< 使徒の働き 25 >

1 第八項 パウロ、フェストの法廷に出頭す フェスト赴任して三日の後、カイザリアよりエルザレムに上りければ、
NOW when Festus was come into the province, after three days he ascended from Cæsarea to Jerusalem.
2 司祭長等及びユデア人の重立ちたる者、パウロを訴へんとて其許に至り、
Then the high priest and the chief of the Jews informed him against Paul, and besought him,
3 御恵には命じてパウロをエルザレムに連行かしめ給へ、と願へり。是途中に待伏して、彼を殺さんとすればなり。
And desired favour against him, that he would send for him to Jerusalem, laying wait in the way to kill him.
4 フェスト答へて、パウロは守られてカイザリアに在り、我程なく出立すべければ、
But Festus answered, that Paul should be kept at Cæsarea, and that he himself would depart shortly thither.
5 若彼人に罪あらば、汝等の中の然るべき人々、我と共に下りて之を訴ふべし、と言へり。
Let them therefore, said he, which among you are able, go down with me, and accuse this man, if there be any wickedness in him.
6 斯てフェストは、八日か十日ばかり彼等の中に滞在してカイザリアに下り、翌日法廷に坐し、命じてパウロを引出させしが、
And when he had tarried among them more than ten days, he went down unto Cæsarea; and the next day sitting on the judgment seat commanded Paul to be brought.
7 パウロ召出されければ、エルザレムより下りたるユデア人等之を取圍みて、種々の重罪を負はせたれど、之を證する事能はざりき。
And when he was come, the Jews which came down from Jerusalem stood round about, and laid many and grievous complaints against Paul, which they could not prove.
8 パウロは自ら弁解して、我ユデア人の律法に對しても、神殿に對しても、セザルに對しても、何らの罪を犯したる事なし、と言へり。
While he answered for himself, Neither against the law of the Jews, neither against the temple, nor yet against Cæsar, have I offended any thing at all.
9 フェストユデア人を喜ばせんとて、パウロに答へて、汝エルザレムに上り、彼處にて我前に裁判を受けん事を欲するか、と云ひしかば、
But Festus, willing to do the Jews a pleasure, answered Paul, and said, Wilt thou go up to Jerusalem, and there be judged of these things before me?
10 パウロ云ひけるは、我はセザルの法廷に立てり、此處にて裁判せらるべし。汝の能く知れるが如く、我はユデア人に害を加へたる事なし、
Then said Paul, I stand at Cæsar’s judgment seat, where I ought to be judged: to the Jews have I done no wrong, as thou very well knowest.
11 若害を加へたるか、或は死刑に當る何事をか為したらんには、我死を辞せず、然れど彼等が我に負はする事一も立たずば、誰も我を彼等に交付し得べからず、我セザルに上告す、と。
For if I be an offender, or have committed any thing worthy of death, I refuse not to die: but if there be none of these things whereof these accuse me, no man may deliver me unto them. I appeal unto Cæsar.
12 是に於てフェスト、陪席と談じて後答へけるは、汝セザルに上告したればセザルの許に往くべし、と。
Then Festus, when he had conferred with the council, answered, Hast thou appealed unto Cæsar? unto Cæsar shalt thou go.
13 數日を経てアグリッパ王及びベルニケは、フェストの安否を問はんとてカイザリアに下り、
And after certain days king Agrippa and Bernice came unto Cæsarea to salute Festus.
14 數日間滞在しければ、フェストパウロの事を王に告げて云ひけるは、茲にフェリクスより遺し置かれたる一人の囚人あり、
And when they had been there many days, Festus declared Paul’s cause unto the king, saying, There is a certain man left in bonds by Felix:
15 我エルザレムに居りし時、司祭長、ユデア人の長老等、我許に來りて、之が宣告を願ひしかど、
About whom, when I was at Jerusalem, the chief priests and the elders of the Jews informed me, desiring to have judgment against him.
16 我、何人にもあれ、被告人が原告人と對面して罪を弁解する機を得ざる中に、之を刑罰するは、ロマ人の慣例に非ず、と答へたり。
To whom I answered, It is not the manner of the Romans to deliver any man to die, before that he which is accused have the accusers face to face, and have licence to answer for himself concerning the crime laid against him.
17 是に由て彼等、時を移さず此處に集來りたれば。翌日我法廷に坐し、命じて彼人を引出さしめ、
Therefore, when they were come hither, without any delay on the morrow I sat on the judgment seat, and commanded the man to be brought forth.
18 原告人等之に立會ひしに、我が嫌疑を懸けたる如き罪をば一點も負はせず、
Against whom when the accusers stood up, they brought none accusation of such things as I supposed:
19 己が宗教及び活き居れりとパウロが断言せる一人の死者イエズスに関する問題を提出したるのみ、
But had certain questions against him of their own superstition, and of one Jesus, which was dead, whom Paul affirmed to be alive.
20 我斯る問題には當惑したれば彼人に向ひて、汝エルザレムに至り、是に就きて裁判を受くる事を望むか、と云ひしに、
And because I doubted of such manner of questions, I asked him whether he would go to Jerusalem, and there be judged of these matters.
21 パウロはオグストの裁判に保留せらるる様上告せしかば、我命じて、セザルの許に送るまで守らせ置けり、と。
But when Paul had appealed to be reserved unto the hearing of Augustus, I commanded him to be kept till I might send him to Cæsar.
22 アグリッパ、我も彼人に聞きたし、とフェストに謂ひしかば、汝明日之に聞くべし、と云へり。
Then Agrippa said unto Festus, I would also hear the man myself. To morrow, said he, thou shalt hear him.
23 翌日アグリッパとベルニケと華美を盡して來り、千夫長及び市の重立ちたる人々と共に公判廷に入りしかば、フェストの命令の下にパウロ引出されたり。
And on the morrow, when Agrippa was come, and Bernice, with great pomp, and was entered into the place of hearing, with the chief captains, and principal men of the city, at Festus’ commandment Paul was brought forth.
24 斯てフェスト云ひけるは、アグリッパ王及び此處に我等と列席せる人等よ、汝等の見る此人は、ユデア人の群衆挙りて我に訴へ、最早活くべき者に非ず、と叫びつつ願ひし者なり。
And Festus said, King Agrippa, and all men which are here present with us, ye see this man, about whom all the multitude of the Jews have dealt with me, both at Jerusalem, and also here, crying that he ought not to live any longer.
25 然して我は死に値する何等の罪なき事を彼に認めたれど、彼オグストに上告せしにより、之を送付すべしと決せり。
But when I found that he had committed nothing worthy of death, and that he himself hath appealed to Augustus, I have determined to send him.
26 我君に上書せんとするに確乎なる事實なきを以て、之を汝等の前、殊にアグリッパ王よ、御前に引出し、尋問して上書すべき事柄を得んとす、
Of whom I have no certain thing to write unto my lord. Wherefore I have brought him forth before you, and specially before thee, O king Agrippa, that, after examination had, I might have somewhat to write.
27 其は囚人を送りて其罪案を書添へざる事の無理なるを惟へばなり、と。
For it seemeth to me unreasonable to send a prisoner, and not withal to signify the crimes laid against him.

< 使徒の働き 25 >