流るるに任せたり。
Then cut away the soldiers the ropes of the lifeboat and allowed her to fall away.
33 夜明けんとする時、パウロ一同に食せん事を勧めて云ひけるは、汝等何をも飲食せずして空腹に待てる事既に十四日なり、
Until then that day was about to come, was urging Paul all to partake of food saying; [the] fourteenth today [is] day watching without eating you continue nothing having taken.
34 故に我、汝等の健康の為に食せん事を勧む、蓋汝等の一人の髪毛一筋だに失せざるべし、と。
Therefore I exhort you (to partake *N(k)O*) of food; this indeed for of you preservation is; not [one] for of you a hair (of *N(k)O*) the head (will perish. *N(K)O*)
35 斯く言終りて麪を取り、一同の前にて神に感謝し、擘きて食し始めしかば、
Having said now these things and having taken bread he gave thanks to God before all, and having broken [it] he began to eat.
36 皆一層心落付きて、人々も食事したり。
Encouraged then having been all also themselves they took food;
37 我等船に居る者総て二百七十六人なりしが、
(we were *N(k)O*) then the altogether souls in the boat (two hundred *NK(O)*) seventy six.
38 人々飽足りて後、麦を海に擲ねて船を軽くせり。
Having been filled then (*o*) with food they were lightening the ship casting out the wheat into the sea.
39 夜明けて後、其土地をば見知らねども、或砂浜の入江を見付けて、叶ふべくは其處に船を寄せんと思ひ、
When now day it was, the land not they were recognizing, a bay however certain they were noticing having a shore, on which (they were determining *N(k)O*) if (they would be able, *NK(o)*) (to drive [aground] *NK(O)*) the ship.
40 縄を切りて碇を海に棄て、舵綱をも弛めて舳の帆を揚げ、風に順ひつつ陸を指して進みけるが、
And the anchors having cut away they were leaving [them] in the sea, at the same time having loosened the ropes of the rudders And having hoisted the foresail to the blowing [wind] they were making for the shore.
41 兩方海に挟まりたる處に至りて船を乗上げ、舳は填りて動かざれど、艫は浪の力の為に外れ居たりき。
Having fallen however into a place between two seas they ran aground the vessel; and the indeed bow having stuck fast it remained immovable, however the stern was being broken up by the violence of the waves.
42 此時兵卒等、囚徒の泳ぎて逃げん事を虞れて、之を殺さんと志したれど、
Of the now soldiers [the] plan was that the prisoners they may kill, lest anyone having swum away (may escape. *N(k)O*)
43 百夫長パウロを救はんと欲して之を禁じ、命じて、泳ぎ得る人々をして先跳入りて陸に迯れしめ、
But the centurion desiring to save Paul hindered them of the purpose, he commanded then those being able to swim having cast [themselves] off first on the land to go out,
44 然て殘れる人々を或は板、或は船具に乗せたれば、皆恙なく上陸する事を得たり。
and the rest some indeed on boards, some however on things from the ship. And thus it came to pass that all being saved to the land.

< 使徒の働き 27 >